"The move of Blazing Flame Plain still needs to be in the battle to feel more deeply how much it has improved my strength."


"Will the range of its flame spread, as well as the temperature at which it burns, increase with the level?"

"Does the color of the flame change when you bring it? Turning blue? Black? Black flames? It looks a little hairy! "

Many thoughts fluttered in Yanagawa's head.

Accidentally getting a trick with a sword art characteristic really surprised and delighted Yanagawa.

Right now.

He was even eager to get a battle to experiment with the characteristics of this sword art and how effective it would be on the battlefield.

All this will take time for Yanagawa to try.

"Go on."

"Day after day training with a sword."

After calming down a little, Yanagawa picked up the good knife in his hand and started the same repeated operation again, simple but boring and boring.

In the eyes of most people, ordinary swinging of a sword.

But all the time, they are improving Yanagawa's strength!

Let Yanagawa's strength achieve the effect of advancing by leaps and bounds!

At this time, Yanagawa has no way of knowing.

Because he appeared in the sea restaurant, he almost crooked the painting style of this kid Yamaji.


Almost let the Straw Hat Pirates in the future lack a celebrity chef, a guy who often fights with the green algae head.

But it's fine.

The direction of everything eventually stabilized.

It's just different.

In Yamaji's mind.

The sense of worship for Yanagawa is getting stronger and stronger!

Although he cut off Yamaji's desire to learn the sword, it was still inevitable, making Yamaji worship Yanagawa very much, almost fanatical worship.

That is to say.

Inadvertently, even Yanagawa himself did not know.

At the sea restaurant Bharati, he successfully harvested an iron powder!

And still a die-hard fanatic!

Yanagawa had no idea about all this.

But even if he knew, he was afraid that he would laugh it off and would not really put it on his body.

Even Yamaji, in Yanagawa's eyes, he is still a weak little trash fish.

It was not enough to get him to take it seriously.

"It is impossible for the Don Quixote family not to act..."

"A vice admiral, that's what makes me so tired."

"If this guy Doflamingo comes in person, I'm afraid I'm going to be beaten by him to doubt my life." This kind of thing naturally has to be seriously eliminated! "

"Only by improving our own strength can we ensure that we can protect ourselves on this sea."

"I believe."

"Don Quixote, they are already preparing a plan to deal with me."

Yanagawa did not relent, he felt the pressure from the Don Quixote family.

Don Quixote family cadres, he does not need to be cautious.

Only, Doflamingo, this guy, is as strong as a monster!

For now.

Yanagawa does not yet believe that his strength can compete with Doflamingo.

If Doflamingo came to the East China Sea, then Yanagawa's situation would be precarious.

"Under the impression..."

"Doflamingo at this time period should be preparing to attack the island of Dressrosa, reclaim the territory that once belonged to their Don Quixote family, and rebuild a kingdom and regime!"

"Therefore, you can conservatively judge the preliminary judgment."

"This guy Doflamingo probably won't choose to come to the East China Sea to deal with me in the near future. If it weren't for his personal presence and sending the rest of the cadres, I would easily kill as many as I came!" "

"To plunder the Don Quixote family of Dressrosa, there is no room for flamenco to be distracted. He had been preparing for a long time to win Dressrosa! "

"Although I managed to attract his attention, it didn't mean that he gave up attacking Dressrosa and deliberately ran to the East China Sea to deal with me!"

Thinking of this, Yanagawa's mood relaxed slightly.

Just give him a certain amount of time to grow.


When his strength is comparable to that day of Doflamingo, it will not be too far away!

The New World is a mess there.

As the young master of the Don Quixote family, Doflamingo was afraid that he could not do it even if he wanted to be distracted.

The matter of plundering Dressrosa and building a regime can be described as Doflamingo's goal that has been preparing for several years, how can it be suspended.

This is impossible!

That's exactly why.

Yanagawa was spared, and Doflamingo personally descended on the East China Sea to deal with him!

Of course.

All this is just Yanagawa's speculation.

As for whether it is true or not?

This is yet to be verified!

