Only the first confrontation, but it was enough to make Virgo feel deeply.

The Liu Chuan in front of him is by no means a good stubble!

It is not the kind of weak stream he has encountered in the past, but a monster with very terrifying strength.

A genius who is not only terrifying in strength, but also has otherworldly talent potential!

If not here in Rogue today, a brief collision broke out with Yanagawa. Virgo certainly couldn't imagine it. In this sea, there are even freaks of this level!

It's horrifying!

It's incredible!

Until now.

Virgo's mood was still difficult to calm down.

The more I think about it, the more my heart jumps!

"This ghost place in the East China Sea..."

"How could an outlier of this level come out!"

This is not scientific at all!

Virgo's heart has countless confusions and questions, but none of them can be answered.

No one can give him an accurate answer!

After colliding with Yanagawa, even though his hands were covered with a layer of dark red armed color armor. But without exception, his hands are still a little numb.

Armed color armor, as if it had lost its effect!

But actually, Virgo knew it in his heart.

It's not that armed colors have lost their role.

And purely just, the opponent's armed color level is higher than his!


When two armed colors collide, those with lower armed color levels will show their disadvantage.

No doubt!

The collision with Yanagawa just now, Virgo was at an absolute disadvantage!

His armed color could not give him the capital to truly shake the good knife in Yanagawa's hand.

To know.

Armed color and armed color are also fundamentally different!

Compared to Yanagawa's armed color strength, Virgo's heart became heavier and heavier.

"His armed color is obviously more than a star and a half higher than mine."

The conclusion that Virgo reached in his heart made his mood become more and more depressed and heavy.

Gloomy emotions lingered in his heart.

This enemy is more powerful than ever!

It is also Virgo who believes that among the enemies he has encountered over the years, his strength can be at the forefront!

The most terrifying thing is...

This is a teenager!

Young teenager!

But he already has the strength that even he Virgo, the rear admiral of the Navy headquarters, and the strongest cadre of the Don Quixote family, is difficult to shake.

This is the main reason why Virgo is deeply terrified.

"Our Don Quixote family..."

"What a terrifying monster you provoked this time!"

Virgo's throat was dry, his mood was low, and his eyes became particularly depressed.

A moment ago.

He still maintains a winning mentality.

But in the next second, after the real battle broke out with Yanagawa, Virgo's inner confidence cracked inches, collapsed, and disappeared in an instant.


Virgo is also unsure whether he can take down Yanagawa in front of him.

Yanagawa is too strong!

The level of the armed color, coupled with the extremely terrifying swordsmanship attainment, as well as his own physical fitness and other aspects, all made Virgo feel pressure.

"If it's just that the level of armed color domineering is higher than mine!"

"He can also master a pure sword art mastery. These two points alone are not enough, this monster, his physical fitness, strength, speed and other aspects, are almost impeccable! "

"This is a full-fledged enemy!"

"A freak who fully develops his potential!"

"The point is..."

"Even if he is fully developed, he still maintains a level of proficiency in everything. This is the most bizarre thing! "

"It doesn't make sense."

"Even if he starts to contact cultivation from his mother's womb, it is always impossible to disperse his energy to comprehensive cultivation, but he has never left anything behind."

"It's very wrong and it's unscientific."

Virgo's mood set off ripples like huge waves, and wave after wave crashed, making his violent mood completely unable to be calmed.

It's terrifying!

The monster in front of him subverted Virgo's worldview in almost all aspects.

It also made him really understand at this moment.


This sea really has such a terrifying genius!

A genius as terrifying as a monster!

Virgo suddenly panicked.

Because, even he didn't know what a terrible monster and alien their Don Quixote family had provoked this time!

The talent potential of this monster is almost subverting cognition!

"This time, it is very likely that it will be a disaster for our Don Quixote family..."

"A huge disaster!"

"Although he is just an enemy, this enemy has unimaginable talent potential. In time, his achievements will be limitless! "

"And obviously, now our Don Quixote family has been fully immortal with this existence, and the grudge has reached the point where it cannot be resolved!"

