As Yanagawa's words just fell.

Doflamingo, across the phone worm, was silent.

But Yanagawa could feel it.

Even through the phone worm, you can feel it very deeply. Doflamingo on the other side of the phone worm must have been extremely angry, almost exploding in anger!

This remark was really too hurtful for Doflamingo.

Mental 10,000 tons of critical damage!

With Doflamingo's proud character, how angry would he be when he heard Yanagawa's words?

'Yours better come in person!' ’

'Your subordinates are really useless...'

These remarks will undoubtedly succeed in igniting Doflamingo's emotions.

What a proud man was Doflamingo?

Former as Draco!

Another young master of the Don Quixote family!

It is also a well-known boss in the underground forces of the New World, although it is notorious, but it is also a prestige sweeping the New World.

Called it, Joker!

This prestige was all made by Doflamingo alone.

The power of the Don Quixote family is also based on the terrifying power of Doflamingo.

Without Doflamingo, the Don Quixotes would be a rabble!


These Don Quixote family cadres that Yanagawa met were also the so-called top cadres.

Diamanti, Bafaro, these guys, weak and pitiful!

If the Don Quixote family had not been supported by Doflamingo, there would have been no bones left in the New World.


How great is Doflamingo's strength and deterrent power in the new world!


In this state of prestige, Doflamingo naturally developed a very proud and proud posture.

All this is based on absolute strength!

In the new world, except for the monsters of the Four Emperors, who dares to provoke Doflamingo?

There are very few people who have this kind of guts.

I wouldn't have expected it.


Through the phone worm, Yanagawa mocked Doflamingo fiercely.

How could Doflamingo endure this kind of anger?

Who is he?

He is the king of the Seven Martial Seas!

Actually, to a kid from the East China Sea to mock?!

Can't bear it!

Totally intolerable!


Just as Yanagawa expected.

Doflamingo's anger was fully detonated.

The voice coming from the phone worm also became more and more gloomy and deep, and the killing intent surged out.

"Red Flame Jianhao, you are good!"

"Since you want me to go to you in person so much, I will definitely grant your wish. Don't worry, I will go to you and wait for me to solve the matter at hand! "

"I will rush to the East China Sea immediately, even if I overturn this sea area, I will find you!"

"Wait until the moment I find you!"

"You will, life is better than death!"

"Pray slowly, pray not to meet me. Otherwise, your good days will come to an end. I will kill you by the most cruel means in this world!" "

"At all costs, I will wipe you out of this sea!"

Doflamingo's tone was like that of a long-suppressed volcano about to erupt in full force.

Through the phone worm.

Yanagawa could feel that the anger contained in Doflamingo's heart like a repressed volcano filled the latter's heart almost completely.

To this.

Liu Chuan was not too apprehensive, but showed great interest: "These words of yours really make me look forward to the day I meet you more and more!" "


What a tough opponent!

But, so what?

Yourself, will be afraid?


Now Yanagawa has very full confidence that he can catch up with Doflamingo's strength level in a very short period of time.

Even Virgo was seconded.

Is it far from Doflamingo?

Although Doflamingo is more than one notch stronger than Virgo.

But this distance, in Yanagawa's eyes, is not much.

Given enough time, Yanagawa can bring this distance infinitely closer and eventually fill it completely. Even, far above this target value, step on Doflamingo!

When there is pressure, there is motivation!

Doflamingo, it is Yanagawa's pressure and his motivation!

Virgo is dead.

Death leaves Yanagawa without any challenge!

But if Doflamingo is an opponent, it must be very worth looking forward to!

"Don't worry, this day won't be too far away!"

Doflamingo's tone was calm and cold.

Killing intent has completely filled his heart!

For the first time, he had such a strong killing intent on a person.

No doubt.

This person is the Red Flame Sword Hao Liu Chuan!

One, one after another, killed two of the highest cadres of the Don Quixote family and one of the monsters of a combat member.

This is the only one!

For the first time since the establishment of the Don Quixote family, such a heavy loss has been lost.

A total of two top cadres were lost!

Diamanti was killed in seconds.

But Virgo was killed in seconds, what a terrifying thing this must be?!

All in all.

The killing of Virgo made it difficult for Virgo to digest in a short time.

Virgo is strong!

Doflamingo certainly knew this.

But such a powerful Virgo was actually killed by the Red Flame Sword Hao on the opposite side?

This really made Doflamingo unbelievable.

If it weren't for Virgo's phone worm, who had been mastered by Yanagawa, Doflamingo would naturally not believe this subversive news.

But helpless.

Virgo's phone worm, mastered by Yanagawa.

That's enough to show.

Virgo, something really happened.

Otherwise, how to explain that Virgo's phone bug appeared on the other person's hand?

There is no second explanation!

Virgo, really dead.

This incident made Doflamingo's mood angry, but also mixed with many inexplicable emotional ups and downs.

Diamanti was killed, and Doflamingo did not show this sentiment.

But, Virgo is different!

Virgo, not only among the many cadres of the Don Quixote family, was the most important cadre of Doflamingo, but also his most trusted confidant.

