The atmosphere is silent!


The majestic aura of slaughter rose up in the sky, enveloping this side in the air. Let the atmosphere here seem to form a dim shadow, bringing an endless sense of oppression to people's hearts.

Wave after wave of terrifying momentum, like a tidal wave, was released from Virgo's body and rushed in all directions, taking on the form of a sea current, shrouding Yanagawa's body.


Imposing as a rainbow!

Virgo is like a fierce beast, all over his body exudes extremely surging and terrifying killing intent and ferocity, wild outflow, filling all directions.

He was more like a poisonous snake, staring at Liu Chuan in front of him with cold and murderous eyes, his gaze did not blink, and he never moved.

Waiting for the opportunity to launch an attack!

The air temperature here plummets, and the chill sweeps over the heart.

Even though the golden sunlight fell from the sky, it still could not dispel the icy chill that lingered in the air in this area, and the piercing coldness of murderous aura filled the audience.


Heart-piercing cold!

Both sides, saber rattling!

A battle is about to explode!

"What a terrifying momentum!"

Yanagawa's eyes narrowed slightly, quietly looking at Virgo in front of him.

It can be clearly seen.

Virgo's fists were already covered with a layer of dark red armed-colored armor, as if they had put armor gloves on their fists.

In addition to the fist, even the entire arm was spread by armed colored armor.

Exudes a fierce momentum!

Look, indestructible!

Even the halo of light at the edge of the sky shone down, reflecting a dazzling flicker.

The momentum emanating from Virgo is very majestic and majestic.

Also shown on the side.

Virgo's strength, very strong!

Far beyond this stage of the rear admiral of the navy headquarters, it is much stronger than the rear admiral named Kadaru that Yanagawa met last time.

The two cannot be compared at all.

From the strength alone, it gives people a sense of déjà vu that completely belongs to two species.

"He is worthy of being the strongest cadre of the Don Quixote family."

"Your strength is really powerful, which surprised me a little."

Yanagawa looked emotional.

From his face, he could not catch any timid and apprehensive emotional waves.

Virgo is very strong, you can't doubt it.

But Yanagawa is weak?


Yanagawa, stronger!

Even in the face of Virgo in front of him, the momentum and coercion that was frantically released like a fierce beast, but it still could not affect Liu Chuan's mentality.

The momentum derived from Virgo constantly impacted Yanagawa's body.

But all this.

None of them can affect Yanagawa.

Virgo's momentum is very majestic, but for this momentum, Yanagawa will not have any abnormal mood swings at all, and will only get used to it.

If you can't even resist this momentum.

That a few days ago.

Isn't his battle with the Vice Admiral Ghost Spider of the Navy Headquarters a joke?!

As for comparing the ghost spider with the virgo in front of you?

For now.

Yanagawa couldn't judge yet.

Which of the two can be better.

But the virgo in front of him is definitely not weak!

Yanagawa can be sure of this.

Just with this majestic and majestic momentum, it is enough to show Virgo's strength, which is by no means such a simple answer as the strength of his so-called rear admiral.

But think about it.

Since Virgo can be called the strongest cadre of the Don Quixote family, it seems that it is not so difficult to accept this terrible strength.

"Do you feel it?"

"Don Quixote family, it's not for you to provoke!"

"A big monster with a reward of 300 million?"

"Perhaps, you really have extraordinary strength and ability. But, so what? Do you really think I'm just an ordinary rear admiral? "

"Then you are very wrong!"

"Diamanti was surprised by you. But if I think about it, if it were me, I could do it too! "

"The strength you are proud of, in front of me, may not be worth mentioning at all!"

Virgo's tone was cold and murderous.

He said so much, just one thought.

Kill Yanagawa in front of you!

Otherwise, the words he said today would get out.

The impact on the Don Quixote family is too great!

For now, the Navy doesn't know that he was an undercover agent installed by the Don Quixote family. If the people in the navy are aware of this, he will have to suffer a terrible fate.

Together with the Don Quixote family, it is very likely that they will suffer a painful blow from the navy.

As for whether he will be removed from the qualification of Qi Wuhai?

This is not something that Virgo could have imagined.

All in all.

Virgo decided in his heart that today he would do whatever it took to eradicate Yanagawa in front of him.

This is the way to do it once and for all!

It is also a way to ensure that the majesty of the Don Quixote family will not suffer more people in the New World and the Great Seaway.

Now the Don Quixote family has been disgraced!

And what Virgo has to do is turn the tide!

Solve the root cause of the disgrace of the Don Quixote family, so that you can achieve the effect of killing chickens and monkeys, so that everyone can watch it well, and offend their Don Quixote family at a terrible price.

If not.

Isn't it possible that a random person from the sea can pinch their Don Quixote family?

When they are what?

Is it a soft persimmon?


Their Don Quixote family, but they are behemoths that want to dominate the entire underground world of the Great Passage!

How can you allow the majesty of the family to be humiliated!

The underground world that dominates the Great Passage is just the beginning.

The new world is the biggest goal of the Don Quixote family!

