
The piercing coldness swept through the heart.

Hundreds of meters in radius, full of holes and devastation.


The atmosphere is particularly oppressive!

Smogg swore by it.

He can be 100% sure that his current guess must be true.

Some time ago, the strength of the Red Flame Sword Hao he encountered was definitely far from being as strong as it is today.


The Red Flame Sword Hao at this moment was much more powerful than back then!

"Doubling? What a doubling! "

"I estimate in the most conservative way."

"Red Flame Sword Hao, this monster, compared to when I first met him. At this moment, his strength is at least ten times stronger! "

Even Smog was stunned by his terrifying thought.



How long has it been?

It's just a few days.

Smog thought about it carefully, and it had not been ten days since the monster of the Red Flame Sword Hao left Rogue Town.

Up to four days!

Not even four days!

But who can explain to him that the strength of this monster Wei Mao has ushered in such a earth-shaking change in this short period of time?!

This is so unscientific!

Smogg's head was confused, and his thinking briefly fell into rigidity.

Can't believe it.

All this is actually happening in front of you.

"A few days..."

"Just let your own strength usher in such a terrible sublimation and leap?"

"What is this concept?"

Smogg shuddered, his scalp tingling.

His worldview ushered in a huge collision, collapsing, collapsing, rupturing!

All this made him realize that a huge turmoil had ushered in!

A few days!

How to make a person's strength improve so obviously?


This is no longer something that can be described as a clear improvement.

It's like a special opening!

In a few days, the strength has increased by more than ten times!

Who can stand it!

This kind of monster actually exists in this world?!


Smogg's experience was not enough to support him to accept this shocking worldly thing.

Too scary, too subversive.

"In just a few days, he has increased his strength by more than ten times. Is this the result of training? No, absolutely not! "

"If there really is such an efficient training method, it will never be in the hands of this monster Red Flame Sword Hao. If there is really this training method, this kind of monster can be found everywhere in this sea. "

"But actually, looking at this sea, it is like a monster like Red Flame Sword Hao. From beginning to end, there is only one one, there is no second! "

"That means it."

"This is not the change that training can cause, the most important factor is because of the monster of Red Flame Sword Hao itself. It is because of his own extraordinary that it leads to this terrifying phenomenon! "

"But these days..."

"He, what the hell has he been through?!"

"Could it be that doing nothing can usher in such a terrifying improvement and leap in strength?"

Many thoughts poured into Smogg's brain, making his brain circuits stiff.

Can't figure it out!

If you want to break your head, you can't think of a reason.

All of them turned into endless emotion, making Smog couldn't help but look at the figure of the white-clothed boy in front of him with awe.

"Sure enough!"

"Monsters can't be looked at in the eyes of ordinary people."

"In just a few days, but in terms of strength, it is like two people!"

"This is a real monster through and through!"

This moment.

Smogg had a deeper understanding of Yanagawa's horror.

It's not just as strong as a monster!

Talent is the most terrifying core root of this monster!

"With the terrifying growth rate of this monster, after a while, I am afraid that no one will really be able to suppress him."


"Now, looking at the East China Sea, no one can restrain this guy!"

Smogg's hands trembled.

The fear that has been buried in the heart for a long time floats to the mind.

Incomparably majestic, it poured directly into Smogg's heart and dominated his body.




Smogg's face turned pale, his hands firmly supported his knees, and he forcibly kept his body upright, afraid that he would fall to the side and collapse in the next second.

Compared to the panic of Dusty and others.

Smogg looked deeper.


The deeper you look, the more powerful the fear you feel.

Compared to Dusty, their fears are much larger and more majestic.


Among the ruins.

This is the ruined area where Virgo's body is buried.

With Yanagawa's punch, it directly shattered Virgo's sternum, and accompanied by a terrifying huge force eroding Virgo's body, causing him to fly hundreds of meters away and hit this ruin.

Visible to the naked eye.

This area is surrounded by ruins.

There are many broken stone remains all over the place.

Originally, there was a very prosperous building here, but unfortunately, with the outbreak of battle, the collision air flow generated crushed this prosperous building in an instant.

After the building was crushed, it was dumped on the broken ground and reduced to ruins.

Just now.

This ruin, Virgo's body abruptly knocked open a huge hole pierced, but soon the piercing could not support the remains of the ruin.

Countless stones, fragments, and debris fell down.

Ruins, a little smaller.

But all of them were pressed against Virgo's body, leaving Virgo under the ruins, motionless.

Hundreds of meters apart.

Yanagawa slowly put away the sharp knife in his hand, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he quietly stared at the ruins in front of him where Virgo was buried.

The armed color of the fist of the left hand gradually became restrained.

It was this punch from the left hand just now.

Directly crippled Virgo!

"As a sword master..."

"Killing with a fist seems to be somewhat inconsistent with my identity."

Yanagawa looked at the ruins directly in front of him with a smile.

Like, a little too impulsive!


One punch almost gave Virgo a second!

What a sin!

Even if Virgo wants to die, he should have hacked the other party to death with a knife himself.

How can you let the other party die under your own fist?

Isn't that a great insult to Virgo?

"As a sword hao, but hammering the enemy to death with his fist seems to be a great disrespect to the enemy."

"Well, Virgo is also the strongest cadre of the famous Quixote family. Treating a powerful enemy like this is really a bit excessive. "

Yanagawa couldn't help but think in his heart.


