The voice of the telephone worm lingered in this silent atmosphere.

In the broken and wolf smoke, the atmosphere is exceptionally dead!

But all this.

All were directly broken by this sudden phone bug.


The phone worm kept calling, and the voice that came out was unique and harsh, buzzing in Yanagawa's ears, constantly circulating, filling this side.

The eerie environment, coupled with the unique screams of the phone bug.

Make the atmosphere here even more creepy.



The icy temperature here cannot be dispelled even on a hot day.

"Phone bug?"

Yanagawa's eyes narrowed slightly, looking in the direction where the phone bug rang.

From a distance of hundreds of meters, look around the ruined terrain.


From the ruins piled up with many debris, Yanagawa saw the figure of the phone worm.

The reddened phone worm is very colorful and eye-catching, and it is also particularly dazzling in that ruin, which is noticeable at first sight.

Whose phone worm?

Yanagawa had some questions in his mind.

It stands to reason.

When the fighting broke out, there was basically no presence of personnel in this area.

So, where did this phone bug come from?

Whose phone worm?

That's the point!

Originally, Yanagawa did not intend to pay attention to this phone worm, but with the mood of idleness, he also took steps with a bit of curiosity and walked towards the direction of the phone worm.


Under the feet, trampling on the cracked and broken soil floor tiles.

The ground, which was originally riddled with holes, cracked into more obvious cracks as the footsteps trampled, spreading farther away.

As Liu Chuan trampled without any deliberately pressed footsteps, many cracks were everywhere, and then it collapsed with a bang, directly collapsing into a deep pit.


A loud sound resounded incomparably clearly in this direction.

The broken terrain, coupled with the sound of the ground collapsing, makes people feel hairy from the heart, sweaty hair, goosebumps straight up.

Stepping on the dilapidated soil floor tiles along the way.

Yanagawa smoothly came to the area next to the phone worm.

Head down and sweep.

Then I saw this red telephone bug under my feet, constantly screaming, and a unique and harsh sound came out, filling Yanagawa's hearing.

Putting away the good knife in his hand and emptying it around his waist, Yanagawa looked at the face of this phone bug quietly with a strong curiosity.

There is not much difference from ordinary telephone worms, the same body type, but the color is different.

"Who dropped this phone bug?"

"Those little mice?"

Yanagawa's eyes flashed.

Of course, he did not forget that on the edge of the battlefield, there were still hidden where the little mice were hiding in the corner, shivering.

For these little mice, Yanagawa will not deliberately take care of each other.

The real goal has been solved.

As for people outside the target?

Yanagawa also didn't want to waste time figuring it out.

It's just a few little mice, it's harmless.


For Yanagawa, there is no threat!

Thinking about it, these little mice must not dare to act rashly when they see the process of this battle.

Unless, they are dead!

Knowing that Liu Chuan has such a terrifying power, he still dares to stand up, and this courage may be worthy of Liu Chuan's deep admiration.

But alas.

These little mice don't seem to have this courage and boldness.

Of course.

This cannot be called audacity, but purely reckless, brainless behavior.

As for how to define it?

That's a matter of opinion.

Just as Yanagawa thought, the little mice were shivering and hiding in the corner of the ruins, not daring to move.

Not to mention that they didn't dare to rush up, and they didn't even have the courage to speak, for fear of breaking the dead silence in this area and disturbing Yanagawa to detect them.

But they never dreamed of it.

Long before they arrived, Yanagawa could capture the place they were hiding with incomparable clarity.

They are also ridiculous and naïve to think that they hide well.

But in fact, they were almost completely exposed to Yanagawa.

"It shouldn't be the phone worms of those little mice."

"They were about a hundred meters away from here, and during the battle, they were completely in place and did not move a bit."

"They don't dare to move half a step!"

"It can basically be ruled out that it is the phone worm carried by these little mice. If not them, then who could it be? "

"Is it the native inhabitants of this place that have long since landed on the phone worm?"

Many thoughts fluttered in Liu Chuan's mind.

I can't think of a reason.


Since you can't think of it, as long as you answer it, you naturally know whose handwriting this phone worm comes from.

"It won't be..."

