"That feast place in the East China Sea..."

"Is there such a terrifying existence?"

"Even Virgo, he was killed. That guy called Red Flame Sword Hao, who is he divine, and how did he come out of the East China Sea?! "

"As strong as Virgo, he actually died in the East China Sea!"

"Diamanti is dead, and now Virgo is dead. The family, two of the highest cadres died at one time in that projectile land in the East China Sea! "

The more Torepol thought about it, the more frightened he became.

It's terrible!

Is the East China Sea really the weakest sea?

But all kinds of things happening in front of him have subverted his previous perception of the East China Sea.

This is still the weakest East China Sea?

Even Virgo died.

In that kind of ghost place in the East China Sea, there is actually this kind of freak?

Diamanti was killed, and Torrebol did not yet feel so frightened.

But even Virgo was killed, which is enough to show the seriousness of the situation.

Virgo, this is a pirate who can easily kill many pirates with a bounty of 300 million berry. This kind of strength should sweep a large area in the East China Sea.

Have you ever thought.

The powerful Virgo died strangely in the East China Sea.

"More precisely."

At this time, Doflamingo spoke again, "Virgo, it's not just being killed. To be precise, he is very likely to be killed in seconds! "

This remark fell.

The atmosphere is getting weirder!

Torrepol and Pika stared wide-eyed and looked in Doflamingo's direction with shocked faces.

A group of cadres looked at Doflamingo with horror and horror.


After a brief dead silence.

The overwhelming horror and huge tremors swept the huge hall.


What's the situation?!

Virgo, was killed in seconds?!

Oh, my God!

All this subverts their worldview.

Especially the two top cadres who know the inside information well Torrebol and Pica, they can feel even more how shocking Doflamingo's words must be!

Virgo is strong!

In the East China Sea, it can basically be said that it is the kind that sweeps across the world.

But Virgo died.

Died without warning!

Now he suddenly told them that Virgo was not only dead, but also killed in an instant!

How can they accept this result?

How strong is the person who can kill Virgo?

For this, they are already unimaginable.


How strong is the person who can kill Virgo in seconds?!

One thought of this.

Pika and Torrepol's thinking stagnated, their eyes were distracted and dull, and their faces turned pale and bloodless at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It's horrifying!

Virgo, it turned out to be seconds?!

A person as powerful as Virgo's level would actually be killed in seconds?


This is impossible!

But these remarks, they knew from the mouth of the respected young lord Doflamingo, and they did not allow them to have the slightest doubt and doubt.

They can only believe!

Virgo, he was really killed by someone.

And the one who killed Virgo in seconds ...

It is the Red Flame Sword Hao Yanagawa of the East China Sea!

"Chi, Red Flame Sword Hao Yanagawa..."

This title gradually called the nightmare in the hearts of Torrepol and Pika.

What arises in their hearts is not anger and killing intent, but thick fear and trepidation.

Can kill Virgo in seconds, how strong is this guy?!


More than they could have imagined!

Horror of the world!


Being able to kill Virgo made the two of them furious.

And can kill Virgo in seconds...

What is this concept?!


The two rolled their throats, couldn't help swallowing their saliva, and looked at their young master Doflamingo with horror on their faces, their hands and feet were cold, and they were covered in cold sweat.

"Now solemnly popularize it with you."

"Red Flame Sword Hao's great potential threat to our family."

Doflamingo took a deep breath, suppressed many emotions such as anger in his heart, and calmly spoke.

"The information that is known includes the appearance characteristics of the Red Flame Sword Hao, as well as his age stage, and finally the introduction of his strength."

"Red Flame Sword Hao, about fifteen years old."

"The abilities he controls include the two main ones, that is, domineering and swordsmanship!"

"The three-color domineering, he has completely mastered it, that is, the color of arming, the color of seeing and smelling, and the color of overlord..."

Speaking of which.

Even Doflamingo's face became very heavy.

Overlord color!

That damn guy, even the overlord color is in control.

This can be imagined.

How threatening that guy is!

How terrifying a talent must be for a teenager who controls the overlord color?!

Even Doflamingo was deeply depressed by this.

He could anticipate it.

