"S, Lieutenant Colonel Smogg..."

"Major General Virgo, he's going to be killed!"

Dusty shivered and looked at Smog with trepidation.

She was unbearable, watching a dignified rear admiral of the naval headquarters being killed by the enemy like this, but they could only be indifferent, and love could not help.

This helplessness and fatigue subverted Dusty's beliefs when he joined the Navy.


When the Navy encounters this kind of thing, it will also seem so helpless.

"And then?"

Smog glanced at Dusty, his eyes were complicated and indescribable, and the fear in the depths of his eyes, completely unconcealable, appeared in his eyes.

The expression in this look made Dusty tremble.

The words that came out of her mouth could never be spit out again.

From the look in Smogg's eyes, she saw the answer she wanted.

It's not that they don't want to save!

Rather, there is no way to save.

Saving people at the hands of that monster?!

Are you kidding!

Smog was 100% sure that if they acted rashly, they would disturb the monster in front of them. Next, not only will Virgo die, but they will also be buried with Virgo!

"We, too weak!"

All of Smogg's emotions turned into one sentence.

This sentence revealed his mood and also represented their current situation.

Dusty's eyes were lost, and she looked at Virgo lying dying above the ruins, her immature worldview was suffering a great impact.

The worldview is shattered!

Cognition, too, is subverted!

Faith in the navy has changed dramatically with what is happening today.


On the battlefield.

Broken ground.

Yanagawa was in place, looking at the dying Virgo hundreds of meters away.

He lifted the sharp knife in his hand.

The blade is still covered with a layer of black armed color armor, making the blade appear extremely sharp and indestructible.

The sharp and fierce aura was released from the blade, and the emanation quickly spread in all directions.

"I will use my strongest knife to end your life."

"It can also be regarded as a sword master, I give you dignity!"

Yanagawa whispered.

And then.

Without the slightest hesitation.

Lift the blade, follow the trend, and slide down gently.


The dark crimson sword qi was born from the blade and wrapped around the blade. The terrifying and fierce aura was revealed on the blade with great enchantment.

A red sword qi as strange as blood!

The sword qi continued to brew, and the momentum it emitted climbed step by step, becoming more and more turbulent and terrifying!

Like a raging current, wave after wave swept in all directions, impacting the entire scene and affecting the ruined area with a radius of hundreds of meters.


From the moment the sword qi was born.

The atmosphere here is even more oppressive, and at the same time mixed with a strong murderous aura, forming a dim black shadow that wraps around everyone's heads.

Let the body can't help it, feel the heavy sense of oppression, make the body become heavy and dull.

In the blink of an eye.

The black armed color armor, originally full of blades with good fast knives, but with the generation of this terrifying and majestic red sword qi...

The black armor began to gradually spread a layer of crimson enchanting color.

Let the momentum emanating from the blade be more fierce and strong.


The air temperature here plummets.

The moment the crimson sword qi was born, the air temperature began to drop. The enchanting color of crimson has almost become the most brilliant color in this area.

Like the second hot sun on the edge of the sky, the dazzling is impossible to open!



Under the influence of this terrifying sword qi power, it seems that even the space has produced traces of creeping, which seems to be like space folding, distorting people's vision.

"Not enough..."

"It's not enough!"

"This is not the limit, it can be improved even stronger!"

Yanagawa looked at the scene of the red splash rising from the blade in his hand, wrapped around the blade, he still shook his head, his eyes flashing expectantly.

It has been a few days since the battle with the ghost spider.

In the past few days, its own strength has also successfully made a very huge leap.

So much so that Yanagawa himself has forgotten what level of destructive power he can achieve when he really releases a knife with full strength.


Here's your chance!

Although Virgo was not qualified to block Yanagawa's all-out sword, at least when he unleashed his power with all his strength, he could roughly estimate his ultimate strength level.

Virgo, not the main goal!

Yanagawa also wanted to see what kind of level his extreme strength could reach.

"This knife..."

"It can be stronger and stronger!"

Yanagawa's eyes were burning, and his face was full of anticipation as he stared at the fast knife in his hand.

On the black armed-colored armor, crimson sword qi was wrapped, like a flexible snake-like gas, constantly hovering around the blade.

"Let me take a good look."

"My strength, what level can I reach!"

"How much damage can be caused by one blow with all your strength!"

Yanagawa had many expectant thoughts in his heart, and he tried his best to brew strength, and the blade of the good knife in his hand was entangled.

All out, urge!

The strength of the whole body rushed to the blade in his hand.

The momentum is getting more and more majestic!

It's also getting more and more surging!