"Young Lord, but to become the existence of One Piece!"

"So today, even if I spare my life, I must solve you."

"In order for the young lord to be better, seize Dressrosa, establish an absolute ruling regime, and gain a more stable foothold in the new world!"

"Red Flame Sword Hao, your death is inevitable!"

"If you don't die, it will be difficult for the young lord to start a war to take Dressrosa. Without the capture of Dressrosa, it is impossible to establish an absolute kingdom, let alone expand the power group of the Don Quixote family. "

"You, you are the one who stands in the best interests of the family!"

"Eradicating you is my biggest goal at the moment!"

Many thoughts fluttered in Virgo's head, clenched his fists, and his body became more majestic and majestic, giving people a more powerful sense of oppression.

Doflamingo has great ambitions!

As a confidant of Doflamingo, of course, he can understand.

His young lord's goal was not only to dominate the great passages, but to dominate the new world. There will even be a day when he competes with the Four Emperors.

This is the direction that Doflamingo is chasing.

Available today.

In the direction of this chase, an obstacle was encountered that blocked Doflamingo's footsteps and also stopped the Don Quixote family's progress.

How to treat?

Only to get rid of it!

Sweep away all obstacles!


"I've come to Rogue!"

"Solve it yourself, Red Flame Sword Hao, you guy who poses a great threat and hindrance to the family."

"I haven't shown my true strength for a long time, and since I lurked in the navy, I have deliberately suppressed my strength for fear of attracting the detection of the navy."

"Let me think about it, how long has it been since I seriously faced a fight?"

"A year? Two years? Three years? "

"It's been too long, I can't remember it myself!"

Virgo's eyes flashed coldly.

But today!

He can be fully released!

No need to suppress your own strength anymore!

He can do everything he can, at any cost, even at the risk of revealing his identity. No matter what, we must remove this huge obstacle in front of us for the family!

That's what Virgo has in mind.

Loyal to the Don Quixote family, rewarded with the highest loyalty, and always followed the young lord Doflamingo.

This was many years ago.

The truth that Virgo had identified in his heart.

Armed colors...

All over Virgo's arms.

Not only did it cover his fists, but even his arms were wrapped in a layer of dark red armed color armor, making his arms appear indestructible, like hard steel, exuding a cold and calm aura.

Virgo's armed color domineering level is very high!

His biggest trick and dependence is the high-intensity armed color he controls!

This is the root of Virgo's own strength.


Then there is the Navy Six to do physical skills, so that Virgo's speed, strength, physical strength and other aspects have reached a very outstanding realm.

With all this as a foundation, combined with Virgo's very high concentration of armed color domineering armor, his strength can be more perfectly displayed.

"Armed color, start!"

Virgo was expressionless and stood less than thirty meters away from Yanagawa.

His waist was straight, and his fierce momentum was released from his body and swept in all directions.


The whole audience was enveloped by the momentum he unleashed.

Virgo is really strong!

Liu Chuan could feel the terrifying momentum and coercion that spread on the other party's body, as well as the fierce aura emitted by the opponent's armed color domineering armor.

All this makes Yanagawa think with certainty.

Virgo, whose strength is far superior to that of ordinary rear admirals of the navy headquarters.

"As the strongest cadre of the Don Quixote family, your strength is indeed very good."

"But ah!"

"All the while, I couldn't figure out a problem."

Yanagawa slowly took out the good knife on his waist.

A sharp blade is placed in front of you.



The monstrous edge, with Liu Chuan itself as the central point, was rapidly released, affecting a radius of hundreds of meters. This area was all covered by the terrifying momentum released by Liu Chuan.

The majestic momentum, like the rough current, is turbulent.

The momentum released by the opposite Virgo produced an extremely terrifying confrontation!

The atmosphere here is even more oppressive.

The depression that makes people's hearts seem to stop beating.

The light blue blade is aimed at Virgo in front of him!

A smile appeared on Yanagawa's face: "Why from the very beginning, I can feel your strong confidence in winning from your tone. "


"I'm very curious to ask."

"What is the reason that gives you the illusion that you can win me steadily?"

The words just fell.

The black armed-colored armor, like black jade, quickly spread from Liu Chuan's arm, all the way to the Liang Kuai knife held in his hand.

Like black ink, it quickly spread from the palm of Yanagawa's hand and from the hilt, towards the tip of the knife at an extremely terrifying speed.

Wisps of enchanting dark purple aura were born out of thin air and quickly wrapped around the blade.

An instant.

Indestructible armed colored armor, completely shrouded in the good knife in hand. The originally light blue blade became pure black, revealing an even more terrifying and majestic edge.

A dark purple aura swirled around the blade...

The breath emitted by the already sharp blade not only brings people a sense of depression, but also contains a sense of fear of unknown and mysterious things.

Under the sun.

Good fast knife chaos, fully covered with armed color armor!

A layer of indestructible armor wrapped the light blue blade of Liang Kuaidao, exuding momentum and oppression, more fierce and more majestic.

Armed color domineering, comprehensive urging!

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