The strongest cadre?

It's really a little useless!

Yanagawa quietly looked at the ruins in the distance, with a somewhat disappointed expression on his face.

Virgo, after all, is still not as good as the ghost spider!


Vice Admiral of the Navy headquarters, not everyone can compare it. Even as the strongest cadre of the Don Quixote family, Virgo is not as strong as the ghost spider!

Therefore, in front of Yanagawa, Virgo's strength is fragile!

"Virgo, after all, you still can't give me that sense of oppression like a ghost spider."


"You don't even have the ability to give me the slightest sense of threat."


"It's the reason why my strength has improved greatly in the past few days."

Yanagawa thought to himself.

Its own strength is much stronger than a few days ago!

Not to mention Virgo, even if there is a ghost spider standing in front of him, Yanagawa is confident that he can take the other party down.

Such a comparison seems to be unfair to Virgo!

But even if you put aside the progress of strength in the past few days, Yanagawa a few days ago also has full confidence and certainty to deal with Virgo in front of him!


This so-called name of the strongest cadre of the Don Quixote family still disappointed Yanagawa more than expected.

Virgo is too weak!

The weak are vulnerable!

Yanagawa was only a little serious, and Virgo couldn't stand it.

This made Yanagawa feel bored.

At this point, he felt very bored!

Virgo, he couldn't even feel a threat to Yanagawa.

How does this keep the battle going?

"Well, you are also the strongest cadre of the Don Quixote family!"

"The Don Quixote family is also a behemoth whose prestige spreads throughout this sea."

"And you, as the first person under the young master of the Don Quixote family, Doflamingo, only have this strength. Then I have to say that the Don Quixote family is not as terrible as I thought. "

Yanagawa carried a good knife in the air, whispering to himself.


The strongest cadre of the Don Quixote family?

That's it?

Too weak!

To this extent, Yanagawa couldn't raise the mood to continue entanglement with the other party.

The weak one exceeded Yanagawa's expectations.

Originally, I planned to use Virgo as a benchmark to measure the progress of my own strength. But now it seems that Virgo does not have the qualifications to let Yanagawa measure the progress of his own strength.

"Let's put it this way."

"Or am I overestimating you."

"I also underestimated my own strength..."

"I didn't expect that you couldn't even stop me from being a little more serious!"

"But you probably don't dare to dream of it..."


"Just now, I still haven't entered the most serious state. Just a little serious, you can't stand it, which is really disappointing. "

Yanagawa couldn't help but shake his head.


Even just now, he still didn't really take it seriously.

I didn't expect it.

Virgo, but he couldn't even stop a knife in his state!

So disappointing.

Yanagawa had too high expectations for Virgo, which led to seeing Virgo so weak and unbearable now, and his heart couldn't help but feel a strong sense of disappointment.

Look around.

Environment, broken!

Broken ground streets, densely packed with cracks spread all over the area, spreading further down the streets. You can also see a lot of collapsed soil, directly denting a bottomless perforation.

Both sides of the street.

The broken buildings collapsed, turning into countless stone remains, piling up in a disorderly manner, forming rockeries, and like abandoned garbage dumps, they were so broken that they could not be seen directly.

The change in the streets in this area only happened in just a few minutes.

From a bustling street to today's mess, it was caused in just a few minutes.


It was also caused by the aftermath of the collision between the two.

It has to be said.

It's unimaginable...

What terrifying force would it take to cause such a wreckage in the current street?!

In the air.

The strange smell of dust, like worn-out equipment, blows up the dust that has accumulated for a long time, and the smell is pungent and unpleasant, filling the air on this side.

The scene is like the mess left after the disaster.

Everywhere, broken and broken soil floor tiles can be seen.

Collapsed building complex!

Cracked streets!

Riddled with!

It makes people get goosebumps and creepy.


Blood stains, from the blade in Yanagawa's hand, slipped down and fell above this broken soil.

These are all blood from Virgo!

"Didn't pretend to be dead?"

Yanagawa looked impatiently at the ruins in front of him.

Of course he knew.

Virgo was not killed by him so easily!

Under the full diffusion of sight, it can be captured very clearly. Buried beneath the ruins, Virgona still looks very vibrant.

Although it doesn't have to be in its heyday.

But the current Virgo will not be seriously injured.

As for why the other party is hiding under the ruins?

Yanagawa couldn't figure this out.

He doesn't need to think about that either!


As long as this ruin is destroyed, the other party will have nothing to hide, and the original form will be revealed!

Think of this.


Yanagawa did not hesitate in the slightest.

Lifting the good knife in his hand, the blade covered with black armed color armor slipped from mid-air, tearing the air, and slashed down at an extremely fast speed.

"This knife..."

"Can break through everything!"

The blade cuts through the long sky.

With lightning speed!

The knife flashed!

A wisp of dark purple splashed around, and hovered around the blade, and at the same time produced a stream of red gas, making the good knife in Yanagawa's hand look particularly mysterious and enchanting.

Full of oppression!


The monstrous edge rose into the sky and spread in all directions.

When the blade is cut off.

The dark purple sword qi blended with the dark red gas, and it was forced all the way from the blade to the tip of the knife, as if it had found a catharsis, and it was instantly released.


A crimson slash as dark as ink was released from the blade in Yanagawa's hand and aimed at the broken and disorganized ruins in front of him.

Slash, through the long sky.

Distance of tens of meters.

Instantly, arrived!

The red slash, which contained extremely violent energy, was close at hand and came to the front of the ruins.

