Left the dilapidated eastern coast.

Yanagawa carried a package loaded with countless berries, carrying a good knife around his waist, and walked smoothly to the lively and noisy prosperity center of Rogue Town.

Still as familiar as ever.



Full of life.

Unlike Rogue a few days ago, nothing has changed.

In just a few days.

Rogue Town, or that Rogue Town!

For the matter of being discovered by the navy just now, Liu Chuan did not care, let alone deliberately pay attention to it.

The Ghost Spider-Man also ran.

Now in Rogue Town, he really can't think of anyone else who can take him down!

And so it goes.

Behavior, there is no need to deliberately conceal!

Even if the Navy knows his whereabouts, then why not?

It was as if the navy knew his whereabouts and could help him.

This is obvious, not realistic!

If the navy here in Rogue Town can do it, it will not be able to let Yanagawa cleverly escape capture alone when the ghost spider himself arrived.

With the departure of the ghost spider, it will be even more difficult to capture Yanagawa again.


Now Yanagawa's strength is several times stronger than a few days ago!

Even if he faces the ghost spider carrying hundreds of naval elite lineups again, Yanagawa can have absolute confidence and full certainty, and he can calmly deal with it alone.

"It's not the same now."

"Farewell for three days, be impressed."

"My strength is much stronger than it was at the beginning."

"It's a pity that I couldn't meet the ghost spider here."

"Otherwise, I can continue the last battle that never ended, and it is just right to weigh how my strength has improved in the past few days."

Yanagawa looked emotional.

The only pity is that the ghost spider ran away early.

As for whether this is a lie by that Navy?

He felt that there was no need for the other party to lie at all.

Nine times out of ten.

The ghost spider should have left Rogue Town.

It is impossible for a dignified vice admiral of the navy headquarters to really stay in the East China Sea for too long. A trip is already a very rare and novel thing.

"Let's go to Jax's Tavern first to see an old friend, and ask for a little news by the way. It also happens that I can see if there are pirate ships ready to rush to the Great Channel in the near future, and I can also carry a tailwind ship. "

Putting aside the many thoughts in his head, Yanagawa had a plan in his heart.

It is impossible to set up a pirate group.

There are many and troublesome things.

Moreover, it adds a lot of trouble for no reason.


If Yanagawa had set up a pirate group to fight with the ghost spider last time, then he would have no time to take care of these crews, and he could bet his life on the sea king.

But he couldn't be sure if the rest of the people would be like him.

In Yanagawa's eyes.

The crew or something, it's all a burden!


When encountering a very few extremely strong ones, this can make Yanagawa think about it or two.

But at present, Yanagawa has not met such an extremely strong person. Perhaps in the future, it will be difficult for him to meet someone who can enter his eyes.

Well, with the help of the sword-wielding system, coupled with the hard training of the open-hanging type, Yanagawa's strength can grow by leaps and bounds, rushing forward like a rocket on fire.


Just ask.

Who else can really make Yanagawa value?

The likelihood is very low.

After making up his mind, Yanagawa walked into the noisy street ahead.

He already had a general understanding of the whole picture of Rogue Town, but he didn't have to ask for directions to get in the direction of Jax's Tavern.

Familiar street.

There was a loud and lively conversation.

Sound in the ears!

Yanagawa's footsteps were not fast or slow, and he gradually left the street.

As Yanagawa just left.

Several pedestrians with terrified faces looked at the direction Liu Chuan left, their faces full of horror, and their eyes widened, with a thick look of disbelief in their eyes.

"I, I didn't read that wrong, right?"

One of them had trembling lips.

"I think, you should be right, I saw it too."

One person slowly took out a bounty slip from his arms.

The full picture of the content of the bounty list is presented in their eyes with great clarity.

The immature face on the portrait.

With the face of the teenager who passed by them just now.

See eye to eye!


A shocking worldly conclusion popped up from their minds.

Directly determined by them!

100% sure!



"We seem to have discovered a terrifying fact."

Their hands trembled slightly, causing confusion and side-to-eye attention from the crowd around them.


"Run away!"

"Leaving the ghost place of Rogue Town, who would have thought that this monster would go and return and actually descend on Rogue Town again. This time, how much movement will there be?! "

"Last time it destroyed the eastern coast, this time it destroyed the town of Rogue?"

With a lot of panic, several of them quickly left.

Passers-by stopped them and asked, "Several, what terrible things have you discovered?" Fleeing the streets in such a hurry? "

"Found a monster!"

"One, out-and-out monster!"

Several people answered anxiously with apprehensive faces.


There are still people who are puzzled, "The security of our Rogue Town has always been trustworthy. Even if there are incredible pirates, they don't dare to be arrogant in our Rogue Town, right? "

"It's not..."

