The sea breeze is gentle.

Rolling the calm sea, rippling waves, ripples flowing into the distance, quickly spreading beyond the boundless sea.

A huge pirate ship sailed away from the western coast of Rogue Town.


Pirate ships are farther and farther away from the coast of Rogue town.

Ten meters!

Twenty meters!

Thirty meters!

100 meters away!

The pirate ship sailed to the sea a hundred meters away from the western coast of Rogue Town, and suddenly fell into a strange state of stagnation, floating quietly on the surface of the sea, unaffected by the current drifting.

The atmosphere is silent!

It's weird and a little hairy.

A pair of eyes full of pity looked at the figure of the white-clothed boy standing on the deck.

In their eyes.

This teenager is completely finished!

Forget about straying into their Baki Pirates.

The number of Baki pirates is quite large, and if it is not more prominent, it will basically not cause people around to notice.

But this teenager actually had the audacity to take the initiative to mention the three words 'red nose' that Boss Bucky was most taboo, which had to make them sigh.

This kid really ate bear heart leopard bile!

Don't you know that Boss Bucky is most angry that others call him red?

"He's finished!"

A group of pirates couldn't help shaking their heads, looking with interest and deep expectation.

Who are they?

They're pirates!

Killing people is a normal thing for them.

Their boss is even more the murderous clown Bucky!

How many lives did Bucky have in his hands?

Among them, of course, not the lives of ordinary innocents!

Bucky is a pirate, not an adventurer.

Of course, the number of people who died at his hands is innumerable!


Not to anger Bucky, but the easiest way to anger Bucky is right in front of you.

Three words.

Red nose!

There are not many people who have lost their lives on these three words, and every once in a while, there will always be these guys who do not know the height of the sky and the earth call Bucky red nose, brewing one tragedy after another.

This time, it will seem to them as usual.

This kid who doesn't know the height of the sky will definitely die at the hands of Boss Bucky.

Be brutally killed!

"This kid, it's a little too stupid!"

"Knowing that we are a group of pirates, they dare to enter our ship by mistake."

"Could it be that he has never even heard of the prestige of our Baki Pirates?"

Many pirates said a word, full of thick puzzlement.

Countless eyes gathered on the same figure.

Including Bucky the Clown wearing a captain!

The spirit of slaughter is born!

Bucky's face was full of killing intent, his eyes were full of angry flames, and he looked at the figure of the white-clothed boy in front of him: "Red nose?!" Boy, if I heard correctly, you just called Uncle Ben Red Nose?! "

Immature faces, seemingly harmless to humans and animals!

This left Bucky completely unaware of the weirdness of the matter.

A golden halo of light fell from the sky.

Deck fence edge.

The boy in white raised his head, revealed his immature face, glanced at the many pirates around him, and an emotional smile involuntarily appeared on his face.


What a coincidence!

Even Yanagawa himself did not expect it.

About to leave Rogue Town, he can also meet such a group of pirates who have a slight impression.

Bucky Pirates!

Bucky the Clown!

Red-nosed Bucky, just happened to let himself run into it.

Yanagawa could only sigh.

Things are impermanent.

Sometimes, coincidences always happen without warning!

Looking at the posture of the Bucky Pirates, it should be to rush to the Great Passage.

"This trip to the wind, catch me up."

"And even more coincidentally, the owner of this ship is still the clown Bucky."

Yanagawa had no smile on his face and quietly looked at Bucky the clown in front of him.

After a few seconds of Virgo, he didn't need to sort out too many things, and at any time he set out directly from Rogue Town and rushed to the Great Passage.

Didn't expect it.

Things, it happened so coincidentally.

Just as he arrived on the coast, he bumped into Bucky the Clown.

This suddenly made Yanagawa have to sigh.

If you want to doze off, someone will send a pillow!

This trip to the wind can also leave a lot of troublesome things and time for Yanagawa to do. He was able to reach the Great Passage from Rogue Town very smoothly.

There is no need to find ships yourself, and recruit navigators and helmsmen.

Back and forth, the time saved can be estimated in at least half a day.

"Boy, Uncle Ben is talking to you!"

Bucky stared at Yanagawa with anger on his face.

Ignored by Liu Chuan, the anger in his heart burned even more.

Damn boy!

Even Uncle Ben's words were taken as a deaf ear?

It's so presumptuous!


Where to put Uncle Ben's face?

Ignoring Uncle Ben's words in public, how do these people under him see themselves?

This kind of guy must be taught a hard lesson!

Bucky was furious, pulled a gun from his waist, and aimed it at Yanagawa's head in front of him.

"I said, boy, you are really daring, Uncle Ben is Bucky the Clown, the captain of the Bucky Pirates, a sea pirate with a bounty of up to twelve million berry!"

If you don't save face, how can you establish your prestige in front of these subordinates?

Won't the prestige he has established these days directly collapse?

This is a bad sign!

Of course, Bucky didn't want to see that the people under him doubted his ability and majesty!

The pitch-black muzzle of the gun was aimed at Yanagawa's brain.


A famous pirate looked at Yanagawa's eyes, full of pitiful colors.


This kid, it's really over!

They could sense that Bucky was seriously angered.

"This kid doesn't die, I'll swallow everything I pulled yesterday!"

"He will surely die, no doubt!"

"Angering Boss Bucky so much, this kid is afraid that he will not be killed as simple as that. I think that with the means of Boss Bucky, I may let this kid try it, and life is better than death. "

A group of pirates thought with interest.

Killing, they have long been no strangers.

There are countless people who have died at their hands!

Which pirate who can get on the Baki Pirates, which has not had blood on his hands?


This kind of thing in front of them is completely insufficient to cause too much emotional waves in their hearts.

They are even looking forward and thinking.

