Bright eyes and cloudless.

Rogue Town.

Eastern port coast.

After that battle a few days ago, the news had already spread throughout the town of Rogue. Basically, the residents of Rogue Town, including the pirate group who stayed in Rogue Town, were already well known.

Everyone knows it very well.

The reason why the eastern coast of Rogue Town turned into a mess was purely because of one person!

An existence that can cause fear among all the inhabitants of the entire town of Rogue!

What's even more incredible is...

This existence is still a teenager!


This is the current picture of the east coast.

As the days went on, there were not many people talking about the news. But the vitality of the eastern coast has gradually recovered a lot with the passage of time.

Of course.

Compared to the bustling eastern coast of the past, it can only be regarded as deserted.

But on the day the fighting broke out here, it was a dead silence.

In comparison.

After gradually recovering in the past few days, the number of pedestrians here is not small.

There are also many merchant ships sailing from the sea, and they also occasionally choose to dock on the eastern coast, rather than detouring to the west and south.


For many merchant ships transporting goods, it will add a lot of time and trouble.

Pedestrians come and go, walking around the harbor coast.

"That little cub over there, come and transport these goods to the Badir Tavern. Remember, there can be no mistakes in transit. "


"When you arrive at your destination, ask the person in charge of the Badil Tavern to take stock and sign the manifest before you can leave empty-handed."

"And a few guys over there, you all hurry up and help together." The eastern coast is so dilapidated that it looks like a ruin. "

"Even the road of the goods transported has increased a lot of bumps. Remember, don't let the goods bump too much to avoid damage during the delivery of the goods! "

"Otherwise, Lao Tzu will rip off your skins!"

A worker obeyed.

They carried goods from the eastern coast all the way to the interior of Rogue Town.

This area is not very lively.

But the number of people walking around the coast is also close to a hundred.

Of course, it is not comparable to the hundreds of pedestrians in the past.

But it's a good start.

No, let the eastern coast be as lifeless as the previous days.

In addition to the workers carrying the goods, there are many vendors who set up stalls here, although there are not many of them, but they can make up a neatly arranged row to the ruined streets in the distance.

Popularity is gradually recovering.

This is also a very good improvement for the dilapidated east coast. It will not be completely silent here, of course, if you want to make a port coast in Rogue Town completely silent, the difficulty factor is still relatively high.

The number of people coming and going in Rogue Town is really too large.

The East China Sea rushes to the Great Passage, and Rogue Town is the only way to go. It can be seen that basically every day, different pirate groups will pass through Rogue Town and log in to purchase resources.

That's exactly why.

That's why the eastern coast of Rogue Town is so dilapidated, but it's still a reason why it's gradually coming back to life. If you switch to the rest of the islands, you won't have this ability.

Bang bang!

As the goods are pushed all the way by the cart, it is inevitable to pass through this bumpy and cracked floor tile, and the goods bump along with the cart, knocking on each other and making a shrill and loud sound.

"You guys, be careful with Lao Tzu!"

"If you destroy the goods inside, you will have to work for Lao Tzu for the rest of your lives!"

"And a few over there, Lao Tzu just shouted that you didn't hear it?"

Various merchant ships docked on the coast for unloading.

The workers pushing the carts shook their heads helplessly and sighed and talked.

"I really don't know when this dilapidated eastern coast will be repaired."

"Fix? Don't think about it, the Navy is going to ignore it. It is estimated that at least in a year and a half, the eastern coast will not be able to recover as before. "

"Speaking of which, the battle a few days ago can be described as earth-shattering. Looking back, I still have palpitations and can't imagine it! "

"That's not, it's said..."

"The damage marks of this broken coast hundreds of meters are all caused by the young man in white at that time, who only used a knife, which is really amazing!"

"Nowadays, his prestige has become a taboo in our Rogue Town. Everyone mentions the existence of taboos that will be deeply frightened in their hearts! "

"Red Flame Sword Hao, now the most terrifying sword Hao in the minds of everyone in Rogue Town. It is also a terrifying monster with a bounty of up to 300 million berry! "

The workers carrying the goods made many remarks.

At the mention of the taboos of the East China Sea, their eyes could not help but appear with a strong look of awe.

Look around.

The ruined environment was as deep as they could be, making them feel terrified from the bottom of their hearts.

Such a terrible mess...

Who can imagine.

It turned out to be crippled by someone!

But this is the truth, the fact that everyone in Rogue Town believes.


The sea water drifts with the sea breeze, washing up the edge of the eastern coast, and the sea has washed up many shells and other creatures, all washed and stayed on the coast.

The sea water flows on the soft sand, and many footprints that have remained on the ground before are driven by this current, causing all the footprints on the ground to disappear.

A huge sailing ship.


Stop at the eastern coast of the town of Rogue.


Several middle-aged people looked at Liu Chuan's figure with respectful expressions, and their tones were full of awe and trepidation: "Sir, this is Rogue Town." "

"A few of you sent each other all the way, and I am grateful."

Yanagawa smiled.

"Don't dare!"

Several people became more and more terrified.

Of course, they knew what a terrifying existence this person in front of them really was!

In front of Liu Chuan, how dare they show their so-called identity and background?