"We have so many pirate groups in Rogue Town, but which one dares to blatantly disturb the order of Rogue Town?"

The rest of the passers-by laughed.

"He, he is..."

"Red Flame Sword Hao!"

"That, 300 million monsters!"

"Just now, this man walked past our street. Don't you all see it? "

This remark has just fallen.

The atmosphere here has become particularly weird!



The air seemed to freeze in this instant.

The smiles that appeared on everyone's faces stiffened.

Followed by.

Visible to the naked eye.

Their expressions have changed dramatically!

Pupils shrink!

Eyes wide open!

One by one, passers-by felt the overwhelming sense of horror and oppression, which hit their hearts and made them panic and shocked.


What's the situation?!

What did they hear just now?

"Chi, Red Flame Sword Hao?!"

"You mean to say..."

"Just now, this monster of Red Flame Sword Hao passed by our street?"

"Is that Red Flame Sword Hao? The one who broke the eastern coast of our town of Rogue?! "

Many fearful questions spat out from the mouths of different personnel.


Got a unanimous answer: "East Sea, how many Red Flame Sword Hao are there?" "


The atmosphere here, a brief dead silence.

In an instant.

Fully detonated!

"I, my God, did I have auditory hallucinations?"


"What they are talking about is that Red Flame Sword Hao, that 300 million monster, the forbidden big monster that swept our entire East China Sea!"

"This means..."

A terrifying conclusion came to mind.

Let them panic!


Many emotions poured into their hearts.

The entire street was filled with hundreds of people, all caught in the panic of the group.

Panic boils!


"Red Flame Sword Hao, this monster is here again!"

"Oh my God!"

"The monster has descended on our Rogue town again!"

"A big monster that crippled the eastern coast with a knife came to our Rogue town again."

This conclusion made them panic in their hearts.

Red Flame Sword Hao!

They were certainly impressed.

With just one feat, the entire eastern coast of the town of Rogue was crushed.

This alone was enough to make the residents of Rogue Town deeply frightened by the Red Flame Sword Hao.

What a terrifying force is this?

With one knife, crush the eastern coast within a radius of hundreds of meters!


With their brains, they simply could not imagine the scene at that time.

"A few days later."

"Monster, it's coming again!"

"We, Rogue Town, are you being targeted by a monster?"

The crowd couldn't help but wail in their hearts.

Raise your head.

They only feel.

Above their heads, once again a black shadow pervaded, lingering above their heads, making them feel depressed, gloomy, and dull.

The monster is here again!

A nightmare that befalls Roguetown again!

The taboos of the East China Sea seem to be particularly 'caring' for them in Rogue Town.

And then.


From this street began to spread outward.

One pass ten!

Ten pass a hundred!

That's it.

About ten minutes or so passed.

The town of Rogue, fully detonated again!

Millions of residents panicked.

They never dreamed of it.

The monster that had just left actually went and returned, and once again descended on their Rogue town. This is true, and they ushered in a huge contrast in their hearts!

I thought that the shadow that shrouded Rogue had dissipated.

But today.

This news swept every corner of Rogue Town, and it also brought them a greater psychological shadow.

The shadow has never dissipated!


Dominate their body and mind again!

The fear that had not been suppressed made a comeback again, dominating their bodies.

"Red Flame Sword Hao, this monster is here again!"

"God, show mercy to this monster not to take such extra care of our Rogue Town."

"This monster did not die at the hands of that vice admiral that day, but fled very luckily."

Countless residents were terrified and shivering.


The many pirate groups who stayed in Rogue Town also felt unprecedented depression and suffering.

They had planned to stay in Rogue Town for a few days, but now they rushed to the coast to drive pirate ships to escape Rogue Town without stopping.

That's a breathtaking.

There are also some local power groups in Rogue Town, which are even more terrified and frightened.

They thought.

In the past few days, when the limelight has passed, they will resume their previous days in Rogue Town.

But while waiting.

Nightmares enveloped their bodies without warning.

"This monster, why is it here again!"

"Quick, immediately inform all the cubs who are going out, let them return immediately, and remember not to cause trouble outside. In case we provoke this monster, we are afraid that we will be uprooted by this monster! "

"Obviously it didn't settle down for a few days, but now there is a huge turmoil!"

"This is Red Flame Sword Hao, a complete monster. The existence of a bounty of up to 300 million berry, which was given by the Navy, has once again come to our Rogue town! "

"In the face of this kind of monster, our so-called underground power group looks so small!"

Panic pervaded every street corner of Rogue.

Whether it was the residents, or the pirate group located in Rogue Town, or these rulers who were the underground forces of Rogue Town, all of them were deeply afraid of the arrival of one person.

The entire town of Rogue is once again fully dominated by the fear brought by Yanagawa !

Just one person caused panic in the Rogue Town group!

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