This boy may really become the lifelong enemy of the Don Quixote family!


As Doflamingo's words fell, like a bombshell, it instantly detonated all the cadres in the huge living room.

Let their mood suffer an unprecedented terrifying impact!

Tricolor domineering?!

It's not just about arming and seeing.

Even, including the overlord color?!

This is too scary!

"Just like you, Young Lord..."

Torrepol's eyes widened and he looked at Doflamingo in horror.

Doflamingo has a tyrant color, and this is one of the main reasons why Torrepol and others decided that their own young master would become the overlord of this sea.

But he never dreamed of it.

The monster that killed Virgo in seconds actually has this terrifying king talent potential?

Except for Torrepol.

Pika beside him, and the rest of the cadres, all revealed the deepest emotional fluctuations in their hearts.


A strong sense of shock all over the body and mind!

That Red Flame Sword Hao of the East China Sea...

What kind of monster is it?!

Even the overlord color is controlled!

This kind of monster appeared from the East China Sea?

In the past, they had never heard of the name of the Red Flame Sword Hao, and the other party seemed to appear out of thin air, but he carried many extremely terrifying and terrifying methods.

"In addition to the domineering tricolor, his swordsmanship attainments are very outstanding!"

"According to rumors, his swordsmanship is similar to the swordsmanship of Vice Admiral Ghost Spider in the Navy headquarters."

Doflamingo spoke again.

Many cadres present looked sluggish and stunned.

Swordsmanship, similar to the Vice Admiral Ghost Spider of the Navy Headquarters ...

Also controls the skilled tricolor domineering!

Is this really a person from the East China Sea?

But why always give them one, the other party is like a bigwig-level existence in the new world!

The atmosphere is silent!

It's weird!

Doflamingo's successive words subverted the cognition of these cadres.

Also overturned, their perception of the East China Sea.


That weak East China Sea is gone forever!

The East China Sea has become an extremely terrifying and weird place in their minds!


How weak to talk about?

Even Virgo went to the East China Sea and was killed in seconds!

How can this sea be weak?!



Many cadres exhaled heavily, but they still felt panic and shock that could not be contained.


Including Torrebol and Pika, the two of them were in a frightened mood, and couldn't help but look at Doflamingo and asked: "Young Lord, how do we solve this monster?" "

They suddenly had no masters of the six gods.

Now Virgo was seconds.


Their Don Quixote family, except for Doflamingo, no cadre can compete with each other!

What do they do next?

What method can be used to solve this monster?

This made Torrepol and Pika, including all the cadres present, not think of a reason.

What can they do in the face of such a formidable enemy?

One, a monster whose swordsmanship is comparable to that of a vice admiral of the Navy's headquarters!

Also controls the pure tricolor domineering!

Has the strength capital to kill Virgo in seconds.

Against such a monster, what else can their Don Quixote family use?

There is only one way.

That is...

Let Doflamingo personally strike!

Apart from that, there is no second way to implement.

They also don't think that with their three-legged cat kung fu, they can deal with a terrifying monster that can last a second, which is obviously unrealistic.

To let them deal with this monster, what is the difference between this and giving away a head?

Many frightened and apprehensive eyes were fixed on Doflamingo's body.




Many looks filled their eyes.

"How to solve it..."

Doflamingo's eyes were in a trance.

If only he had a precise plan.

But the problem is, he can't even think of how it should be good!

Personally dispatched?

That's doable!

But here's the problem.

Now, the Don Quixote family is in a state of readiness to attack Dressrosa in full force. As the young head of the Don Quixote family, Doflamingo naturally had to sit in the Don Quixote family.

How could he go out and run all the way to the East China Sea to deal with a Red Flame Sword Hao?

How much time does it take?

Doflamingo is not clear.

But he felt that this time must be very long!

At that time, the matter of attacking Dressrosa, the yellow cauliflower waiting for it will be cold.


The most important thing is to attack Dressrosa and capture Dressrosa as soon as possible, which has never been the base camp of the Don Quixote family!

With Dressrosa as the base, he began to open an arsenal on a large scale, prompting the cooperation with the Four Emperors and Hundred Beasts Pirate Group to become closer and closer.

This was the plan that Doflamingo had planned before.

