
The atmosphere is silent!

The broken soil is covered with cracks that are densely packed like spider webs, making this side of the landscape look extremely broken and dilapidated.

Collapsed perforations, printed in almost every corner of the area.

Let here, never find a complete place again.

The originally prosperous street became full of holes with a big war. Like a mess after a disaster, a wreckage and wolf smoke.

The silence is quiet, and the screeching sound of the floor cracking can occasionally be heard.



As the ground increased, the earth was unable to support and collapsed directly below.


The ground collapsed, and a bottomless deep pit collapsed into a circular shape with a diameter of about ten meters, collapsing downwards with the cracked soil.

The dim depth is bottomless!

Piercings like this can be found here innumerable.


The earth is broken.

The landscape is dilapidated!

The terrain has been changed abruptly.

On both sides of the dilapidated street, groups of buildings collapsed and turned into rubble. Many debris stones piled up on the ruined streets on both sides, and the number is numerous, reduced to ruins.

On this broken landscape, the most obvious thing is ...

That hideous crack that spanned more than five hundred meters.

The crack stretched from this dilapidated landscape to an area more than 500 meters away, running through the ruined area and all the way to another street.



It is impossible to see how deep this crack really is.

The only thing that can be felt is that this crack is like an abyss, and it is like hell has opened the gates, and the demon has opened its fangs.

The whole floor was broken abruptly. This rift spread more than 500 meters, about 5 meters wide and more than 500 meters long.

Even, further, it is impossible to estimate accurately.

But at least this crack must have extended more than five hundred meters!

Around the perimeter of this hideous crack.

The soil is scorched black.

As if burned by a raging fire, the edge of the crack after being broken is full of broken sand, but it presents a scorched black visual impact.

Even the air was filled with a strong smell of burning.



And it is extremely rich in the air, hovering in all directions.

A gentle breeze.

The scorched black soil was swirled, and the pungent and unpleasant smell of burnt quickly spread farther away, no longer gathering in this place.

The gloomy environment has also been released to a certain extent.

But this broken body shape is frightening all the time.

The scorched black soil piled up on both sides of this hideous crack, stretching all the way more than five hundred meters away, all the scorched black could be seen everywhere.

The soil was burned by flames, as if it were about to turn to ashes.

In addition to the scorched black soil, this hideous crack also cracked on both sides, and the subtle cracks blended with each other, creating a spider's web-like shape crack.

It seems that it could collapse at any moment.

This area is too damaged!

Not a single complete area has been collapsed.

No building in this street is intact, and even if it has not collapsed, you can see the many cracks in the external walls of these buildings, which look like they may collapse at any time.


The scene, in every direction, can only make people see the ruins and ruins.

It's like a huge disaster devastated the region.

"Good, good terrifying power!"

"Is this something humans can do?"


"I think that only the gods can do this, breaking through such a hideous and huge rift in this land. The earth is torn apart! "

Beside Smogg, the two navies shivered, their faces full of trepidation.

They have already developed a state of insanity.

Don't talk about them.

Rao Ismog's psychological quality was stunned by this scene in front of him.





Many emotions, sweeping through Smogg's heart, dominated his body, making his body wrapped in white bandages not only begin to tremble.

Boundless fear emerged from the depths of his heart, filling his heart for a long time.

What a mighty force this is?!

One knife, tearing through a terrifying rift of five hundred meters!

Can this be caused by human strength?

Five hundred meters from the rift, everything around it shattered, disappeared, and turned into ashes.

The ruins that ran through it were all eroded by this terrifying force, so that the emptiness that was completely swept away was crushed on the spot.

A hideous crack that stretches for five hundred meters...

Presented in Smogg's eyes.

His eyes were dumbfounded, looking at this hideous crack, his lips trembled, and his mood was furious.


In a short time, it is impossible for him to calm down.

The power of this slash was too strong, giving Smog a sense of déjà vu that was enough to destroy the world.

And the truth is already very close!

One knife, five hundred meters across!

Where it passes, all things are silent!

All the ruins and buildings were swept away, and in the face of the power of this terrifying slash, all obstacles were easily crushed and turned into ashes.


Strong made Smogg's heart fearful!

As those two navies said.

Isn't this a power that only gods can possess?

How can human beings control such a terrifying power?

Only the gods!

Compared to Virgo's being crushed on the spot, Smogg and the others obviously paid more attention to this terrifying rift that tore the earth for more than five hundred meters.

As for Virgo?

If you die, you die.

It was no longer enough to stir up the ups and downs of Smogg's mood.

In front of this abyss-like crack, Virgo was personally killed in seconds, which was simply a trivial matter.

