Ruined streets.


Riddled with!

Everywhere, the appearance of the broken terrain. There are countless traces of cracks in the ground, all over the direction, and the cracks condense into the appearance of spider webs.

Occasionally, as the soil collapsed and the cracks were pried, the ground ushered in the fate of collapse.


The earth fell, collapsed, and crumbled, like a ruined landscape after a major catastrophe.

The originally bustling streets have become unrecognizable.

No one would have dared to imagine it without seeing it with their own eyes. The various devastation here was actually caused by the aftermath of the two people fighting and exploding.


More precisely.

It is a mess caused by a person being unilaterally hung and beaten.

The most obvious thing is that hideous crack that stretches more than five hundred meters away, like an abyss, dim and bottomless, creepy.

Around the crevass, the soil was all burned black. Even the soil was burned out, filling the air with a pungent and unpleasant smell of burning.

The voice of the phone bug fell silent.

A mobile phone worm, Yanagawa stood on top of this ruin, stepping on cracks that resembled spider webs under his feet.

Under the sun.

He was dressed in white, spotless, and he could not find any broken areas on his body, not even a wisp of white clothes on his body, which had never been contaminated by dust.

The whole person looks otherworldly under the golden halo!

In this dilapidated and dilapidated environment.

Yanagawa is dressed in white and looks spotless, which is really a very violent contrast with the surrounding environment, and the visual impact explodes!

The broken terrain does not have a complete area.

If there is...

That is Yanagawa unscathed!

Yanagawa, dressed in white, is carrying a red phone bug in his right hand.

A gentle breeze.

In the air, a pungent and unpleasant smell of burnt wafted through.

Stepping on the broken soil floor tiles, Yanagawa stood in the ruined street, quietly watching the telephone worm in his right hand fall into a state of silence.


He couldn't help but laugh.


"It seems that your temper is still as bad as ever!"

"This is my irritated pinching phone worm?"

"This mentality has to be said to be quite inconsistent with your identity. You know, you are also one of the seven martial seas under the king, and this mentality does not match your strength. "

Yanagawa smiled, and the expression on his face looked intriguing.


His own words really angered Doflamingo.

So much so that the latter directly pinched the phone worm.

Not even a word of farewell remained.

This made Yanagawa complain.

Doflamingo's upbringing seems to be somewhat lacking.

Just hung up the phone worm without a sound, and there was no farewell?


All enemies!

Be polite and essential.

If it weren't for Doflamingo directly pinch the phone worm, how could he hang up the phone bug so without warning?

"Those words of mine are really hurtful?"

Yanagawa touched his chin thoughtfully.

Like, it seems, a little hurtful?

But with Doflamingo, the young master of the Quixote family, wouldn't this be seriously stimulated?

Kill a virgo!

No, it's not right.

Isn't it just a second virgo, worthy of such anger?

But think about it.

This Virgo seems to have a very important position in the Don Quixote family!


For the Don Quixote family in today's situation, Virgo, an undercover agent lurking in the Navy, can sometimes play a decisive role.

Even the Don Quixote family can turn the tide at a critical moment.

How much can an undercover agent lurking inside the Navy help the Don Quixote family?

This goes without saying.


Virgo's status in the Navy is not low either.

Rear Admiral of the Navy Headquarters!

This position can also be regarded as having a certain right to speak in the Navy, although it is not possible to change some major decisions of the Navy, but it still has the qualifications to open its mouth.

It can be seen from this.

Virgo's role in the Don Quixote family is very large!

All these years.

Virgo's help to the Don Quixote family is also becoming more and more obvious. The rear admiral of the naval headquarters is by no means the end of Virgo, and Yanagawa certainly knows this very well.

It's just a pity.

Today, it is in the town of Rogue.

Yanagawa ended Virgo's life!

The final goal of Virgo's life was fixed on the post of rear admiral.

If the importance of Virgo was not so obvious, the Don Quixote family would not have expended so much effort and had to arrange for Virgo to move into the Navy as an undercover agent.

"I vaguely remember..."

"Back then, this guy Doflamingo personally solved his own brother, and it was Virgo who played a vital role in it!"

"Undercover and undercover, Rosinandi and Virgo, are still much inferior."

"The decisive battle of the two undercover agents, Virgo won."

Since then, Virgo has become Doflamingo's most trusted confidant and most effective assistant. A rear admiral lurking inside the Navy as an undercover agent, how helpful this one is does not need to be explained too much. "

Combine the above analysis.

Yanagawa felt.

Doflamingo would be so angry, as if it was understandable.

After all.

He buried it with his own hands, an opportunity for the Don Quixote family to rise in this sea.

Losing Virgo as an insider, he always passed on intelligence information within the Navy to the Don Quixote family.

No doubt!

In the future, even if the Don Quixote family acts, they will have a lot of scruples. With Virgo as a Navy undercover, a lot of things can be pressed down to cover up.

But with the death of Virgo.

The movements of the Don Quixote family here will be unreservedly presented in the eyes of the navy.

