Rogue Town.

The ruined streets, lined with buildings that collapsed, were reduced to many ruins, placed in a haphazard manner above the dilapidated ground.

Like the mess and wreckage after the disaster.

In the air, there is a pungent and unpleasant smell of burning.

A hideous and terrifying crack spread all the way from this ruined area more than five hundred meters away, running through this entire street and penetrating another street.



This is the complete picture of the terrain here, and the mental outlook is particularly damaged.


There was debris and debris everywhere.

The golden halo spilled from the edge of the sky, revealing this broken landscape more clearly, and the broken environment that made the scalp numb.

The atmosphere is oppressive!


It's as if no one has ever existed in a messy area.

A gentle breeze.

Smogg and the others, who were hiding by the ruins, had goosebumps all over their bodies, their faces were terrified, and they shivered and looked at the cracks that remained in the scene around them.


Penetrating fear, penetrating their hearts, penetrated their hearts, dominated their bodies.

"Lieutenant Colonel Smogg, what should we do?"

Dusty's little face was full of fear, and he turned his head to look at Virgo, his pink lips trembled slightly, his face was full of panic, and the six gods were masterless.

All this she is currently experiencing makes her unable to adapt and even more difficult to accept.

Even if the war is over.

Virgo also died.

But this battle was still extremely impressive in Dusty's mind, so that she couldn't forget it at all. The scene that happened was as if it had just been in front of her eyes.


"Prepare to quit this damn place!"

Smogg took a deep breath and forcibly suppressed the thick fear in his heart.

As for avenging Virgo?

Are you kidding!

This thought never appeared in Smogg's mind.

Nor does he think he has that ability.

If there was, the moment Virgo was about to be killed, he chose to strike.

But Smogg didn't make a move.

This meant that he didn't have any grasp of facing the monster of Red Flame Sword Hao at all, and even in his heart, he didn't even have the slightest bit of confidence.



The other two shivering navies also forcibly suppressed the fear in their hearts and prepared to follow Smog and leave the place together.

This has become a terrifying place of nightmares and nightmares in their minds!

Monster habitat!

This is the label they put on this ruined street.



"It is more appropriate and appropriate to describe it as the place where the gods live!"

Two insane naval elite heads thought so.

In this place, they did not dare to stay any longer.

The scene that happened just now still lingered in their minds incomparably deeply, making them remember it deeply and panic boiling in their hearts.


Smog forced himself to prop up his somewhat limp legs.

At this time, he was just an excellent navy, and he had not yet reached such a calm heart. In addition, the things faced are too shocking to the world.

So much so that Smogg's loss of courage in panic is understandable.

Dusty gritted her teeth and propped up her delicate body, ready to follow Smogg's footsteps.

But right now.

Suddenly, the temperature here seemed to become a little cold.


The piercing coldness swept through the bodies of Smog and the others.

Let them get goosebumps all over their bodies!

The movement also instantly stiffened.


Smogg noticed something extremely terrifying and terrifying!

"I, I didn't read that wrong, right?!"

Smogg's pupils shrank and he trembled.

He quickly rubbed his eyes and stared in the direction of the area where the ruined battlefield was destroyed.

Visible to the naked eye.

The most prominent young figure above the ruined battlefield, a wisp of white clothes, spotless, looks exceptionally otherworldly.

The most terrifying thing is...

This figure.


It seems like!

Probably, approaching where they are ?!


Smogg's eyes widened, his eyes filled with horror and trepidation.

This monster, approaching their place ?!

When he noticed this, Smogg's entire head couldn't help but turn into a blank, his face was terrified, and his face turned pale at an extremely obvious speed.

The body, I can't help but start shaking!

Boundless fear poured in from all directions.

Stiff up!

Smog froze in place on the spot, motionless, completely unable to move!


Not only did Smog produce such abnormalities, but even Dusty, and even the two young navies, also produced the same emotions, violent emotional ups and downs, which were difficult to contain.

Endless fears flocked from all directions to where they were.

It's like being in a dark environment.

Fear dominates their bodies!

The steps they just took couldn't help but stiffen and stagnate in mid-air, and they could no longer fall.

Follow the trend and look ahead.

Dusty they can see too.

That one is in the heart of the ruined battlefield.

That otherworldly figure in white!

The other party was actually walking towards the place where they were currently standing.

