
The biting coldness made Smogg's sweaty hair stand on end, goosebumps rising, wrapped around his body, completely uncontrollably spread over every area of his body.

This passive atmosphere of welcoming death made Smog extremely terrified.

It was the first time he had experienced such a depressing thing.

In this state, Smogg has even forgotten that he is a natural ability.

Those who are naturally capable of nature passively bear this approaching desperate situation.

It can well be imagined.

Smogg's mood must be so terrified!

Only then did he let him ignore everything about himself as a natural ability.


The sound of footsteps still lingered in my ears.

And this is the root of the most fearful of Smogg, Dusty and others.

As the footsteps approached, the fear in their hearts grew stronger.

The monster is coming!

The monster is getting closer!


This is not a monster!

What a god who came to earth!

At least.

In the hearts of the two insane naval elites, this is what they think.

Naval elite?

So what?

In the face of this kind of thing, they will be insane and normal, even Smogg, by the events that just happened, overturned the worldview.

"It's over!"

"It's really over!"

Dusty shivered.

This feeling of passively welcoming the arrival of nightmares is really a great ordeal for them every minute and every second, and it is a depression that cannot be described in words.


The footsteps disappeared.

Their mood also fell to the bottom.

The body fell into the ice storage, and the coldness penetrated the heart, making them unable to control the body to tremble.

They understand.

Monster, here it comes!

Moreover, at this moment, this monster is close at hand!

Stand in front of them less than a few meters away!

Although they did not dare to look up at each other, they could feel it.

The overwhelming sense of terrifying oppression had swept from the area in front of them, in all aspects, and finally enveloped their bodies.

The root of this terrifying momentum is right in front of you!


The unprecedented despair was deeply rooted in the hearts of Smog and others.

Topography of dilapidated streets.

A gentle breeze.

The air was filled with a pungent burning odor.

Yanagawa, who was dressed in white and spotless, stood in this ruined ruin, his figure was particularly prominent and unique.

His figure presents a completely different visual contrast with this broken landscape!

It seems, otherworldly!

Standing in front of Smog and the others.

Yanagawa looked at these shivering little mice, and the smile on his face was a little playful.

These little mice are really cute!

It is clear that they are already so afraid, but they insist on approaching the battlefield, this mentality makes Liu Chuan can't help but sigh, contradictory mentality.


Yanagawa looked at Smogg, who was wrapped in white bandages, with a bit of emotion on his face.

Hear Yanagawa's voice.

Smog raised his head with a look of trepidation, and a pair of terrified eyes fixed on Yanagawa in front of him.

Of course, he couldn't forget Yanagawa's figure.

On that day, he was once dominated by fear, and it came from Yanagawa!

One face, and he was seconded!


Or even more precisely, he was killed by the aftermath of the slash released by Yanagawa with a single face!

There is an insurmountable gap between this and being killed head-on!

To say that he was killed in a positive second, this is purely to put gold on Smogg's face.

"Red Flame Sword Hao..."

Smogg's lips trembled.

Monsters, right in sight!

What can he do?

Be at one's wits' end!

If the other party were to kill them, Smogg didn't think they would be able to compete with this monster. Even such a strong existence as Major General Virgo was seconds by the other party.

And how can they block it?

Can't stop it at all!

If the other party wants them to die, they can only die, there is no second possibility. It is also impossible to have the qualifications to rebel and rebel against the other party.

"It's been a long time."

Yanagawa smiled.

For him, it really had been a long time since he had seen Smogg.

Think of meeting each other that day.

Still a few days ago, he was still in a weak position.

When the collision with Smog broke out, if it was at that stage, he ran into Virgo. Yanagawa is really not confident that he can beat Virgo.

In a New York minute.

After such a period of time, his own strength has also been greatly leapfrogged and sublimated.

As strong as Virgo, when facing himself, he will seem fragile and small.

So that in the end, you can easily be killed by yourself!

This made Yanagawa's heart have a sense of déjà vu that time seems to have passed for a long time.

In fact, it took less than ten days before and after.

It's just that Yanagawa's strength has improved too fast, giving him the illusion that time has passed for a long time.

