The worldview has collapsed!

Virgo's worldview is facing collapse with the attack at hand.

The other party did not lie from the beginning!

As for the bluff?

This is even more of a joke!

Is it necessary for the other party to bluff?

When I feel it, the majestic sense of oppression that swept through my heart.

Let Virgo draw conclusions in his heart.

No need!

The strength of the other party, there is no need to bluff at all!


All that he had just made up in his brain was just a reason and excuse for his self-comfort. When faced with the facts, all these excuses for self-comfort will come to naught.

"This monster, it was really just a warm-up just now..."


"When he gets into a serious state, how strong is he?"

Virgo's lips trembled, and he felt great horror in his heart.

All this does not need answers!

Because, the facts are already at hand.

The blade covered with black armed colored armor had descended less than half a meter in front of Virgo, and even the air was torn apart.

It can be clearly seen up close.

Wrapped around the blade, the wisps of dark red light like thunder and lightning flashed around the blade, dazzling and enchanting, giving people a majestic sense of oppression.


Getting closer!

Virgo smelled the breath of death, close to his eyes, filling his sense of smell.

This is the first time!

For the first time, Virgo felt it so deeply.

Death is at hand.

The soil under his feet had turned into an endless nightmare hell, making him feel like falling into an ice warehouse, and goosebumps were blowing up.


From the heart, it is full of the heart, dominating every cell of the body!

The blade never arrived before.

The terrifying air flow squeezed and had already enveloped Virgo's body, making him only feel that his body was suppressed by a huge stone.

Can't move!

The body is particularly dull!



Even the black sunglasses worn by Virgo endured this terrifying squeeze, and cracks opened one after another, and many cracks spread in the sunglasses.


The sunglasses shattered, turning into countless fragments, and as the air currents rolled, the scattered fragments of the sunglasses were quickly thrown in all directions.

Virgo's terrified eyes were exposed to the sun.

After the sunglasses were torn abruptly, they completely disappeared from his eyes, and there was still a shelf of sunglasses left, still hanging in his ears.

But the lenses have shattered.

Let Virgo's figure look particularly funny and embarrassing.


The extremely terrifying air current, which completely pressed on Virgo's body, blew the white blouse on his body, and the inch of hair was disturbed and curled.

"If you can't stop it..."

"I'll die!"

Faced with Yanagawa's attack, Virgo had an extremely panicked thought in his heart.


Subconsciously, he raised his arms, covered with dark red armed color armor, and was lifted by him with difficulty, trying to block in front of him.



Yanagawa's knife, too fast!

It was so fast that Virgo couldn't react at all, and his body couldn't make any subconscious response.

The sharp blade with armed colored armor, pitch black as jade, reflected the golden halo that spilled from the edge of the sky, tearing the air and cutting through the sky.

The blade had reached the front of Virgo's abdomen.

Fast, unpreventable!

Can't parry!


Virgo's bloodshot pupils stared at the blade's trajectory, but he couldn't react.

The body is not enough to support him to face such a fast knife!

And then.


The good knife was held tightly by Yanagawa in his hand, covering the blade of a layer of armed colored armor, and directly hit Virgo's abdomen with extremely terrifying power.

A dull loud noise.

Accompanied by an extremely terrifying and majestic force, the fast knife in Yanagawa's hand swept through Virgo's abdomen in a comprehensive way, but it quickly spread Virgo's body in an all-round way.


Virgo's eyes widened, his face flushed, blood gushed from his throat, and when he opened his mouth, he spat out a mouthful of pus and blood in mid-air.

Rip and pull!

Virgo's abdomen was directly torn open by the sharp blade, and it was completely torn apart along with his clothes. A hideous scar, blood spilled, quickly spilled on this side.


A tingling sensation that quickly spreads throughout the body.


Virgo subconsciously opened his mouth and roared in pain.

Huge force, transmitting from the abdomen to the body.

Virgo's face turned pale and bloodless at a speed visible to the naked eye.

His entire body, as if hit by a huge heavy object, flew directly backwards hundreds of meters away, and painful injuries filled his abdomen, making him drag his heavy body backwards.



Virgo's heavy body dragged his back, slammed his back into a group of buildings in the distance, and flew hundreds of meters away from the street, shattering all the buildings to pieces.

Click! Click!

One building after another, smashed by Virgo's body, the broken cracks were like spider webs cracking, densely spread over the building walls.

Next second.

The shattered building collapsed with a bang, completely without any reservation, turning into countless broken debris stones, falling from all directions towards the center.


There was a loud noise, deafening, like thunder, hovering in all directions.

In the blink of an eye.

This area has been reduced to a ruins like after a disaster.

Riddled with.


You can see it along where Virgo flies upside down.

A hideous crack hundreds of meters long was completely revealed from the ground, extending all the way to the building group of distant streets.

I saw it.

The buildings beside the street, one after another, endured the terrifying impact of shattering. As Virgo's body collided, the buildings collapsed and turned into debris and piled up above the ruined ground.

Smoke and dust billowed over the area.

Gloomy white clouds hang over the sky, making the atmosphere here seem depressing.



Wolf smoke is everywhere!

This is the whole picture of this entire street at the moment.

Virgo's figure, on the other hand, has disappeared without a trace.

No surprises.

He had been buried completely under the ruined ground with the collapsed building, resulting in his body, broken building remains.