Like a river, it turns into raging waves!


As the power condensed by the blade became more and more terrifying, Yanagawa could feel that his right hand, which was holding the handle of the knife, faintly showed signs of trembling.

The power is too strong!

The furious sword qi filled the blade.

Let Yanagawa already be a little uncontrollable.

"You, who are only part of my strength, want to turn over and become the master?!"

Yanagawa forcibly suppressed this violent force.

The color of the sword qi is becoming more and more dazzling, and it is also more and more brilliant!

The monstrous trend has spread far away.

Feeling the power of the blade winding more and more intensely, Yanagawa began to compress this furious force, and the original brilliant crimson splashed and transformed into a dark color!

Like the color of blood coagulation!

Dark crimson!

The power of sword qi has been derived to the very top!

Even around Liu Chuan's body, wisps of crimson aura appeared, like mist, shrouding Liu Chuan's figure in it.

Let Liu Chuan, who is dressed in white, look even more mysterious and strange.

A crimson mist swirled.

The terrifying breath, the madness of not wanting to kill affected the audience.

The hundreds of meters of the ruined battlefield area were violently squeezed by the terrifying aura released by Liu Chuan.

Located in the corner of the ruins.

Smog and Dusty looked at Yanagawa with a look of horror, their eyes could not move, and they stared at the blade that Yanagawa was holding tightly in his hand.

What a horrific scene.

It simply subverted their perception!

Only they felt, the harsh halo that emanated filled their entire vision.

All that remains...

That dazzling red halo, the brilliant light emanating from the blade, became the only object in their sight, and there was no room for a second object.

They can see.

The entire blade, from the original black, turned into a dark red, crimson sword qi, which was condensed to the extreme, floating in all directions of the blade.

"This, this is..."

"Sword Qi?!"

Smogg's lips trembled, his face full of horror.

He didn't dare to imagine.

What I saw in front of me turned out to be a sword qi?!

So majestic and rich, how much do you want to turn into substantial sword qi?

It's amazing!

Rao Ismogg's experience was shocked by this scene in front of him!

The rich sword qi was like substance, and the terrifying coercion that spread swept through Smog and Dusty's bodies, making them stand up and creepy.

"Good, terrifying momentum coercion!"

Dusty's voice trembled and shivered.

Even if the sword qi was not released, it was only out of the brewing time, but it was enough to give all of them an unparalleled sense of oppression.

Enveloped by this surging momentum, they only felt as if their breathing had stopped.

Almost suffocated!

Can't breathe!


Smog couldn't help but swallow his spit, his eyes horrified.

In addition to the blade that emitted a crimson terrifying monstrous sword qi, what made Smog feel even more frightened was the young figure holding this demon blade in his hand.

This is the root of the nightmare!

is the origin of this power!

"Red Flame Sword Hao..."

"This is the origin of the Red Flame Sword Hao!"

"Even the sword qi is like blood, crimson, and it gives people the kind of oppression and coercion that is like being in a sea of blood in a corpse mountain!"

"This monster, the sword art attainment is also too terrifying!"

"Just the sword qi released is enough to bring us such majestic and substantial coercion. How terrifying destructive can this slash cause?! "

Smogg couldn't imagine it.

With his shallow insight, he couldn't figure it out at all.

What terrifying lethality can this slash that is still in the brewing state in front of me bring? How destructive is it?

These are all the confusions that Smogg can't think of an answer to break his head.

He can't touch this realm!

This terrifying power is seriously beyond the norm!

Beyond Smogg's insight, it crushed his lifelong view of cognition.


Too strong!

The four words of Red Flame Jianhao plunged into Smogg's mind.

Only by seeing it with his own eyes did he truly realize it deeply.

Red Flame Sword Hao, the origin of this title!

The red sword qi was like flames...

"This knife..."

"Not to mention Major General Virgo, who is seriously injured and dying, even Major General Virgo in his heyday. No, even a hundred Major General Virgo in his heyday. "

"I'm afraid, he can't stop it!"

Smogg's hands and feet were cold.

He couldn't control his trembling body, it was a fear from the depths of his heart!

Fear, again dominates the body.

Unprecedented fear, rushing to the face!

"This, is this a god?"

Dusty and the others were terrified.

In their eyes, only the beautiful crimson sword qi wrapped around the blade was all over their eyes.

"It's called..."

"The power of the gods?!"

"It's really scary!"

Feel the coercion exuded by this majestic breath.

The two young navies who followed Smog had weak legs and were paralyzed and trembling on the ground.

Their eyes were full of fear and horror, and their faces were pale.