He is a slightly famous swordsman!

How can you use a fist?

Isn't this self-defeating?

Virgo can die, but not under his own fists.

But then again.

Virgo, it seems too weak!

I can't even stop my own punch!

What is this going to fight?

If Virgo died under this punch.

Then Yanagawa will be very disappointed.

This strength, still the highest cadre of the Don Quixote family?

This simply lowered the threshold of strength of the Don Quixote family!

If the cadres of the Don Quixote family were all of this kind of goods, except for Doflamingo, Yanagawa felt that he could easily overturn the entire Don Quixote family with his own strength!

Only, Doflamingo is an exception!

After this battle, Yanagawa became more deeply aware.

The Don Quixote family has only one danger to him, and that is the threat from Doflamingo.

As for the rest of the cadres?

These are all things that don't work.

Perhaps in the New World, these Don Quixote cadres can deter one side. But if it really fights, none of them can be Yanagawa's opponent.

Even the Virgo in front of you will be no exception!

Just to make Yanagawa a little serious, Virgo can't stop it.

That's it?

Also Don Quixote's strongest cadre?

This really made Yanagawa have a lot of impressions of the Don Quixote family, this behemoth.

The so-called prestigious Don Quixote family does not seem to have a good overall level of strength.


The Don Quixote family was able to become famous purely because Doflamingo was independently supported. The rest of these so-called cadres are all extremely fragile and weak in Yanagawa's eyes.

Among them, including Virgo as the strongest cadre!

"Let me see..."

"Virgo, are you dead?"

Yanagawa's eyes flashed.

See the sight, fully unleash!

And then.

Seeing that the domineering aura showed an invisible, circular arc, which quickly spread in all directions, covering the ruined battlefield for hundreds of meters.

Under the influence of seeing and smelling domineering.

Except, perceived.

Not far away, a few small mice hidden in the ruins also clearly saw the vital signs of Virgo buried under the ruins.


Virgo, weaker than ever!

What you see in your eyes may also be an illusion.

But seeing that he was domineering, he would never deceive Yanagawa.

And Virgo does not have the patience to deceive Yanagawa into seeing and hearing perceptions.

So, when you see and smell the color is swept away.

Yanagawa can clearly feel how serious Virgo's situation is now.

Seriously injured!

On the brink of death!

The breath is getting weaker and weaker.

Vital signs are also getting weaker.

This is the current situation of Virgo that Yanagawa perceives when he sees and hears.

Without paying attention to the few little mice that Yanagawa noticed, Yanagawa's eyes narrowed slightly, looking in the direction where the ruins of Virgo were buried in front of him, with a playful expression.

"Not good!"

"It seems that by accident, I almost beat him to death."

"Virgo's vitality is plummeting."

"That is to say..."

"He's going to die!"

This made Yanagawa's expression a little helpless.

This punch seems to be too heavy!

The vitality is as tenacious as Virgo, and he can't block this punch.


He didn't have the material to be a sword hao, but he had the talent to become a boxer?

Smashing your opponent to death with your fist is a great insult to your identity as a sword hao!

"But you're too weak, Virgo."

"I can't even block a punch, how can you help the Don Quixote family?"

"Obey Doflamingo's order, let you come from the Great Passage, and travel thousands of miles to the town of Rogue in the East China Sea, isn't the purpose of killing me? Standing up for your Don Quixote? "

"But no matter how you look at it now, it looks like you are about to become the blade fertilizer in my hands."

Yanagawa couldn't help but laugh.


He looked at the sharp knife he was holding in his hand and sighed with emotion.

What a blessed knife!


Finally, it is time to usher in the blood of a strong man with good strength.

"Blessed are you."

"Virgo this guy, although the strength is not very good. But looking at the Great Channel, his strength can be said to be very top-notch. "

"Today happens to be cheap for you, let his blood be your nourishment!"

Yanagawa flicked the good knife in his right hand.

The dark red armed-colored armor, covered with sharp blades, exuded a very cold and majestic aura, sweeping in all directions.

Swept around the ruined environment.

Yanagawa whispered secretly in his heart.

What a sin!

Another ruined bustling place!

It seems that he is really not generally 'friendly' to Rogue Town!

But helplessly.

Who let this guy Virgo have to find Rogue Town?

Passively facing it yourself, it is just a helpless move.

"It's time to hurry to the Great Passage, or stay in Rogue Town." Sooner or later, these residents here will be frightened by my mental disorder! "

Yanagawa smiled and looked at the ruins directly ahead.

For now.

You have to solve this little trouble!

Then consider the matter of rushing to the Great Passage.

Everything needs to be in order!

Solving Virgo is the priority now.

Sweep your gaze.

Look around.

Where the eye catches.

Devastated and unrecognizable.


With a burst of sounds.


The ruins where Virgo was buried were in turmoil.

The broken stones and debris seemed to be struck up from below by a force, causing these stones to be crushed one after another, and the smaller fragments of the broken city were thrown everywhere.

The broken terrain is scattered with many stone fragments.



A hand covered in blood suddenly popped out from the ruins, very abruptly, without warning, and flew countless stones to splash in all directions.

This arm, like a demon in the abyss hell stretching out its claws, seems to crawl out of hell, and the arm is full of blood, which looks particularly hideous.

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