The ground, full of holes, devastated!

A location with a radius of hundreds of meters.

Everywhere, the soil of the ground collapsed and the buildings that collapsed and collapsed turned into ruins and fell on both sides of the street.

Look around.

Everything here can only be described in two words.



This is the whole picture of the area.

The terrain has suffered unprecedented damage, and it looks like the remains of a huge disaster.

It's miserable!

The originally bustling street can no longer find any complete area at the moment.

When you look into the eye, you can only see the broken wreckage and mess.

Who could have imagined.

This terrifying wreckage was only caused by the aftermath of the outbreak of the battle between two people.

Who dares not imagine!

It's horrifying!

This ruined street, with a dark black shadow lingering above, makes the atmosphere of this area particularly depressing, making people sweat and stand on end.

The aura of slaughter is all over the world!



One by one, slight footsteps trampled on the broken soil on this side, causing the ground to crack and break, and the cracked traces spread farther.

The ground was slightly sunken and collapsed, and there were holes and holes.

"Be careful!"

"Action, don't make it so big."

A heavy voice came out.


Several members of the navy wearing naval uniforms gradually stepped into this dilapidated area from the distant streets, moving very lightly, for fear of causing too much noise.

This group of people, naturally, was Smogg, who was preparing to rush all the way to the Jax Tavern from the naval branch, and a group of naval elites led by him.

There were four people in total.

In addition to Smogg, two young navies and one young girl are like Dusty, a midshipman in the probationary stage.

"Lieutenant Colonel Smogg, this, here, what the hell is going on?!"

Dusty's pink lips trembled, and her little face turned miserably white.

Her eyes observed the surrounding environment in horror, and her hands and feet trembled uncontrollably, revealing the truest emotional fluctuations in her heart.

When he saw the ruined environment around him, Dusty's worldview was about to collapse.

Here, what happened?!

What caused such a broken terrain?


She still remembers vividly.

This street in Rogue Town is very prosperous and lively, full of people and bustle. This street can be regarded as the most prosperous street in Rogue Town.

But who can explain it to her.

What's going on here?


How could this place have become so miserable?

Pedestrians are gone.

The excitement disappeared without a trace.


This is even more nonsense!

What else is the bustle talking about here?

This is a ruin, a ruined ruins after a disaster!

With Dusty's impression, the bustling streets of Rogue Town could not have any connection at all.

This scene in front of her overturned Dusty's cognitive concepts, making her little face look particularly frightened and confused, her lips trembled, her little brain was buzzing, and she was in a state of confusion.

It's not just Dusty.

Even the two young navies who followed beside him, their expressions were the same as Dusty's, their faces were shocked and terrified, and they looked at the ruined environment around them.

It's unbelievable!

How much turmoil did this go through to cause such a broken mess?!

Standing in this wreckage and ruins, they only felt strangely frightened.

"If nothing else, the wreckage here was caused by the battle that broke out between that monster and Major General Virgo. It is still impossible to judge how far the battle has developed. "

"Two, who has the upper hand!"

Smogg took a deep breath and forcibly suppressed the throbbing in his heart.

Not to mention the navy he led, even he, a lieutenant colonel of the naval headquarters, was in this wreckage area, and he only felt a burst of heartbeat.

Take a look around.

Smogg always felt that this broken mess seemed to be somewhat familiar!

Thought about it.

In Smogg's mind, he couldn't help but think of the fear of being dominated that day!

Thick fear, come to mind again!


"It's so similar!"

"Just like the place where I first met that monster that day, the surrounding environment is almost identical, and there is no difference at all!"

"The street at that time was as dilapidated as this one. Even if you trample on it a little, the ground under your feet may usher in the doom of collapse. "

Cold sweat began to break out on Smogg's forehead.

So far.

He still can't forget that he was dominated by the fear that that monster brings!

Then you are in the familiar ruined terrain environment.

Smogg, of course, inevitably remembered the place where he first met the monster.

Is that......

Smogg's nightmare!

A horrible nightmare that will never be forgotten in this life!

The ruined environment here is exactly the same as the dilapidated street at that time!

Even the shattered crack gave Smog a strong sense of familiarity.



Exhaling heavily, Smog adjusted his mentality as much as possible, wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, his face was a little pale, and there was still fear in his eyes.

Coming to this place, Smog suddenly felt.

The injuries on his body are getting more and more stinging!

It's like...

Even the wounds on his body recalled the fear of being dominated that day!

This wound was exactly what was left at that time.


All this impressed Smogg, which is perfectly in line with common sense.

Even now, Smogg's injuries have not healed, but only in a state of initial healing. This shows how serious the injuries he suffered that day.

It can be said that it is the edge line of imminent death!


In the end, he gritted his teeth and persevered, otherwise he would have died.

"That monster..."

"It must be that monster!"

"Major General Virgo, fighting that monster."

"I just don't know who on both sides can be better." I always felt that Major General Virgo was most likely not the opponent of that monster! "

"Red Flame Sword Hao Liu Chuan, he is really too strong!"

Smogg had palpitations.

He never forgot.

Not long since.

The scene of being killed by that boy in white, that terrifying monster.


It's not so much a flash deal.

Rather, rather...

He was enveloped by the aftermath of the slash released by the other party, and then he was hit hard in an instant!

Not a flash deal!

Because that slash was not aimed directly at his body.