Momentum spreads.

Before the slash arrived, the monstrous weather momentum emanated was extremely fierce to crush this place. The turbulent air current, like the waves swept by a storm, washed the whole scene wave after wave.



With the squeeze and influence of the air flow.

Visible to the naked eye.

The ground, split into more obvious cracks, originally only weak cracks, under the impact of the air released by the slash, more exaggerated cracking.



The soil collapses and the earth cracks.

The many debris stones left in the ruins were affected by the terrifying air flow released by the slash. Countless stones were crushed in an instant, turning into dust and dissipating with the wind.

Very intuitive to see.

As the slash is released, the ground shakes more and more frequently. As a result, many stone remains piled up on the ground jumped wildly.

The fissure became more pronounced with the shaking, splitting into a more distant area.

The scene here seems weird and awe-inspiring.

Right in Yanagawa's eyes.

Slash, a frontal hit on that broken and messy ruin.



An earth-shattering loud noise, deafening, like thunder, hovered in all directions.

The terrifying force that exploded instantly with the slash penetrated through the center of the ruins with a width of about forty meters.

And then.


Another shocking sound.


The entire ruins were abruptly split from the center of the area into a terrifying rift several meters wide. And even the earth was shattered abruptly.

The ground cracks!


A hideous crack stretched all the way from the ground to the distance.

Where it passes, everything is shattered!

Even if the ruins were already dilapidated, with this terrifying slash released by Liu Chuan, these broken stones were eroded by a stronger horizontal force.

Instantly, crushed!

Countless wreckage stones, the moment they were affected by the power of the slash.

All of them were merciless, and they were completely crushed into dust.

The hideous cracks in the ground were about several meters deep, from the front of the ruins all the way to the rear of the ruins.

No one can stop it!

Nor is there anything to block it.

All obstacles, in the face of the majestic power of this slashing explosion, seemed extremely fragile and small, and they did not have any resistance at all, so they were crushed and turned into nothing.


A loud noise spread in all directions from this area.

The area with a radius of hundreds of meters was affected by this terrifying turbulent interference.

It's a kind of arguing...

The ground is shaken!

The sky is shattered!

The slash crushed the countless remains of the ruins.

An instant.

The ruins were pierced!

This ruin, like a rockery, was slashed by this terrifying slash released by Yanagawa from the front, running through a hideous and huge hole.

The hole is several meters wide!

The ruined appearance of this ruin looks more and more strange and numbing.

After breaking through the ruins, the power of the slash still did not disappear, but still rushed forward, with the momentum of breaking like a bamboo, almost wanting to destroy everything in the world.




This slash penetrated a terrifying crack that was hundreds of meters long.

From the front of the ruins, through the back of the ruins about two hundred meters farther, the ground was torn abruptly through a hideous gap of up to two hundred meters before gradually subsiding.


There are no bottomless traces, and the terrifying ground cracks that extend for hundreds of meters all the way are hideous and terrifying!

Who dares to imagine.

This such hideous ground crack was actually caused by a slash unleashed by a sword hao?!

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, nine out of nine people would have expressed disbelief.

As the power of the slash dissipates.

The traces of the broken environment and terrain that can remain on this side remain here forever, and shockingly, exposed to the sun.

The many traces on the ground are extremely obvious and profound!

The most outstanding thing is...

A bottomless crack in the ground, stretching hundreds of meters away, the picture is terrifying, making people only feel that their hair stands upright.

It's like.

A wooden plank, as if it had been broken abruptly.

This crack in the ground is like being broken by a huge giant, which will present such a hideous and shocking scene.

Quiet atmosphere.


Deserted and dilapidated streets.

Only Yanagawa stood in this ruined environment, holding a good knife in the air, his eyes were very indifferent looking hundreds of meters ahead.

That one was under the ruins.

Countless stones, crushed alive!

A huge hole runs through the entire ruin.

And the wreckage in the ruins has basically been destroyed by more than half.


Buried under the ruins, Virgo's figure, as the ruins are penetrated, inevitably appears in Yanagawa's line of sight.

Can't keep hiding!

The ruins are all directly pierced!

The object that could cover Virgo's figure just now was the remains of many broken stones in this ruin. But all this, under Yanagawa's sword, was all destroyed.


Virgo's body lay on the collapsed and sunken soil, and he was no longer reserved, exposed to Yanagawa's eyes.

"Finally found you."


It can only be described in one word, Virgo's physical state at the moment.


It's miserable!

Virgo's white shirt already looked tattered, full of broken piercing marks, and even his skin had been cut through countless scars.

Blood spilled out, infecting Virgo's body, almost turning him into a hideous bloody man.

The tattered white clothes on his body had been stained with blood and stained red.

The pungent smell of blood then diffused and wafted through the air.

In addition to the many skin injuries on Virgo's body.

One of the most prominent scars is...

Virgo's belly!

Hit by Yanagawa head-on, of course Virgo can't be unscathed!

His abdomen looked as if it was about to be completely cut open!

This is a terrifying rift that is no less than a dozen centimeters!

Blood, frantically gushing from the wound in the abdomen, quickly overflowed outward, blending into the tattered and collapsed pit where Virgo was lying.

Even the ruined soil lying on was quickly soaked by the blood gushing from Virgo's body.

This terrible scar on the abdomen is undoubtedly the most painful injury on Virgo's current body!

Other scars can be said to be skin trauma. Only the scar on his abdomen was no less than a dozen centimeters, which made Virgo completely unable to ignore.

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