
There was debris and mess everywhere.

Building complexes collapsed, toppled buildings, turned into countless broken pieces of debris, scattered and scattered on the broken streets, cluttered and piled up.

Introduce in the shortest words...



This is the complete topography of these four surroundings.

Smog took Dusty and his group and smoothly arrived at the core area of the battlefield.

They hid in the corner of the ruins, looking terrified, cautiously looking through the ruins with their eyes, looking at the scene in the center of the battlefield.

And then.

And they saw it very clearly.

Located in the middle of the battlefield.

The figure of the white-clothed boy holding a black blade was extremely clear in their eyes.

Including Smogg.

When I saw this figure, my heart couldn't help but tremble fiercely.


The overwhelming fear, penetrating the heart, swept through every cell of the body.

Dusty's face turned pale, her little face was full of panic, and her hands were trembling, and it was difficult to contain the wave of fear that was spreading in her heart.


The two young navies, as the outstanding naval elites of the modern era, inevitably felt boundless fear at this moment, shrouding their hearts.

They began to tremble uncontrollably, their legs went limp, and they were paralyzed to the ground.

In the eyes of all of them.

Only the boy in white with the blade remained!

This, the terrible existence that makes them feel fear from the bottom of their hearts!

"Chi, Red Flame Sword Hao..."

Smog clenched his fists, forcing down the panic in his heart, and a pair of eyes full of fear stared at the white-clothed figure in the center of the battlefield.

This, once gave him endless fear, even let fear dominate his body monster!


This monster is close at hand!

In the face of this terrifying existence, Rao Ismog's calm heart felt cowardice and panic, and had the idea of retreating from leaving this ghost place immediately.

"Three hundred million monsters, Red Flame Sword Hao!"

"It's him!"

"The face on the reward list is exactly the same as the one in front of you!"

Dusty and his two young navy navy were full of trepidation.

They covered their mouths and did not dare to make a sound, for fear of disturbing this silent and strange atmosphere.

It's quiet here.

Quiet, Smogg and they all only felt a burst of creepy.

So quiet!

Fighting, it shouldn't be so quiet.

Aren't they all earth-shattering?

But who can explain it to them.

Why did this battlefield seem so quiet, as if it were an ordinary messy place.

What about fighting?

What about shocking battles?

If it weren't for a terrifying battle, how could the environment here turn into such a wreckage?


"Is the battle over?!"

"We, after all, are we still late?!"

Smogg's pupils shrank, and an extremely terrifying guess appeared in his head.

If that's the case...

Things have become even more frightening to the world!


From the figure of the white-clothed boy holding the blade in front of him, Smogg couldn't see any injuries left on the other party's body.

The most terrifying thing is...

Not only is there no injury, even if there is no injury, even the white clothes on the body can not find any traces of damage, and not a single corner of the clothes has been damaged!

It seems, spotlessly clean and otherworldly!

This, how is it possible?!

Is this like someone who has just experienced a shocking war?


All this overturned Smogg's cognition, making his head dizzy, buzzing, and his thinking briefly fell into a blank stage.




Many emotions poured into Smogg's heart.

He was pale, shivering and staring at the figure of the white-clothed boy.

I looked at it carefully.

But Smog still couldn't find any traces of injuries left on the other party.

Not even the slightest injury remained on the body!

Even the clothes were not broken, and even the dust did not contaminate the clothes, no matter how you look at it, it does not look like the appearance and posture that an injured person should have!

To know.

The one in front of him is a participant in this shocking battle!

A participant in the battle, who did not even damage the corners of his clothes, let the battle end ?!

What is this concept?

"It's crazy!"

"All this, it's crazy!"

Smogg's throat was dry, and many terrifying thoughts fluttered in his head.


Half ring.

He swallowed his spit, his gaze was still fixed in front of him, unable to move, the horror in his eyes became stronger and stronger, and the fear in his heart became more and more vigorous.

A person who has just experienced a big war, unscathed all over his body ?!

Is this possible?

Smogg's worldview has been overturned!

The scene he saw in front of him crushed all the courage in Smogg's heart.

"This place has been devastated beyond recognition, it must have been caused by this monster."

"But who can explain."

"This monster, why did he go through a battle, and he didn't even have the corners of his clothes damaged. Why the hell is this?! "

Actually, Smogg thought of an explanation.

However, he did not want to believe it, and he could not accept it!

This explanation is too bizarre!

It also subverts Smogg's cognition!

What we have seen so far.

All can only prove...

"That is."

"The monster of Red Flame Sword Hao broke out after a shocking duel with Major General Virgo. I know that to this day, such a huge damage has been caused to the surrounding environment. "

"Red Flame Sword Hao, still unscathed?!"

Smogg's lips trembled, unable to control the panic in his heart.

It's not scientific!

Completely unreasonable!

If this is the case, then how strong must this monster's strength be?!

As strong as that mysterious Major General Virgo, he couldn't bring any damage to the monster of Red Flame Sword Hao? Even the corner of the clothes can't be destroyed?


The Smogg worldview collapsed.

He had never experienced such a terrifying thing in his life!

It can be seen from the ruined environment around it. This battle must be very terrifying, and it is by no means just a small fight.

You've seen...

Small troubles, shattering entire streets, destroying countless buildings?

It's a big war!

Shocking battle!


It was such a shocking battle, and the Red Flame Sword Hao, who was a participant in the great battle, had been unscathed so far, which had already made Smog express a deep sense of horror.

