Knowing that Virgo had arrived in Rogue Town did not cause Yanagawa too much negative emotions, but affected the feeling of urgency and anticipation in his heart and wanted to meet Virgo.

Just right!

In the past few days, his strength has improved a lot, but he always can't find a benchmark that can measure the progress of his own strength.

Originally, this benchmark was a ghost spider!

But now the ghost spider-man has run away.

Yanagawa sighed deeply.

Didn't think about it.

A ghost spider is gone, but a virgo is here!

Virgo, known as the strongest cadre of the Don Quixote family!

This naturally made Yanagawa look forward to the moment when he met the other party.

"If you kill Virgo, this Doflamingo guy will be very angry, right?"

"At that time, even if you don't hesitate to give up the matter of capturing Dressrosa at hand, you will rush to the East China Sea to deal with me? This is not impossible. "

"Of course, when Doflamingo really rushed from the New World to the Great Sea, and even to the East Sea. What realm has my strength reached? "

Yanagawa's eyes narrowed slightly.

There's no denying it.

Now he does not have the strength qualifications to compete with Doflamingo.

But after a while, that's not certain.

With the current speed of Liu Chuan's strength increase, that incredible strength is rapidly leaping forward every minute.

This gave Yanagawa a premonition.

The day of competing with Doflamingo is getting closer!

The atmosphere of the pub is still noisy and lively.

Located at the front desk.

Jax and Alice were terrified, looking at Yanagawa in front of them with a flattering look and their expressions constantly changing, but they did not dare to disturb each other's thoughts out loud.

But Jax can speculate.

Yanagawa's mood ups and downs must have been caused by Virgo, the rear admiral.

"Thank you for the news, I didn't expect it. Their hands and feet will be so quick to sweep through the town of Rogue and find you. "

Yanagawa came back to his senses and thanked Jax with a serious face.

Speaking up.

Virgo didn't get angry and mutilate the entire tavern, which was beyond Yanagawa's expectations.

Put it this way.

Virgo is also a lover.

At least.

He did not anger Jax Tavern because of Yanagawa.

In other words, in Virgo's eyes, Jax Tavern is not very connected to Yanagawa. I came here to ask for news, just because in Rogue Town, everyone knows that the news and intelligence of Jax Tavern is very outstanding.

"We are honored to help you, adults."

Jax quickly lowered his head and spoke humbly.

"If it weren't for your message, I wouldn't have known that I had been targeted. All in all, next time you get stuck, don't hesitate to contact me and I'll do my best to help you do what you want to do. "

"Two things!"

"I can do two things for you!"

Yanagawa patted Jax on the shoulder, his tone serious.

"Thank you, my lord."

Jax was thrilled.

To get Yanagawa's promise, this value is simply too high!

The promise of a 300 million monster, Jax certainly knows how much it has to be worth!

Not to mention...

This is still two promises!

In a nutshell.

Jax felt that from today onwards, he really didn't need to worry about anything in the East China Sea. Having two promises from this adult is enough to get Jax through any difficult time.

This is seen as...

Two life saving charms!

It is precisely when I think of this that Jax seems so excited and excited.

The promise from 300 million monsters can not be sought!

But Jax was given two promises.

His mood at the moment is indescribable.

The two promises of the 300 million monster Red Flame Sword Hao are incalculably valuable!


Jax felt that with these two promises, it was not a problem for him to walk sideways in the East China Sea!

Who dares to mess with him?

Of course.

If it weren't for the last resort, Jax wouldn't be able to make these two promises. Only when it comes to life and death will he choose to consider using it.

These two promises are really too valuable.

It's normal that Jax doesn't want to use it.

It's like two death-free gold medals, allowing him to sit back and relax in the East China Sea without worrying about the rest of the troublesome things threatening him.

"Alice, bartending for adults."

Jax hurriedly ordered with a straight face.

"Yes, Mr. Jax."

Alice took out the precious wine and prepared it, and quickly presented it to Yanagawa, containing crimson wine flowing in the crystal glass, which seemed to be like bright red blood eyes.

The mellow aroma of wine flows slowly in the air.

Lift the wine glass, take a sip, and feel the mellow wine in your mouth.

Yanagawa is still thinking.

Although he had just returned to Rogue Town, if nothing else, the news of his return to Rogue Town had swept every street corner in Rogue Town.


Virgo must have learned about his return to Rogue Town.

"This means..."

"If my expectations are correct, Virgo should be on his way to Jax's Tavern right now. His purpose is to kill me, so as to establish absolute power for the Don Quixote family, a power that cannot be questioned by the sea! "

"I have touched the majesty of the Don Quixote family, and their entire family will definitely put the task of killing me in the first place in their hearts."

"As a lot of news spread about myself."

"It's predictable, in less than ten minutes..."

"Virgo, come to Jax Tavern!"

Yanagawa can make an accurate judgment about this in his heart.

Ten minutes!

Virgo, you're sure to find Jax Tavern.

Other words.

There were only ten minutes left before the next battle.

Even, shorter!

Perhaps, in five minutes, Virgo will be in this area.

"If a fight breaks out here, it will seriously damage this tavern. This is where I live for a few days, and if I suffer damage because of this, it is unreasonable. "

Think of this.

Yanagawa got up from his seat, waved at Jax and Alice, said goodbye to the two, and walked out of the tavern door step by step.

Watching Yanagawa's back leave.

Jax looked particularly respectful: "Sir, you go slowly." "

This scene.

Unreservedly, it fell into the eyes of many pirates and murderers in the tavern, making their expressions particularly shocked and shocked.


What's the situation?!

This is still the old man in their impression of Jax who does not smile and has a stinky face all day?!

That's not right!

Jax, this old man, would show such a humble and respectful gesture to a person?

