As Yanagawa's words just fell.

The atmosphere here is even more spooky!

Virgo froze.

His look of horror became more and more obvious, filling his face, completely unable to conceal it.

The deepest emotional waves in his heart can be captured entirely from his face.




Many emotions filled Virgo's face.

The expression on his face was very wonderful and varied.

Hidden under the sunglasses, his eyes contain a full color of horror, and his eyes are bloodshot, and blood is printed on the pupils.

He stared at Liu Chuan tightly, not daring to move his gaze.


Just now, what the hell did he hear?!

This monster just warmed up?!

How is this possible!

It must be fake!

How could the collision of that degree just now be just a warm-up?

This is obviously counterintuitive.

It also exceeded Virgo's current cognitive view, making his whole head feel as if he had been hit by a heavy object, and his thinking became blank.

At this moment, Virgo's mood was like the waves of the storm, rolling wave after wave, endless streams, turbulence, and completely uncontrollable.

It's horrifying!

What Virgo heard at the moment directly made his worldview face the fate of collapse.

That level of fighting...

It turned out to be just a warm-up?

A little test of the cow knife?

The other party, at all, did not fight seriously from the beginning ?!


Virgo exhaled heavily, but still couldn't control the panic in his heart.

If you say that the monster in front of you just now is just warming up. Then after the other party is serious, how terrifying will the strength reach?


Rao is Virgo, and he dares not imagine that terrifying picture.

Subvert cognition!

Overturned the worldview!

Virgo's mood fluctuated violently and was hard to contain.

"Just warming up is enough to bring me such a comprehensive oppression?!"

"This can't be!"

"It's just a bluff."

"He must have wanted to exhaust my will psychologically. In this way, it will be easier for him to deal with me. "

"How can I fall for his machinations? This kind of psychological tactic, I have been able to master since ten years ago. "

"You want to scare me? That's impossible! "

Virgo forcibly suppressed the throbbing in his heart.

Recall that.

The scene of the collision with Yanagawa just now, the terrifying pressure brought to him by the other party, made Virgo unable to forget the experience of being absolutely dominated by the other party just now.

And this, it's actually just the other party's warm-up?

How can this be accepted by Virgo!

Virgo has done his best.

But at this time, he suddenly told him that the monster that he couldn't stop with all his strength was not serious in the collision that broke out just now, but just warmed up.

This news naturally directly made Virgo deeply frightened and unbelievable.

Calmed the mood a little.

Virgo looked at Yanagawa coldly, his eyes were heavy, but he did not flinch.

He clenched his fists.

The trembling arms gradually improved and recovered as before.

But the stinging pain that came from his fists all the time made Virgo completely unable to ignore.

"Still inflicting injuries on my body through armed colored armor?"

"This monster is too exaggerated!"

Virgo's heart grew heavier.

The more he thought about it, the more gloomy his mood became.


Too strong!

The Yanagawa in front of him gave Virgo an unprecedented sense of oppression.

It is also Virgo's 100% affirmation.

This is the strongest enemy he has encountered in his life!

It is also the most dominant enemy!

The most terrifying and bizarre thing is that...

This enemy is as powerful as a monster.

Actually, it's just a teenager who is only fourteen or fifteen years old!

This is hard for Virgo to imagine.


Virgo never dreamed that an enemy he encountered, although at the age of a teenager, was terrifyingly powerful.

Strong made Virgo feel creepy.

A fourteen or fifteen-year-old boy!

But it has the upper class strength level in the new world.

What is this concept?!

This kind of monster should have existed in rumors.

But today.

Virgo really saw it, and he also had a collision and friction with the other party. Even, in this brief confrontation, Virgo was at an absolute disadvantage.

Can't beat it!

Virgo no longer had the confidence to defeat Yanagawa.

The strength he is most proud of is his outstanding armed domineering. But with the outbreak of collision with Yanagawa today, Virgo discovered a fact that made his mentality collapse.

His proud armed color, facing the Liu Chuan in front of him, was meaningless.


His pride was also severely trampled under the feet of the other party.

High level of armed color?

Excuse me!

Yanagawa's armed color level is higher than his virgo!

Only two encounters, two armed color collisions, this has made Virgo deeply aware.

His greatest pride, his greatest fundamental advantage, no longer exists, and the so-called advantage is even more gone.

Yanagawa's armed color directly crushed Virgo's inner pride.

What is it like when your greatest advantage is trampled under the feet of the enemy?


This is the moment.

Virgo could feel how dire his situation was.

His pride was trampled on fiercely!

His advantage has since disappeared.

This battle made Virgo not know how to proceed.

The biggest advantage is gone.

Armed color, can no longer give Virgo enough confidence to defeat Yanagawa.

Not only did he trample on Virgo's pride, but in other places, he constantly crushed what little self-esteem remained in Virgo's heart.

Armed color!


Physical skills!


In these many aspects, Virgo could not imagine any advantage he had compared with Yanagawa in front of him.

Not at all!

Not the slightest advantage exists.

"Now this monster even told me..."

"This is just the beginning of the warm-up!"

Virgo recalled Yanagawa's remarks just now, and his hair couldn't help but stand upright.


It won't!

This must be a bluff!

But, is it necessary?

The other party is obviously already in an absolute advantage, is it really necessary to break his own mentality?

