
The atmosphere is oppressive!

This battle is a one-sided hammer!

Virgo, at all, does not have the capital to compete with Yanagawa.


Virgo was punched and flew away.

The whole body, like a kite with a broken line, flew upside down in mid-air uncontrollably, and the breath of the body became weak and chaotic.

As Virgo crashed into the ruins.

The ruins were hard punched through a huge hole.


Virgo was all over the body of the armed colored armor, and Qin Shi's body was beaten into the ruins in embarrassment.


With a loud bang.

The ruins were pierced through, and Virgo's body was even deeper into the ruins.



Flying upside down, Virgo spat blood, his face pale and bloodless, his eyes full of fear, and his back crashed against the wreckage of the ruins.

Tingling in the chest, pain in the back!

The body, there is a heart-wrenching pain all the time!

This made Virgo unbearable, and his forehead was bruised.

Rao, with his willpower, could not bear this sting and wailed.

It's so painful!

This is the first time in his life that Virgo has experienced this taste.

The heart-rending pain made him feel painful, and he almost wanted to commit suicide!

Blood, spilling from the chest.

Broken sternum!

Broken internal organs!

Basically, no place in Virgo's body is complete. All of them were eroded by the power brought by this punch, and the fight was unrecognizable.

A painful injury that swept through Virgo's whole body!

It made him unbearable, trembling with tingling pain, uncontrollable.

"Red Flame Sword Hao..."

"What a monster!"

Not only did the body endure extremely painful erosion, but even mentally, Virgo's mentality was facing the fate of collapse, and his spirit was a little out of order.

He never dreamed of it.

With one face, Yanagawa instantly hit him hard!

Originally, I thought that I could at least entangle with the other party a little.

No matter how bad it is, you can hold out for a few minutes.

But the final result made Virgo desperate.

Hold on for a few minutes?


This is pure delusion, a wonderful fantasy!

In fact, he couldn't even block a face, and he was instantly seconds!

How many minutes?

It's only a few seconds.

Not even a few seconds!

He was taken in seconds!

Too fast!

He couldn't even hold out for a few seconds.

This result really shattered Virgo's worldview.

"That is to say..."

"I was killed in an instant!"

"Red Flame Jianhao, one punch seriously injured me!"

"This damn monster, why did this monster appear in the East China Sea!"

"I'm not willing!"

"With my strength, it is basically impossible to have any opponents in the East China Sea. But why in the ghost place of Rogue Town, such a terrible freak and alien appeared! "

Virgo held many reluctant and terrified thoughts.

He felt.

The task ordered by the young master of this trip to be more than Flamenco should have been stable.

Moreover, when Virgo came, he was not fully planned and prepared.

A small enemy of the East China Sea, why did he need to prepare too much?

But eventually.

When the battle broke out, Virgo finally understood deeply.

This is no small character!

It's a fierce rival!

Life's biggest rival!

It's not just his Virgo's archrival...

It will even become a disaster for the entire Don Quixote family.

A teenager of fourteen or fifteen years old...

But he can skillfully control such a high-level weapon color, as well as that pure sword technique.

All this is scary enough!

Virgo, who has always been proud of his armed color, when faced with this terrifying enemy, the proud armed color, was trampled under his feet and embarrassed.

And how many years did it take Virgo to control the current armed color of this height?


Twenty years?


Virgo can't remember exactly.

The only thing he was sure of was that he had spent much more time cultivating the armed color than the age of Yanagawa in front of him.

But as a result, Virgo's worldview collapsed.

He spent so much of his cultivation of armed colors, but in the end, he gave a young teenager's armed colors to crush in all aspects!

How could this be acceptable to Virgo?

Has he just spent all these years in vain?


Virgo has always had a very proud confidence in his armed colors.

The reason for today's embarrassing posture is because the enemies they face are too terrifying!

This is a terrifying enemy beyond common sense!

"It's not that my armed color level is too low..."