"If that slash had been aimed at my body, I would have died!"

"So yes."

"I don't even have the qualifications to be taken seriously by this monster."

"He's too strong!"

Thoughts fluttered in Smogg's mind, and his body ached faintly.

Where did his injuries come from?

It was that time, after being killed by the aftermath of the slash released by that monster, there were many injuries that remained. Even after this period of time, after receiving treatment, Smog still could not really heal.


That battle also became the biggest psychological shadow in Smogg's heart!


Coming to this familiar and broken terrain environment again undoubtedly awakened the psychological shadow in Smogg's heart, and his fear flooded into his heart again.

Even the rhythm of breathing has been abruptly changed!

"Lieutenant Colonel Smogg, what's wrong with you?"

Dusty was the first to notice Smogg's abnormality and hurriedly asked.

"I'm okay."

Smog tried his best to suppress the fear in his heart, although he could not completely control it, but at least he would not be controlled by fear.

"Lieutenant Colonel Smogg, do you think this is where the monster and Major General Virgo broke out? However, this is also amazing! "

Dusty then changed his tone and spoke in a frightened tone.

She always had a hard time imagining.

Such a broken environment was caused by two people fighting.

This is so weird!

More than she could have imagined!

"As long as we are close to the center of the battlefield, we will know the answer."

Smogg took a deep breath, feeling heavy.

Although, he very much did not want to be near the center of the battlefield.

Because there is a terrifying monster there, a monster that makes Smog feel fear from the bottom of his heart!

But helplessly.

Since they have already led several naval elites to the battlefield, it is impossible to say that if they do not get close to the center of the battlefield and go and see how the situation of the battle is.

"You guys be careful."

"Try to be as light as possible, and don't step on those broken soils that can cause widespread collapse. It's already dilapidated, and if we're not careful, we can all be buried in the ground. "

"Besides, what's more important is..."

"As soon as there is movement here, then our whereabouts will be immediately exposed to that monster. At that time, we will be in a desperate situation! "

"For the sake of your own lives, and for the sake of not endangering the rest of your companions. Every step of your way, be careful not to cause too much movement! "

Smogg's face was solemn.

The point is...

Can't cause that monster to notice!

This, in Smogg's view, is the most important thing.

Once the monster is perceived, whether their group will be destroyed by the other party, all this is uncertain.

But Smog had no doubt that if it was that monster, with the strength of the other party, he was fully qualified to destroy them.

"Yes, Lieutenant Colonel Smogg!"

Dusty and several other navies nodded solemnly.

Of course, they did not dare to disobey Smogg.

The main thing is that they really do not dare to cause too much movement.

Just ask!

How strong must the other party's strength be to turn the bustling streets in this area into such a terrifying existence in a broken environment?!


Their imagination limits their thinking space, making them unable to imagine what a terrifying realm their strength can reach at that level of existence!

But in a word.

This kind of existence, if you want to destroy them, it is absolutely easy and effortless!

"What a terrible monster..."

The two young navies who followed Smogg, as they walked along the way, feeling the broken terrain, the fear in their hearts became stronger and stronger.



Occasionally, some cracked ground will be stepped on, and the floor tiles will make a pleasant sound, and some areas will collapse directly.

Although the impact is not very widespread, it still creates a lot of noise.

In this silent environment.

The four navies, led by Smogg, were cautiously approaching the heart of the battlefield.

"Remember, no matter what you see or hear later, you must not be disturbed!"

"Do you understand?"

Smogg turned his head and warned with a serious face.


Dasiqi and the other three turned pale, and hurriedly nodded like a chicken pecking rice.

Visible to the naked eye.

Their hands and feet were cold, their bodies were trembling, and even their steps did not seem steady.

The closer they got to the core of the battlefield, the more they felt panicked, apprehensive, and uneasy, and many negative emotions enveloped their bodies.

It's miserable!

This street is completely crippled!

They walked all the way from the periphery to the core area of the battlefield, and along the way, they could hardly see a complete area, all of which was dilapidated and devastated.

As you get closer.

The more devastated the environment you can see, the more dilapidated!

"How strong does that monster have to be?!"

"Major General Virgo, can he really deal with this monster?"

Dusty looked at the ruined terrain around him, and felt deeply puzzled.

Walk around this ruined street.

The spirit of twelve needs to be mentioned.

Skate on thin ice!

Including Smogg, they all held the same apprehension and restraint, their eyes turned wildly, and they looked around at the many ruined terrain around them.

The more you look at it, the more frightened you are!

Riddled with!

Everywhere is sore.

"Virgo, this unknown and mysterious rear admiral. Really, able to deal with a terrifying monster of this level? "

"I'm still deeply skeptical!"

Smog clenched his fists, feeling a faint pain in his body, and the long-lost fear once again wrapped around his heart.

Virgo is indeed strong!

Smogg can be sure of that.

However, the monster on the opposite side is even more powerful and outrageous!


Who is better?

For this doubt.

To be fair, although Smogg's heart did not want to admit it, he had to admit a fact.

If he had to choose between the two.

His heart is more inclined.

The monster that once brought him boundless fear to dominate his body...

That terrifying existence called Red Flame Sword Hao Yanagawa...

Stronger than Virgo, the rear admiral of mysterious origin!


Under the leadership of Smogg, the group trembled all the way, spent a lot of time, and finally successfully reached the edge of the core of the battlefield.

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