
The sea breeze blows softly, the waves set off waves, and the lake ripples, spreading in all directions.

The entire huge pirate ship, which had just docked on the western edge of the western coast of the town of Rogue, had not yet begun to drop anchor and prepare for landing. That sudden big news overturned all their original plans.

It was intended to plunder some of the supplies of the town of Rogue and use them as resources for the journey to the Great Voyage.

But who would have thought.

Rogue Town, a terrifying monster has emerged!

A taboo existence that was rewarded with 300 million berry!

When the news swept in.

Everyone on the ship panicked.

All the members of the Bucky Pirates added up, and the total number did not exceed 50 million berry.

When I heard that there was a terrifying monster lurking in Rogue Town with a bounty of up to 300 million berry.

What kind of mentality do they have?

Fear inevitably dominates their bodies and minds.

The gap is too big!

All of them added up to a bounty of 50 million berry, and the other party was given a huge bounty of 300 million beri by the navy.

In the face of this existence, all of them can feel their own insignificance!

300 million berry!

A level that they dare not dream of.


"Helmsman, immediately give Uncle Ben the ship to drive off the coast!"

Bucky the clown looked in the direction of Rogue Town with a fearful face, hurriedly speaking impatiently and impatiently, and shouted orders to the helmsman of the pirate group.

In this damn place, he didn't dare to log ashore.

Who knows if you will run into that terrifying monster!

"Three hundred million berry..."

Bucky was terrified.

Once an intern on the ship of One Piece Roger, Bucky certainly has a lot of experience and experience, more than most pirates in the East China Sea.

That's exactly why.

He knew better than everyone else in the entire pirate group.

A person who can be rewarded with 300 million berry, what a terrifying level of strength must reach!

All in all.

Such a powerful class is a majestic mountain that he is completely out of reach.

Although Rogue Town is vast, Bucky still can't be sure if they will really be unlucky enough to encounter that terrifying 300 million monster!

To ensure the possibility of all this.

Bucky took the opportunity to make a quick decision.

Ditch the town of Rogue and get to the Great Passage as fast as you can!

"A treasure map I got the other day showed that the treasure was on an island called Marika in the Great Passage. This time, I must get it! "

Bucky clenched his fists and looked expectant.


Looking back at Rogue Town next to him, the color of fear on his face became more and more intense.


The whole ship kept leaving the shores of Rogue Town, and only then did Bucky breathe a slight sigh of relief.


I didn't touch that monster, otherwise, whether they would be destroyed by the other party, it's really hard to say.

But if it does.

Their life and death are definitely just a thought of each other.

300 million monsters, what do they take to block ?!

Can't stop it at all!

"Boss Bucky, we have left the western shore of Rogue Town."

A group of pirates breathed a heavy sigh of relief and looked at Bucky in awe.

Compared to Bucky.


300 million monsters, giving them more fear.

"Where did this Mochi guy run? What about people? "

Bucky glanced around and raised his eyebrows.

Mochi, deputy captain of the Bucky Pirates, a tamer.

"Brother Mochi, he seems to be in the warehouse."

Some pirates quickly answered Bucky's words.

In their eyes.

Although Bucky is their captain, in their minds, Bucky is also a terrifying monster with a very terrifying temperament that is difficult to fathom.

Once they provoked Bucky, of course, they knew that even their status as a crew member would inevitably suffer a very miserable end.

And all of them know it all.

The fastest way to anger Bucky.

That is...

"That red nose over there, I'm sorry to interrupt your conversation."

A voice suddenly appeared, sounding from the edge of the deck.

Very abrupt!

Appeared, without warning!

The sound was loud and quickly spread in all directions, filling the entire pirate ship inside and outside.

All the pirates who were basically on the top heard this voice.

A group of pirates were stunned, and their faces turned pale at a speed visible to the naked eye.


dominates their bodies.

They couldn't help but tremble, and looked at Bucky with their eyes for the first time.


This is the end of it!

"What guy who doesn't have long eyes actually dares to anger Boss Bucky?!"

"Doesn't he know that Boss Bucky hates being called him by a red nose the most? This guy is bound to die! "

"This guy is dead!"

"Dare to call Boss Bucky a red nose?!"

A group of pirates were terrified.

Sure enough!

They looked at Bucky's face, which changed at a very noticeable rate.

Bucky was stunned at first.

And then.

Next second.

Raging anger emerged from Bucky's face, boiling and burning in his pupils, filling his face with almost all aspects, making him exude majestic and astonishing killing intent.


Anger enveloped Bucky's heart.

In his life, he hated the mention of the words 'red nose'!

I didn't think about it.

Today, someone really dares to call him that!


Bucky thinks he's going to kill!

Unload this damn guy!

Red nose?!

Doesn't this guy know that what he hates the most is that others call himself a red nose?!

Whoever it is!

This guy is bound to die!

