Kavinci is a native of the town of Rogue.

He is about forty years old, has children and daughters under his knees, has a very understanding wife, and should have a prosperous career, a happy family, and a blossoming career and family.

But all this.

With the sudden and terrifying disaster that befell Rogue Town a few days ago, his thriving career was directly turned upside down.

On the eastern coast of Rogue Town, let a terrifying big monster, a taboo existence that was offered a reward of 300 million berry, directly cut it over!

This deeply saddened Kavinci, a port owner who witnessed the horrific catastrophe and saw his career ruined.

The port was destroyed.

Although he did not lose his job, his career simply went down the road compared to the lifeless eastern coast.

Originally thought.

This iron rice bowl, at least for more than ten or twenty years, is a stable kind. The town of Rogue is obviously richer and more stable than other towns in the East China Sea.

As the only way to rush to the great shipping route in the East China Sea, Rogue Town inevitably has a large number of pirate groups that come every day. But the issue of law and order is also very remarkable.

There is a naval branch, sitting in Rogue Town, and there is a natural Devil Fruit ability, as a small and medium-sized navy shelter Rogue Town is comprehensive.

All of this is going in a good direction.

I didn't expect that.

A monster has descended on Rogue Town!

This is the beginning of it all!

Originally as a protective deity in Rogue Town, the naval lieutenant commander who was naturally capable was actually seriously injured by that monster in an instant.

Nightmares start here!

And then.

Then it's the turn of the eastern coast to be smashed by that terrifying monster!

From now on.

Kavinci's career ushered in a downhill, making him cry with sorrow in his heart.

Well, what a thing!

Woe from heaven?

For Mao that monster, just choose the eastern coast as the place to fight?

Why not the West Coast, the South Coast?

Kavinci only felt that his luck had reached a low point, making everything bad these days, and all kinds of unfortunate things happened every day.

"Oh my God!"

"Open your eyes, I still have to provide for my family!"

Kavinci looked up at the sky helplessly, wailing from the heart.


This leads to not.

The main thing is that he does not dare!

Resent whom?


Resent that 300 million monster Red Flame Sword Hao who destroyed the eastern coast with one sword?!

Kavinci felt that he simply did not have the guts to do so. The courage in his heart was not enough to support the emotions that made him resent that supreme being.


Cavenci was a spectator who witnessed that horrific battle.

Similarly, he was also one of the people who suffered from the extremely terrifying momentum, so that they instantly lost consciousness and fell directly on the coast.

Only by experiencing that feeling firsthand can Cavinci experience it.

What is...


At that time, Kavinci felt it very deeply.

Once upon a time, what was the experience of despair that I never understood!

That moment.

"The moment I was enveloped by that momentum..."

"I just felt that my body was enveloped by the boundless coastal erosion. That kind of experience, in my life, in this life, is never like experiencing it a second time! "

"It's terrifying!"

"It is more frightening than a prehistoric beast staring!"

"My head was blank, I lost consciousness, I could no longer see the movement around me, and I fell into a state of fainting."

"This feeling is terrible!"

"And all this is just some small means of that monster. Even, including me, hundreds of people had no idea what was going on! "


"Killing people invisibly?!"

Kavinci's lips trembled and his face turned pale.

Whenever he recalled the scene that happened, he shuddered and his scalp was numb.

No doubt.

Yanagawa left an incomparable impression on him!

After waking up.

What you see is the devastated horror scene!

Be informed.

This ruined eastern coast was actually destroyed by that monster!

That moment.

Cavinci's head was blank.

His mood was instantly confused.

One cut?!

Directly crushed the entire eastern coast with one knife?

What kind of terrifying force can this be great?


With Kavinci's experience and experience, he simply could not imagine how terrifying that knife was at that time, in order to instantly destroy the regional environment hundreds of meters on the eastern coast of Rogue Town.



If it weren't for the many spectators when the battle broke out, Kavinci would never have dared to believe it. The eastern coast is so messy, it is only the wreckage formed by the force of the stabbing eruption.

"Red Flame Sword Hao..."

"A humanoid mobile disaster!"

Kavinci took a deep breath, but the fear that remained in his mind could not be cooled.

The only monster with 300 million in the East China Sea!

But this kind of monster descended on Rogue Town just a few days ago!

The mess on the eastern coast is the trace of the monster's descend.

Especially Kavinci, who was shrouded in overlord color, he understood more clearly how mysterious and terrifying the strength of that monster was.

Even the release but momentum was enough to crush their consciousness in an instant.

From this, a preliminary estimate can be made.

That person's strength must have reached an incredible realm!

"Mr. Cavinci, are you here?"

As Kavinci came to the ruined eastern coast, several subordinates gathered in front of Kavinci with flattering and somewhat bitter expressions.

