"Go! Come on! "

The priest panicked.

"Big night, where can you go?" No matter how fast our boat is, it will take us to the sea restaurant tomorrow to pick us up the same way back. "

The aristocratic youth wanted to cry without tears.

Big night, where can they run?


The priest opened his mouth and looked terrified.

Three people at a table, all in a panic atmosphere.

"As long as we don't take the initiative to provoke that person, that person will definitely not attack us, right?"

The woman bit her pink lip lightly, her tone trembling.


The priest is also unconfident.

Who can figure out that kind of existence, temperament?


He had no doubt that the other party was enough to sink the entire sea restaurant just by turning his hand. And the visitors who are in the sea restaurant, of course, they will not be spared to accompany the sea restaurant to die in the sea.

This is the moment.

In their eyes.

The sea restaurant Bharati has become a nightmare place!

A monster's habitat!

Those of them who are jumping next to the monster's habitat certainly need to endure a majestic and surging sense of oppression all the time.


On the edge of life and death, madly tempted.

"That, but he stepped on the taboo of countless sword masters in the entire East China Sea. Let all the sword masters in the entire East China Sea be dominated by the oppression brought by him alone! "

The priest is certainly well aware.

The first person in the East China Sea!

What a transcendent and terrifying existence is to be given such a title!

As far as the identity background of several of them is concerned, the so-called aristocratic identity is meaningless in front of this transcendent taboo existence.

"Mainly, who would have thought."

"Balati, a restaurant on the sea, is actually involved with this."

"It seems that some changes will be made in the attitude towards maritime restaurants in the future. At present, it is impossible to judge how the sea restaurant is related to this person. "

"Just by chance? I think this explanation is a bit far-fetched. By chance, how could no one in the Sea Restaurant know of this existence! "

"It's clear that the employees of the Sea Restaurant knew of this presence. After all, looking at the entire East China Sea, how many people don't know the rumored 300 million monster Red Flame Sword Hao?! "

The noble youth exhaled heavily, his expression shocked and still panicked.

"White clothes..."


"It's really hard to imagine the Red Flame Sword Hao that detonated the entire East China Sea. Just as the mental outlook depicted on the bounty list, it was a young teenager. "

The priest also looked amazed.

"At most, fourteen or fifteen years old."

The woman was particularly focused on these questions of age, and said in a trembling tone, "At this age, it is enough to step on all the sword masters in the entire East China Sea!" "

"Let millions of sword masters in the East China Sea only look up at that majestic and insurmountable mountain when they raise their heads. What a terrifying talent, what a terrifying level of strength! "

Talent, ahead of its time!

Crown the world!

"At the age of a teenager, coerce the entire East China Sea!"

"Such a feat can undoubtedly be verified, this Red Flame Sword Master. In time, he will surely become the top terror giant in the sea. "

"This is not as simple as limiting the East China Sea..."

The priest forcibly suppressed the throbbing in his heart and gave the highest judgment.

It's not limited to the East China Sea.

This means:

Including the extremely dangerous seas of the Great Passage!


Return to the room.

Liu Chuan didn't know that he was being talked about behind it, which caused panic among several passers-by.

But even if he knew, he would only laugh it off.

"The recovery from the injury is going well."

"Tomorrow, it's almost healed."

"Perhaps, in less than two days, my injuries will be completely healed."

Yanagawa's eyes twinkled.

Located by the window.

You can look out the window, the dim sea, the darkness of the five fingers that can not be seen, only a curved crescent moon on the edge of the sky, emitting a white halo shining in all directions.

The reflection of the crescent moon can be seen on the surface of the sea, which is incomparably beautiful and calming.

The air at night is fresh, and the sea breeze blows from the window, making Yanagawa feel the cold and refreshing feeling on his face.

Very peaceful.

Be quiet!


Long night.

Only moonlight accompanies you.

Yanagawa slowly lifted the sharp knife in his hand, located about three meters or so in front of the window, picked up the knife, and gently swung it.

As always, it's the same simple and boring sword swing training.

Just eaten!

Naturally, exercise properly.