"Rather, the talent of this monster Red Flame Sword Hao is too terrifying!"

"I, far from it!"

Virgo was in a bitter mood, feeling the heart-wrenching tingling pain in his body.

At last.


Virgo crashed into countless ruins.

The ruins that were penetrated lost their support, turning into countless pieces of debris, which slipped and dumped towards the empty area that had been pierced.

In the blink of an eye.

Ruins, once again fell to the city with a pile of wreckage.

Virgo's painful figure full of injuries was buried directly under this ruin.

Armed color?


Under Yanagawa's punch, Virgo's armed color, like white paper, was easily torn apart, and it was impossible to stop the erosion of the power of Yanagawa's punch.


Virgo's chest was dented and his sternum shattered with numerous cracks.

As if this punch was enough to make Virgo seriously injured!

This punch not only broke Virgo's chest, bringing terrible power erosion, but also spread Virgo's internal organs from his chest.

If nothing else, the current Virgo is really seriously injured and dying.

Full body armed color armor?

It's just a joke!

Even if it covered the whole body of armed colored armor, it was inevitable that Virgo's body was seriously injured, and this punch was not so easy to bear.

The level gap in armed colors is too big!

So much so that even if Virgo covered the armed color, this punch of Yanagawa can still penetrate the armed color, directly breaking Virgo's sternum and even affecting the internal organs.

Of course.

If it weren't for this layer of armed color armor, Virgo might have been killed on the spot by Yanagawa's punch.

It's not impossible.

Armed colors, after all, are still somewhat useful.

It's just useful, not as Virgo originally expected.


The surrounding scene is a shattered mess.

The dilapidated soil remains ruins.

Just as in the place after the disaster, this street, and the buildings on both sides, all met the fate of collapse and collapse after this battle.

Riddled with!


The atmosphere here becomes very weird.


The two collided and exploded the air flow of power, still eroding in all directions.

The collision of armed colors and armed colors, the aftermath of the outbreak has a far-reaching impact.


Cracks everywhere!

Densely packed like cracks in a spider's web, they are encircled into a web that is printed in every corner of this area, and every area is not spared.


Ruined wreckage!

Buildings collapsed and streets crumbled.

The area with a radius of hundreds of meters was infested with broken traces.

The movement here is too obvious!

It's just that.

To this day, no one in Rogue dares to go near this area.

Such a terrifying movement, and then think of the news that the 300 million monsters descended on Rogue Town. This, in fact, is not difficult for the residents of Rogue Town to deduce.


That monster is going to destroy Rogue Town again.

Just like destroying the eastern coast, this is another great disaster for the town of Rogue!

And what they think is accurate.

The mess here is indeed caused by Yanagawa.

As for Virgo?

He is not yet the root cause of the mess here.

At best, Virgo is a target for beatings, as a target of Yanagawa, constantly subjected to the erosion of the terrifying power released by Yanagawa.


The power released by Yanagawa exploded, causing a very terrifying impact on the surroundings.

At the same time.

Hidden in ruins corner spot.

Smog and Dusty were a total of four people, their eyes were wide and frightened, staring blankly at the core of the battlefield, their eyes could not move, and their faces were terrified and shocked.

They were stunned.

"Just, just now, what happened?!"

Such a terrifying turmoil.

The horror is...

Just now, they were completely unable to catch the movement of the battle.

Too fast!

The speed of these two monsters fighting is so fast that they can't catch the scene where the two collide and erupt with ordinary naked eyes.

All you can see is a phantom!

A fleeting phantom!

Fast beyond what their naked eye can catch.

It's like...

The two rays of light collided.

And then.

And they saw it.

In an instant.

Virgo, who was covered in dark red armed color armor, was knocked hundreds of meters away by a face, and finally crashed into the ruins.

Follow the trend and look into the distance.

You can also see that many blood stains spilled in mid-air by Virgo flying upside down hundreds of meters fell on this broken ground, still not volatilized by the sun.

A hideous gap spread all the way to the ruins hundreds of meters away.


