With the detonation of the naval branch!

The news swept every corner of Rogue Town in an all-round way, causing panic among many residents of Rogue Town, as well as the many pirate groups staying in Rogue Town, all of them were terrified and trembling.

There are also many pirate groups, directly gritting their teeth without sufficient preparation, driving the pirate ship to the great channel immediately, not daring to stay too much in Rogue Town.

It's like.

In their eyes, Rogue Town has become a nightmare place that is more dangerous than the Great Passage!

A monster's habitat!

This naturally caused them to fear in their hearts, and they hurriedly fled the terrifying ghost place of Rogue Town as quickly as possible.

"Go! Come on! "

"If you don't leave, you can't leave!"

Go back.

These pirates, who were scrambling to escape Rogue Town, looked at the huge Rogue Town in the rear.

In their eyes.

Above Rogue Town, a dim black shadow has been wrapped around the entire Rogue Town. It was like a demon opening his fangs, making people feel panic, trembling, and apprehension from the bottom of their hearts.

One pirate ship after another, leaving Rogue Town at a very rapid speed, and rushed to the direction of the Great Passage, without looking back.

The departure of these people did not cause much movement in Rogue Town.


The current town of Rogue is dominated by one person!

That is, Red Flame Sword Hao Liu Chuan!

With his own power, dominate the terrifying existence of the entire Rogue Town!


When news spreads in all directions.

Not surprisingly, the news reached Jax's tavern.

Jax and Alice, who were located at the front desk of the tavern, got the news one after another.

That moment.

They were stunned.

The whole tavern fell into a strange atmosphere.


The news not only affected Jax and the two, but even the rest of the pirates and murderers in the tavern, they all got the news at the same time.

The originally noisy environment has become particularly weird!


Silent, creepy, scalp numbness.

A group of pirates holding wine glasses and five big and three thick pirates, dragging the back of the tiger and the bear's waist, their faces are fierce and Kong Wu is powerful, but at this moment they look like kittens, trembling with fear.

Panic boils!

Fear pervades the body and mind of everyone present.

Fear is contagious!

Contagious, everyone's body.

And then.

The entire tavern became extremely silent, as if it were dead silent.

Apart from the sound of people's hearts beating, no sound can be heard.

Even the sound of breathing is particularly clear.

"Mr. Jax..."

"This, is this true?"

Alice's eyes widened and she looked at Jax with shock.

She was still holding a transparent and delicate wine glass in both hands, holding a rag in her right hand, wiping the wine glass in her hand, and with this sudden news, it came to an abrupt end.

Action, stiffen!


Even the body became extremely stiff.

In the face of Alice's shocked inquiry.

Jax's thinking was also a little rigid, and he couldn't help but subconsciously speak, and his voice was jerky: "Maybe, maybe, it seems, it's true, right?" "

The tavern is silent!

Alice's pink lips opened slightly, and her face was full of shock.

Mr. Yanagawa...

It seems that another earth-shattering event has been done!

"A rear admiral, by Mr. Yanagawa in an instant."

"That prosperous street was also directly destroyed and crippled by Mr. Yanagawa alone, and it was unrecognizable."

"This is the humanoid mobility disaster!"

Jax couldn't help but speak, looking in awe.

After the shocking emotions dissipated.

The emotion he holds for Yanagawa is a deep admiration!

One thought.

This level of existence actually gave himself two promises, which suddenly made Jax extremely excited, uncontrollable excitement.

These are two great life-saving charms!

In the East China Sea, you can walk sideways with a life-saving charm!

"From two promises given by a 300 million monster..."

"In my life, I can sit back and relax in this ghost place in Rogue Town."

Jax thought with excitement on his face.


Alice was still silent in the majestic shock brought by this news, and her mind could not be recovered in a short time, and she was in a blank state.

Rear Admiral, was seconds ...

Mr. Yanagawa, another street was crippled!

According to rumors.

It also cut open a terrifying crack that was more than five hundred meters long.

Just as the ground was broken by force to break it, a bottomless dark crack appeared, like an abyss!

All this made Alice unimaginable.

The battle scene at that time must have been earth-shattering!

Great tavern.

A famous pirate and murderer had cold hands and feet, looking around with wide eyes, looking at the surrounding scenes, his lips trembled, the wine glass in his hand could not fall, and the wine in his mouth could not be swallowed.

"That monster really brought disaster to Rogue Town again!"

"And just now..."

"Do you dare to imagine? That monster was standing in front of us just now. And we, actually regarded him as nothing, completely unaware of the true identity of this monster! "

"Looking back now, I was covered in sweat, it was terrible!"

Their faces were full of fear.

One thought.

That terrifying big monster was located in the tavern just now, and standing next to them, the fear in their hearts was infinitely magnified.

They always feel.

Just now, they may have walked around the edge of life and death.

A slight carelessness.

At that time, they were very likely to be doomed!

That's the existence that can easily kill the rear admiral!

"Until now, I am still deeply terrified."

"Who knows, we just happened to meet that person in this tavern!"

All the pirates had palpitations and looked apprehensive.

The atmosphere is very weird!

That boy in white!

Become an incomparably deep impression in their minds!

It is also a terrifying nightmare that dominates their bodies!

"You may not know."

"Jax, this old man..."

"It seems that there is a lot to do with that person!"

Many pirates looked at Jax with awe on their faces, their eyes full of fear.