Dressrosa must be captured!

This place originally belonged to the Don Quixote family, but the young Doflamingo was driven out at that time.

Now the strength and power are sufficient in all aspects.

Doflamingo has a very strong and eager mood to regain this lost place and firmly control it.

This critical moment.

As the young master of the Don Quixote family, how could he abandon his current affairs and rush to the East China Sea?


Incomparably tangled!

Doflamingo was not only angry, but also deeply helpless.

Don Quixote family, no one can share these pressures for him!

Before there was Virgo.

But now Virgo is dead, dead at the hands of that troublesome archenemy.

"Young Lord, we are about to attack Dressrosa at the moment, if you leave..."

Torrepol stopped talking, looking very worried.

Before the war started, the boss ran, how can this be fought?

Their Don Quixote family has already prepared too much, can they still forcibly terminate this operation to attack Dressrosa?

No way!

It has been prepared for many years, and it has been declared that this sea is well known to everyone who is making trouble.

Don Quixote family, must attack!

Don't hold back!

This is the situation before the Don Quixote family.

Once they retreat, or temporarily run aground, then the loss of their family will be too great.

Whether it is fame or resources, as well as the manpower to prepare for a war, every minute and every second will continue to consume the resources of the Don Quixote family.

If no war breaks out!

If it drags on like this, even if the Don Quixote family has more resources, it will be squandered.

"Let me think about it."

Doflamingo rubbed his temples, his eyes bloodshot.

Half a thought.


Doflamingo came up with a plan: "In this way, pass on my order, in the name of the Don Quixote family, to issue a wanted order for the underground world to the Red Flame Sword Hao Yanagawa!" "

"Let all the forces of the underground world participate in it. It also made the Red Flame Sword Hao a notorious underground world, and everyone knew that they wanted to fight against it. "

"In this way, even if the Red Flame Sword Hao will not be killed, these people will definitely cause him a lot of trouble. Using this time, we will be able to attack Dressrosa in full force! "

"After the success of capturing Dressrosa, I will personally toss my hands to deal with this guy of Red Flame Sword Hao Liu Chuan!"

The words spread.

Pika couldn't help but ask: "Young Lord, how much Berry is it appropriate for us to want?" "

This is also what many cadres present are deeply curious about.

Can kill Virgo in seconds, this strength is definitely not to be underestimated!

"A billion berry!"

Doflamingo's eyes were low, and his tone was cold and serious.

And then.

There was a brief silence.

The atmosphere is instantly detonated!

Pika, Torrebol and many other cadres widened their eyes and looked at Doflamingo with horror on their faces.

Looking at Doflamingo's serious look, they understood that this was no joke!

A billion berry!

This is probably too high!

A terrifying huge wanted warrant that subverts cognition!

"Ten, a billion berry..."

A group of cadres trembled with their lips.

"In this way, you immediately draft a wanted warrant and release it in the name of the family!"

Doflamingo waved his hand.

All the cadres left the hall with many emotions of horror and shock.


A terrifying huge wanted warrant spread from the Don Quixote family to the underground world of the New World, as well as many underground world power groups in the first half of the Great Passage.

At the same time.

Without exception, they all saw this huge wanted order issued by the Don Quixote family!

Wanted warrants circulate very quickly!

In the blink of an eye.

In the underground world, a wanted warrant of the same style began to float everywhere!

One is a huge wanted warrant issued by the Don Quixote family!

Wanted, a billion berry!

It's not hard to imagine.

The moment this wanted warrant was issued.

The underground world was instantly ignited with a fuse, and the flames burned.

Let this dead and silent underground world become extremely boiling!

"Me, my God!"

"Wanted by a billion berry?!"

"Don Quixote, is this crazy? Or is this guy called Red Flame Jianhao really provoking the Don Quixote family? "

"This must have really angered the Don Quixote family, otherwise how could it be given a huge wanted warrant of one billion berry?!"

"It's unbelievable, it's a billion berry!"

All the people, forces, and groups in the underground world were deeply shocked by the wanted warrant issued by the Don Quixote family, and the amount of Berry wanted.

The gloomy underworld...

Completely detonated by this wanted warrant!

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