He simply could not accept all this.

If this explanation is true.

That means.

Major General Virgo, the powerful and mysterious Major General Virgo, was crushed by the monster of the Red Flame Sword Hao in front of him with absolute overwhelming strength!

Otherwise, it would be impossible to explain why the monster of Red Flame Sword Hao was still unscathed!

Only when a certain party is comprehensively crushed strongly, will this phenomenon appear in front of us.

And Red Flame Jianhao...

It is obviously the party with absolute crushing strength!

As for Major General Virgo?

Then it is very likely that it is the side that is crushed by the force!

Think of this.

Smogg's sweaty hair stood on end, his back was in cold sweat, sweat stains on his forehead overflowed wildly, and in a blink of an eye, he was soaked in his navy attire.

"As strong as Major General Virgo, can't you even help this monster of Red Flame Sword Hao?!"


"It's not a question of whether you can do anything about it."

"It's rather..."

"As strong as Major General Virgo, he was actually crushed by the monster of Red Flame Sword Hao with all-round advantages?!"

Smog shuddered.

Even he, when he thought of this, only felt that his scalp was numb.

But the explanation he is currently thinking of is also the only reasonable possibility that can explain the current situation on the scene!

It's just that.

This explanation is too sensational!

A gentle breeze.

Smogg's sweaty hair stood up, and he looked at the ruined environment and topography around him with a pair of eyes full of fear.

No doubt!

Only after a terrifying and shocking showdown will this place be reduced to such a ruined wreckage, like the ruins that have been ravaged by a major disaster.

But it's such a stunning showdown.

Who dares to believe it!

From start to finish.

One side, all completely crush the other and press and beat!

"S, Lieutenant Colonel Smogg..."

Dusty and the others on the side were also obviously aware of these things that Smog had noticed.

They were also horrified.

I only feel that my body shudders!

A biting cold breath rose from the soles of their feet straight to the heavenly spirit cover.

So much so that they are uncontrollable, trembling and restless.

Fear, deep heart!

"Red Flame Sword Hao..."

"He, he seems, unscathed?!"

Dusty's big eyes were filled with trepidation, looking at Smog beside him.

What a terrible thing this is!

In the midst of this earth-shattering collision.

But there was one side, unscathed?!

This simply turned all of them upside down.

Not only Dusty, but also the two young elite navies beside him were pale, their hands and feet were cold, and they trembled violently that were uncontrollable.



Many emotions swept through their brains.


What is this concept?

That shows.

Major General Virgo, who was the enemy of the Red Flame Sword Hao, was very likely to be hammered over in an absolutely crushing posture!

How can they accept this?

What a villain Major General Virgo!

He couldn't even touch the corner of the other party's clothes, and he was blown over?!

"You read it right, you didn't guess it wrong."

"What you think is basically the same as what I think now."

Smog suppressed the throbbing and trepidation in his heart, and replied in a low voice, "If there is no mistake, this battle, as we have seen!" "

"Major General Virgo..."

"He, he was pressed and beaten by the monster of Red Flame Sword Hao!"

"That's why we'll see. Now, Red Flame Sword Haohun's spiritual outlook was unscathed. Only this explanation can explain what we are seeing. "

Things are scary!

It also subverts Smogg's worldview.

But he had to admit that what he speculated about was most likely the truth!

It is also the only reason why they can see the monster of Red Flame Sword Hao that they can still be unscathed.

If it is not unilaterally the phenomenon of being crushed.

At the very least!

Red Flame Sword Hao would never seem so calm!

Even the clothes on his body looked spotless!

How strong a crushing must this be so that Major General Virgo can't even touch the corners of the opponent's clothes?!

All in all.

Smogg couldn't imagine it.

Dusty and the other two naval elites, they did not dare to imagine.

The scene that happened before my eyes.

Simply unheard of!

This monster of Red Flame Sword Hao is more powerful than they imagined!

"But, but, this is too bizarre!"

Dusty's lips trembled, and her face turned pale.

That's Major General Virgo!

A powerful being that impressed her!

I remember that when he was in the naval branch, Virgo's strength had penetrated deep into his bones for Dusty to feel.

But such a powerful big man, when facing the Red Flame Sword Hao, he will be unilaterally crushed?!

This naturally made Dusty's little head unable to withstand this subversive thing.

The worldview is broken!

The mentality also collapsed!

Dusty's young mind, because of this scene in front of her, endured a million-ton critical blow, making her almost paralyzed to the ground.

"Red Flame Sword Hao..."

"He was more powerful than we expected."

Smogg could only respond like this.

Even if he didn't like Virgo, he never thought of it.

Virgo, it will actually be hammered over in an absolutely crushing posture!

A horrific example that he never dreamed of was right in front of his eyes.

"I thought Virgo's odds would be lower."

"But I didn't expect..."

"His odds of winning will be so low!"

"And the Red Flame Sword Hao on the opposite side was crushed almost in all aspects!"

Smogg's face turned pale, thinking so to himself.


Virgo lost so badly!

He didn't even touch the corner of the Red Flame Sword Haoyi.

This can be imagined.

How far away the gap in strength between the two sides must be!

will show this trend of unilateral crushing battle!

"As strong as the mysterious Major General Virgo..."

"But he doesn't even have the qualifications to shake the Red Flame Sword Hao!"

Smogg's eyes were lost, his face frightened and sluggish.

Such shocking and mundane things all impacted his psychological endurance, making him can't help but have the idea of doubting life on the spot.

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