
Dusty's dizzy head heard Smogg's voice.

That middle-aged man, called Virgo?

Completely unfamiliar name!

Major general?

Major General Virgo?

That is, this middle-aged man is because of the rear admiral of the headquarters of the Navy ?!

This immediately made Dusty awe-inspiring, in her mind, those who can become rear admirals must be some very great big people.

Even the Smog she admired was just a lieutenant colonel, and how mighty was the rear admiral who was several grades above Lieutenant Commander Smogg?

Dusty's experience limits her imagination.


In her eyes, the rear admiral is a big guy, a big man!

"What a terrible strength!"

"Just by looking at me just now, it gave me the feeling of being targeted by a beast. That feeling even made me feel that I might not live for a second. "

Dusty's immature little face was slightly pale.


Too strong!

Even Smog never gave her this sense of oppression.

This rear admiral named Virgo must be very strong!

"Is this the rear admiral?"

"What an amazing big man!"

Dusty calmed the tremor in her heart a little.


Sure enough, it was not under the jurisdiction of the naval branch of the town of Rogue.

The naval branch of Rogue Town, the supreme commander is Smogg, a lieutenant commander.

Of course, it is impossible for the rear admiral of the naval headquarters to sit in a place like Rogue Town. From here, Dusty also determined the fact that the middle-aged man was not from the naval branch of Rogue Town.

No wonder!

Faces that always feel strange have never been heard or seen before.

It stands to reason.

The people who could be so respectfully invited to talk in the office by Smogg must be the big people in Rogue Town. In Dasiqi's impression, he never remembered that there was such a person as Virgo.


The other party came from the other side of the Great Passage to the town of Rogue in the East China Sea.

It feels strange, which is completely normal.

Remember the other day.

There is also a major general named Kadaru who also came to Rogue Town.

But in contrast.

Dusty always felt that the strength of Major General Virgo in front of him was much stronger.


It made Dusty feel a sense of d??j?? vu in the face of the ghost spider lieutenant general.

"Sorry sorry, I didn't pay attention for a while, let the momentum leak out a little. I apologize for the impact and distress you have caused, this lady. "

Virgo sat in his seat and looked at Dusty through his sunglasses expressionlessly.

His tone was flat, and with this remark, people always felt not the slightest apology, but seemed a little righteous.

"This guy..."

Smogg was not angry.

But he didn't say much.

As the saying goes, the official level crushes people!

The rear admiral of the navy headquarters can descend on Rogue Town, which is beyond Smogg's control. He has no authority over a rear admiral in the navy headquarters, and he even needs to obey the other party's arbitrary orders.

Above the lieutenant commander, only to the captain.

Above the admiral, it is the rear admiral!

So, to put it simply, Virgo is two levels above Smogg!

As everyone knows.

If you want to improve the ranks of the Navy, the difficulty factor is very high. And if you want to survive from a captain to a rear admiral, this is even more impossible to do in a short time.

However, there are exceptions to everything.

There are always some outstanding genius monsters that can do feats that ordinary people can't do.

Those who can be promoted from captain to rear admiral in a short period of time are by no means idle, they are all terrifying monsters of the sea.

And Virgo, is a terrible monster!

The strength is very strong!

Even Smog could feel the terrifying oppression from Virgo's body.

This made Smog very clear.

If he was asked to face Virgo in front of him, he felt that nine times out of ten he would fail miserably in the hands of the other party.

"In short, Lieutenant Colonel Smogg, I will leave it to you to deal with the matter I ordered. I want to find out the whereabouts of that guy named Red Flame Sword Hao as quickly as possible. "

"No matter what method I take, I have to find this guy named Red Flame Jianhao. The people above attach great importance to this matter! "

"If you don't handle it properly, you and I can't bear the consequences!"

Virgo got up from his seat and looked at Smog through his sunglasses' eyes in an unquestioning tone.

Smogg could not be allowed to disagree with this.

Only obey!

"Red Flame Sword Hao..."

"Don't worry, as soon as there is news from him, I will contact you immediately."

Smogg nodded, chewing a cigar at the corner of his mouth, and gray smoke rose in mid-air, filling the huge office.

Virgo is strong!

Smogg could feel it.

However, can it be compared with that Red Flame Sword Hao?

Smogg couldn't answer this in the affirmative.

But he felt.

If it was Virgo in front of him, there might really be a good chance of killing that Red Flame Sword Hao.

Because Virgo gave Smog a terrifying oppression that was as strong as a ghost spider!


Smogg thought that it might be possible for Virgo to kill the Red Flame Swordsman.

Of course, this is only possible, not inevitable!

The strength of the Red Flame Sword Hao had long been imprinted in Smogg's heart, making it impossible for him to forget the fear of being dominated by the other party once upon a time in this life!

As for who is stronger between Virgo and that Red Flame Sword Hao?

This is unknown.

Only when the results appear can it be clear which of the two is better.

It's just that Smogg is slightly confused in his heart.

Why would the people above send Virgo from the Great Passage to the town of Rogue in the East China Sea?

And why is Virgo, a rear admiral of the dignified naval headquarters and a rear admiral who obviously has a great future, so insistent on finding that Red Flame Sword Hao?

From Virgo's tone, Smog caught the anger.

Why did Virgo express anger towards Red Flame Sword Hao?

This is very counterintuitive.


A lot of confusion was so deeply wrapped around Smogg's head that he could never think of a reason.

Can't help it.

He remembered the words that Major General Kadaru had said that day when he questioned...


Smogg had an idea in his head.

However, there is still a lot of information to stitch together these broken clues.

"This muddy water..."

"It seems a little deep!"

