The sea breeze is gentle.

The piercing coldness swept through the heart, covering the bodies of Kavinci and several of his subordinates.

Let them all have a consistent physical response at the same time.

Get one’s dander up!



The cold air came straight from the soles of their feet, making their bodies subconsciously shiver, and the color of fear in their eyes became more and more intense.

Overwhelming fear enveloped their bodies.

Gradually dominate their bodies!

"Me, am I hallucinating?"

One said in a tone of disbelief and trepidation.

"I don't think it's an illusion. That boy in white..."

The rest of the personnel spoke bluntly, and they couldn't even finish their words.

They all looked at Kavinci with terrified eyes, hoping that Kavinch could explain to them.

But they can see it.

It was Kavinci's face full of fear, his shivering body.

This moment.

No need for Cavinci's explanation.

They've got the answer they want.

The terrifying monster that once dominated the town of Rogue...


Announce, exactly the return!

This fact made them feel crazy.

"No, there can be no mistake."

"I am confident that I will never be mistaken..."

Kavinci's words kept repeating, and while his face was dull, he carried a deep fear that could not be concealed.

He has already determined.

The question that came to mind was verified!

100% sure!

The white-clothed boy in front of him and the terrifying figure that lingered like a nightmare gradually coincided, and came to a conclusion.

Two, the same person!

This also means...

"Chi, Red Flame Sword Hao."

"This monster has come to our Rogue Town again, go and return!"

Kavinci's throat was dry, and he said this with a trembling expression.

This sentence directly smashed into the ears of the three subordinates, causing them all to buzz in their brains, their thinking became rigid, and they turned into a blank.

It was one thing to know, but hearing it from Kavinci's mouth was another.

Only feeling.

Boundless chills and fears lingered around their bodies.


Chilling all over!

Not only Kavinci, but also the three subordinates around him could feel their current situation.

That monster has once again descended on Rogue Town!

What shocking news this is!

Deep down, of course, they know everything about it.

A few days ago.

The terrifying figure that had allowed endless fear to dominate their bodies and minds. Now, it is close at hand, and it has become the biggest nightmare and nightmare in their minds!

In this life, the figure that cannot be forgotten.

Right now.

And again, it appeared in their eyes and filled their vision!

There is nothing that can make what they are facing now give them a stronger sense of fear.

"The same white clothes..."

"The same blade with the same pattern!"

"Same age stage!"

"The same physical features..."

"Isn't all this enough to explain the situation? My God, before I went out today, did I really not carefully read the yellow calendar?! "

Cavinci shivered and trembled.

The monster is coming!

The roots that make the eastern coast so dilapidated are just around the corner!

The culprit is the white-clothed boy in front of him!


They don't dare!

Even if there was some dissatisfaction in their hearts, at this moment, these dissatisfaction turned into fear, and thick fear squeezed every cell of their body.


Their bodies were stiff in place, unable to move, like a statue, stunned, like wooden chickens, and the whole person was petrified.

Visible to the naked eye.

Their foreheads, cold sweat furious, slipped from their foreheads, falling into the tattered soil below.

A cold touch came from the back.

It's like.

Even the clothes on the back have been completely wet!

"The monster that gave us endless fear..."

"Right in front of you!"

What is this experience?

When in their minds, the figure that has been lingering like a nightmare stands in front of their eyes.

How fluctuating will their mood be?

This point, without thinking, can be concluded.

The mood, like the surging tide of the sea, swept in all directions wave after wave, impacting their hearts, and could not be calmed at all.

In their minds.

There is only one nightmare!

Since a few days ago, it has been rooted in a completely indelible nightmare in my mind!

This nightmare-level big man was now standing on the coast less than a hundred meters in front of them.

"This, going and returning, what the hell is going to do?!"

"Isn't it enough to cripple the eastern coast of Rogue Town?"

"Or do you say..."

"He wants to destroy the entire town of Rogue?!"

The more Kavinci and the others thought about it, the more frightened they became.

It's terrifying!



A loud sound of footsteps came from not far down the street, lingering in the ears of Kavinci and the others, allowing them to cool down a little from that state of fear.

Twist the stiff neck and turn around.

And they saw it.

A group of well-trained navies, with great fanfare, rushed to the eastern Hainan, seemingly trying to prepare to land warships docked on the eastern coast and leave the town of Rogue.

"Sea, navy?!"

Kavinci and others were creepy.

They twisted their necks again and looked at the figure of the boy in white standing on the coast.


The fear in their hearts is even stronger!

Now, it's time to finish the calf!

The Navy actually came to the eastern coast by such a coincidence!

And that terrifying taboo, just so coincidentally, chose to land from the eastern coast of Rogue Town at this time period.

If the two sides meet...

One thought of this.

The brains of Kavinci and the others were blank, as if they had been hammered by a heavy object, causing all of their thinking to fall into chaos.

"It's over!"

"Finished calf!"

They have a very strong premonition that next, there will be a terrifying turmoil that will sweep the entire ruined eastern coast!

That Red Flame Sword Hao...

It's time to meet this group of well-trained naval elites head-on!

And at this time.

The naval commander who was leading a group of well-trained naval elites all the way to the eastern coast was the familiar Rear Admiral Kadaru.

The matter here in Rogue Town is temporarily over.

Red Flame Sword Hao was already seriously beyond the scope that Kadaru could handle.