Only by wielding a sword can Yanagawa be more fulfilling.

The long night is long.

A crescent moon hangs high in the air.

The white cold light emitted accompanied Yanagawa as he swung his sword day after day.

Carry the knife.

Wave down.

The movements are competent.


But, in the eyes of outsiders, this may be meaningless.

No matter how ordinary sword swinging training is, can it really make people stronger?

For these questions, Yanagawa can answer them in an affirmative tone.


It's such a simple training that really makes me incredibly powerful!

"Tonight's night is extraordinarily long..."

"Swing the sword and make me happy!"

Yanagawa looked out the window at a crescent hanging from the window.

Only moonlight bears witness.

Own efforts!

Of course.

Let's just work hard!

Although this effort is an open-ended effort.

But it is undeniable that his sword swing this big night is still repeating the simplest and boring sword swinging training, how can this not cover up his own efforts?

Approaching the wee hours of the morning.

Before bedtime.

Yanagawa stopped training with his sword, and there were still many injuries left on his body, and training required long-term persistence, not three minutes of blood a day and a half.

Reasonable allocation of sword training time is the most important thing.

Otherwise, it will seriously affect the recovery of the injury.

Proper rest, that is naturally essential.

"Bring up the properties panel!"

As soon as Yanagawa's mind moved, a virtual attribute box quickly appeared in front of him.

【Host: Yanagawa 】

【Power: 230(+10)】


【Stamina: 237(+9)】

[Active Skills: Sword Art LV34 (+lv2), Juhe One Slash LV28 (+lv1), Armed Color Domineering LV18 (+lv1), Seeing and Hearing Color Domineering LV18 (+lv2), Overlord Color Domineering LV15 (+lv3)]

【Passive Skill: Heart Eye LV15(+LV2)】

【Sword Art Characteristics: Blazing Fire Original LV9 (+LV8)】

[Cumulative number of sword swings: 39,000]

"What a fulfilling and wonderful day..."

Looking at this skyrocketing data, there is also its own skyrocketing strength.

Yanagawa smiled heartily.

It's getting stronger again!

His own strength, at a speed visible to the naked eye, is constantly getting stronger!

It can be called by leaps and bounds!

A thousand miles a day!

With an extremely terrifying speed, chase towards that realm of the Seven Martial Sea!

Compared to the Seven Wuhai, it is not far away.


The day when he can openly argue with Doflamingo is getting closer.

"The strength has improved..."

"It's so boring and tasteless."

"But it's very relaxed, and it's really unpleasant."

Yanagawa carried many ideas and fell into a dream.

The night sky is accompanied only by the crescent.


In the dim sea, everything fell silent.

Even the sea kings are no longer haunted, hiding in the depths of the seabed.

Time flies.

Two days later.

A golden halo of light spilled from the edge of the sky.

Light shines through the window and on the floor of the room, and the pots of flowers on the windowsill bloom in colorful and beautiful colors.

The sun shone on Yanagawa's body, and he slowly put down the good knife in his hand, wiped the sweat stains that appeared slightly on his forehead, and withdrew the blade to his waist and carried it.

"Two days have passed."

"My injuries should have healed!"

"You can remove all these bandages and see how far the injury has recovered."

Yanagawa's eyes narrowed slightly.

Under the conditioning of these two days, he could feel that the injuries on his body were basically completely healed, which was much better than his physical state two days ago.

Of course.

This has to be admitted, thanks to the many nutritious meals offered by the sea restaurant.

Yanagawa can enjoy every day, and the delicious food of the sea restaurant.

This is crucial to his recovery.

A good environment will naturally affect the recovery from injury. And the sea restaurant, undoubtedly in Yanagawa's opinion, is the best place to treat injuries.

You don't have to worry about some frivolous things, you can devote yourself to sword training, and you can feel the deliciousness of the restaurant on the sea with every meal.

This time down.

Yanagawa felt that if he hadn't continued to train every day, he might have gained weight.

Two days later.

You should also see if the recovery of your injuries has healed!

Although somewhat reluctant.

But the sea restaurant is not a place for Yanagawa to stay for a long time.