It is not difficult to judge from this.

"I, we, have you been discovered?!"

Dusty's lips trembled.

The only explanation!

In addition, it is impossible for the other party to go to the place where they are for no reason!



It's no coincidence!

If they hadn't been discovered, how could the other party have come to their location by such a coincidence?

Not a coincidence!

Must have been discovered!

"More precisely."

"Fight from the beginning..."

"The moment we came here, he may have discovered it. It's just that he doesn't have the distraction to pick us up, which makes us mistakenly think that we are hiding. "

"In fact, our whereabouts have long been exposed to his insight."

"It's ridiculous, it's always been just us. We are so na??ve that we mistakenly think that our own abilities can evade the perception of monsters of this level! "

Smogg's throat was dry and he analyzed it very sensibly.

It's ridiculous!

They actually think that they can avoid the insight of this monster?

This made Smog can't help but feel funny in retrospect.

"From the beginning, we were discovered?!"

"And this monster just doesn't want to deal with us." But we naively thought that as long as we didn't make a sound to disturb us, we wouldn't cause him to notice. "

Dusty's eyes were lost for a moment, and fear had completely filled her body and mind.

Recall that.

The na??ve thought they had before, they felt ridiculous!

In front of this monster.

They actually thought that their whereabouts could hide from the perception of this monster.


"It's over, it's over!"

"Now, we're done playing!"

"A terrifying existence as strong as a god, at this moment, is approaching us..."

The two young navies trembled with trepidation, and their insane words were striking.

Their gaze.

Only the white-clothed figure who came step by step from the ruins remained.

The teenager, dressed in white, was spotless, and this broken environment showed a sharp visual impact that was diametrically opposed.

At the same time.

They looked at Yanagawa at the same time.

Located on the ruined battlefield, Yanagawa also looked at them.


Look at each other!



The piercing coldness made Smogg and the others get goosebumps, their sweaty hair stood upright, their scalp was numb, and they lowered their heads in trepidation.

Don't dare to look at each other!

They don't have the courage to look at this terrifying existence in front of them!

I only feel that the temperature around me plummets!

Let them be physical, like they are in an ice cave.

Heart-piercing cold!

"Sure enough!"

"This monster really noticed us for a long time."

"Now that we have solved Major General Virgo, he will find time to deal with us. Before, he just didn't want to deal with us and waste his time. "

But that doesn't mean we're perfectly hidden from his insight. Actually, he just doesn't have time to take care of us trash fish! "


"In his eyes, we are a school of trash fish."

Smogg's hands and feet were cold.

They are completely different from the monster in front of them!

It's two completely different species!

"It's over!"

The Smogg four were dominated by fear.

Dusty was even paralyzed and pale.


The sound of loud footsteps not far away lingered in their ears.

From far to near!

It is getting clearer!

Occasionally audible.



The broken ground, the cracking sound of the trampled cracks and cracks.

Silence in an environment.

This sound of footsteps, accompanied by the sound of the ground collapsing, is particularly prominent!

The sound that is getting closer and closer, also becomes...

Smogg and the source of the greatest fear in the hearts of the four of them!

It's as if the devil is approaching!

The devil from hell, carrying the scythe of death, slowly approached their necks.


But they felt an unprecedented cold, sweeping through their bodies.

The back was gradually wet with cold sweat, and even his clothes were soaked.

The cold touch reminds them all the time.

They have entered the hunting area of a monster!



This is the moment.

Only then did they deeply realize how severe their situation was just now.

To put it more simply.

The fight begins from the very beginning, the moment they try to approach this battlefield.

It's like.

They are already frantically tempted on the way to death!

Originally, they thought they were hiding well, but in the end they found that it was a big joke.

The reason why he was able to preserve himself on the battlefield and remain alive until now was purely because that monster did not intend to deal with them at all, nothing more.

It's not because of how well they hide it.

And now.

That monster finally withdrew his hand.

And they are about to usher in a miserable fate.

The shadow of death has hung over their heads.

They felt it deeply.

Close to death!

"It's really now!"

Smogg's head went blank.

Rao couldn't think of a way to break the situation with his heart.

Break the game?


What they face is a terrifying monster that can kill Major General Virgo in seconds!

Being targeted by this monster, how to break the game?

There are simply no possibilities!

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