"Virgo's phone bug, huh?"

Yanagawa's eyes flashed, and another more likely guess appeared in his mind.

In this case, it can be explained.

It's just that the Virgo people also died, and even the corpses were directly crushed!

It is impossible to give Virgo a period of time and let him deliberately leave a phone worm.

Under the erosion of such a terrifying slashing force released by Yanagawa , Virgo couldn't even keep the body, how did the phone bug stay?

I didn't see it, along with that terrifying slash, even the ruins were crushed in all aspects, reduced to ashes and disappeared with the wind.

This little phone worm, can still block the destruction of Yanagawa's slashing power?

Don't say block!

Even if it is shrouded in the aftermath of the power released by that slash, this phone worm should be crushed on the spot.

But now...

Where did this phone bug come from?

According to the probability, the probability that this phone worm came from Virgo itself is the highest.


"Virgo was not hit hard by me, and with the battle that broke out with me, he let the phone bug fall from this area?"

This is the only possibility that Yanagawa can think of at the moment.

Only in this way can it be explained.

Why did the phone bug emerge unscathed, thrown into this ruined ruin?

If he accompanied Virgo and endured Yanagawa's terrifying slash, the phone worm should also face the fate of crushing his corpse like Virgo, and it was impossible to remain here.

"Forget it."

"There's no point in thinking about it so much."

"If this phone bug is from Virgo, then who is the person who dialed the phone bug on the other side?"

"That's what I need to think about!"

A weird smile appeared on Yanagawa's face.

Here's the problem.

Who else could it be to dial the Virgo phone worm?

Who else?

Will in this case, call Virgo's phone worm to contact?


This is one of those possibilities.


Virgo is also a rear admiral of the Navy headquarters, and his status is not low in the Navy, and he will be contacted by the personnel of the Navy, which is also in line with common sense.

But if not the Navy ...

That is all that remains, one last possibility.

As everyone knows.

The Navy's phone worm has a unique color, not as conspicuous as this red phone worm.

From here, the possibility that the person on the opposite side is from the Navy can be roughly ruled out.


The last possibility can basically be confirmed by Yanagawa!

"If it's not the Navy..."

"Then only that, Don Quixote!"

"The person who dialed the other side of the bug is from the Don Quixote family!"

"Who is in the Don Quixote family?"

Yanagawa conducts an in-depth analysis.

How many people know that Virgo is still alive and lurking in the Navy as an undercover agent?

This is the supreme secret of the Don Quixote family!

Not everyone knows.

Do the math.

Within the Don Quixote family, there will never be more than five people who know that Virgo is lurking in the Navy as an undercover agent!

The range has been shortened.

And then.

Continue the analysis.

How many people have the power and qualifications to choose to dial the phone worm directly without worrying about Virgo revealing his identity?

The range is shortened again!

No doubt!

There is only one person who can do all of this!

That is...

The current ruler of the Don Quixote family, even if the young master of the Don Quixote family, a notorious pirate, is famous in the underground world, Don Quixote Doflamingo!

One of the Seven Martial Seas of His Majesty today.

Only Doflamingo is qualified to dial this phone worm!


"That's a coincidence!"

"Last time you killed Diamanti and Buffalo, you also dialed a phone worm communication. And this time, I seconds Virgo again, you still chose such a coincidental time stage and dialed the phone worm. "

"Sure enough!"

"Life meets everywhere."

"Doflamingo, I really have a relationship with you!"

Yanagawa smiled playfully.

It's so lucky!

It was so good that Yanagawa had to express surprise.

Thought about everything.

Yanagawa's movements did not pause, and he directly leaned over to pick up this phone bug on the ground, held it in the palm of his hand, and quietly looked at the phone bug with a smile on his face.


The phone bug is still calling, and the unique voice spreads.

Next second.

Without the slightest hesitation, Liu Chuan directly lifted the phone worm in his hand and put it to his ear.

Sure enough!

As expected.

From the phone worm, came the sharp and familiar voice.

"Virgo? How's it going? "

This is, Doflamingo's voice!

Yanagawa certainly couldn't forget the voice of this guy who hated himself to the bone.

Very familiar!

Very familiar.