If he didn't leave, Yanagawa felt that he might cause the Don Quixote family to attack the restaurant on the sea.

If nothing else, he had a hunch that the men sent by the Don Quixote family might already be on their way at this moment.

In order not to implicate the sea restaurant, Yanagawa had to leave these days.

As for the goal?

Temporarily order Rogue Town!

From the town of Rogue, in the rush to the Great Passage!

This is a simple sailing plan that Yanagawa has set up today.

"Pleasant days are not what I want after all."

"Although I eat and drink well here, I always feel that the days are less flavorful."



"Yes, life without stimulation is flawed."

Yanagawa officially stepped into the theme.

He looked up and gradually removed the white bandages on his body, one by one.

The white bandage was removed and dropped haphazardly on top of the board.

One after another white bandages contaminated with drugs, and many traces of blood coagulation were placed above, which were directly discarded by Yanagawa aside.

When all the white bandages are untied.

Yanagawa saw his current physical state from the mirror in front of him.

A young man's face that is immature and handsome, with sword eyebrows and starry eyes, and angular facial features, although it is still a little immature, it exudes the kind of spiritual power that belongs to Jian Hao.

This is Liu Chuan's current appearance, compared to when he left Frost Moon Village, his eyes were a little more fierce and calm.

But more so...


In the eyes, it is difficult to hide the terrifying murderous aura!

The murderous eyes made the temperature of the air in the room seem to plummet.

Even Liu Chuan himself could clearly feel that the killing intent in his heart was becoming more and more vigorous!

"Is that my nature?"

Yanagawa couldn't help but smile.

Since it is nature...

And why hide?

Eyes turned.

Yanagawa looked at his chest, abdomen, and turned to look at his back, where many scars had been left had already condensed scars, and the scars of the wounds had fallen off.

What is left behind is the scar after recovering from the injury!

Many injuries remain on the body, and even after healing, it is impossible to leave no traces.

Even if there was such a method, Yanagawa did not want to use it.

What about more scars?

This is the testimony of my own growth!


It is also a constant reminder of the consequences and costs of the battle with the ghost spider!

The price of the battle is very cruel and tragic!

"Even me, I can't be invincible, invincible."

"These scars are a reminder that I cannot be complacent and think that I can see the sea as invincible as I am. This mentality is not desirable! "

"Only low-key development is king!"

"Now I can't shout about this sea."

Yanagawa sighed in his heart.

One thing is certain at the moment.

His injuries have fully recovered.

Although there are many scars left, they are not enough to affect his condition. These scars are just scars left after the battle, and they are not enough to be a burden for Yanagawa.

"Now the injury has healed..."

"Then, it's time for me to leave the Sea Restaurant too."

"Next target location, Rogue Town!"

"After such a long time, I should also go to the Great Passage to see it. What is so surprising about that so-called extremely dangerous sea. "

"If you can, you can go to the Great Passage and find the extraterrestrial meteorite that the pavilion owner said. If you can get it by luck, you can also ask Mr. Kozaburo to help forge a big fast knife! "

"Big fast knife..."

"This is a desirable weapon!"

"And that's it."

"The people sent by the Don Quixote family should already be on their way. In order to avoid the sea restaurant being affected by me, I still had to leave this comfortable environment. "

"It's good to be entertained by the sea restaurant these days. If I cause them so much trouble because of me, then I can't care less. "

"The Don Quixote family, in terms of the entire East China Sea, is a full-fledged behemoth. In front of this behemoth, the sea restaurant looks too weak and unbearable. "

"Once the Sea Restaurant is implicated by me, I am afraid that the end will be very miserable!"

Liu Chuan looked at Wang Yanghai outside the window, and his thoughts fluttered.

In the past few days, thanks to the care of the Sea Restaurant, his injuries have been so perfectly recovered and healed. These are naturally part of the credit of the sea restaurant.


After a few days, Yanagawa gained a lot from his injuries.

One of the more important takeaways is...

The accumulation of several days of sword swinging training.

Let Liu Chuan's strength once again usher in a surge and leap.

This is a huge sublimation!

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