This is diametrically opposed to their impression of Jax!

The Jax in their minds is a very powerful old man, and his power in Rogue Town is as powerful as the navy!

That's exactly why.

In the tavern, no matter how daring they were, they did not dare to fight here easily.

All this is forced by the majesty of Jax!

But today.

Just now.

What did they see?!

Jax, this old man, actually respects a teenager?

This completely refreshed their deep understanding of Jax.

Things have become bizarre!

Very weird!

Let this noisy and lively pub suddenly become exceptionally quiet!


In the crowd, a voice full of horror and suspicion came out: "I remember the one that Jax this old man sent away respectfully just now." "

"It seems to be..."

"A boy in white?"

As soon as the words came out.

The atmosphere here is even more dead!

Boy in white?!

Are you sure?!

This moment.

All of them, without exception, had the figure of an extremely terrifying boy in white in their minds.


In recent days, many things have happened here at Jax Tavern.

All the hideous-looking pirates and murderers present had the same expressions that became frightened, shocked, and shocked.

Visible to the naked eye.

Their rosy faces turned pale and seemingly bloodless.

"I heard."

"Jax, this old man, has a lot to do with that adult?!"

"Isn't this just a rumor, but true?!"

"The adult, it seems, had appeared at Jax's Tavern just a few days ago. Moreover, it seems that he has lived here for a while. "

"That means ..."

"What we just saw, isn't it a coincidence? Not by chance? "

Speaking of which.

Everyone's lips trembled, and their faces were pale and bloodless.

Their powerful bodies and tiger backs, but at this moment, they only felt a piercing chill sweeping through every cell of their bodies.

Let them subconsciously uncontrollable and begin to tremble.

"Can make Jax, an old man, treat him so respectfully."

"And it's a teenager in white!"

"Fits all these characteristics!"

"I think I can only summarize it with one conclusion."

A pirate with a hideous centipede-like scar on his face, an ugly and vicious face, his eyes were wide and round, and his eyes could not hide the deep fear.


Fear directly and irrepressibly appeared on his ugly face.

His face no longer looks fierce, but looks like a terrified kitten, giving people a very cowardly sense of déjà vu.

"The boy in white we saw just now."

"He's the taboo!"

"Our taboo in the East China Sea!"

"A terrifying big monster that has been rewarded up to 300 million berry, Red Flame Sword Hao!"

"It must be him, there will be no mistake!"

"Only this explanation can prove why Jax, an old man, would treat a teenager with such a fearful and respectful attitude."

"That lord, silently, descended on this tavern where we were?!"

Many vicious pirates were creepy and shuddered.

In the eyes of ordinary people.

They are fierce executioners, ruthless and terrible monsters!

But when facing that 300 million monster!

They appear fragile, as small as ants.

A hierarchical gap due to living species!

"That is."

"Just now, a 300 million monster stood beside us? And we, even from beginning to end, did not notice this matter ?! "

"Oh my God!"

"Have we already bounced around the edge of the ghost gate?"

"It's okay, it's good that I didn't take the initiative to cause trouble today. Otherwise, if I accidentally provoke the person just now, wouldn't I have to die without the rhythm of a corpse?! "

"It's terrible, a 300 million monster appeared in front of me just now. Looking back now, I feel a burst of horror! "

A group of vicious pirates shivered.

A pirate held a trembling tone and looked at Jax: "Old man Jax, who left the tavern just now, who is he?" "

In the bottom of their hearts, there is still a wisp of luck.

"Who is he?"

Seeing a group of vicious pirates showing a look of trepidation.

Jax was at the front desk, the action of wiping the wine glass came to an abrupt end, and he raised his head to face the group of pirates, with an expression of emotion and awe on his face.

This is......

Awe and compliments from the heart!

And not only, just the hypocritical decoration of appearance.

Treating Liu Chuan, Jax really worships and awe from the heart!

Face this group of trembling terrified visitors.

Jax finally told the truth.

"Didn't you actually guess that? It's just that you can't believe it, and you don't want to believe what you guessed. "

"In that case, I can give you an accurate answer."

"The one who left the tavern just now, he is..."

"One person stepped on the taboo of countless sword masters in the entire East China Sea!"

"He, as a majestic mountain, blocks the road ahead of all Jianhao. Let countless sword masters in the East China Sea only look up at this majestic and insurmountable mountain. "

"In the East China Sea, there is only one sword hao, and there is only one top sword hao recognized by everyone's minds!"

"He is the only one who rules the entire East China Sea for an era of terrifying swordsmanship!"

"It is also regarded as an absolutely taboo existence by countless people in the East China Sea!"

"A terrifying big monster with a bounty of up to 300 million berry..."

"Red Flame Sword Hao Liu Chuan!"

As Jax's words just fell.


In the inevitable.

The whole tavern was instantly detonated!

"Sure enough, it's him!"

"It's really the one..."

This group of fierce gods and evil gods on weekdays, burning and killing pirates and murderers who plundered all kinds of evil.

Right at the same time.

The fear in their hearts was fully ignited by Jax's words!

The fire of fear burns from the depths of the heart.

In an instant, every cell in their bodies was filled!

Let their bodies be completely dominated by this thick fear!

You can see.

The group of vicious pirates in the tavern showed a cowardly like a sheep, hugged their bodies, stood up with sweat, and shivered on their seats.

Hot day.

But they made them feel an endless biting cold, rushing from all directions and sweeping their bodies.

Let them break out in a cold sweat and soon soak their clothes.

It has to be said.

A group of tiger-backed and bear-waisted, hideous and fierce-looking pirates, but they showed fear and cowardice, and hugged their bodies trembling.

This is true and subverts the style of painting here.

Also overturned...

People's perception of pirates!

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