
Panic spreads!

The town of Rogue boiled.

Fear spread, pervading every corner of Rogue. Let everyone in Rogue Town, whether residents or pirates, inevitably be affected.

The ones who were most frightened were the leaders of these groups under the underground forces in Rogue Town.

They had planned to.

After a few days of stability, they will no longer have to be afraid.

But now it's good.

Before it was stable for a few days, the news that this monster had descended on Rogue Town again swept directly through Rogue Town, making all of them aware of this news.


Very helpless, they can only tell the personnel under them again.

In any case, do not provoke that taboo!

That's an absolute no-no!

A slight carelessness.

If this existence is angered, their entire power group will definitely be uprooted!

"Slipped away."

"The hell place in Rogue Town is getting easier and harder to mix."

"But no, I've only been in Rogue for half a day. I heard the news that the 300 million monster had descended on Rogue Town again. "

"It's better to leave Rogue Town early, it's scary here. Compared to that great passage with ups and downs, the danger factor is countless times higher! "

"In the Great Passage, the chances of us encountering monsters of this level are slim."

Many pirate groups took the opportunity to slip away.

The ghost place of Rogue Town has been regarded by them as a habitat for monsters.

They were even more reluctant to stay in Rogue than the Great Passage.

This place is terrible!

In their eyes.

Even if it is a great waterway, the danger factor is far inferior to the current town of Rogue.

Looking at the great waterway, there are very few monsters that can be rewarded with 300 million berry.

The Great Passage is so big, the chances of them encountering this monster are too small and too small. And Rogue is so big, a 300 million monster has also arrived.

This made them realize.

Continue to stay in Rogue Town, their risk factor will be much higher!

If they are not careful, if they really run into them, will they not want to cry without tears?


One by one, the pirate ships docked on the coast, and before they came to Rogue Town to warm their palms, they immediately harnessed the pirate ships and left the harbor coast of Rogue Town.

This place, whether you can continue to stay, or it is best to open up early.

And this is also the concept that many pirate groups implement to the end.

With one pirate ship after another leaving.

The atmosphere of Rogue Town is particularly deserted.

The residents, of course, could not leave.

But most of them hid in their homes and did not dare to go out and move around the streets.

It can be fully seen from here.

Red Flame Sword Hao!

How much of a negative impact these four words have brought to Rogue Town.

It can be described as...

One person, causing panic in all aspects of Rogue Town.


Not only the residents, pirates, and gangsters of the underground forces were deeply frightened by this.

Even the navy is deeply implicated.

When the news circulated, it reached the naval branch.


The naval branch was detonated in an instant!

A group of navies panicked.

Great naval branch.

Everywhere, a group of terrified navies shivered.

"Is the news true?"

As a probationary naval trainee, Dusty's immature and handsome face was exceptionally pale and bloodless, and her eyes were full of horror and panic.

"Basically correct, our people have also seen that monster from afar!"

"To be sure, that monster has really returned to our Rogue town again. Moreover, with great fanfare, blatantly, without hiding his whereabouts in the slightest. "

"Our people saw him all the way away."

The rest of the Navy answered one after another.

The hall of the naval branch.

There were about thirty navy men in total, their faces trembling with trembling as they looked terrified, their pale faces supporting their shaky bodies with their hands.

"Red Flame Sword Hao..."

"This 300 million monster has returned to Rogue Town again."

"He, what the hell is he going to do?!"

All the navy cannot understand.

Now Lieutenant General Ghost Spider has left.

That means.

The current town of Rogue does not have the power capital to compete with that monster at all.

This made them, as navies, very flustered in their hearts.

One thought.

If that monster descended on the naval branch, they would have no one to stop each other, and they would have goosebumps all over their bodies, creepy.

Can't stop it!

If that monster really comes.

The huge naval branch was stunned that it could not find an existence that could block the other party!

Even people who slightly block each other's footsteps can't find half of them!

"News, has Lieutenant Colonel Smogg been notified?"

Dusty hurriedly asked.

This is earth-shattering news!

"Not yet, but Lieutenant Colonel Smogg has just recovered from his injuries. It is still very irrational to want Lieutenant Colonel Smog to deal with this existence. "

"After all, Lieutenant Colonel Smogg was seriously injured. All this was caused by the monster of Red Flame Sword Hao. And it's extremely tragic, second kill! "

"Now let Lieutenant Colonel Smogg, who is in a state of initial healing with serious injuries, to deal with a terrifying 300 million monster in its heyday, this is simply impossible!"

The rest of the navy shook their heads in despair.

Smog is indeed strong!

In their minds.

As a natural ability, Smogg's strength is beyond doubt.

But what's the point?

Why was Smog seriously injured?

It was not because of the monster of Red Flame Sword Hao, who had a second of Lieutenant Colonel Smogg at that time, that Lieutenant Colonel Smog was seriously injured.

And now let Lieutenant Colonel Smogg, dragging his body that is in the initial healing of serious injuries, to deal with that Red Flame Sword Hao who was in his heyday?

Is this possible?

I'm afraid it's going to die!

Their behavior was simply pushing Smog into the fire pit.

You can't stop it in your heyday!

In a state of healing from serious injuries, this is even less likely to be the opponent's opponent!

If Lieutenant Colonel Smogg encounters that monster again.

The only consequence they can think of is...

Lightning Deal!


Lieutenant Colonel Smogg will definitely be killed again without reservation!

This time, maybe it's not just a serious injury.