Holding a lot of anger, burning in his heart, Bucky turned around, his face gloomy, his eyes full of murderous intent looking at the source of the voice.


Located on the entire pirate ship, the rest of the pirates also cast trepidative eyes, their eyes were not only terrified, but also mixed with deep pity.

"I don't know which unlucky guy dared to call Boss Bucky Red Nose. This guy can basically conclude that he is going to die! "

"Anger Boss Bucky, the end will not be so simple."

"No, Boss Bucky hates people calling him red-nosed the most. But this guy, who actually dares to call it that, is really impatient. "

As members of the Bucky Pirates, they certainly know Bucky's taboos.

Red nose!

These three words are enough to anger Bucky and make Bucky so angry that he loses his mind.

Because of these three words, the number of people who died at the hands of Bucky is simply too much.

Every once in a while.

There will always be these guys who want to find death!

This time, in their opinion, it will be no exception.

It's just that they don't know.

This guy, when the hell did he get on board.

Don't they know the first iron law of the Bucky Pirates?

The first iron law of the Bucky Pirates, you can't call Bucky Boss by name, let alone mention the three words 'red nose', this is the most important iron law.

It is also the key thing that every crew member on board remembers all the time.

This has become an absolute iron rule that every newcomer to join the Bucky Pirates must be the first time to avoid it!

They didn't expect that.

There are still fish that slipped through the net.

This newcomer must be a stunned man!

Even the iron law of their Baki pirate regiment is not known, by no means some old crew member. If it is an old crew, it will certainly not make such a low-level mistake.

They all looked at the source of the sound with pitying eyes.

Including Bucky, he had fixed his angry eyes on the young figure on the deck.

Dressed in white, spotlessly clean!

Looks and faces, very immature!

At most, fourteen or fifteen years old.

Just as, some fledgling teenagers reveal a rookie breath all over their bodies.

It's just that......

What puzzles many pirates is.

This face looks particularly strange!

A strangeness I've never seen before!

This is very puzzling.


Even Bucky couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, his anger was slightly suppressed, but he still stared at the figure of the white-clothed boy in front of him with murderous intent.

Very strange!

He vaguely remembered that the Bucky Pirates didn't seem to have such a number one, right?

So, how did the other party appear on the pirate ship?

The huge confusion wrapped around Bucky's heart, briefly suppressing his angry and murderous intent, causing him to fall into a deep groan.

The atmosphere has become a little weird!


"Face, so strange..."

"Is this guy really the crew of our Bucky Pirates?"

"But how do I feel, I've never seen him before? Is this just my delusion? "

"It's not an illusion, this kid is really raw."

"I have a good memory, so I'm sure this kid has never been in our Bucky Pirates before."

Many pirates frowned and constantly analyzed.

The number of Baki Pirates is not very large.


Although the crew in the pirate group are not very familiar with it sometimes, at least it does not give them a sense of déjà vu.

Immediately, someone has already made an accurate judgment.

"He can be sure that he is not the crew of our Baki Pirates!"


"So who is this kid? How did it get to our ship? "

"Wasn't it our Bucky Pirates, but ran to our pirate ship? This kid is really daring! "

A group of pirates were stunned.


The expressions on their faces became even more weird.

"Not the crew of our pirate group..."

"Not only did it run to our pirate ship."

Even, this kid called Boss Bucky the three words that were most taboo. All these behaviors are simply the rhythm of seeking their own death! "

"I said, this kid wants to kill himself, so he won't do it, right?"

In the eyes of all of them.

This kind of behavior is no different from suicide!

Dare to break into their Bucky Pirates, which allows them to label each other as certain death.


Do you really think that what kind of soft persimmons are their bucky pirates?

Or maybe it's some friendly pirate group?

They are pirates who do everything!


This kid actually dares to call those three words taboo by Boss Bucky in person!

Combine the above two reasons.

Let them look at the eyes of the white-clothed boy in front of them, as if looking at a dead person, a corpse.

"Poor fellow, it's already a big disaster, but he doesn't know it, he doesn't know."

"It's not..."

A group of pirates had a look of pity on their faces.

This kid is dead!

Even if the Heavenly King Laozi comes, he can't save him from facing death!

"Boy, I don't care if you're a crew member of the Baki Pirates. What did you call Uncle Ben just now? Red nose? You actually dare to call Uncle Ben Red Nose?! "

After a short silence, Bucky once again returned to his original angry demeanor, his eyes full of killing intent staring at the figure of the white-clothed boy in front of him.


His heart was already filled with anger and completely covered.

Even his sanity is already on the verge of losing control.

Under the sun.

Pirate ship deck edge.

A pair of eyes gathered on the same figure.


The figure located on the edge of the deck was a teenager with a young face.

The young man was carrying a huge package, carrying a blade around his waist, dressed in white, spotless, and dressed incompatible with the faces of the pirates around him.

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