"You, what do you want?"

Smogg's throat was dry, and his face was full of horror as he stared at Yanagawa, his eyes were bloodshot, but it was difficult to hide the deep fear in the depths of his eyes.

They don't have the capital to block Yanagawa in front of them.

All the struggles were in vain.

It's better not to struggle!

Anyway, the result will not change because of their struggle.

"What do I think? You've been here for so long. If it weren't for the fact that I crushed Virgo in seconds with absolutely overwhelming strength. "

"If the end result is that I and Virgo are both defeated. Then don't you have the opportunity to take advantage of the void? Now you are asking me in turn, what do I want to do? "

"Isn't that the right question for me to ask you?"

Yanagawa's smile was meaningful.

The words fell.

Smog and the others were silent.


If Yanagawa happens to lose both with Virgo.

Their intervention is completely enough to change the situation of this battle!

It's good, Smogg is also a natural ability, Yanagawa's strength is in its heyday, he doesn't dare to resist, but Yanagawa is seriously injured and dying, can't he do it?

But was Yanagawa seriously injured?


Not even the slightest injury on his body existed!

How dare Smogg act rashly?

Of course he didn't dare to move!

"I, we, are just here to witness the movement of the battlefield."

Dusty explained weakly.

After saying this, it seemed to consume all the courage of her body.

"Oh? In other words, you don't want to get involved in the battle? "

Yanagawa turned his head with a smile and looked at Dusty, the little loli.

What a sin!

Look what scared this little loli into.

His face was pale and bloodless!

Looking at this look, it is obviously frightening.

"Major Virgo's future is unknown and I think things may be very different from what I imagined. Although these words, in your opinion, may be justification. "

"But I'm not afraid to tell you directly."

"I seriously suspect that Major General Virgo has a very huge relationship with the members of the CP organization you killed last time!"

Smogg gritted his teeth and spat out some of Mixin truthfully.

It's all dying to the end.

He doesn't have to be taboo too much, just say whatever he wants to say!


No matter how bad it is, can it be worse than death?

Now being targeted by this monster, Smogg has completely cut off the luck mentality of being able to survive. It is better to say the words of the heart once without spitting out unpleasantness.

These doubts had long appeared in Smogg's heart.

It's just that he doesn't dare to say it, and there is no way to verify it.

It's too deep!

Even the CP organization was involved, and as a lieutenant colonel in the Navy, Smog naturally did not dare to make these shocking speculations in his heart public.

The water of this world is very turbid and deep!

Smogg already knew this a few days ago.

"What else do you know?"

Yanagawa looked at Smog with a surprised expression.

That's a smart guy!

It is also known that Virgo is involved with those in the CP organization.

It's not about involvement, it's just an object of mutual use.

But at the end of the day.

Virgo will come to Rogue Town to deal with Yanagawa, and indeed has some connection with those who organized the CP last time.

If Yanagawa hadn't messed up the CP organization's deal with the Don Quixote family, these series of troublesome things would naturally not have happened.

Strictly speaking, this time Virgo will die in the town of Rogue, and the root and starting point of everything is caused by Yanagawa messing up the transaction between the two.

I didn't expect it.

Even this guy Smogg seems to have noticed this.

This surprised Yanagawa.

It seems that Smogg is not too stupid either.

But think about it.

Virgo appeared in Rogue Town, which revealed strangeness everywhere, and it was naturally easy for people to conduct in-depth analysis of Virgo's appearance in Rogue Town.

It is not difficult to detect these weirdness.

"Lieutenant Colonel Smogg, you..."

Dusty's pupils shrank, including the two young navies beside him, who looked at Smog with horror on their faces.

What's the situation?

"Don't make a fuss."

Yanagawa waved his hand and said with a smile.

Tone, no doubt!

Dusty and the others quickly panicked, kept silent, and did not dare to disturb again.

They almost forgot.

The one standing in front of him is the real terrifying monster!

Monsters that give them endless fear!

Compared to other things, the most important thing for them at the moment is not to consider their own lives?

"Tell me about it, what are your opinions."

