Dusty and the others were stunned on the spot.

Smog was also stunned on the spot.

A group of four people, the collective worldview ushered in the fate of collapse!

This scene in front of them turned their cognition upside down.

Let them feel a sense of fear from the bottom of their hearts. Intense fear, sweeping through their hearts, enveloped every cell of their bodies.

"Red Flame Sword Hao..."

"This monster is so powerful that even Major General Virgo can't shake it?"

"It's not just a question of being unshakable, it's a question of whether Major General Virgo can qualify as this monster."

"Now it seems that Major General Virgo is not qualified to be an opponent of this monster! Otherwise, it wouldn't have left Red Flame Sword Hao still unscathed! "

"It's a crush!"

"A battle that crushes all sides!"

"Shocking war?"


"I think it's just a battle without suspense."

Smog and the others did not dare to speak, their eyes were full of fear as they looked at the battlefield ahead.

Never dreamed.

As strong as Virgo, he didn't even have the qualifications to shake the Red Flame Sword Hao.

How strong is this monster?!

Unthinkably powerful!

For now.

Smogg didn't think Rogue had any power to stop this monster.


Even those who had the qualifications to become opponents of this monster could not find any of them.

The huge Rogue Town can only passively bear the fear of being dominated by this monster!

Smogg, who was a natural powerhouse, also felt a deep powerlessness.

Even as a natural ability, in the face of an enemy of this level, all he could feel was boundless fear.


"This side of the wreckage is purely a broken mark left after Major General Virgo was unilaterally hung and beaten."

"It's not the environmental damage caused by the collision force that erupted between the two sides is too terrifying. Instead, the aftermath of the explosion of the Red Flame Sword Hao unleashed its power, causing great damage. "

Smogg quickly understood.

The root cause of the environment here is so broken.

Not the aftermath of the outbreak of fierce fighting between the two sides.


Red Flame Sword Hao, this monster, is the wreckage caused by the power released by just one person!

As for Virgo?

Perhaps, the other party has little to do with this broken environment at all.

Many thoughts magnified Smogg's inner fear.


He left a psychological shadow of great fear in Yanagawa.

And at this moment, when seeing such a broken environment, he deduced many terrifying and terrifying speculations. The fear in Smogg's heart was even more uncontrollable.

It's a nightmare!

Yanagawa is the biggest nightmare in Smogg's heart!


Daschi and the others next to him also gradually realized.

Red Flame Sword Hao...

What a terrifying existence this is!

As strong as Major General Virgo, he is not even qualified to fight the opponent.

This made their poor imagination limited, unable to imagine what kind of terrifying monster the Red Flame Sword Hao was standing on!

"Lieutenant Colonel Smogg, look!"

At this time, Dusty's big eyes were swept away by horror again.

She hurriedly raised her hand and pointed to the center of the battlefield, the miserable figure lying flat under the deep pit of ruins, covered in blood.

Look in the direction Dusty is pointing.

Then Smog saw Virgo's figure.

Virgo was lying under the collapsed soil, his white clothes were torn, and there were many scars on his body, causing blood to spill from the scars and infect the white torn clothes.

Let Virgo's whole person, like a bloody man, look very miserable!

The most prominent was the extremely hideous crack in Virgo's abdomen, which almost seemed to penetrate the entire waist, and the scar was more than ten centimeters deep, making blood gush from it wildly.

It's miserable!

It's just shocking!

"So, that's it, Major General Virgo?!"

The two young navy navy trembled with their lips and snorted.

They dare not imagine!

The spirited Major General Virgo would actually be beaten so miserably and embarrassed.

Virgo's miserable situation...

Incomparably clear, presented in the eyes of Smogg and others.

Let them be shocked and terrified.

It also strengthened their guesses just now, all true!

And it is.

In this battle...

Major General Virgo, crushed in full!


It can be judged just by the appearance of both parties.


Red Flame Sword Hao Liu Chuan, dressed in white, spotless, could not even find a single broken hole in his body, let alone any damage.

Look at the opposite.

Virgo lay under the collapsed soil, scarred, covered in blood, almost all of them had been infected by blood into a bloody person, and the shocking scar on his abdomen made Virgo's injury look very heavy.

Contrast the two.

Who is stronger?

Isn't this self-explanatory?

One unscathed and even spotlessly clean!

One, scarred and seemingly on the verge of death.

No doubt!

"Red Flame Sword Hao, the strong is too terrifying!"

"Major General Virgo must not have thought that he didn't even have the qualifications to shake the other party."

"It's miserable!"

"The feeling of being crushed in an all-round way, I have deeply experienced that feeling. But at that time, I lost consciousness in an instant. "

Smogg had palpitations.

Whenever he thought back to the fear of being dominated at that time, he shuddered.

"Major General Vie, Virgo..."

"It was beaten so badly!"

Dusty turned pale.

She couldn't make any connection between Virgo, who was so miserable in front of her, and Virgo, who was in the office at the time, who gave her a dangerous aura as if she was being targeted by a fierce beast.

The contrast is so strong!

Such a powerful Virgo, when facing that Red Flame Sword Master, he didn't even have the qualifications to compete.

This is true, and it overturns Dusty's young cognitive concepts.

"Lieutenant Colonel Smogg..."

"Me, are we going to meddle?"

The two young navy spoke in a blunt and terrified tone.