Raising their heads, they looked up at the young figure in front of them, holding a crimson sword qi wrapped around the blade.

Boy in white!

The style is still the same!

The air flow swirled, blowing a wisp of white clothing.

With that, the crimson sword qi frantically swirled around the blade. A cloud of crimson mist was produced, obscuring Yanagawa's figure loomingly.

Like a god!

A mighty god descending on the world!

If there were a god in the world...


That's how it should look, right?

This thought was irrepressibly born from the minds of these two navies.

"This sea is boundless."

"Monsters, one after another!"

"If, there are gods in this world..."

"Then it must be, this statue standing in front of us at this moment!"

The two navies had a deep awe in their hearts, and this emotion was very strong, even enough to gradually suppress the fear in their hearts.

Yanagawa, who was wrapped in crimson mist, carried the fast knife in his hand, and this majestic figure appeared in the eyes of these two navies.

It's like.

Red Flame Sword Hao Yanagawa...

He became a great god in the hearts of both of them!

It is not difficult to see from this.

The mentality of the two of them has completely collapsed.

If it weren't for the serious breakdown of mentality, they would not have had this ridiculous thought.

But it can also be seen from here.

The Red Flame Sword Hao Liu Chuan gave them what a terrifying psychological impact. So much so that their mentality collapses, their worldview collapses, and their spirits are somewhat out of order.

Don't talk about the two of them.

Even Smog almost had the same thoughts as them.

Too strong!

The gods, in their impression, are at best like this, right?

Many thoughts came out of their minds.

Although these thoughts are absurd, for them who have collapsed mentality, these absurd thoughts just fill their collapsed mentality and collapsed worldview.

When the crimson sword qi climbed.

Until rush to the top!

The momentum exuded is oppressive, more and more vigorous!

The power brewing of the sword qi also became more and more violent, and it seemed that he wanted to break free from the blade, but it was controlled by Yanagawa to death, so that this violent force never got rid of the constraints of the blade.


Yanagawa's eyes flashed.

This is not the limit!


Even now, the sword qi brewing in Yanagawa has reached the top.

But this is still not the limit of Yanagawa!

Don't forget.

Just a few days ago, Yanagawa had just harvested a new ability.

That new ability is called...

"Blazing fire!"

A meaningful smile appeared on Yanagawa's face.

Blazing Plains, an attack add-on!

In any attack, bless the Blazing Flame Additional Attack.

This is the new ability that Yanagawa just got a few days ago!

Just for now.

Liu Chuan still did not urge with all his strength, and he could not really feel how much additional strength and destructive power the blazing fire could add to his own terrifying slash.

All this, it takes a trial to get an accurate answer!

"This time, it's time to try it."

"When the blazing fire burst out, plus a slash that erupted with all my strength. What realm can be reached by the destructive power produced by the fusion and condensation of the two! "

The mind moved.

A fire was born.

A small flame emerged from the blade in Yanagawa's hand, entwining with the crimson sword qi.

An instant.

The flames rise, and the fire grows more and more fierce.

A raging fire, a raging fire!

Here, the temperature rises in a straight line again.

The fire is pervasive and rises infinitely.

The hot breath instantly enveloped the audience!

Temperature, when cold and sometimes hot.


It's weird!

A roaring flame born from the blade carries an extremely high temperature.

Right in Yanagawa's eyes.

It can be seen that the flames slowly fuse with the crimson sword qi.


The two, completely integrated successfully, integrated into one!

The monstrous fire, mixed with wisps of crimson sword qi, burned on the blade, completely changing the color of this knife.

In the beginning.

The good knife is chaotic and light blue.

Until it was covered with armed color, it turned into jade-like pitch black!

And then.

The red sword qi added a bright red and strange color to the armed color armor of the blade, and after continuous condensation, it turned into a solidified blood stain, firmly standing on the blade and hovering.


When a flame burned, it once again subverted the original color of the blade.


Not dark purple, but close to and similar to dark purple.

Crimson to purple!

The aura emanating from the blade became more and more majestic.

The fierce momentum almost wants to change into a substantial gas!

This moment.

The blade of the good fast knife was empty, not only with armed colored armor, but also condensed by the red sword qi, and it was also burned by the flames, making the halo emitted by the blade more and more shining and brilliant.

Layer after layer of power...

Endless power...

All, condense this knife!

Yanagawa's eyes flickered, looking at the sharp knife he was carrying in his hand, the blade with a blinding and shining light, filling all the fields of vision that filled his eyes.

His mood was fully enveloped by a strong sense of expectation.

"This is my limit!"

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