"Boss Bucky, let this kid understand the cruelty of this sea!"

"Kill him! Kill him! "

"This kid should have just gone to sea, and I think we, as seniors, should teach him a profound lesson. Although, this lesson, to pay the price of death! "

A group of pirates shouted and cheered, their faces full of excitement and expectation.

The huge pirate ship is particularly noisy.

Full of life!

All the pirates looked at Bucky with excitement on their faces.

Feeling the feverish atmosphere here, Bucky's smile became brighter, holding a gun, and the pitch-black muzzle was aimed at Yanagawa in front of him.

As soon as he pulls the trigger, the bullet will be fired from the pistol with lightning speed!

This is in Bucky's opinion.

The other person's life is between his thoughts.

The feeling of being in control of a life makes Bucky very intoxicated!

This is the correct mentality as a pirate!

Pirates have never been a bunch of saviors.

It's a group of vicious executioners who do everything evil!

Bucky perfectly interprets the definition of the word pirate.

The raucous atmosphere.

Unable to let Mochi be infected, it increased his inner trepidation.


Fear deep in my bones.

Let his figure look out of place with these pirates shouting and cheering around.

While everyone was excited, Mochi felt boundless fear and death, lingering above their entire pirate ship.

A black shadow has descended silently!

A terrifying monster also quietly came to their pirate ship.

"This, this is impossible!"


"I must have hallucinated..."

Mochi rubbed his eyes, his lips trembling, and his face full of apprehension.

He couldn't believe what he had guessed.

This must be fake!

All this in front of you must be an illusion!

After rubbing his eyes, Moqi still saw the figure of the boy in white.

This, the figure that made him feel fear from the bottom of his heart, was close at hand!

You won't be mistaken...

What you see in front of you is not an illusion!

It's really happening.

It's just that this can't be!

Mochi was about to doubt life.

How could it be so coincidental?!

How could it have happened to such a coincidence?!

How could they give them shit luck and encounter this kind of thing, just docked in Rogue Town for a short time!

All this subverted Mochi's cognition.

Beside Moqi, there is the fierce beast he tamed, a fierce and scarlet-eyed lion, which exudes a vicious and murderous aura.

As if sensing that the owner's mood was not quite right, the big lion called 'Liki' turned his head and looked at Mochi with scarlet eyes with puzzlement.

It can be felt.

Own master, in fear!

And, you can see it clearly.

Mochi's trembling body with fear.


"It's really too similar!"

"It's exactly the same!"

Mochi's lips trembled, and his eyes fixed on the figure of the white-clothed boy standing on the edge of the deck, his gaze completely unable to move.

What a coincidence it happened!

Coincidence made him unbelievable.

They docked in the town of Rogue in less than a minute.

But why, let them happen to run into this kind of thing?!

This is grossly beyond common sense and is not within reasonable limits.

It also overturned Moqi's mental perception, making him pale and stiff in place, his face trembling.

His body, trembling violently uncontrollably.

The hot halo could not give him any warmth, but made him only feel that he had fallen into the ice storage, and all around him was icy cold.

The cold breath came straight from the soles of his feet, making his scalp numb for a while, and his whole body was shivering.

Boundless fear squeezed his body from all around, and constantly eroded his body, making his body and mind gradually dominated by a majestic sense of fear.

The body becomes stiff!

As if frozen, unable to move.

Mochi stared at the white-clad figure.

That immature and youthful face.

It seems that humans and animals are harmless!


In Moqi's eyes, this immature and harmless face gave him endless fear, like a fierce beast close at hand.

Uncontrollable fear swept through every cell of Mochi's body.

Ordinary teenager?



How could this be a hairy boy!

This is a complete horror monster!

Terrible taboos exist that are more serious than they imagined. And the crew of their Bucky Pirates actually regarded this monster as a hairy boy?!

At the thought of this, Mochi's legs went limp, and he seemed to be almost paralyzed to the ground.

Oh, my God!

Can anyone explain it to him.

As soon as he woke up, Wei Mao encountered such a terrifying thing for him!

This is the hairy boy they can handle at will?

This is a monster!

One, enough to easily bury their entire group of Baki pirates!

And these ridiculous guys actually treat this monster as a hairy boy?


Very bad!

Moqi's lips trembled, his heart was covered with fear, and many thoughts in his head began to flutter wildly.

Half ring.

Can't think of a plan that can save the Baki Pirates!


This time, it's really finished!

"Boss Bucky, and these damn wastes, actually treat this teenager in front of him as an ordinary hairy boy who broke into our pirate group?"

Mochi felt it.

His current situation is very serious.

Or in other words, the situation of the entire Baki Pirate Group is very grim and precarious!

If you are not careful, you will be doomed!

This is not a joke.

Mochi is clearly aware that they are really on the verge of being annihilated.

And these shouting and cheering guys around them didn't even know it, frantically tempting on the way to death, madly provoking that terrifying big monster!

"It's over."

Listening to the shouts of the crew around him, Mochi felt that his future was gray, and the breath of death was thick and filled his sense of smell.

These shouting and cheering sounds made Mochi feel.

This will make them all members of the Bucky Pirates, getting closer and closer on the road to death.

"God, why are you doing this to me!"

"Less than a minute before and after our stay in Rogue Town, why did we encounter this kind of thing?!"

"Moreover, why can't anyone recognize the true identity of that terrifying monster?!"

"At this time, our Bucky Pirate Group is completely finished!"