But Yanagawa can conservatively estimate that the accuracy of this guess is as high as eighty percent.

"Start training!"

"Only strength can ensure the safety of my life and will not be threatened!"

Yanagawa lifted the quick knife in his hand.

Blade, swing down.

Even with many white bandages wrapped around his body, he could not avoid Yanagawa's sword swinging training.

Dragging his injured body, Yanagawa continued his boring and simple sword swinging training, devoting himself wholeheartedly to it, and fighting twelve points of spirit.

In his eyes, ordinary sword swinging seemed to have become some kind of extremely solemn ceremony.

【Ding! The number of sword swings has accumulated 31,000]

【Reward: Blazing Plain + LV1】


Time flies.

The sun is going down.

Night is empty.

A round of crooked crescents, hanging on the edge of the sky, emitted a white icy cold light, shining on this side of the sea, the sea surface imprinted a crescent moon, white light flashing makes people feel peaceful.

The sea surface appeared dim, and five fingers could not be seen, like a beast waiting for an opportunity to attack opened its fangs, making people's mood heavy and deeply depressed.

A huge sailing ship sailing from afar.

The exterior of the sailing ship, full of golden lights, is the only embellished of this dark sea. The halo emitted by the sailing ship illuminates the dim sea around it.

A hundred meters in radius, with the arrival of the sailing ship, dispelled the erosion of darkness.

There is a huge fish-headed sailing ship in the front of the hull, which is more unique, but everyone in the East China Sea knows that this ship is the famous sea restaurant Bharati in the East China Sea!

At night.

In the sea dining room, there are still many dining tables and seats in the living room, neatly and orderly, and the crystal lamps hanging above the head allow the halo to shine in every corner of the living room.

The warm golden glow makes everything here look extraordinarily luxurious.

The dining tables are arranged neatly and orderly.

Many of the guests dressed luxuriously, some middle-aged, some were beautiful and charming women, each sitting in their seats, quietly savoring the delicious food of the table.

The huge living room has about a hundred visitors, but it does not cause noise, but it reveals a quiet and noble and elegant atmosphere everywhere.

People at every table talk and laugh without affecting the dining of others.

This kind of atmosphere makes the atmosphere of the real living room are infected, and everyone seems to subconsciously lower their voices before speaking, so as not to affect other people's dining as much as possible.

At this time.

A certain strip of the table.

Lifting the napkin on the table, Yanagawa wiped the oil stain from the corner of his mouth, leaned back on the seat, and slightly closed his eyes to carefully feel the elegant environment of the restaurant.

"So full!"

Without paying attention to the image, Yanagawa rubbed his belly.

At the dinner table.

Empty plates.

was eaten by Yanagawa all!

With Yanagawa's current physical fitness, coupled with the need to recover from the injury, he can only absorb nutrients from food to fill the nutritional part needed for the body's injury.

One person eats ten servings, and this is just the most common example.

The stronger the person, the more nutrients need to be absorbed.

Especially after the battle, the body suffered injuries, and it was in urgent need of huge nutrients to fill the gap in the body's state.


With Yanagawa's current physical fitness, it is not surprising that one person can eat ten people.

Not far from Yanagawa.

A group of employees of the sea restaurant trembled, and from time to time they looked at Liu Chuan's figure, and quickly moved their gaze, their eyes filled with deep awe, which was difficult to hide.


Basically all the employees of the entire sea restaurant have already been informed.

That young man is the taboo of the East China Sea!

To this.

Of course, they will be terrified when they deal with it.

This is inevitable!

In the face of a monster with such terrifying strength, how could they treat it with the attitude of treating ordinary people?

When you are full of food and drink!

Yanagawa got up and left.

From the living room.

All the way back to the sea restaurant room, not far away.

He certainly couldn't have lived in the medical room.

Probably to show respect for the kindness that Yanagawa helped before.

Jep, the owner of the Sea Restaurant, has threatened that all the expenses incurred during Yanagawa's stay at the Sea Restaurant are free and do not need to be given a single cent of Berry.

At the same time, the staff of the sea restaurant has also arranged the best room for Yanagawa.