If there is Virgo, at least it can ensure that the Don Quixote family is delivered in time before there is a big move in the Navy. But the death of Virgo meant that the Don Quixote family could no longer accurately grasp some of the movements of the navy.

"I seem to be in big trouble!"

"Doflamingo this guy, this time I really provoked it."

"He should, really chooses to strike personally!"

"In addition to Virgo being killed by me, the current Don Quixote family, only if he personally intervenes, can pose a great threat to me."

"The rest of the cadres?"

"Those little trash fish, he sent again, but only to send them to death. Presumably, Doflamingo has experienced two top cadres, and after being killed by me in seconds, people will become smarter. "

Yanagawa thought a lot.

It can be accurately judged at the moment.

Doflamingo, will personally strike!

There is no need to doubt this.

Apart from Doflamingo, no one from the Don Quixote family posed a threat to Yanagawa. The rest of the cadres did not even have the slightest possibility of posing him a threat.

Only Doflamingo's move can bring a great threat to Yanagawa.

If this is the case.

Doflamingo also sent his men to die.

Then Yanagawa didn't know what to say.

Brain dead?

How is this different from the villain's crazy sending experience?

Thought about it.

With Doflamingo's irascible personality, but also not lacking a cool thinking head, he should also be clear.

Right now.

Only he himself can deal with Yanagawa!

No one but him can pose a threat to Yanagawa.

"Then again..."

"Doflamingo, these two times you are purely just sending me experience!"

Yanagawa couldn't help but laugh.

There were Diamanti and Buffalo before, and they were easily seconds by Yanagawa!

After there was Virgo, he was also relaxed by Yanagawa for seconds!

These two times look at it this way, it is really like the villain crazy sending experience like the traditional road!


Who could have imagined.

Yanagawa's strength growth rate is so terrifying and unbelievable.

Don't say that Doflamingo didn't expect it, even if you look at the sea, I'm afraid that no one can see it in advance.

Yanagawa's strength growth rate sometimes surprised him.

Not to mention outsiders!

Outsiders, even imagining the growth rate of Yanagawa's strength, are completely unimaginable!

Under the premise of not being able to ensure the terrifying progress of Yanagawa's strength, no one can accurately estimate how much Yanagawa's strength will change and leap in the next second!

In just a few days.

Liu Chuan's strength is simply like two people!

Who dares to imagine this?!

Three hundred million berry?

Virgo believed it at first.

Yanagawa's threat level is only 300 million berry.

This is what prompted ...

thing, subvert Virgo's perception.

Let him find Yanagawa directly without preparation, passively bearing the miserable fate of being unilaterally crushed by Yanagawa.

If he had known, Virgo would not have been so reckless.

There are really too many accidents that happened to Yanagawa .

Virgo never dreamed that Yanagawa's strength growth rate was simply beyond common sense.

What's even more unexpected is...

In the ghost place of Donghai Rogue Town, he really encountered a monster without compromise!

The East China Sea is obviously only the weakest sea.

But no one could explain it to Virgo.

For Mao, he encountered such a powerful terrifying existence here!

In fact, after thinking about it carefully, it is normal for Virgo to misestimate Yanagawa's strength.

Tokai, it's so impressive!

Almost everyone in the sea will agree that the East China Sea is linked to the labels of weak and pitiful.

"The next time you are attacked by someone from the Don Quixote family, it will be the true Lord Doflamingo himself."

"In order to make sure that next time I can have the strength capital to collide with Doflamingo."

"It seems that I need to work harder."

After experiencing this incident, Yanagawa prepared to leave Rogue Town.

Great waterways, too, should be seen.

Look at this sea, how vast and boundless.

Virgo died.

It means that the matter here is over for the time being.

As for the subsequent impact?

These are not things that Yanagawa needs to consider.

What he has to do is to solve the enemy and eliminate the enemy who has a certain threat to him.

As for how much impact will it have after eradicating these enemies?

Yanagawa would not care about all this.

"Well, Virgo was also a rear admiral, but he died at my hands."

"When things spread, it's just normal to cause turmoil in the Navy."

Yanagawa could already anticipate it.

Today's move will once again set off a huge wave in the East China Sea!

Many thoughts were gradually suppressed by him.

The phone worm in your hand does not have to be kept.

Directly on the palm of the hand, with a gentle grip of the palm, the phone worm directly turned into powder, slipped from the fingers of Yanagawa's palm, and finally all the debris fell on top of this broken soil.

"Almost forgot."

"In the corner of this battlefield, there are still a few little mice hiding!"

"Now that the business has been solved, there is still a lot of time left, so you might as well have a good time with them."

Yanagawa narrowed his eyes slightly and smiled.

Of course he hadn't forgotten.

Several little mice were hiding in the corner of the battlefield shivering, not daring to show their faces.

But it can be true.

Their existence has long been seen by Yanagawa!

Turn your head.

Yanagawa's eyes looked meaningful, looking at one of the ruins located in the ruined battlefield.

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