The ruins were ruined, scattered with countless broken stones, piled up like a mountain, and piled up in the same place.

And Virgo's badly injured embarrassed body was completely buried under the rubble.

They never saw Virgo again.

Virgo, his whole body was already embedded in that ruin.

So far, life and death are unknown!

They can't be sure, Virgo is dead or alive now?

These have become unknowns!

The current terrifying scene inevitably appeared in the seriousness of Smog and others, making them feel terrified and shocked.


"It's terrible!"


It was actually seconds to be illuminated by a face!

What a terrible thing!

The villain Virgo is also a major general of the headquarters, and he can also use a very high-level armed color!

This kind of strong!


Was it seconds?!

One punch!

Just one punch, directly seconds Virgo?!


Even Smogg, at this moment, his eyes were wide open, his face was full of horror and horror at the ruins, his eyes could not move, his eyes were particularly stunned.

The hot day gave Smog a biting chill.

Cold, from the soles of the feet straight to the brain.

Smogg shuddered, goosebumps rising.

"I, what I see, is it an illusion?"

Dusty's pink lips moved slightly, and her immature face was pale and bloodless.

Major General Virgo, who gave her such a powerful feeling.

Unexpectedly, he was given a second by a punch?!

All this happened too suddenly, too shockingly worldly, prompting both Smog and Dusty to go blank and their minds to harden.

"This, this is not an illusion!"

"Major General Virgo..."

"It's really seconds!"


The two young navy swallowed their throats and swallowed, their eyes filled with deep fear, and they looked at the ruins with stunned and terrified.

That piece, the ruins that buried Virgo's body.

They can't figure it out.

Virgo, are you still alive?

"Major General Virgo, who is so powerful, is unavoidably face-to-face. This is so shocking! "

Dusty shivered.

Her petite and delicate body looked helpless and cowardly.

Is Virgo strong or not?

Of course strong!

In particular, Virgo, who covered his whole body with armed colored armor, simply gave Dusty a sense of oppression that subverted cognition. Similarly, she also thinks that she is the strongest in the navy she has seen!

But it's such a tough Virgo.

But it was seconds!

Without the slightest resistance.

One face, was instantly knocked hundreds of meters away and hit in the ruins, life and death unknown.

This result really made Dusty unacceptable.

It's miserable!

Such a tragic battle trend was not something that Dusty could have predicted.

"I could have expected that Virgo would lose."


"Can anyone explain it to me."

"Why, he actually lost so completely?!"

Smogg doubted life on the spot.

He knew that Virgo would not be able to defeat the Red Flame Sword Hao, but he could never predict it. Virgo, he was actually killed in seconds by a face!

"Lieutenant Colonel Smogg."

"This, this Red Flame Sword Hao, seems to be a little outrageously strong!"

The two young navies trembled.


Smogg's eyes couldn't help but be in a trance.

Oh, yes!

Too strong!

Strong outrageous!

Strong as a monster!

Even Virgo was treated in seconds by a face!

What terrifying strength does this require?!

All in all.

Rao is Smogg's experience, he can no longer imagine.

The Red Flame Sword Hao who was located in the core area of the battlefield in front of him, what kind of realm had his strength reached!

"A face..."

"Just seconds, Virgo!"

"This strength is countless times stronger than when I met him some time ago!"

"I'm sure that the Red Flame Sword Hao at that time was far less powerful."

"So, if my guess is correct."

"That means..."

In Smogg's mind, a very terrifying guess came to mind, his eyes widened and he couldn't help but swallow.

"In just a few days, the strength of this monster Red Flame Sword Hao has become stronger again!"

"Moreover, it has become stronger than a star and a half!"

"It is a doubling and doubling of the improvement and leap!"

"What the hell did he go through?!"

"Red Flame Sword Hao, this monster, what has he done in these short days?!"

"His strength has actually undergone qualitative changes and sublimation in such a short period of time?!"


"What kind of monster is it!"

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