Like, seeming, perhaps...

There is no need for this!

It's pure, it's just a move!

Think of this.

Virgo's mind became confused.

So that means ...

What the other party said just now is most likely true?!

But this, how is it possible?!

They all showed that terrifying strength, how could it be just a warm-up?

All in all.

In any case, Virgo could not accept that Yanagawa was just warming up just now.

"It must be fake!"

"That's right!"

Virgo clenched his fists and began to comfort himself in his heart.

He stared at Liu Chuan in front of him, gritting his teeth, his face slightly pale, but he still had no intention of retreating.

He came here today with the idea of never backing down.

The current situation does not allow him to retreat!

He can only fight!

That's the only thing Virgo can do.

Although understand that the enemy in front of you is invincible. Much stronger than the enemies he had encountered in the past!

But Virgo, there is no way back.

Since the moment he took the initiative to expose his identity as a Don Quixote family cadre in front of Yanagawa. In front of Virgo, the only thing in front of him is to defeat and kill Yanagawa, or to be killed by the other party.

These two roads are the only two roads left in Virgo!

Under the sun.

A golden halo of light spilled from the edge of the sky.

Warmth fills the air.

But here is full of killing intent and forest coldness, causing the temperature of the air to plummet. Being in this area, you can feel the biting cold.

Lift the quick knife in your hand.

Yanagawa looked at the tense Virgo with a smile: "Looking at your appearance, it seems that you can't believe it?" But it's normal. For you, all this experience today has undoubtedly turned your inner cognitive outlook! "

The black armed color armor is firmly solidified in the sharp blade, and the momentum it exudes is more obvious and fierce, bringing endless coercion.

The monstrous edge rose into the sky and spread in all directions.

Blade, aim at Virgo in front!

"Okay, next."

"I'm going to get serious."

"Are you ready?"

Yanagawa's eyes narrowed slightly.

All over the body, exuding an extremely surging momentum, it swept the body of Virgo in front of him, making the latter's body seem to be pressed by stones on his shoulders, and his figure became a little dull.

Compared to the previous moment.

Yanagawa's momentum has become even more terrifying!

Like a beast that is ready to attack and has been brewing for a long time!

All-round, giving Virgo an endless sense of crisis.

It's like...

From all directions, all of them are full of great threats to his life!

"Momentum, even more terrifying!"

"Red Flame Sword Hao..."

"This monster!"

Virgo's spirit tensed, his fists clenched, and his armed colored armor covered above his fists.

Only in this way can it give him a little comfort.

Fighting, erupting silently.

Without warning!

Yanagawa struck.

The good fast knife covered with armed colored armor was held tightly in his hand.

Next second.


The earth is shattered.

The many cracks that broke open directly caused the soil to collapse into two deep pits.

The air flow bursts!

The sound of breaking the air is shrill and circulating!

At the same time.

Yanagawa's figure cuts through the sky.

In an instant, he arrived in front of Virgo.

This one is much faster than just now!


Virgo couldn't react!

He could only subconsciously feel that a rushing air flow blew his hair and face, making him widen his eyes and look dead in front of him.

This figure in white seems to appear out of thin air!


It's getting closer!

Close up.

Virgo could clearly see the flickering cold light emitted by Yanagawa's sharp blade, as well as the strange flow of dark red demon gas wrapped around the blade.

An overwhelming sense of oppression swept through Virgo's body.

Make his body stiff.

I can only watch.

The sharp blade covered with armed colored armor that was close at hand slammed down.


Too fast to react!

Virgo's eyes widened, and his mood was set off in waves of huge waves.

So strong!

So fast!

This speed is obviously much faster than the two short encounters just now!

"That is to say..."

"This monster, from the very beginning, did not lie?!"

"What he just said is true?!"

"Just now, he really just warmed up?"

"Now he..."

"Is it getting into a serious state?!"

Many thoughts surged in Virgo's head, impacting his mind, making his thinking directly fall into a blank, unable to extricate himself.

This moment.

Faced with this terrible attack by Yanagawa .

Let Virgo gradually begin to believe.

He believed it.

Yanagawa's remarks just now.

What the other party said is not a lie!

Not even the so-called bluff.

Because, there is no need for this at all!

The two times the other party collided with him just now, the two brief encounters that broke his mentality, and even the two encounters that shattered his inner confidence.

It's like.

Just for warming up!

This is terrifying to the world!

"I was just warming up, but two successive encounters shattered the confidence I had left in my heart. This monster, how strong is his true strength! "

"At this age..."

"How could he possibly control such a terrifying power?!"

"This is by no means relying on the power of the Devil Fruit, but purely tapping the potential power of his body!"

"Regardless of the color of weapons, or swordsmanship, physical skills, speed, etc., these cannot be brought about by the Devil Fruit. It is the result of his steady and steady self-training every day! "

"But this is also unreasonable!"

"Even if he has been exposed to these cultivation methods since he was born in his mother's womb, he will not be able to reach a realm that I can't even reach at this age!"

"But the facts..."

"It's happening right in front of you!"

"Red Flame Sword Hao, he is really a terrifying monster that subverts cognition!"

Many terrifying thoughts spread wildly from Virgo's mind.

As a result...

He doubted life on the spot!

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