Didn't see it.

Even the ghost spider lieutenant general couldn't take down that monster!

He Kadaru Hod Ho Neng, a small rear admiral of the naval headquarters, certainly does not think that he can take down a monster of that level.

The collision that happened here on the eastern coast that day, the scene is still clearly rooted in Kadaru's mind.

Of course, he understood it clearly.

Red Flame Sword Hao, what a terrifying freak this is!


Kadaru would never think that he could win the other party with his ability.


He felt that if he really wanted to run into it.

The consequences he faced were most likely to be crushed and killed by the other party.



Even the ability to resist is completely inadequate.

The gap in strength is like a chasm, completely insurmountable!

It's like...

A contest between completely different species!

In all respects, Kadaru felt that he would be crushed by that monster!


With this mentality, Kadaru quickly obeyed the instructions conveyed from above, preparing to lead a group of elite troops from Rogue Town to return to the naval headquarters Marin Fandor.

This damn place, he didn't want to stay anyway.

Who knows.

Such a terrifying monster actually appeared from Rogue Town, and from this projectile land, a place where birds do not lay eggs, a real monster appeared!

Before coming here, Kadaru had not yet been able to understand.

That Red Flame Sword Hao, how terrifying it was!

But when you saw with your own eyes, a terrorist showdown that shattered the entire eastern coast a few days ago. Kadaru finally deeply realized how strong the Red Flame Sword Hao was!

To be offered a reward of 300 million berry, this is not as simple as a joke!

The strength of the Red Flame Sword Hao has penetrated deep into his bones for Kadaru to understand. And it became a nightmare in his mind, deeply rooted in his head, and it must be indelible in this life.


Kadaru's cognitive view was also overturned with the Red Flame Sword Hao!

His view of the East China Sea has completely changed.

What is the weakest sea in the East China Sea?

Are you kidding!

A monster of the level of Red Flame Jianhao, even if it is placed in these ghost places such as the North Sea and the West Sea, it is definitely a very terrifying top giant!

"How can the East China Sea, which can give birth to such monsters and aliens, be the weakest sea? Whoever says this set of rhetoric in the future, I will be anxious with whom. "

"I almost gave this set of words a crooked look, making me think that the people of the East China Sea are like that." Who would have thought that he would encounter a monster and correct my mentality well. "

Kadaru couldn't help but complain in his heart.

Speaking of Red Flame Sword Hao...

He couldn't help but think back.

A few days ago, that shocking battle that had allowed boundless fear to dominate his body!

The knife that broke the eastern coast...

Impressed Kadaru with an immense impression!

Scared impression!

As Kadaru prepares to lead a well-trained naval elite to the eastern coast.


A navy standing next to Kadaru was slightly stagnant, staying in mid-air and never falling again, looking at the figure on the coast in front of him with a pair of frightened and suspicious eyes.

That one......

The figure of a teenager dressed in white!


Once a nightmarish lingering figure, it floated in my mind.

The two, overlap.

And then.

A shocking conclusion was drawn.

One, a terrible conclusion that made him tremble!

"Keep up!"

Kadaru raised his eyebrows and reprimanded the subordinates beside him with an impatient expression.

Right now, he just wanted to leave the hell of Rogue Town as soon as possible.

This is the land of right and wrong!

A place that impresses Kadaru and is terrifying!


The subordinate beside him swallowed his saliva, pointed his trembling fingers in the direction of the coast, and his voice trembled: "Major General Kadaru, I, I seem, have discovered an extremely terrible thing. "

The words fell.

Kadaru paused slightly, and asked nonchalantly, "What did you find?" "

"You, you see..."

Follow the direction that the subordinate is pointing.

Kadaru looked directly ahead, about fifty meters away from the edge of the coast, and could see the golden halo shimmering on the surface of the sea and reflecting in all directions.

And on the edge of that area close to the coast.


There is a teenager standing!

One, a teenager in white!

Under the sun.

The appearance and characteristics of the white-clothed boy were extremely clear in Kadaru's eyes.

Familiar white!

Familiar sabre!

Familiar faces, ages...

This moment.

Kadaru's original nonchalant expression directly turned into endless fear. His pupils shrank, his eyes widened and rounded, and his expression changed drastically almost in the blink of an eye.

The figure that had given him endless fear in his heart suddenly surfaced in his mind and reappeared in his mind.

In his life, he can't forget this, and he is extremely impressed!


First look!

Kadaru, I recognized it.

What kind of divine is that white-clothed boy standing on the edge of the coast!


Piercing the heart!

Kadaru's breathing stopped.

His body was uncontrollable and shivering.


On a hot day, he still couldn't give him warmth, but only felt that the temperature around him plummeted, making his whole person fall into the ice storage, and his body was trembling.




Kadaru's mood was set off in a huge wave.

His eyes were fixed on the figure of the white-clothed boy who frightened him, his lips trembled, and his rosy face gradually turned pale and bloodless at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The pale face revealed many emotional waves such as panic and horror in Kadaru's heart at this moment, like a wave swept by a storm, wave after wave of continuous impact on his already fragile heart.

The mentality collapsed on the spot!

This is the moment.

Kadaru understood a very shocking and terrifying truth.

"That, that monster..."

"The existence of a taboo that has swept the entire East China Sea!"

"He's back!"

"Once again, come to Rogue Town!"

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