

The arm that came out of the ruins was full of blood, and the blood stains around the arm made it look extremely hideous and make people's scalps tingle.

The outstretched arm scratched the remains of many stones next to it.

Pieces of wreckage stones, crushed directly!

This scene.

The strange thing happened in front of Liu Chuan's eyes, but it did not cause too much emotional fluctuations in his heart.

Very calm!


He quietly watched as the ruins were happening.

At a speed visible to the naked eye.

The ruins poked out the first arm, and the second arm also popped out from the ruins, directly knocking away countless broken stone remains, splashing and crashing in all directions.

The second arm was also stained with blood.

Through the area where the blood had not been infected, you could see the pale arm blood, like a corpse, without any blood.

The silent atmosphere, if ordinary people pass by from here and see such a strange and terrifying scene, they are afraid that they will be scared on the spot.

"Not dead? That's good. "

Yanagawa smiled.

Who could this person who was ready to climb out of the ruins be besides Virgo?

Seeing that Virgo was not dead, Yanagawa was relieved.

Still thought.

One punch almost seconds Virgo!

But fortunately, this punch only put Virgo into a state of serious injury and dying, and he had not yet reached the state of imminent death.


There was a loud noise from the ruins, like thunder, dullly smashing into people's hearts.

It's deeply depressing!

It can be clearly seen.

When two blood-covered arms popped out of the ruins, the ruins surged up, and a head slowly emerged from the ruins.

It's Virgo!

Virgo's face was pale, like the face of a dead man, and there was no trace of blood flowing, only a miserable white.


Virgo held his head with both hands, so that his body would not die from being pressed under the ground and unable to move by the debris of these ruins.

When the head emerged, Virgo used the remaining strength of his arms, clenched his teeth, dragged his heavy and tingling body, and forcibly broke his buried lower body from the ruins.



The ubiquitous tingling pain made Virgo's forehead sweat raging, and his hands couldn't help but start trembling, sweat stains straight out, wetting his back clothes.

The cold touch on the back, transmitted at all times, made Virgo's sweaty hair stand upright.

Take a look.

Virgo was particularly tough and embarrassed.

His upper body had successfully broken free from this ruin.


The lower body, however, was still pressed down by this large pile of stone remains.

In his heyday, Virgo could easily break all that. But it's a pity that the current Virgo is seriously injured and dragging an extremely painful body.

There was also a tingling sensation transmitted all the time, which shocked Virgo's spirit, consumed his remaining physical strength, and made his state plummet.

This moment.

For Virgo, climbing out of the ruins was extremely difficult and difficult.

It's miserable!

One of the highest cadres of the prestigious Don Quixote family, and one of the most powerful. Who would have thought that Virgo would also have such a messy day.

It's hard to imagine.

The contrast is so strong!


Virgo is still a rear admiral of the navy headquarters, but today he has encountered such a miserable situation, which is shocking to the eyes.

Virgo's intentions can be seen completely.

He spent all his strength to completely free his body from the burial of ruins!


This is his last dignity!

This scene.

It fell into the seriousness of Smogg and the others, making their throats dry, clenching their fists, and looking at Virgo's embarrassed posture of climbing out of the ruins with fear on their faces.

The picture impacts their worldview.

Let them panic!

"Major General Virgo..."

"It's great, it's too miserable!"

Dusty's immature little face was pale and bloodless.

The other two young navies trembled with fear.

"Don't be impulsive, we're no match for that monster!"

Smog gave a warn look.

Actually, Smogg's warning is not needed.

Dusty and the other two could not dare to take half a step.

Of course, they knew what a terrifying monster Virgo was facing the Red Flame Sword Hao!

As strong as Virgo, it was all a face-to-face in seconds.

How can they be exceptions?

Recall that.

Just now, Virgo released the terrifying and majestic momentum and coercion, and then thought that Major General Virgo, who exuded such a terrifying and monstrous weather, was still killed by the monster on the opposite side in a second.




As a navyman, Smog and the others could only huddle in the corner behind the ruins and shivered, watching the scene when Virgo climbed out of the ruins with all his might.

But none of them dared to act rashly.

Even Smogg did not dare to disturb this oppressive atmosphere out loud.

The fear buried in his heart had already dominated Smogg's body, making him feel the boundless aura of fear pervading, and his body stiffened in place, motionless.


A howl of pain resounded in the sky, wandering in this quiet environment.


Virgo crawled out of the ruins.


His figure is too embarrassing!

At that moment, after completely breaking free from the ruins, Virgo seemed to have lost all the strength of his body, and directly planted his head and dumped on the ruins next to him.


Virgo lay above the ruins, his body breath was particularly chaotic and rhythmless.

Moreover, his life breath is getting weaker and weaker.

On one???s last legs!

The borderline of imminent death.

It looks like you could die at any moment.

Take a closer look.

You can see very clearly that the many injuries all over Virgo's body are hideous and terrifying, and the scars that make people sweat and stand on end, each of which is clearly visible.

The armed color has dissipated.

The dark red armament that covered Virgo's body, which had previously given Virgo the armament color like a steel armor, disappeared without a trace.

At this moment, Virgo, who was seriously injured and dying, was facing the phenomenon of declining state, and his remaining physical strength was not enough to support him to continue to release his armed color.

The armed color will disappear, and it is completely normal, which is in line with common sense.

If Virgo in this state can still maintain the continuation of the armed color, then his armed color attainment is really too high!

