The big war is coming!

The aura of slaughter has erupted in full force!

From the terrifying aura emanating from Virgo's body and the monstrous edge spreading on Yanagawa's body, the two collided with each other extremely violently.


Momentum collapses!

The momentum of both sides has vanished.

The atmosphere is silent!

There is no confrontation between the two terrifying momentum, but the atmosphere here is still extremely depressing.


On the eve of the storm.

All this just now is just the beginning!

It is not far from the real turmoil.

"Can seconds Diamandy, your strength is really not simple!"

Virgo's eyes became solemn and serious, and he did not dare to relax in the slightest.

The terrifying blade unleashed from Yanagawa and the armed colored armor that is currently condensed in the blade in his hand. All this had to be paid attention to by Virgo.

The Red Flame Sword Hao in front of him...

The strength is also very strong!

It was by no means as easy to deal with as he thought!

Vergo can be sure of that.

From the momentum released by a person, it is enough to judge what a person's level of strength is.

And the momentum of Liu Chuan in front of him made Virgo wary.

But, he still doesn't think he'll lose!

Except for their own young master!

Virgo does not think, he will lose to the rest of the pirates of this sea!

Even a big monster with 300 million berries will be no exception!


There was only one thought left in Virgo's mind.



The fighting broke out without warning.


Virgo, who is proficient in the Navy Six Style, instantly uses a very ingenious and strange way to make his body disappear where it was.

Thirty meters away.

In fact, it only takes a moment to get closer!

Next second.

Virgo appeared in front of Yanagawa.


An extremely strong air current, mixed with a strong tearing force, rushed from the front, enveloping Yanagawa's body and blowing his short hair and white clothes.

An instant.

Both, close at hand!

There is already less than half a meter left.

Close up.

Through his sunglasses, Virgo's cold and murderous eyes were fixed on the white-clothed boy holding a blade in front of him.


Focus like never before!

And play twelve-point spirit!

Virgo knew very well that it was not a cat or a dog that he had to deal with.

He is confident that he will not lose!

But it does not mean that he is confident that he can crush and kill Liu Chuan in front of him sharply.

In his opinion, this is not realistic.


Virgo's movements are very crisp, without the slightest hesitation or mercy.


He used his fists covering the color of his arms, and his fists were swift and fierce, aiming at the head of Yanagawa who was close at hand, and smashed down fiercely.

The fist tore through the air and struck Yanagawa with lightning speed.

The distance of 30 meters is instantaneous!

Not to mention...

With a double fist of less than half a meter, the erupting attack instantly descended above the brain door.

Less than a few inches.

And then.

Yanagawa moved.

At this critical moment, the sharp knife covered with black armed color armor in his hand was in the air, and with a terrifying speed that could not be seen by the naked eye, he lifted and blocked it above his head.

Blade, cut through the air.

Speed, much faster than Virgo!

"So fast!"

Virgo's pupils shrank, and his heart sank slightly.

His fist could not be retracted and slammed down hard.


A loud bang.

The sound is harsh!

Like thunder.


Virgo's two fists were blocked by the good fast knife in Yanagawa's hand.

Armed colors and armed colors began to rub.

Like, a meteorite fell and hit the earth!



With the place where the two collided as the central point, an extremely powerful magnetic field air flow erupted, and the terrifying afterflow air flow rapidly spread in all directions.

Click! Click!

The floor tiles under the feet cracked and opened one after another with the impact of the airflow. The cracks are like spider webs, and the cracks spread tens of meters away.

One after another, the traces of cracking quickly spread farther away.

Soil cracking!

The earth is broken!

In the case of more and more cracks, it was hit by the terrifying air flow that collided with the two, resulting in many floor tiles, which were crushed on the spot and turned into fragments that were thrown in all directions with the sweep of the airflow.


The momentum like a sea spreads tens of meters away.

The one closer to the place where both battles were fought.


In an instant, it was cracked and opened by the impact of this terrifying airflow, and the water in the pool overflowed wildly.


The pool was crushed by the aftermath!

The monstrous current, splashing up, flew and slipped in mid-air, infecting the broken and divided soil on this side, flowing into the distance.

In addition to the diffused water flow, there were also many scattered stone fragments, all driven by the air flow generated by this terrifying collision, and they were impacting different places without purpose.


The armed colors of Yanagawa and Virgo constantly rubbed, and the dark red terrifying power like lightning was wrapped around the two colliding.

It makes people feel particularly depressed!

The strange dark red thunder and lightning flashed, and the armed color and the armed color collided around, making the collision between the two more terrifying and oppressive.


The floor tiles under Yanagawa's feet were directly shattered and collapsed, sinking into a half-meter deep pit.

On the opposite side, Virgo, the floor tiles under his feet also shattered.

The power of the two is producing extremely terrifying intertwining and erosion.

"What a great power..."

Yanagawa's eyes flashed, and he looked at Virgo in front of him with a smile.

"It's just a pity..."

"Still not enough!"

"Far from enough!"


Yanagawa exerted his power, and a huge force spread from his arm, making the good fast knife in his hand become sharper, and he slashed upwards.


The huge force hit his fists, and Virgo only felt that his arms were numb, his eyes were full of horror and solemnity, and he stared at Yanagawa in front of him.

was hit by Yanagawa's huge force into both fists, causing Virgo's body to be knocked dozens of meters away by the huge force.

"Moon Step!"

Virgo, who stepped on the moon step, abruptly stopped his upside-down body in mid-air, and landed his feet on the ground very smoothly and smoothly.

Raise your head.

Virgo looked at Yanagawa with a solemn face, and his meticulous face was mixed with a strong vigilance.

He didn't dare to be careless at all!

It was only the first time they collided, but Virgo could already feel it deeply.