Rather, it will die!

Killed on the spot!

It was the only possibility they could think of.

As for defeating each other?


They didn't think that Lieutenant Colonel Smogg could defeat that 300 million monster Red Flame Sword Hao. If it could be done, a few days ago, Lieutenant Colonel Smogg would not have been easily killed by someone in the face!

The gap in strength is too big!

All of them knew that Lieutenant Colonel Smogg and that Red Flame Sword Hao were not the same level of existence at all!

If Smogg could block it, he wouldn't have been seriously injured.

Now the injury on Smogg's body is enough to show all this!

"Then I'll go and tell Lieutenant Colonel Smogg!"

Dusty bit her pink lip, her immature face was full of panic and determination, and she hurriedly took chaotic steps to the office on the second floor.

Seeing the figure of Siqi leaving, many navies present could only shake their heads helplessly and sigh.

It's useless!

Now that the Heavenly King Laozi is coming, it can't save the current situation of their naval branch!

But thankfully...

For now.

Their naval branch has not provoked the other party, and the possibility of the other party taking the initiative to come to their naval branch can be basically eliminated.

Don't be afraid of 10,000, just in case!

"What if that monster really comes?"

"What can we do?"

All the navies associate this biggest puzzle.

What can be done?

Ponder over.

In the end, they came to a conclusion.

"If that monster does come."

"Then there is only one thing we can do, and that is..."

"Wait for death!"

Despair filled the hearts of all the navies present.

Since becoming a navyman, they have rarely felt this deep sense of powerlessness and despair.

And the source of this despair.

Or from one person!

A teenager, give them the fear of the entire naval branch!

Just one person is enough to turn into endless fear and dominate their entire naval branch!


The other side.

Knock knock!

Dusty had knocked on the door of the office.

A crisp and pleasant sound, hovering in all directions.

"Come in!"

A majestic and calm voice came from the office.


Push open the door to the office.

Dusty quickly walked in, looked up and saw Smog sitting at his desk.

At this time.

Smogg was covered in many white bandages, and although the white bandages were not stained with blood, the injuries on Smogg's body were still difficult to heal in a short time.

Now Smog is only in a state of initial healing, and it will take a while to recuperate before he recovers in all aspects.

That is, it means.

The current Smogg, compared to his heyday, his combat effectiveness has decreased by about seventy percent. Less than thirty percent of the remaining combat effectiveness remained.

Just a glance at the many bandages wrapped around Smogg's body was enough to make Dusty unimaginable.

Lieutenant Colonel Smogg, what a horrific battle this had to go through to cause such a heavy injury.

It's miserable!

She saw it for the first time.

Lieutenant Colonel Smogg, who has always been strong, will one day show this fragile posture.

"Dusty apprentice, what's the matter?"

Smogg raised his eyebrows, looking slightly surprised.

His face was still a little pale, and it could be seen that his physical condition was not very good. It was only because of the initial healing stage that he would not lie in a hospital bed every day for treatment.

It can be preliminarily taken over some matters of the naval branch of Rogue Town again.

If he continued to be treated in the medical room, Smogg felt that his bones were going to rust!

For Dusty in front of you.

Smog was still a little impressed.

A very hard apprenticeship navy!

This is the label that Smog put on Dusty.

To this.

It was Smog who had some faint impressions of Dusty.

Of course, the impression is not too deep.

It can only make him remember, Dusty's name, that's all.

"Lieutenant Colonel Smogg, big thing..."

Dusty looked anxious and pale.

But her words never fell.

As the sun flickers, it shines in through the windows.

A golden halo of light fell on the floor of the office, illuminating the dim environment for a few points. The whole picture of the office is clearly presented in the seriousness of Dusty.

That's when she noticed.

In this huge office, not only Smogg sat someone, but also another middle-aged person who was sitting next to Smogg.

It was only in a hurry when he came, coupled with the slightly dark environment in the office, that Dusty could not detect the other party at the first time.

"In the office, there is a second person?"

Dusty was shocked in her heart, and many words that wanted to be poured out came to an abrupt end, and all of them were swallowed abruptly by her.

The most amazing thing is...

This is still a completely unfamiliar face!

A middle-aged!

Dressed in white, wearing sunglasses, board inch, thin figure.

Even though the sunglasses hid his pupils, seeing the middle-aged facial features still gave Dusty a kind of depression like facing a fierce beast.


As if sensing Dasiqi's gaze, the middle-aged man wearing sunglasses also twisted his neck and turned his head, looking at Daschi expressionlessly.

Just take a casual look.

But it gave Dusty an extremely terrifying sense of oppression.



As if she was being targeted by a fierce beast, goosebumps came up all over her body, her spirit became extremely tense, and her immature little face was pale.

"Good, so terrifying momentum..."

Dusty shuddered.

She could be more and more sure.

At the naval branch in Roguetown, she had never seen each other.

Other words.

The other party is not under the jurisdiction of the naval branch of Rogue Town!

First look only!

Dusty can guarantee and affirm 100% of this.


Since it does not belong to the naval branch of Rogue Town, why can the other party appear in this office?

Dusty's head was a little dizzy, and she was anxious to tell Smogg, but she subconsciously ignored it, and her whole head was in a blank state.

Detect Daschi's abnormality.

Smog raised his eyebrows, and shouted to the middle-aged man on the seat next to him in an unkind tone: "Rear Admiral Virgo, please restrain your momentum, you have seriously scared the trainee navy of our naval branch." "

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