When the armed colored armor disappears.

The many remaining scars on Virgo's body could not be concealed, and they were exposed to this golden sun, so that everyone could clearly see them.

In two words.


Incomparably tragic!

Virgo's abdomen was torn open by more than ten centimeters, and although the blood no longer flowed, it could still be seen from this scar.

What heart-wrenching pain he had to experience before!


There were also tiny scars on all parts of Virgo's body, limbs, neck, face, etc., leaving tiny scars in almost every place, allowing blood to spill out of the scars and infect his body.

The white clothes on his body became tattered and damaged beyond recognition.

Blood spilled from the scars, staining the torn white clothes and turning bloody red.

Let Virgo's body be soaked in a lake of blood, and there are many traces of coagulated blood everywhere, and the whole person is like a bloody person.


Virgo coughed violently, spitting blood from his mouth, and his face turned pale.

The tingling pain in his chest made his forehead sweat furiously!

The unbearable tingling almost suffocated him!

This is the most serious remaining injury on Virgo's body.

was punched by Yanagawa, and the entire chest was dented, and the sternum was shattered, so that every time he coughed violently, he would feel the heart-wrenching tingling sensation from his chest.

That punch is terrifying!

Virgo still has a huge psychological shadow.

Under that punch.

Virgo sternum shattered!

The body also fell directly into a state of serious injury and dying.

Rao's body covered with armed color armor at that time could not stop the punch from Yanagawa and was forced through the armed color to dent his chest.

"The level of armed color..."

"Too much worse!"

Of course Virgo knew it in his heart.

The most important factor is the level gap of the armed color!

His armed color is far inferior to Yanagawa's.

This will happen, even if he is covered with armed colors, but still cannot block this phenomenon of Yanagawa being blocked.


The terrifying power of that punch penetrated the armed color armor, making Virgo feel it on the spot, and the majestic power that condensed the whole world eroded.

Not only shattered his sternum!

Even the internal organs in the body were eroded by the power generated by that punch.

This punch was the one that completely incapacitated Virgo.

Feeling his current physical state, Virgo lay on the ruins with a dead face, motionless, and never wanted to make any more movements.

The body is not enough for him to maintain the ability to move.

Even when he coughed violently, Virgo could feel tingling pain coming from all over his body.

There are too many injuries on the body.

Virgo couldn't even calculate how many painful injuries he had suffered.

"Red Flame Sword Hao..."

"What an amazing monster!"

Virgo sighed from the bottom of his heart.

Let go of all grudges and contradictions, and in all fairness, Virgo can be absolutely sure.

Red Flame Sword Hao Liu Chuan is the most terrifying monster he has ever encountered in his life, and there is no one!

Even the young lord Doflamingo, who made him worship and awe, was far inferior to the Red Flame Sword Hao Liu Chuan, giving Virgo even greater pressure.

"This monster is terrifying, not only the strength it has now."

"His age, his talent, those are the scariest things about him."

Virgo thought.


He was a rear admiral of the Navy Headquarters and the strongest cadre of the Don Quixote family, but he was crushed and killed by a teenager who was only fourteen or fifteen years old!

This experience made Virgo's mood indescribable.

Scary, not the strength that this monster has now.

It's the innate potential that this monster possesses!

At such an age, he was already able to master the very high-level weapon color, as well as the pure swordsmanship attainment, which made Virgo have a strong premonition.


Red Flame Sword Hao Yanagawa...

This monster will definitely become a great disaster for the Don Quixote family!

For this, Virgo has a stronger premonition than ever before!

With the natural potential of this monster, this is not just a fantasy, but it is very likely to happen in the future.

Come to think of it.

Virgo felt a helpless and deep sense of crisis in his heart.

Loyal to the Don Quixote family, he is powerless to eradicate the other party in the face of this potential threat that will become a great disaster for the Don Quixote family in the future.

"Young Lord, Young Lord..."

"You don't know that our Don Quixote family has really attracted the attention of a terrifying monster this time. In the future, he will definitely bring great disasters to the family! "

"It's a pity."

"I can't contact you anymore."

Many thoughts fluttered in Virgo's mind.

The heavy body made him unable to move, and could only lie on the ground, seemingly like a corpse, bearing the fate of constantly weakening his vitality.

He also has a phone bug in his arms.

But, Virgo doesn't think.

This monster in front of him will give him the opportunity to take the phone worm to take the initiative to contact Doflamingo!


Virgo was running out of strength.

His body was too heavy and too tired.

The movement of the fingers seems to consume the strength of the body.

It can be seen from this.

How serious the injuries on Virgo's body were!

Twisting his stiff neck with difficulty, Virgo turned his head and looked at the figure of the white-clothed boy standing hundreds of meters away.

That nightmarish figure was clearly presented in his eyes.

"Young Lord, I hope you can pay attention to this monster!"

"He's not the rival enemies we've encountered in the past."

"The enemies we encountered in the past, all combined, the threat is far higher than the monster of Red Flame Sword Hao!"

"If we don't pay attention to it, our Don Quixote family will really suffer a catastrophe." When this monster grows up, it will be a huge nightmare for our family! "

Virgo couldn't help but think in his heart.

He had no doubts.

If they let the Yanagawa in front of them grow up, their Don Quixote family will definitely suffer an unprecedented huge and tragic disaster!

Only this monster is completely different from the many enemies that the Don Quixote family has encountered in the past!

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