The puffs of smoke caused by him gently fluttered in the air with the breeze.

Let the environment here become very miserable!

Smoke and dust.

The ground is broken!

In the eye!

You can only see the broken face full of holes.

This side of the terrain has been crippled abruptly!

It's not just the heart of the battlefield, it's an empty and spacious square. As the fighting broke out, the impact had spread to the streets on the edge.

The scope of influence is too great!

Or rather...

The aftermath of the outbreak of the battle is too exaggerated!


"It's really unbeaten!"

Yanagawa slowly withdrew the good knife in his hand.

The sharp blade covered with black armed colored armor, stained with bright red blood, slowly flowed on the blade, and fell from the blade to the ground.

As the golden halo falls, the temperature rises here.

Within a few seconds of falling into the broken ground, the blood stains were directly volatilized and completely blended with the soil.

The smell of blood, drifting in the wind.

The pungent and rich smell of blood filled Yanagawa's sense of smell.

A gentle breeze.

Rolling up Yanagawa's clothes, white clothes floated in the air.

And then cooperate.

Yanagawa carried a quick knife in the air.

Make him look spotless and otherworldly!

The battle has been fought so far.

Yanagawa was not even damaged by the corner of his clothes.

Even more exaggerated.

Not only was the clothes not damaged, even the dust was not stained with the white clothes.


On Yanagawa's body, there was not the slightest injury left.

Covered in and unscathed!

On the other hand, Virgo on the opposite side was covered with armed colored armor by Yanagawa, and he tore his abdomen, leaving an incomparably hideous scar.


The body endured the huge impact of Yanagawa's blade, causing Virgo to fly upside down hundreds of meters away, and his body hit countless buildings, shattering the collapse of all these buildings.

The atmosphere suddenly became quiet.

It's as quiet as a deserted place!

It's heartfelt and creepy.

Dead silence!

This broken earth has left a series of dense, spider's web-like cracks, all over the corners of this area.

As the sun shines.

And let the appearance of this devastated site be presented in all aspects in the seriousness of Yanagawa .

"What a sin..."

"I thought it wouldn't affect these buildings outside the street. But I still underestimated the power of my explosion at that moment. "

"The square was also crippled."

"Even these building groups not far from the street have been destroyed one after another!"

"My destructive power is more than I expected."

Yanagawa looked around with emotion.

Except for the place where they are, the streets around them are in ruins. Even the streets further afield, as well as the building clusters, have been seriously affected by their own forces.


As Virgo collided, all of these buildings collapsed, turning into countless pieces of debris, dumped from the sky and vented, turning into ruins one after another.

Not only the empty square in the depths was shattered.

The streets in the vicinity were swept away by the afterglow of the collision just now, resulting in a series of hideous cracks, deeply imprinted in this area.

Less than a few minutes before and after the outbreak of the fighting.

This originally prosperous street and square, one moment ago and the next, the spiritual outlook simply ushered in diametrically opposed changes, earth-shaking changes!

In the originally neat and orderly street, the floor tiles cracked and shattered with the sweep of the airflow, like cracks in the spider's web.

There are also buildings in this area, which were knocked and collapsed by Virgo's body, reduced to ruins, and Virgo's body was buried under the ruined ground.

The first look when you come here.

The most intuitive impression is...



Like a mess after a disaster.

Street corners, buildings, facilities, etc., have all suffered damage to varying degrees.

"It seems that I was careless and overexerted force."

"Everyone in Rogue Town, I'm really sorry!"

"This time, I really didn't mean to."

Yanagawa not only shook his head and laughed.


Another building full of cracks, as the cracks spread out more and more, was no longer able to support, and finally fell to the street next to it.

Countless pieces of debris smashed on the broken ground, and the impact generated in an instant caused these broken stones to sharply cut through the sky and pierce into all surrounding areas.

Many of them hit the place where Yanagawa was standing.

Before approaching, Yanagawa easily crushed these stones into powder with a wave of his hand, and quickly disappeared with the breeze in the air.

Eyes turned.

Yanagawa moved his gaze from the ruined terrain and finally fixed on a ruined ruin directly in front of him.

See and smell, fully urge!

It can be clearly captured.

Virgo, still has vigorous vital signs, but is not dead, let alone in a state of serious injury and dying.

"What an amazing physical fitness!"

"Hit me head-on, and none of them were seriously injured and dying?"

Yanagawa had a smile on his face and whispered to himself in surprise.

Have to admit.

Virgo's vitality is really tenacious enough.

Much better than Smogg!

The aftermath of Smogg's slash being released by Yanagawa was instantaneous.

Virgo, on the other hand, was stabbed head-on, but he was still not seriously injured, resulting in a plummeting of vitality.

This can be seen from here.

Smogg's strength is much inferior to Virgo!

Of course.

Even if Virgo is strong, but in front of Yanagawa.

At best, that's it!

His gaze never moved.

Yanagawa carried a sharp knife covered in armed colored armor, his eyes looked at the ruins where Virgo was buried with interest, and his tone was slightly disappointed.

"Don Quixote family, this is the behemoth that makes the underground world of this sea, countless forces fear and awe it!"

"And Virgo is the strongest cadre of the Don Quixote family!"

"But the result ..."

"That's it?"

"If only to this extent, it would be really disappointing!"

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