It is really a great luck to be involved with that old man, Jax!

They are envious!

Related to that person, if you can get that person's help, in the ghost place of Rogue Town, won't the status be as unshakable as a majestic mountain?

They suddenly yearned.

But to Jax, they were even more in awe.

The reason is none of it.

Jax, with that taboo, has a connection!

This alone was enough to completely cut them off the idea of making trouble in this tavern.

Give them ten thousand guts, and they will no longer dare to shout loudly in this tavern.

"What an enviable old man!"

"With that connection, with this layer of identity, can't you walk sideways in the East China Sea?" You don't have to worry about running into any difficulties! "

"That person's influence is too great in the East China Sea!"

"Being able to connect with that person, Jax's status in the East China Sea can be described as unshakable. In Rogue Town, absolutely no one dares to provoke. "

Everyone can expect it.

With Jax's connection to that person, it will definitely make all pirates in awe of Jax.


Jax's power in Rogue Town is not small, plus this time he can also connect with that terrifying taboo. All this has made Jax's position more stable and unmoved.


A pair of eyes full of awe and envy were fixed on Jax's body.

Feeling these many eyes, Jax smiled from the bottom of his heart.

"I'm happy today..."

"All purchases today are free!"

The voice just fell.

The whole tavern instantly boiled.

"Boss Jax is atmospheric!"

"Atmospheric! Atmosphere! "

Everyone knows it.

The source of Jax's excitement must have something to do with the existence of that taboo.

At the same time.

In the town of Rogue, which was instantly detonated, there have been many pirates, trying to escape the terrifying nightmare place of Rogue Town.

A famous pirate did not care about purchasing materials, so he hurriedly carried the pirate ship, set sail out to sea, and moved forward with the goal of the great shipping lane.

Looking at their appearance, it was as if they wished they could reach the Great Passage immediately, without continuing to worry about it here in Rogue Town.

Compared to the Great Passage...

They felt that Rogue Town was even more terrifying!

The probability of the Great Passage encountering monsters is extraordinary.

But, in Rogue Town, the probability of them encountering monsters is very high!

This does not.

Didn't that monster already destroy a street?

If it goes on like this, they don't think they can withstand it.

Even if they don't touch the monster, they always feel that they will be dominated by the fear brought by the monster, causing them to go insane!

All in all.

The ghost place of Rogue Town must not continue to stay.

Or get out of the way!

This is the safest course of action.

Are there many monsters in the Great Passage?

Of course much!

But the problem is...

How big is the Great Passage?


In such a huge great channel, the probability of encountering a monster of this level is really too slim.

But how big is this place in Rog Town?

There is no denying that the area of Rogue Town is indeed vast. But if compared to the entire Great Passage, it can be said to be an insignificant projectile land.

And in this land of projectiles, a monster appeared!

The probability of them encountering this monster will naturally be very high.

This was the fundamental reason for their rapid escape to the Great Passage.

They can't figure it out.

Next second.

Will they run into this terrifying big monster!

With these thoughts, some pirate groups who had just arrived in Rogue Town, before they had time to rest, began to order with a panicked face, let the helmsman set sail, and quickly fled Rogue Town.


Located on the western coast of the town of Rogue.

There was a pirate ship that had just arrived in Rogue Town.

This is a pirate ship with a skeleton flag hanging high, and the most prominent place of the skull flag, in the center of the skull flag, is a red nose.

A skeleton flag with a red nose!

The group of pirates located on this ship was prepared to plunder in the town of Rogue, and then take the plundered material resources and rush to the Great Passage.

For this, they are well prepared.


Guns and ammunition!

Weapon blade!

All of this is already ready.

Just wait, the pirate ship docked on the edge of the coast.

They will attack immediately and plunder resources as quickly as they can, fleeing the town of Rogue and rushing to the Great Passage.

But, they never dreamed of it.

Rogue Town, there is an extremely terrifying monster lurking at this moment!

As the rumors circulated in Rogue Town, their strong intention of still thinking about plundering Rogue Town was instantly extinguished by a basin of cold water.

All that remains...



Many emotions poured into their hearts.

The idea of plundering the resources of Rogue Town was directly dispelled and disappeared without a trace!

That's a 300 million monster!

This kind of monster is lurking in Rogue Town, and of course they dare not act rashly against Rogue Town again.

"Our luck is also too unlucky!"

"I wanted to come to Rogue Town to plunder some resources, but there is actually a 300 million monster hidden here?!"

"I think it's better not to log ashore, and it's safer to go directly to the Great Passage."

A group of pirates wailed in their hearts.

And then.

Their captain immediately ordered: "Helmsman, immediately set sail, prepare to set sail, and leave the coast of Rogue town at once." Goal, great waterway. "

Under the sun.

Their captain revealed a clown-like face.

And, the most prominent, a big red nose!

The appearance is unique and memorable.

This face is relatively well-known in the East China Sea, and it once became a nightmare for many town residents in the East China Sea.

People gave this person a nickname ...

Bucky the Clown!

This ship, also called, Bucky Pirates!

Not often.

The entire pirate ship, under Baki's orders, quickly left the port coast and set sail, with the great passage as its main goal.

But no one noticed it.


On this ship, I don't know when it started.

Fenced strip on the edge of the deck.

Here, there is already a figure of a young man dressed in white!

As if out of thin air...

Without warning!

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