Virgo's lips trembled.

He couldn't conceive.

If you let this level of monster continue to grow. Their Don Quixote family, what a terrifying turmoil they will encounter at that time!

Get one’s dander up!


Rao was frightened by the many thoughts that were currently coming to his head with his calm heart.

Big trouble!

Virgo had a very strong premonition in his heart.

If they allow the growth of this monster in front of them, in the end, the other party will definitely become a terrifying nightmare for their entire Don Quixote family!

"If it's this monster's innate potential, he can definitely do it."

"It's just a matter of time!"

"Young Lord..."

"Our Don Quixote family, it seems that this time really provoked a terrible existence!"


"Obviously, he took the initiative to provoke us, and we just passively fought back."

But now Virgo also understands.

It is completely pointless to dwell on these and put aside all grievances and contradictions.

In a nutshell.

Their Don Quixote family has been targeted by a terrifying monster with unlimited potential. This monster even has the potential to grow into the top giant of the sea in the future.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, but had collided with the other party in person, Virgo certainly couldn't believe it!

But the truth happened before his eyes.

See for yourself!

How can this be wrong?

Virgo has a lot of experience, and he can't miscalculate a person's talent potential.

Not to mention...

The example in front of you is still so intuitive!

A freak of fourteen or fifteen years old who possessed such terrorist forces.

Even if he is blind, he can see that Liu Chuan in front of him will definitely become a top existence with very terrifying strength in the future!

"Young Lord, it must be hard for you to imagine..."

"This culprit who provoked our Don Quixote family, his strength is not only extremely terrifying. Moreover, his talent is even far above you back then! "

Virgo wanted to cry without tears.

He didn't want to admit it, but he had to.

Doflamingo back then, at this age, could not catch up with Yanagawa in front of him.

The gap is really too big!

Very obvious gap!

Doflamingo was back then, and Yanagawa is now Yanagawa.

Contrast the two.

It can be summed up in the simplest words.

The two are not of the same species at all!

Doflamingo is much inferior!

"Don't say Diamanti, they will be killed in seconds."

"Even me, I was almost killed by this monster just now!"


Virgo recalled the confident state of mind before, and then felt the current situation, his expression became bitter and unspeakable.

After the brief exchange just now, he was no longer sure to deal with Liu Chuan in front of him.

Yanagawa in front of you.

Whether it is talent, or strength, or even the proficiency of armed color domineering, and even the level of swordsmanship, etc.

All this crushed Virgo in all aspects!

This suddenly made Virgo feel unconfident in his heart.

300 million monsters!

Sure enough, the name is well deserved!

Virgo originally thought that the 300 million berry was just a gimmick.

But now.

Virgo finally realized deeply.

Three hundred million berry?


That's not just 300 million berry!

The strength and talent of this monster, even if it reaches 400 million berry, is absolutely normal!

"The bounty mistook me!"

Virgo was deeply saddened in his heart.

It was not that he had never seen a pirate of 300 million berry before.

In the New World, although the pirates of 300 million berry are not grassroots, they are definitely quite numerous.

It can be accurate to say that Virgo himself solved alone, and there were more than one or two pirates with a bounty of up to 300 million berry.

It is precisely because of this that Virgo subconsciously thinks.

The Red Flame Sword Hao Liu Chuan was not much different from those pirates with a bounty of 300 million berry that he had encountered in the past.

He didn't have it too easy to deal with.

But as a result, he gave Virgo a loud slap in the face.

Where is 300 million?!

This reward list is clearly used to fool people.

The strength of this monster in front of him is only 300 million berry?

Are you kidding!

"I have single-handedly killed many pirates with a bounty of up to 300 million berry in the New World!"

"I thought that the 300 million sea thief called Red Flame Sword Hao I met this time would be no exception."

"But in the end..."

"There was still an accident that I never dreamed of."

"This monster is definitely more than 300 million!"

"These guys in the navy really want to kill people!"

