Rogue Town.

East Coast.

The whole picture of the broken and devastated ground is presented in the eyes of everyone, making people feel creepy from the bottom of their hearts, and their sweaty hairs stand upright.

The hundreds of navies led by Kadaru were covered in goosebumps rising at this moment, shuddering, and with a terrified face, they all fixed their gazes on the figure of the white-clothed boy beside them.


The atmosphere is eerie!

Kadaru's lips trembled, his face was pale, his throat was dry, his eyes were wide and round, and his eyes showed a deep sense of fear that could not be contained.


Inevitably, let this monster be targeted!

This moment.

Kadaru only felt that his body seemed to have fallen into an ice warehouse, and every cell in his body was severely damaged, solidified, and frozen.


Piercing the heart!

Kadaru looked at the white-clothed boy in front of him with a look of panic.

Of course, he understood it clearly.

What a terrifying existence this one in front of him is!

It was this one who caused the eastern coast of Rogue to turn into a mess and ruins.

It is also a taboo in the eyes of everyone in the entire East China Sea!

Face this presence up close.

Kadaru's heart was already panicked and his thinking was rigid, his thoughts were frozen, and he became blank, unable to have normal thinking ability.


Kadaru felt the boundless coldness.

Senran is so good that it can pierce the cold in your heart!

"Ghost, Ghost Spider Lieutenant General..."

"This monster, he wants to find Lieutenant General Ghost Spider? Is such a blatant return to Rogue Town just to find Lieutenant General Ghost Spider? "

"What does he want to do?!"

Kadaru was distraught.

Located behind him.

A group of navies shivered.

The movement here naturally aroused the awareness of the rest of the people around.

When you see clearly, the figure of the white-clothed boy who met with the navy.

Next second.

The slightly noisy environment here instantly becomes silent!


It was so quiet that you could even hear your heart beating.

The movement of pedestrians came and went abruptly.

The employees carrying the goods were even stiffer, and the goods in their hands smashed into the potholed ground, and there was a pleasant and crisp sound.

The vendors who set up the stalls, the shouting words are frozen in this moment.

A pair of eyes full of horror, looking in one direction at the same time.


Standing was a young man dressed in white, carrying a huge wrap around his shoulders, and a blade that exuded a fierce momentum around his waist.

That immature face...

It seems that humans and animals are harmless!

Presented in the eyes of all of them.

It ignited the fear in their hearts, which has not cooled down in the past few days!

Fear never pressed down.


Once again, it was rekindled!

And the evolution became more and more ferocious, and the fire of fear burned, filling the hearts of everyone present and dominating their bodies.

The entire dilapidated eastern coast.

Everyone, without exception, fell into the same emotional state.

That is...


Boundless fear and shock filled their bodies and minds.

Even if the sun is hot.

But all of them felt it.

Endless icy coldness!

With the sea breeze blowing.

They all seemed to be frozen, motionless.

It makes the atmosphere here extremely weird.

Ask who is most panicked.

That, of course, is Rear Admiral Kadaru of the Navy headquarters!

He is the person who faces a monster from the closest distance.

"Could it be..."

"Does this monster want to collide with Lieutenant General Ghost Spider again?"

"The last collision caused the eastern coast of Rogue to be destroyed. If there is another collision this time, wouldn't it be to ruin the rhythm of Rogue Town? "

Kadaru couldn't imagine that such a creepy thing was very likely to happen in front of him.

Monsters, close at hand!

What is this experience?

Kadaru could not hide the deep fear on his face.


He took half a step back, trying to distance himself from the monster in front of him.

But think about it.

Kadaru smiled bitterly helplessly.

Safe distance?

Can it really be pulled apart?

Within 100 meters...

Is it really hard for this monster to kill himself in seconds?


It's not too easy!

Within a radius of 100 meters, they are all in the instant hunting range of this monster.

Putting a safe distance?

How far does this need to be safely distanced?

Kadaru forced down many fearful emotions in his heart, took a deep breath, although it was difficult to completely suppress the throbbing in his heart, but he was not as dull as he behaved.

"Chi, Red Flame Sword Hao!"

Kadaru gritted his teeth, as if consuming all the courage in his heart, and raised his head to look at the white-clothed boy who was close at hand.

He chose to face up to his inner fears and nightmares!

"You know me?"

"It's no wonder that you were also a spectator of that battle at that time."

Liu Chuan had a smile like a spring breeze on his face.

He didn't expect it either.

It would be such a coincidence here that he came across such a well-trained navy.


The question of the heart was raised.

Yanagawa wondered if the ghost spider was still staying in Rogue Town?

If so, he wants to continue that battle!

"Red Flame Sword Hao, who doesn't know about the East China Sea today?"

Kadaru forcibly calmed down, his back sweating furiously, and his tone was heavy, "You asked the whereabouts of Lieutenant General Ghost Spider, what do you want to do?!" "

The words fell.

Kadaru's throat seemed to be stuck, and he clenched his fists, and his heart was extremely apprehensive.

"I want to finish that never-ending battle with him."

Yanagawa did not hide it, and chose to tell the other party his purpose straight to the point.


No need!

There is no need for this at all!

Ponder for a moment.