None of this is meaningless!

Along the way, they were terrified.

But it's fine.

Fortunately, this monster finally left!

"Guys, I'll go first."

Yanagawa waved his hand, not lingering too long on the sailboat, and he carried a huge package around his waist, filled with Berry's newspaper.

One step out.

Very lightly, he jumped off the deck and landed in Rogue Town smoothly.

Watching Yanagawa's back leave.

Several middle-aged people on the sailboat looked at each other, and the expression of fear and liberation could not be hidden in the depths of their eyes.


They suddenly had some worries about the town of Rogue itself.


These residents of Rogue Town, as well as the pirate group that stayed in Rogue Town. They never dreamed that the monster of Red Flame Sword Hao would actually descend on Rogue Town again!

A nightmare in Roguetown...

Now, that's just the beginning!

"On that day, with just one knife, it directly destroyed the entire eastern coast of Rogue Town."

"Now this monster is back!"

"If another battle breaks out, won't it break the rhythm of the entire Rogue Town?!"

"One knife, crush a coast on the spot ..."

"If there are a few more knives, Rogue Town is afraid that he will not be able to withstand it!"

Several people's lips trembled, and their hearts palpitated.

Originally, they also planned to land in the town of Rogue.

But now that they look at it, they have changed their minds.

Rogue Town has now been targeted by a monster!

A 300 million monster, a terrifying existence that was regarded as a taboo by everyone in the entire East China Sea, is now returning to Rogue Town again!

Such a terrifying thing, of course, they can't wait to retreat to a safe place thousands of miles away.

They were already thinking in their hearts, and only after a while, they would come to Rogue Town again.

For now.

It is not wise to continue logging into the town of Rogue.

Who knows, how much movement this monster is going to make!

Anyway, the muddy waters here, they don't have the guts to interfere in it.

"What would the residents of Roguetown look like if they learned that the monster that once dominated their inner fears had returned to Rogue again?"

"I can expect it now."

"With this monster returning to Rogue Town, what a huge terrifying turmoil will be set off in Rogue Town next!"

"It's totally predictable."

"Rogue Town, it's about to be detonated again!"

It's like.

This is the moment.

In their eyes, Rogue Town is a nightmare-level terrifying place!

A monster's habitat!

At the same time.

The other side.

Yanagawa, who had just re-entered Rogue Town, raised his head and carefully felt the ruined environment around him, and his mood was a little emotional.


It hasn't changed!

It's almost the same as it was a few days ago!

"These guys in the Navy, the work efficiency can be described as too slow."

"Not even a single restoration worker was found to restore the coast. It seems that they are planning to voluntarily abandon this place on the east coast? "

Yanagawa's eyes flickered, thinking in his heart.

Stepping on the soft sand and gravel under his feet, he stepped on the broken soil floor tiles when he stepped forward.

Dense cracks spread over the floor tiles under your feet.

As Yanagawa's footsteps fell steadily.


You can even hear the pleasant sound of floor tiles cracking.

Look closely in all directions.

Yanagawa gave birth to some pity emotional waves in his heart.

Very nice piece of the coast!

It's a pity.

With such a knife, he will directly destroy this place!

"Sin, what a sin!"

Yanagawa couldn't help but shake his head.

But who let the ghost spider guy catch himself?

Is it possible to let yourself stand and arrest the other party?

All this is caused by ghost spiders!

Not bad!

That's it.

Think of it this way.

Yanagawa's mood became much more comfortable.

In addition to the broken soil floor, Yanagawa also saw many workers unloading merchant ships, as well as vendors setting up stalls on the damaged street next to it.

It doesn't seem to be any different from when I first came to Rogue.

Perhaps the biggest difference is that people here have become much rarer!

The battle with the ghost spider on that day seemed to be vividly remembered and appeared in Yanagawa's mind.

He was looking forward to it.


Is it still possible to encounter ghost spiders in Roguetown?

If you can run into it, it would be great.

It also happens that you can tell the victory and defeat of that day's battle!

In that battle, Yanagawa did not lose, just fled, and the same ghost spider did not win, and the two sides still did not fight to the end after all, and the result never appeared.

Until now.

If you can still run into a ghost spider, Yanagawa certainly doesn't mind.

The victory and defeat of that day's battle are truly divided into high and low!

"Compared to me a few days ago..."

"Now I, powerful may make you a little scared, Ghost Spider Lieutenant General."

Yanagawa smiled meaningfully.

In the past few days, not only the injury has healed.

Even in all aspects such as swordsmanship, three-color domineering, and basic physical quality, Liu Chuan has ushered in a huge leap and improvement, which can be called the sublimation of the human body!

Now if he encounters the ghost spider again, Yanagawa is confident that within an hour, he will be able to easily take down the ghost spider, and he can remain unscathed.


"Will I get my wish in the end?"

Yanagawa's eyes narrowed slightly, looking at the noisy streets of Rogue Town in the distance.

It's really exciting.

Lieutenant General Ghost Spider, have you left Rogue Town yet?

I just hope you don't run too fast!

I still didn't have a full deal of it!

Presumably you're the same, right?

Then, go ahead and divide the winners here!

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