Mochi shivered.


Several pirates seemed to feel something, and were looking at Moqi with an excited face: "Brother Moqi, what's wrong with you?" "

"Collapsed, collapsed."

Mochi's face was pale, and his forehead was covered with dense cold sweat.

Looking at the boy in white who was pointed at gunpoint by Bucky.

Mochi's face grew paler.

Boss Bucky, you really got into trouble!

The one in front of you is completely different from what you've encountered before!

This is not a hairy boy, nor is it a fledgling stunned blue. The one in front of you is a terrifying taboo in the entire town of Rogue!

And you, actually in the face of this taboo.

Raised the gun ?!

Point a gun at this forbidden monster?!

How is this different from self-defeating?

"Boss Bucky, don't die!"

"This, even if it is just a gentle blow, our entire Bucky Pirate Group can't withstand it!"

Mochi was anxious.

Gritting his teeth, his face pale, he dragged his stiff and heavy body and quickly intervened in the direction where Bucky was.

Fight it!

No matter what.


This kind of monster must not be provoked!

All he can do is turn the tide.

As much as possible, don't provoke this monster to destroy their entire pirate group.

Mochi was already 100% sure in his heart.

The white-clothed boy in front of Boss Bucky must be the forbidden existence in Rogue Town, a terrifying monster who has been given a bounty of 300 million berry!

In the East China Sea, it is regarded as a taboo existence by countless people!


The other side is standing on the ship of their Bucky Pirates.

"300 million monsters!"

"Our entire group of Bucky Pirates, added up to a tenfold, is far less than this monster's terrifying huge bounty. This kind of monster is completely different from our level. "

"To summarize in simpler terms."

"We belong to two completely different species from him!"

Mochi carried many thoughts and walked all the way to Bucky's side.


Bucky looked at Mochi in surprise, and then looked at the big lion Niche next to Mochi, "You came just in time, I found a prey that can be used as rations for your pet." "

The words fell.

Mochi was even more panicked and paralyzed.

Boss Bucky, please stop talking.

The more you say, the closer we are to death!

Don't say any more!

We, the Bucky Pirates, really want to be destroyed by your mouth!

This one in front of you, if you breathe, you can destroy our Baki Pirate Group at any time!

And you, in the face of such an existence, still dare to make such unscrupulous and presumptuous statements?

This made Mochi have to think in horror.


The ignorant are fearless!

"Boss Bucky, calm down."

Mochi hurriedly lowered his voice.

"Calm down? I'm calm. "

This time it was Bucky's turn to look weird.

Seeing Mochi's apprehensive and terrified expression, Bucky said he couldn't understand.

What's wrong?

What happened?

Mochi, this guy, looked as if he was frightened.

Bucky could see the cold sweat that kept falling on Mochi's forehead, as well as the other party's trembling body.

This all shows that Moqi's mood at the moment has suffered great fear.

So here's the problem.

What is it that causes Mochi to be so frightened?

Bucky couldn't figure it out.

This is very unusual.

They obviously did not encounter any desperate situations and disasters.

But why is Moqi so afraid?

"Boss Bucky, do you remember?"

"I didn't have a bounty list popularized with you some time ago!"

"That's called..."

"Red Flame Sword Hao's 300 million monsters!"

"Do you still have an impression?"

Mochi's lips trembled, and his hands trembled.


Bucky's pupils shrank.

Of course, he hadn't forgotten, otherwise he wouldn't have docked in Rogue Town for less than a minute, and he immediately ordered the helmsman to drive the pirate ship out of Rogue Town.

Afraid of encountering that 300 million monster?!

But now, they have all left the sea area hundreds of meters away from Rogue Town, and it is impossible to encounter that monster again.

Why did Mochi mention this all of a sudden?

Could it be that there is something to do with what happened to them now?


Mochi's throat rolled, he swallowed his spit, and looked at the young figure in white at the edge of the deck fence with fearful eyes.

"Boss Bucky..."

"Do you remember? The physical characteristics of that 300 million monster. "

Mochi asked again.

"Of course you can't forget."

"White clothes..."


"A teenager was given a bounty of 300 million beri by the Navy, and of course I can't forget this shocking news."

Bucky really hasn't forgotten.


When he learned the news, he was indeed shocked fiercely.

A teenager was actually rewarded by the Navy with 300 million berry!

It made Bucky unbelievable.

He didn't dare to imagine either.

How powerful a monster boy must be to be given such a high bounty of 300 million berry by the navy!


Although he had never seen this monster boy called Red Flame Sword Hao. But in the bottom of Bucky's heart, he was always deeply afraid of this existence called Red Flame Sword Hao.


"Boss Bucky, don't you think that this white-clothed boy standing in front of you is really familiar?"

Mochi's throat was dry and his face was terrified.

End of words.

The atmosphere suddenly became silent!


Bucky froze.

His body, stiff in this instant.

Words to put so.


It seems like!

It's really familiar.

But, is this possible?

Impossible, right?!

"Boss Bucky."

"This one who is now on board our Bucky Pirates."

"The boy in white you just pointed your muzzle at ..."

Mochi spoke again.

His voice trembled, and his tone was full of fear, "Actually, he is the 300 million monster who was given a huge bounty by the Navy!" "

"Yes, too."

"The psychological shadow that dominates everyone in Rogue Town!"

"The existence of a taboo that shrouds the entire East China Sea!"

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