"This strength is only a reward of 300 million?! If it weren't for this reward list from the Navy, I wouldn't have faced this monster single-handedly without preparation! "

Virgo couldn't help but feel deep resentment towards the Navy.

Atmosphere, oppressive!

The aura of slaughter still pervades all directions.

The ground in this area, because of the terrifying collision that broke out just now, produced a very tearing airflow, which broke through countless cracks similar to spider webs on the ground, all over the corners.



This is the whole picture of the area.

The two of them have just started, but the aftermath they can emit is enough to crush this side of the earth. Let this originally complete land be beaten and devastated and reduced to a ruin.

Who would have thought.

This seemingly messy place was just the aftermath of the terrifying force that erupted at the moment when the two sides briefly clashed.

Sunlight pours down from the skyline and shines on the ground.

A gentle breeze.


After a brief collision with Yanagawa just now, Virgo's arms, the feeling of numbness from the color shock of Yanagawa's arms, gradually began to recover with the passage of time.

But he still didn't dare to act rashly.

Because he understands.

The enemy in front of him is far beyond all the enemies he has encountered in the past!

This is the first time!

When Virgo faced the enemy, he was not sure of victory in the battle.


Virgo felt a huge pressure and rushed to his face.

He understands.

Their Don Quixote family, it seems, was inadvertently targeted by a very terrifying monster.

The key is that this monster with a talent that is already very terrifying. At this age, the strength is already very strong, so that Virgo himself has no confidence to defeat the other party.

As for killing this huge threat in advance?

This kind of statement, that is even more nonsense!

If Virgo is confident now, he can shake Yanagawa in front of him. He would not be so entangled, and he would not dare to act rashly.

If you can fight, you will already fight!

Do you have to wait until now?

The main thing is that I am not confident that I can win!


Virgo's most confident is his high-level armed color!

It's good now.

The monster in front of him has a higher level of armed color than Virgo!

How to fight this?!

And so it goes.

And how to kill the other party in advance?

It is clear that the strength of this monster has taken shape.

Want to kill early, unless Virgo has the ability to go back to when the other party was younger.

But obviously, it only exists in fantasy.

"Armed color..."

"Sword Art!"



"In every aspect, he excelled!"

"But why the hell is that?!"

"At this age, you can really develop in all aspects. And every one, excellent, how the hell did he do it ?! "

"Even if he has more energy and repeatedly cultivates day and night, it is impossible to reach this level at this age!"

Virgo developed deep self-doubt.


Was my worldview wrong in the past?

From Yanagawa's body, Virgo saw many things beyond common sense.


Virgo's worldview is on the verge of collapse.

"The armed color level is higher than mine."

"The key is that even Te's swordsmanship attainment, as well as his instantaneous explosive power, speed, strength, etc., are almost all above me!"

"What kind of strategy should I adopt in the face of this monster?"

Virgo looked dazed.

The first time he encountered this dilemma, he could not think of a reasonable strategic plan.

His head also became a mess, and he was no longer able to think normally calmly.

And all this is undoubtedly caused by the Yanagawa in front of him.

All kinds of terrifying phenomena that happened to Yanagawa caused an extremely huge impact on Virgo's thinking, so that his thinking was a mess.

"Young Lord..."

"Do you dare to believe it?"

"What I encountered was not an ordinary enemy."

"What our Don Quixote family has encountered is a terrible enemy like a monster!"

"If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, you wouldn't have dreamed of it. This young man named Red Flame Jianhao standing in front of me at this moment, what kind of freak and outlier is he! "

"His existence has simply overturned my previous cognition!"

Virgo took a deep breath.

But his mood still could not be completely calmed.

Ponder over.

He suddenly thought.

All that prompted him to face today is the pot of the Navy!

Terrifying monsters like this...

The Navy is actually just offering a reward of 300 million berry?!

Why do you define the danger level of this monster in the range of 300 million berries?!

This kind of behavior is simply ...

Indirect killing!

Push people into the fire pit!

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