Seeing the bitterness on the faces of the people under his hand, Kavinci sighed helplessly, and sighed in his heart.

The eastern coast is a fat gap!

But who would have thought.

Crippled by a monster!

And let the business and popularity here on the east coast plummet, all flocking to the west coast, south coast and other places, resulting in pedestrians on this side of the east coast looking particularly deserted.

"How many merchant ships are landing today?"

Cavinci asked.

"Only two!"

His subordinates sighed helplessly.


Kavinci shook his head again, showing helplessness.

In the past, at least twenty merchant ships now docked on the eastern coast.

Obviously, the horrific collision around the eastern coast a few days ago really brought unparalleled damage to this coast.

"Alas, it's still as cold as ever."

Kavinci sat on either side of the broken floor tiles, his eyes gazing in the direction of the eastern coast.


He saw a sailing ship docked on the edge of the coast.

From the sailboat, a very young boy in white also stepped down.

This immediately caused Kavinci to look sideways for a while, and his brows locked.

His gaze was fixed on the white-clothed boy who landed on the eastern coast.

Kavenci's strange appearance attracted the attention of several subordinates beside him.

They also followed Kavinci's gaze and looked at the edge of the coast.

As the waves wash the coast, waves of sea currents hit the coast, bringing many shells and other creatures to stay on the soft sand.

A boy in white carried a huge package on his shoulders.

This scene.

It was incomparably clear, and it was in their sight.

The atmosphere has become a little weird!

One person's lips trembled, and his tone was a little tentative: "You say, the boy we see in front of us now." Isn't it, a bit like the one that day..."

There were three of them, including four of them including Kavinci, all victims of that battle.

Victims swept away by the overlord color!

It is precisely because of this that in the past few days, they still have the fear dominated by the overlord color, which is difficult to dissipate in a short time.

That terrifying momentum made them instantly lose consciousness. Before they lose consciousness, they feel the boundless darkness, and the monstrous fear envelops their hearts!

This kind of taste, they don't want to experience it a second time in their lives.

Of course, they knew very well that the one who brought them such a terrifying experience at that time was the terrifying 300 million monster Red Flame Sword Hao!


Their impression of Yanagawa is very deep!

To put it more simply.

In this life, they could not forget the terrifying taboo that once allowed fear to dominate their bodies in full force!

"No, it wouldn't be so coincidental, would it?"

The other person trembled, his eyes wide and round, his face staring in the direction of the coast with trepidation, his gaze fixed on the most conspicuous boy in white, unable to move.

Cavinci looked fixedly, in his eyes, at a speed visible to the naked eye...


Boundless fear quickly diffused and spread the pupils.

"That monster..."

"Obviously he has fled from Rogue Town!"

"It's only been a few days since that battle!"

"This, this is impossible!"

Several subordinates uttered terrified words.

Their bodies gradually trembled uncontrollably.

Fear, deep heart!

Hot day.

The hot breath spilled from the edge of the sky, and the golden halo was thrown on their bodies, shining and moisturizing every cell of their bodies.


It's this kind of environment.

They felt.


The piercing coldness came straight from the soles of the feet.

Let them stand on end, goosebumps rise, all over the body.

The sea breeze is gentle.

Blowing up their clothes, they revealed their faces full of fear and horror, and the expression on their faces was completely revealed uncontrollably.

"I want to..."

"I may never forget the figure in my heart a few days ago, which once let the boundless fear dominate me!"

Cavinci's voice trembled.

Impressed, incomparably profound!


They are also extremely profound about the facial characteristics of Yanagawa!

Just the first glance!

Cavinci recognized it.

The boy in white on the coast in front of him.


It's really too much like it!

The two, it can even be said that they were carved out of a template.

The similarity is as high as ninety to nine!

"I, we, can really be so unlucky?!"

Several subordinates showed a smile that was uglier than crying, and their bodies trembled uncontrollably.

Originally, it was unlucky these days!

But the result finally told him!

This is just the beginning!

More unlucky, yet to come.

How can they accept this!

Their mentality is going to collapse.

Kavinci's eyes were particularly fascinated, his eyes were filled with a thick color of fear, and the emotion of fear permeated the body and mind, gradually spreading and covering every cell of the entire body.


Cavinci began to tremble uncontrollably.

What I saw in front of me was the figure of the white-clothed boy standing on the coast.


With the terrifying figure in Kavinci's mind, which lingered like a nightmare.

The two, gradually coinciding ...

"Me, my God!"

"I'm like, seemly, maybe, maybe..."

"I found a terrifying and terrifying fact."

Kavinci's throat rolled and he swallowed bitterly.

And then.

He concluded.

Two, exactly the same!

The boy in white in front of him.

It was the one...

The horror taboo that once ruled the entire town of Rogue a few days ago!

300 million monsters, Red Flame Sword Hao!

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