"Do you think we can intervene in this kind of fight?"

Smogg looked back at the two.

The two could not answer, but the deep fear that appeared in their eyes was enough to indicate their answer to Smogg's words.

Combat of this level ...

How do they intervene?

It's a comparison of different living species!

"Even if we intervene, we will not be able to escape!"

Smogg's tone was low, and he was terrified but still retained some thinking ability.


He was sure that if they took the initiative to intervene in the battlefield.

Apart from increasing the number of deaths, he could not think of a second possibility.

This is self-defeating!

Smog is not so reckless as to confront this horror head-on.

"We, in front of a monster like Red Flame Sword Hao, seem too small."

"Small as ants!"

"He doesn't even need to look at us squarely and wave his hand, he can easily destroy us all."

Dusty was very calm this time and deeply understood their current situation.

Save Virgo?

Take what to save?

It's just a joke!

Big joke!

In the face of such monsters, what will they take to save Virgo?


There is not the slightest possibility.


The central location of the ruined battlefield.

A gentle breeze.

The dust was swirled and drifted with a pungent and unpleasant smell.

Liu Chuan carried a good knife covered with armed colored armor in the air, and looked very indifferently at the area less than twenty meters or so in front of him, and Virgo, who seemed to be dying under the collapsed pit.

On one’s last legs?

That's not a deal!

Seeing and hearing the domineering color gave Yanagawa a very intuitive insight!

Virgo, there is still a very strong breath of life.

Virgo, who looks like a bloody man on the outside, is scarred, and on the surface looks like he is seriously injured and dying. In fact, these injuries have been controlled by Virgo.

It's just that it looks miserable on the surface.

But actually.

Virgo, a sneak attack is brewing!

Yanagawa can judge this without thinking.

At present, the only thing in front of Virgo is to sneak attack this road!

But alas.

Yanagawa will not give the other party this opportunity to sneak attack.

Of course, even if the other party is given the opportunity, the other party may not be useful!

"With my level of sight..."

"Coupled with the 'Heart Eye' giving me a beastly sixth sense, a prediction of crisis!"

"Want to sneak up on me?"

"It doesn't seem to be much different from a head-on collision with me!"

Yanagawa smiled playfully.

The faint smell of blood wafted through the air, lingering in his sense of smell.

Seeing and smelling can be clearly captured.

A few little mice quietly came to the edge of the battlefield to hide.

"What a few cute little mice..."

"Do you really think that hiding in a corner can hide from my perception?"

"It's a pity you can't think of it."

"In this world, there is also a means called seeing and hearing domineering. It allows me to capture very precisely where you are hiding. "

"But forget it."

"Rats are just rats after all, and it's hard to be elegant. Besides, I don't want to waste time distracting myself from solving you little mice. "

Yanagawa's gaze has always been fixed on Virgo's body.

The intervention of several little mice did not cause him much emotional waves.

There is no need to pay attention to it.

A few little mice can't affect the trend of this battle.


This battle, in fact, was already doomed from the beginning.

Virgo, after all, the level is much inferior to Yanagawa.

Even the qualifications to pose a threat to Yanagawa are not qualified!

To put it more simply.

The two belong to completely different species!

Yanagawa's strength is far above Virgo!

Whether it's armed color!

Or swordsmanship...

Physical skills!


In these aspects, Virgo could only look up at Yanagawa's back.

Therefore, in this case, even if Virgo has very rich combat experience, he will never be comparable to the Yanagawa in front of him.

The gap in levels is here, and this is not a huge gap that can be filled with combat experience alone!


Under Yanagawa's gaze.

Virgo moved.


After pushing away the many ruins and stones on both sides.

Virgo, covered in blood, stood up from under the collapsed soil, dragging his seemingly heavy and scarred body, his eyes bloodshot, and looked at Yanagawa through his tattered sunglasses.

He had a heavy face!

Because he clearly understands.

Yanagawa in front of him is a monster with such terrifying strength!

"It seems..."

"You can only use the last hole card!"

"If I don't use the last hole card again, I will really be killed on the spot by this monster of Red Flame Sword Hao in an absolutely crushing posture!"

Virgo took a deep breath and adjusted himself as much as he could.

He had temporarily controlled the blood spilling from his injuries.

The state is also kept at a horizontal line.

It will not be due to the impact of the injury, resulting in a continuous decline in condition.

Raise your head.

Virgo looked at Yanagawa coldly and clenched his fists.

The dark red armed color armor was all over his fists, exuding a sharp and terrifying sense of oppression, which swept in all directions.

And then.

Next second.

Armed color armor, gradually spreading!

From the position of the arms, it quickly spreads to the shoulders, to the neck, head, and the chest, abdomen, thighs below the neck...

Every part of his body was covered in armed colored armor!

Visible to the naked eye.

A layer of dark red armed-colored armor spread from Virgo's arms to the whole body.


Armed color domineering, has fully covered Virgo's body!

Take a look.

Virgo's body seemed to be covered with a layer of armor like steel.

Whether it is the head, neck, limbs, back, etc., every body position has been wrapped in dark red armed color armor!

The whole person looks like a steel mech!

It gives people an indestructible sense of déjà vu.

A majestic sense of oppression came to the face.



The cold and pervasive aura was fully released from Virgo's body and swept in all directions.

This is Virgo's last hole card!

Full body armed color!

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