Yanagawa in front of you...


Very strong!

Although it was only the first collision, Yanagawa gave Virgo a very powerful momentum oppression.

And the critical moment just now, blocking the attack of his two fists.

At that moment, Yanagawa carried the knife speed!

It made Virgo almost unable to react!

"Diamanti will be killed in seconds..."

"Completely normal!"

"This young man named Red Flame Jianhao has a very terrifying strength. It is impossible to imagine what kind of training he has undergone at this age to have such a terrifying level of strength now. "

Virgo is hard to fathom.

With his experience, he dared not imagine.

Fourteen or fifteen-year-old Liu Chuan, how many tribulations he had gone through in the past to control such a terrifying strength at this stage of such a young face!

It's kind of weird.

At this age, he controls the level of strength beyond his age.

All this shocked Virgo.

"This teenager is extraordinary!"

"Even the young master back then..."

"None can emulate such a terrible feat!"

Virgo came to an even more frightening conclusion.

At that time, Doflamingo, at this age stage in front of Liu Chuan, he never had such a terrifying level of strength as Liu Chuan!

Other words......

"If you divide by the same age."

"Young Lord, it may be far inferior to the Liu Chuan in front of you!"


"Not possible!"

"It's definitely!"

Virgo's throat was dry and his face was a little horrified.

That's the young master of their Don Quixote family!

The man who will become One Piece in the future!

But Virgo had this strange and terrifying idea that at this moment, his own young master must be far inferior to Liu Chuan in front of him at the same age.



This must be an illusion!

Virgo forcibly suppressed these thoughts in his head.

All the while, he couldn't understand it.

This Red Flame Sword Hao in front of him seems to be a little too strong!

It is already seriously beyond the scope of common sense!

At this age, the other party has mastered a good sword art attainment, as well as a very pure and skilled armed color domineering. All this subverted Virgo's cognition.

Just a brief collision.

Virgo felt the domineering color of the armed color on the blade of Yanagawa blade.

The opponent's armed color level...

Most likely, above him!

What a shocking thing this is!

Virgo was on the verge of doubting life.

What he is most proud of, in addition to the six styles of the physical navy, is the domineering nature of arming, which is the most fundamental reason for his strong strength.


The young boy in front of him, at such a grade, already had a higher-level armed color above him?!

How is this possible?!


The cognition in Virgo's head was overturned by the brief confrontation just now!

The terrifying level of Yanagawa's strength was far beyond Virgo's understanding, so he never expected that the goal of this trip would be so tricky!

Now he understood.

Diamanti and the two were seconded, which is simply normal.

The enemy you face is too strong!

Rao is Virgo, and the strong self-confidence rooted in his heart at this moment has gradually been violently shaken.

I thought.

This stop, the victory is in hand!

I wouldn't have expected it.

With a brief collision and confrontation, Virgo suddenly woke up.

In this battle, it is really impossible to say who wins and who loses!

This is the moment.

Virgo no longer had the idea of victory, he was in a low mood, staring at Liu Chuan deadly, not daring to be careless, let alone relaxing, full attention, and his spirit was tense.

Like a great enemy!

The Liu Chuan in front of him has given Virgo extremely great pressure!

The brief collision was enough for Virgo to be cautious and not dare to have any reservations.

"Even my armed color level is far inferior to this boy in front of me!"

"What kind of monster is he?!"

"At such an age, I have mastered an armed color that is higher than mine!"

"This is logically impossible!"

"But the truth is that it happened right in front of you..."

If it weren't for his own experience, Virgo certainly couldn't accept it.

A fourteen or fifteen-year-old boy controls an armed domineering level that is actually higher than him, the strongest cadre of the Don Quixote family!

This is completely counterintuitive.

It also gave Virgo's mentality some signs of collapse.

It's unbelievable!

A teenager with a higher armed color level than him!

This is especially the beginning of cultivating armed colors in the womb, and it is impossible to reach such a deep attainment at this age!

What happened in front of him gradually brought Virgo's worldview to the fate of collapse.

"What the hell is this..."

"A monster that came out of nowhere!"

Virgo's throat was dry, and the eyes hidden under the sunglasses were filled with deep horror and horror, which was difficult to hide, let alone contain.

Diamanti they were killed in seconds, not completely unreasonable.

First collision.

It made Virgo deeply understand.

Diamanti they would be seconds at the time, not Diamanti they were too weak.

And purely just...

They encountered an extremely terrifying monster!

An out-and-out freak, an outlier!


Virgo's hands were still numb by the blades of Yanagawa's armed colored armor just now.

The first collision with Yanagawa , Yanagawa's blade covered with armed color armor, really brought a lot of influence to Virgo.

Although it didn't hurt Virgo, it at least made Virgo understand.

The armed color level he was carrying was far inferior to the armed color of Liu Chuan in front of him!

This incredible thing happened right in front of him, and Virgo did not allow any skepticism.

He can only choose to accept!


The facts are right in front of you.

"Except for the armed color domineering level is very high."

"His swordsmanship attainment is also very outstanding!"

"In particular, the terrifying speed generated at the moment of swinging the sword. Even I couldn't see it clearly just now, let alone capture the trajectory of the attack that the blade in his hand slashed through! "

"If that stab is not aimed at my fists, but at my head..."

Think of this.

Virgo's hair suddenly stood upright, and the expression on his face began to change wildly.

Such a young age stage.

Not only does he control a very high-level armed color domineering!

Even the level of swordsmanship is even more pure!

For this presence.

Virgo can only be described in two words...


The boy in front of him is a complete freak and an outlier!

This moment.

Yanagawa went very smoothly and became a terrible monster in Virgo's mind that subverted his own cognitive outlook!

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