Nothing to speak of!

It's not enough to worry them.

Their biggest source of fear, in the final analysis, comes from the incredible and terrifying crack they have witnessed.

What kind of force can cause such terrifying destructive power?


Their thinking is severely limited!

"The power of the gods..."

Dusty's head also became blank, her lips trembled, and she kept chanting the same sentence, her thinking was confused, and she couldn't think normally.

Watch this hideous rift spread all the way for more than five hundred meters.

Dusty's young mind also withstood a 10,000-ton critical hit!

The worldview is subverted and collapsed!

Cognitive outlook has also been forcibly distorted.

Manpower can reach this point!

This, who can imagine?

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, who would have dared to imagine such a shocking thing?

All this in front of them is seriously beyond the imagination of all of them.

"This is the power of the gods!"

The other two navies were still trembling and their words were screaming.

They have already identified.

The one that is located in the battlefield ...

A young man dressed in white is a god who has descended into this world!

Absolute gods!

If it were not for the gods, how could they have caused such horrific destruction?

The battlefield is full of smoke.

The scorched black dust drifts with the wind, and the dust rises.

The face of the battlefield became somewhat hazy and blurry.

But even so, the eyes of Smog and the others were fixed on the figure of the white-clothed young man standing in the center of the battlefield with a sharp blade in his hand.

Eyes, can't move!

That hideous and terrifying rift started from the figure of the white-clothed boy, running all the way through more than five hundred meters, piercing through countless ruins, stretching five hundred meters away, creating a hideous and bottomless abyss.

This is a man-made abyss!

Only by witnessing such shocking things with their own eyes can they force themselves to accept them.

"This, is this the true strength of the Red Flame Sword Hao?"

"Unavoidably, the horror is outrageous!"

Smogg's throat was dry.

Too strong!

Powerful beyond imagination.

One person and one knife, pierced a street on the spot!


It's not just one street, this crack has run through another street.

And the root of all this was caused by the slash released by the white-clothed boy in front of him.

This creepy, bottomless abyss is also caused by this slash.

What a terrible thing this is?!

Manpower, how can such destruction be achieved?

One knife, directly create a knife abyss!

What great power can be done?


Smogg and the others rolled their throats and swallowed their saliva, their eyes dull and frightened, and in awe, looking at the hideous crack.

And then.

Eyes turned.

They looked at the white-clothed boy in the center of the ruined battlefield with the eyes of a god.

If there were Gods in the world...

Perhaps, that's the extent of it!

One person and one knife, hit an abyss!

And itself, but still unscathed, a wisp of white clothes, spotless, showing a peerless style!

This is the majestic gesture of the gods in their minds!

"Red Flame Sword Hao..."

"Powerful enough, a terrifying existence like a god!"

At the same time.

In a ruined battlefield.

Yanagawa slowly put away the good fast knife in his hand, the armed color was restrained, the speed visible to the naked eye, the black armed color armor wrapped around the blade, gradually disappeared from the blade.

The light blue blade appeared in front of his eyes again.

The sword qi has disappeared.

The flame is also gradually restrained.

Even the armed color was withdrawn by Yanagawa on his body.

Raise your head.

Liu Chuan looked directly ahead, the scene of a terrifying rift that ran through more than five hundred meters, all the way through another street, and his expression was full of emotion.

"This is my ultimate strength!"

Let Yanagawa feel the unexpected extreme power!

The destructive power is too great.

The scope of the impact is also very extensive.




It turned into a mess, and wolf smoke was everywhere.

The scorched black soil spread all the way on both sides of this hideous crack, spreading to another street more than five hundred meters away.

The dim and bottomless crack is like an abyss, and it is more like hell has opened its doors, and the demon has opened its fangs, bringing people a cold oppression.

"This force is stronger than I thought."

Liu Chuan quietly looked at this hideous crack in front of him, thinking to himself.


He didn't expect it.

Its own extreme strength has reached this level!

This made Liu Chuan also have a clearer cognitive concept of his own strength level.


This moment.

Yanagawa has ignored it.

Virgo who died from this slash.

In the face of such a terrifying force, Virgo will be killed on the spot, which is simply normal.

Not to mention the dying Virgo, even Virgo, who was in his heyday, had to drink hatred on the spot when faced with the terrifying slash that Yanagawa had just released, and there was absolutely no possibility of survival.

The level of power, completely different!

The strength of the two is also on a completely different level.

Just when Yanagawa observed the ruined terrain around him with both eyes, his heart was full of emotion.


Without warning.

The phone bug rang.

The shrill and unique sound quickly floated from afar, hovering in Yanagawa's ears.

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