Perhaps there is indeed this part of the factor.

But actually.

Jepp, Paddy, Carne, and everyone knows it all.

The reason why Yanagawa is treated so cautiously, in the final analysis, is because Yanagawa is too strong. It is so strong that the slightest mistake in their sea restaurant will be doomed.

Of course, they dare not snub the existence of this terrifying taboo!

With Yanagawa's departure.

The employees in the huge living room wiped the cold sweat on their foreheads and sighed with relief in their hearts.

God knows.

How much courage and courage it takes to receive this monster.

The courage of this life is going to be exhausted in these few days!

When Yanagawa left, a pair of eyes full of horror fixed on Yanagawa's body.

"You, did you see that?"

"The one just now..."

"The one who left from the living room, it seems, it seems, probably, is the terrifying sword master!"

A middle-aged man dressed in elegant clothes, similar to a priest, was staring at the direction when Yanagawa left with wide eyes and a face full of horror, and his mood was furious.

"That Jianhao? Which Jianhao? "

Next to the priest were a man and a woman, the man was in his early twenties, with angular features and lavish attire, which showed that he was a nobleman.

The other woman, also in her twenties, has a curvaceous figure, wearing a gorgeous skirt, completely sketching her figure, and her face is delicate and charming.

Both were confused by the priest's words.


The fear in the priest's eyes, they really saw it clearly.

They couldn't help but feel a puzzle in their hearts.

Who else can make a priest so frightened just by looking at it?!


"In the East China Sea, which other Jianhao?!"

The priest's lips trembled, and his tone was full of trepidation.

"Jianhao of the East China Sea..."

"I have the impression that there is only one one!"

"With his own strength, the one who stepped on all the sword masters in the entire East China Sea with one foot..."

The noble young man thoughtfully, his pupils shrank immediately, his eyes gradually dilated, and he looked at the priest in front of him blankly, "Father, what you said, should it be..."


Really fake?!

Things seem to get scary!

That one actually lives in a restaurant on the sea?!

And just now, they were eating in the same restaurant as them?!

One thought of this.

The noble youth only felt that his hair stood upright and creepy, and the fear in his heart rose straight up, gradually spreading to every cell of his entire body.

"Who the hell are you two talking about?"

The beautiful woman was still confused, and her big eyes were full of puzzlement.

"You think about it."

The noble young man's throat was dry, "In the entire East China Sea, who else can be called Jianhao?!" "

The words fell.

The woman froze for a moment.

She thought of a guess.

However, this speculation made her brain door feel like she had been knocked on by a heavy object, making her thinking blank, her pink lips slightly open, and the words could not come out of her mouth.

"Donghai Sword Hao is innumerable!"

"However, there is only one who can be recognized by everyone as a sword hao!"

"The only sword master in the East China Sea!"

The priest swallowed, his eyes filled with horror.

The words were never finished.

Interrupted by the noble youth next to him, his tone was hasty and panicked: "There is only that one, who is famous in Donghaiwei, and almost everyone knows everyone!" "

"He is the taboo of the East China Sea!"

"The absolute hegemon of the East China Sea!"

"He is the first person in the East China Sea today!"

"Red Flame Sword Hao..."

"In the minds of everyone in the East China Sea, the only sword master!"

"One, a terrifying monster with a bounty of up to 300 million!"

The atmosphere has become eerie!


The woman opened her mouth, her face pale: "I, we just met in the living room." Is it really this being in your mouth?! "

Her head was about to explode!

Just now.

They actually ate in the same restaurant as that being?!

In retrospect.

She only felt that her sweaty hair stood upright, and the piercing coldness came straight from the soles of her feet, making her uncontrollably snort.

Whatever it is.

Or the priest, the noble youth, the three of them at this moment, all of them showed the deepest and true emotions in their hearts.

That is...




Many emotions filled their hearts.

Red Flame Sword Hao, a 300 million monster...

This is a terrible taboo that exists in rumors in the East China Sea!

Of course they never dreamed of it.


This kind of terrifying existence actually met them up close!

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