Kadaru spoke again with difficulty: "Then I can only say that it is very unfortunate." Lieutenant General Ghost Spider had left Rogue Town yesterday. "

For this result, Yanagawa was not surprised.

The vice admiral of the dignified naval headquarters naturally will not stay in the ghost place of the East China Sea.

It was surprising that the ghost spider could come to Rogue Town. A lieutenant general in his headquarters will never be stationed in the East China Sea for a long time.

It was just that he learned from Kadaru's mouth that the ghost spider had left, which still made Yanagawa show a somewhat disappointed expression.

It's a pity!

I also want to continue the battle that never ended.

Unexpectedly, the ghost spider guy actually ran away.

It also makes Liu Chuan have no benchmark to measure his current strength level!

The ghost spider is obviously the best target to measure Yanagawa's progress in the past few days.

But helplessly.

The other party has already left Rogue Town, and Yanagawa cannot leave Rogue Town immediately, and chase in the direction of Marin Fandor, the headquarters of the Navy, that is, the direction where the ghost spider left and returned.

"That's a shame."

Yanagawa didn't just sigh.

From Kadaru's mouth, he also learned the answer he wanted.

Although, the ghost spider is gone.

But he didn't come to Rogue just to fight the ghost spider.

The Great Passage...

That was the main goal of his trip!


After asking.

Yanagawa did not choose to have too much involvement with these navies here, and took a very crisp step, step by step from the ruined eastern coast to the prosperous area in the center of Rogue Town.

With your back to the Navy, step by step, you are drifting away.

It doesn't hurt to leave your weakest points to this group of navies.

Because Yanagawa is confident.

This group of navies does not dare to strike at themselves!

From the eyes of Kadaru and these navies, Yanagawa saw the choice of these people!

"People, always learn to do what they can!"

Yanagawa smiled.

If the navies did, he wouldn't mind letting them be buried on the ruined eastern coast of Rogue. The eastern coast is very dilapidated, and it will not be obtrusive to become the grave of these navies.

But these are just thinking about it.

Yanagawa can be sure that these navies do not dare to make a move!

Even if he has been defined as a pirate by the Navy!

From the eyes of these navies, including the so-called rear admiral of the navy headquarters, Yanagawa could not see any fighting spirit and courage in the eyes of these people.


They are all scared!

I don't even have the courage to do it!

In Yanagawa's eyes.

These people are not cowards.

But smart people!

Knowing that he was invincible, he still had to rush up and send him to death.

This kind of behavior is pure stupid hat in Yanagawa's eyes!

The rear admiral and the navy he led made the smartest choice.

If you move, Yanagawa thought.

It only took him ten seconds to completely destroy this group of navies.

This is only the most conservative estimate!

Minimum time...

Can be compressed up to three seconds!

In three seconds, destroy these hundreds of navies.

In Yanagawa's opinion, this is very relaxed.

The completely different species of life make Yanagawa look at these navies as if they were looking at a group of miscellaneous fish, which is completely uninteresting.

The reason why I didn't kill them was purely because I didn't want to waste energy.

But if the other party takes the initiative to provoke himself, he doesn't mind seconds these navies.


Yanagawa's figure disappeared on this ruined eastern coast.

The coast is still dead silent.

Ruined area, with a lifeless breath.

The newly recovered little anger came with the arrival of Yanagawa, and this ruined place became a ruined place that no one cared about.

The silence makes people's hearts bristle.

A pair of eyes full of horror stared blankly in the direction where Yanagawa left.

Panic boils!

Everyone no longer considered why this group of navies obviously encountered a pirate but did not make a move.

In comparison.

What they care more about is...

Rogue Town, this time, seems to be dominated by the fear brought about by this monster again!

"Me, my God!"

"I wasn't mistaken, right?!"

"That's Red Flame Sword Hao, a 300 million monster, there will be no mistake!"

"Didn't this monster just leave Rogue Town a few days ago? Why did he suddenly go and return? Last time, it was he who single-handedly destroyed the entire eastern coast. What is he going to do this time?! "

"This kind of monster has set its sights on our Rogue Town for Mao!"

Everyone fell into extreme panic, and they couldn't help but wail in their hearts.

Of course, they have not forgotten.

A few days ago, the taste was dominated by the fear brought by Yanagawa.


The sky above Rogue Town will be shrouded in a black shadow all the time, becoming a nightmare in the minds of all residents of Rogue Town, a taboo in their hearts!

I thought.

The nightmare can finally dissipate.

I never expected it.

It's just a few days.

This nightmare that once dominated them will come to Rogue Town again!

Let the fire of fear that has not cooled in their heads be ignited again, burning in their hearts. Boundless fear dominates their bodies.


"Let's go!"

Kadaru took the trembling step with difficulty and quickly landed on the warship in front of him.

A group of navies fled and boarded warships.

"Set sail..."

"Set sail!"

With Kadaru an order.

The warship began to sail, gradually leaving the ruined eastern coast of the town of Rogue.

"This damn place, I will never come back a second time in my life!"

Kadaru was on the warship, his hands clutching the deck fence to support his trembling body. His eyes looked at Rogue Town farther and farther away, and there was still a deep fear hidden in his eyes.

The town of Rogue...

It has become the biggest nightmare place in his heart!

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