Back then.

Rosinandi's undercover news was revealed by Virgo.

All these years.

How many resources did the Don Quixote family expend in order to arrange for Virgo to be an undercover agent in the Navy?


Virgo's loyalty, Doflamingo can be absolutely trusted!

Otherwise, he wouldn't have sent Virgo to infiltrate the Navy as an undercover chess agent.

Putting aside all kinds of personal emotions, the Don Quixote family has invested too much effort into Virgo.

But now.

Virgo died.

All the investment has disappeared without a trace.

How could Doflamingo accept this?!

In the past, how many times has the Don Quixote family avoided a lot of turmoil because of the news of Virgo's naval missin?

It can be said.

Over the years, Virgo's role to the Don Quixote family has been much higher than all the cadres in the family combined.


The Don Quixote family has two of the most pivotal figures.

In addition to Doflamingo, the founder of the Don Quixote family, who created the new world as a young lord and made countless pirates in the new world fearful.

Virgo is the most important and indispensable one of the Don Quixote family!

It took countless costly resources to get rid of Virgo's news, send the other party to the navy to lurk, and pass on some secret intelligence to the Don Quixote family as an undercover moment.


Virgo finally climbed to the position of rear admiral.

Although this position is not the backbone of the Navy, it is definitely the elite of the Navy, not just the grassroots.

As Virgo's status grew, his role for the Don Quixote family grew, and he could do more and more for the family.

All this is going in a good direction.


Virgo is dead!

Died in the ghost place of the East China Sea!

Or killed by a teenager!

All of this has buried the many resources and efforts that the Don Quixote family has invested in Virgo over the years.

All these painstaking efforts have been destroyed!

The root cause of all this is the Red Flame Sword Hao Liu Chuan!

This is the fundamental reason that prompted Doflamingo to have an unprecedented and unparalleled killing intent towards Yanagawa.

Even with Diamanti's death, Doflamingo did not have such a strong killing intent.

But Virgo is different.

Virgo was too important to the Don Quixote family.

Such an important and key figure died in the hands of Yanagawa .

In this way, it will set off the strongest killing intent in Doflamingo's heart, which is really normal.

Doflamingo expected endless from Virgo.

He can have a hunch.

Virgo, will climb to the position of vice admiral!

Once you climb to that position, the role and help that Virgo can give to the Don Quixote family will be countless times larger than it is today!

However, all expectations will eventually be extinguished.

Disappear into nothing!

Everything is gone.

Virgo died.

This means that these arrangements and plans of the Don Quixote family have lost their true meaning.

Without Virgo, the situation of the Don Quixote family would have become much more serious.

This is undoubtedly the most painful blow the Don Quixote family has endured in all these years.


It is also the only example of Doflamingo's most angry emotions in years.

Even if he knew that his own brother Rosinandi was undercover, he did not cause Doflamingo's surging anger and killing intent like a volcanic eruption.

"Only Virgo..."

"For the family, it is different!"

Doflamingo gripped the phone worm, his heart was already filled with total killing intent, and he could no longer accommodate the second emotional wave.

Only he will know better than anyone.

Virgo, the importance of only one person to the family.

No one can replace Virgo's influence on the Don Quixote family.

At least.

At present, among so many cadres in the family, there is no one who can replace the role of Virgo.


Killing intent!

The many violent emotions in Doflamingo's heart were directly ignited by these words of Yanagawa and erupted in full force, like a volcanic eruption, uncontrollably filling his heart and spreading to every cell of his body.

"That's right."

"I almost forgot to tell you."

Yanagawa held the phone worm, smiling, and looked a little playful, "Virgo, he was not killed by me." Like the cadres you sent last time, he suffered the same situation. "

"Virgo, I was also killed in an instant!"


"I think that the next time you come to me, you still need to make thorough preparations."

"Otherwise, I would be very disappointed if you were also seconds by me." However, I think that as one of the seven martial seas under the king, you must not be so fragile and unbearable. "

The words fell.

It can be expected.

Doflamingo, across from the phone worm, was furious again.

His heart has been completely filled with anger!

Anger, burning!

The monstrous flames continued to rise from Doflamingo's heart, and the flame momentum became more and more courageous.


This is a serious provocation!

For the first time in his life, Doflamingo suffered such a strong provocation!

"Red Flame Sword Hao..."

"You have successfully aroused my greatest killing intent towards you!"

"I swear!"

"I'll kill you at all costs!"

"Kill you!"

Doflamingo's forehead was bruised, and his throat rolled at the phone worm in his hand, letting out hysterical crazy roars and growls.

At this moment, he was like a lion with extreme anger, completely displaying that fierce and majestic murderous aura, and opened his fierce and fierce fangs!

And then.


Phone worm, crushed on the spot by the angry Doflamingo angry!

A crisp sound, floating everywhere.

The phone worm turned into countless pieces of debris, scattered from the palm of Doflamingo's hand downwards, and finally fell on the floor tiles under his feet.


Then, there was a faint sound, which spread outside the hall...

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