Yanagawa smiled and looked at Smogg.

"No, that's all I know."

"These are just my speculations, and I haven't got conclusive evidence to show all this." As for the more information, it is not something I can learn, and it is not something I dare to trace. "

Smogg took a deep breath and forced the throbbing in his heart.

"Your head is not too short of strings!"

"Want to know more?"

Yanagawa smiled intriguingly.

"What do you mean?"

Smog was stunned.

"If you want to know more, just investigate it yourself. You will surely investigate an answer that satisfies you, but subverts your perception! "

"At that time, I don't know if you can still retain the concept of justice in your current heart."

"Perhaps, you will doubt that life is not necessarily!"

"That scene is really exciting..."

Yanagawa laughed.

It can be expected.

When the truth is found, Smogg's inner concept of justice will definitely be distorted and usher in a painful blow.

Think of this.

Yanagawa suddenly felt that he didn't want to kill the Smogg guys in front of him again.

It seems interesting to let Smog investigate this matter.

"You, you don't kill us?!"

Smogg's face was pale and full of shock.

"Do you really want me to kill you?"

Yanagawa asked with a smile.


Smog and the others were once again swept away by the boundless cold aura, wrapped around their bodies, and made goosebumps rise all over their bodies that they could not contain.

He had no doubts.

If he continues to entangle, this monster in front of him will really kill them!

"No, don't dare!"

Smog hurriedly bowed his head.

He felt deeply humiliated in his heart!

The dignified navy actually gave in to a pirate!

This is the greatest shame of his life!

However, when he recalled what had just happened, it was not so difficult for Smog to accept.

Bow to this monster ...

Isn't this a normal thing?

This is a terrifying existence like a god!

In the face of this kind of existence, it must be fearful of everyone, right?

To this.

Smogg is convinced!

"Smogg, I'm really looking forward to meeting you next time."

"I hope to meet next time..."

"You won't be as weak and vulnerable as you are now."

Yanagawa glanced deeply at Smogg.

This look made Smog tremble.

And then.

Yanagawa turned around and walked away from the ruined battlefield without looking back.

Above the broken soil.


Yanagawa's figure disappeared.

Completely out of the area.

Watching Yanagawa's back drift away.

Until it completely disappeared, the mood of Smog and the others still could not come back to their senses, their eyes widened, and their faces were full of horror and stunned.

"This, this..."

"We, survived?!"

It's a little strange when things happen!


Subverted their perceptions.

They, just like that, survived ?!

So simple?

This monster didn't even kill them to extinguish it?!

This is really unimaginable to Smogg and Dusty.

It's horrifying!

Waiting for death to come, they were suddenly told that they did not have to die.

This moment.

Their mood naturally became extremely stunned and frightened.

What happened turned their view of things upside down.

They never dreamed of it.

They were able to escape from the hands of this monster and survived.

Of course.

This is purely because the other party does not want to kill them.

But there's no denying it...

Indeed, they survived from the blade of the Red Flame Sword Hao Liu Chuan.

The desperate situation was so strangely resolved.

This made Smog stunned.

Dusty and the others were also frozen in place, motionless.

The atmosphere is eerie!

The breeze gently stirred up the pungent, unpleasant smell of burning, lingering in their sense of smell.

Next second.



The bodies of the four Smoggs seemed to have lost all their strength, unable to support the heavy and fearful bodies, and collectively fell to the broken ground next to them.


They were all paralyzed on the ground with palpitations on their faces.

Only they themselves deeply understand it.

Just now, they had already walked around the ghost gate.


That monster didn't leave their lives!

Things were so confusing that in a short period of time, they dared not imagine that the murderous big monster actually did not choose to end their lives.


Their heads are a mess and their thinking is stagnant.

Even if the monster has left.

But their mood, from beginning to end, still has deep fear. Only now, in this fear mood, a deep dazed feeling has been added.

Even they themselves feel.

They are still alive at the moment...

This is a strange event that cannot be explained.

"Red Flame Sword Hao..."

"What kind of person is he?!"

Smogg and Dusty couldn't help but think of the same thought.




These are the labels they put on Yanagawa.

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