It made Yanagawa even have a bit of 'intimacy'!

It's been a long time...


Didn't expect that.

Talk to you again, or in the way of a phone bug!

Different occasions, the same one phone worm.


Same situation!

Your subordinates, still kill me!

Same flash deal!

And you, again in this ingenious time period, dialed this phone worm.

I have to say...

This is really, no coincidence is not a book!

This world is indeed full of coincidences and accidents!

"Especially, I'm with you, Doflamingo!"

"I'm so close to you."

"The sense of anticipation that makes me eager to meet you and then personally take off your head fills my heart."

Yanagawa smiled.

What a coincidence!

Last time in Rogue Town, this time it was in Rogue Town.

Last time the regiment destroyed the cadres of the Don Quixote family.

This time, too!

Still the same flash deal!

Same script!

This made Liu Chuan couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

Talk again after a long absence.

Dover, you're going to have a hard time getting excited, right?

Available from start to finish.

Yanagawa held the phone worm to his ear without the slightest word.

On the other side of the phone worm, there was also silence.


Doflamingo suddenly realized.

Something is very wrong!

The atmosphere became quiet.


"Red Flame Sword Hao?"

Half ring.

The phone worm finally came a gloomy and calm voice, and the voice was full of creepy cold cold, murderous Ling Ran.

Even though they are separated by phone worms, they can still make Yanagawa feel it.

How rich the killing intent in Doflamingo's words was!

The air temperature around Yanagawa seemed to plummet.

"Guessed it?"

"That's really a disappointment!"

Yanagawa looked surprised.

I didn't expect that.

Doflamingo this guy, the head is so bright!

In an instant, he guessed the trend of the development of things, and also understood that the current person holding the phone worm was most likely not his own cronie Virgo.

After sighing a lot of thoughts, Yanagawa finally spoke: "I didn't expect to talk to you again so quickly." Doflamingo, you and I are really related! "

The words just fell.

Doflamingo on the opposite side was silent.

It's clear.

Although he made predictions, they were only guesses.


After Yanagawa spoke, this guess was accurately verified!


Virgo, something has happened!

Otherwise, Virgo's phone worm will never appear in the hands of the other party.

"Virgo, is he dead?"

Doflamingo suddenly asked in a deep voice.

"What do you think?"

Yanagawa smiled.

Those who want to come and kill themselves, can there still be living examples?

Are you kidding!

Himself much like a soft persimmon?

"Red Flame Sword Hao, I admit, I seriously underestimated your strength."

Doflamingo's tone was low, full of icy killing intent.

He never expected it.

Even Virgo, the most powerful assistant, actually died at the hands of Yanagawa .

This is something that Doflamingo never dreamed of before.

Virgo can be ranked among the strongest cadres of the Don Quixote family!

The first man under Doflamingo!

If it weren't for the many things at hand, Doflamingo would not have made a secret move by Virgo. Once dispatched, it means, according to Doflamingo, that things will inevitably be captured.

But eventually.

Unexpectedly, Virgo died.

The strongest cadre of the Don Quixote family died in the ghost place of the East China Sea.

Moreover, he still died under the blade of a teenager!

All this made Doflamingo unpredictable.

Virgo's strength, Doflamingo knows well.

Sending the other party to the East China Sea, in Doflamingo's opinion, should be foolproof.

But in the end, things still went unexpected!

He underestimated.

The strength level of the Red Flame Sword Hao Yanagawa.

As a result, Virgo's death!

Doflamingo didn't expect it either.

The East China Sea, a land of projectiles, is known as the weakest sea, and a monster and alien with such terrifying strength will emerge.

This prompted the tragic end of being as strong as Virgo and dying under the blade of the other party.


Doflamingo expressed 100% trust in Virgo's move this time.

But now.

This 100% trust collapsed with Yanagawa's voice, and it collapsed directly.

"Doflamingo, I personally give you a very serious and deliberate advice."

"Tell the truth."

"You'd better come by yourself."

"These subordinates of yours are really useless!"

Yanagawa was holding the phone worm, and the smile on his face looked meaningful.

Look out at the ruins all around.

Already now, even Virgo's body could not be found where it was spilled.

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