In what way will this kid be killed by Boss Bucky?


This is very likely.

In the midst of this enthusiastic crowd, a weak voice sounded: "To be honest, for some reason, I always feel that this teenager's face is somewhat familiar. "

"Of course, this may just be my delusion, but I think I still have to mention it."

"I subconsciously thought that this could be very important news. Although, I can't remember where I saw this teenager..."

But helplessly.

This voice was quickly drowned out by the cheers around him.

A group of pirates looked at Bucky and Yanagawa on the opposite side with anticipation, they cheered for Bucky, shouted and shouted, their faces were red and excited.

"Boss Bucky, kill him!"

"Kill him! Kill him! "

"This kid, dare to strayed into our Bucky Pirate Group, and provoked Bucky Boss you, you must let him live better than die!"


The huge pirate ship became particularly noisy and lively.

Feeling the shouts and cheers coming from all around, the anger on Bucky's face was a little restrained, but he still looked at Yanagawa in front of him with murderous intent, laughing arrogantly.

"Boy, you're in trouble!"

He held a gun in his hand and pointed it at Yanagawa.

This is in Bucky's opinion.

He can easily take Yanagawa's life in front of him at any time!

The gun in his hand gave Bucky a full sense of security!

In addition, as a Devil Fruit ability, Bucky is also equally confident that his Fruit ability can completely solve such a trivial matter in front of him.

The days of power in the East China Sea gave Bucky the confidence to rush to the great shipping lane. He also felt that with his strength, he could definitely deter one side in the Great Passage.


Under the awe and trepidation of many residents of the East China Sea, Bakhi's arrogant and arrogant character has been created, making him believe that with his own strength, he can cope with all the difficulties of the sea!

Therefore, Bucky, who had just obtained a treasure map, led the entire Bucky Pirate Group to prepare to rush from the East China Sea to the Great Passage to find that treasure.

Bucky's goal has never been the so-called One Piece.

In his opinion.

Only more wealth can make him excited, excited, and expectant from the bottom of his heart.

Treasure hunt!

Find treasure!

This is the main purpose of Bucky's going to sea, not to become One Piece.

In a way, Bucky is more like a real pirate, burning and plundering, doing everything evil, aiming for treasure, and his hands are stained with the blood of ordinary people.

This is the character that a real pirate should have.

The rest, who spend all day in the name of pirates, do those who rob the rich and help the poor and save the world, should not be called pirates, but adventurers.

It is more appropriate to describe these pirates in this way!

"That muzzle is aimed at me..."

"That's a risk of life."

Yanagawa looked at Bucky with a smile.

Even if he was pointed at the pitch-black muzzle, it did not cause too much emotional fluctuation in his heart.

Ordinary guns and ammunition, will it be useful to him?

It's a joke!

"Boy, do you think you can scare Uncle Ben?"

"Uncle Ben is Bucky the Clown!"

Bucky laughed confidently.

Suddenly, his face sank, and his face was gloomy: "On the other hand, you, boy, I think you will die under my gun in the next second." Don't you think you give me a satisfactory explanation before that? "

"Perhaps, I will consider it and consider releasing you."

"To survive, I think you should know what to do."

Many pirates around shouted.

It makes the atmosphere here extremely boiling.


"They all want to see your body later."

Bucky smiled coldly.

Lively atmosphere.

Resounded throughout the pirate ship.


It also disturbs the resting deputy captain Mochi, the deputy captain of the Bucky Pirates, whose main profession is a tamer, and attacks the enemy with tamed beasts, which is Mochi's unique offensive method.

Open the door.

Mochi walked out of deck with a sleepy look.


A crew member was shouting and shouting.

The fiery and noisy atmosphere instantly made Mochi's sleepiness completely disappear.

He looked puzzled and asked the crew beside him: "What happened?" "

"Brother Mochi, we broke into a hairy boy on board. And this kid, just now, dared to act rashly and call Boss Bucky a red nose. "

"We're waiting to see what kind of way this kid will kill Boss Bucky."

After getting an explanation.

Mochi was also a little surprised, and walked forward step by step.

Of course he knew.

Red nose has always been a taboo for Bucky!

Even if it was him, he didn't dare to call out the taboo three words.

Cut through the crowds.

Mochi quickly squeezed into the crowd and smoothly saw Bucky's figure.

Eyes turned.

Can't help it.

Look at the figure in front of Bucky, who is pointed at by Bucky with a gun.

Dressed in white, spotless, and with a young face, this is a fourteen or fifteen-year-old boy!

It doesn't seem to be an exaggeration to call it a hairy boy.

Originally, Mochi thought so.


Mochi saw the immature face of the white-clothed boy.

And then.

Mochi's gaze froze, his gaze stagnated, fixed on that immature face.

Can't move away!

The brain door was as if it had been slammed by a heavy object.

And let Mochi's head go blank.

Thinking, chaos!

Visible to the naked eye.

Mo Qi's rosy face turned pale at a very obvious speed, as pale as a blank piece of paper, and no trace of blood permeated his face.

The noisy atmosphere around it does not infect Mochi.

Instead, Mochi only felt.

The atmosphere here is particularly gloomy and cold!

It's obviously a hot day.

But Moqi felt that his body was like falling into an endless ice warehouse, and the coldness pierced into his bones, piercing his heart, making him stand up covered in sweat.

Beside him, the sound of shouting and cheering came into Moqi's ears.

Lively and noisy sounds.

It's like...


Drifting into Mochi's ears.

Harsh to the ear!

It made him get goosebumps all over his body, and he only felt a burst of creepy.

"Hairy, hairy boy?!"


"This is not a hairy boy!"

"It's a monster!"

"A terrifying monster has descended on our Bucky Pirates at this moment!"

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