"And it's also very cloudy, cloudy that people can't see."

Smogg's eyes flashed, and his heart was heavy.

What is happening here in Rogue Town is becoming more and more confusing!

A Red Flame Sword Hao triggered these unknown things.

This makes Smogg's cognitive outlook also hit wave after wave, which will not frustrate him, but will become his experience to accompany his growth, allowing him to be more tenacious and independent.


Virgo stepped forward and walked towards the office door to leave.

At this time, Smogg, who was wrapped in white bandages, recalled that here in the office, it seemed that there was still a probationary stage of the midshipman Dusty standing.

Immediately, he couldn't help but ask: "Dusty apprentice, what's the matter?" "

"Ah yes!"

Dusty slapped his head, his face turned pale, his big eyes were wide and round, and his eyes were full of deep fear and shock.

She immediately told everything truthfully.

"Lieutenant Colonel Smogg, that monster has come again!"

"It's Red Flame Sword Hao!"

"Red Flame Sword Hao Liu Chuan, this big monster with a bounty of up to 300 million berry, has once again descended on our Rogue Town. After a few days, he went and returned, returning to the town of Rogue. "

Nowadays, all kinds of rumors about his whereabouts are circulating in the streets of Rogue Town. Our people have also witnessed the appearance of the monster of Red Flame Sword Hao in Rogue Town..."

With Dusty's introduction.

Virgo, who had just walked to the office door, suddenly stopped in his footsteps, almost wanted to raise the hand that pushed the office door open, stopped in midair, and could no longer fall.

He heard it.

Red Flame Sword Hao...

These four words lingered in his ears.

It was Dusty's words that prompted Virgo to stop leaving and choose to stay in this office.


Smogg was startled by Dusty's words.

His pupils shrank, and the expression on his face changed dramatically.

Of course he couldn't think of it.

That monster actually went and returned!

Why is that?

Rogue Town, is there anything else to worry about the other party?

With Dusty's words, the long-lost fear in Smogg's heart surfaced again.

He couldn't help but recall.


The fear that had been dominated by the young man in white holding a wooden sword!


Smog couldn't help but swallow his spit, his face was a little shocked, and his tone was more solemn than ever: "Dusty apprentice, you are responsible for your words!" "

Can anyone explain to him.

That monster, why did it go and return?!

Now he still has the heavy injuries left by the other party that have not healed.

The ghost spider lieutenant general also ran away.


No one expected that.

That monster recame to Rogue Town at this moment.

Who can stand this!

"Lieutenant Colonel Smogg, this is not a rumor from me alone, but from everyone in the entire town of Rogue. It can't be a rumor, and the rumor will never cause panic in the entire Rogue Town! "

Dusty said with a firm look.



Exhaling heavily, Smogg forcibly suppressed the throbbing in his heart, and for a moment he was speechless.

"This lady, what you said, is the Red Flame Sword Hao Liu Chuan?"

On the side, Virgo, who stopped in his footsteps, suddenly took the initiative to intervene in the topic.

"Yes, that's him!"

Dusty was stunned, and turned to a respectful and truthful prayer.

"Then I want to ask, where is he now?"

Virgo's eyes hidden under the sunglasses are full of coldness and meaning.

From the Great Passage, all the way to the land of projectiles in the town of Rogue in the East China Sea.


Let him find his goal!

This time is not completely wasted.

"It's like..."

"He's rushing to the place called Jax Tavern."

Dusty thought for a moment and replied in a tone of uncertainty.

She wasn't quite sure if the news was true.

"Whether the news is true or not, in short..."

"Thank you for the news."

Virgo turned around expressionlessly and pushed the door open.


He took a step and walked out the door of the office without hesitation and without hesitation.

In the blink of an eye, Virgo's figure left the office.

Watch Virgo's departure.

Dusty looked a little stunned, and quickly turned his head, his big eyes full of questions: "Lieutenant Colonel Smogg, Major General Virgo, he..."

Questions about Dusty.

Smogg replied accurately: "Just as you think." Major General Virgo should have rushed to the Jax Tavern to find the Red Flame Sword Hao. "

Although, he didn't know what grudge the two had.

But presumably, if Red Flame Sword Hao really appeared in the Jax Tavern.


A battle will inevitably break out!


"A rear admiral of the Navy Headquarters with a very mysterious origin, who does not show mountains and water on weekdays, but he did not hesitate to travel thousands of miles to the town of Rogue in the East China Sea for the sake of a Red Flame Sword Hao."

Smog fell into deep thought.

He had a strong premonition.

This rear admiral of the Navy headquarters called Virgo, the other party's purpose is not pure!

It's not just as simple as coming here to fight the Red Flame Sword Hao with the order from above.

"Lieutenant Colonel Smogg, don't we have to send reinforcements? Just let Major General Virgo go go alone to deal with that monster of Red Flame Sword Hao?! "

Dusty asked subconsciously.

That's 300 million monsters, Red Flame Sword Hao!

Major General Virgo, can it work?

"You think, this level of collision."

"Reinforcements, does it really work?"

Smogg asked rhetorically as he chewed his cigar.

And then.

Dusty opened her mouth, speechless, speechless.

It seems, as if, really as cruel as Smogg said!

In a terrorist duel of this level, no amount of reinforcements from them will help.

This is not a gap that numbers can fill.

It's not about quantity, but on ...


In fact, Dusty did not know that the main fundamental reason why Smogg did not want to send reinforcements. It's not just because Smogg understands that the number of battles of this level is only a manifestation of increased casualties.

There is another more important factor.

That is, Smogg also wanted to see it.

What kind of divine is this Major General Virgo!

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