As Mochi's words just fell.

Bucky froze.

The atmosphere suddenly became particularly weird!


What's the situation?!

Could it be that he had auditory hallucinations?

Still is......

Mochi this guy, said something wrong?!



Being close at hand allowed Bucky to see very clearly the fearful face of Mochi in front of him, and the latter's trembling body.


The fear that could not be concealed, from Mochi's face, including his body, was fully interpreted...

What is fear!

"Chi, Red Flame Sword Hao..."

"The forbidden big monster of Rogue Town!"

"A terrifying monster that was rewarded by the Navy for up to 300 million berry!"

"He, right now on our pirate ship? And the most terrifying thing is that just now, I still aimed my muzzle at this terrifying existence?! "

Bucky's eyes widened, and it was difficult to hide the deep shock and horror in the depths of his eyes.


A gentle breeze.

The waves are swept up, rippling in waves, and as the sea breeze floats, the ripples spread, setting off ripples that spread farther into the Wangyang Sea.

The huge pirate ship is docked in the sea a hundred meters away from the western coast of Rogue Town, and as the waves roll, the pirate ship also swayes.

But the atmosphere here is very weird!

It was as if a dim shadow gradually spread above their heads.

Heart-piercing panic spreads!

It makes people feel hairy and their scalp numb.

A group of pirates who shouted and cheered and shouted constantly fell into a state of silence at the same time, and the words came to their lips, but they could no longer fall and spit out.

The originally noisy and lively environment has ushered in earth-shaking changes!

A moment ago.

It's still bustling and bustling, like a wet market, like a gladiatorial arena. The pirates around them are a group of people watching the battle, shouting for their old and ugly Bucky.


In their eyes before, the figure of the boy in white on the edge of the deck fence was like a sheep that had fallen into the wolves, waiting for the fate of being harvested by them.

But all this, with Moqi's words, a huge reversal occurred.

A huge reversal that people can't adapt to!

"You, are you sure what you just said?!"

Bucky stared at Mochi in front of him, his pupils filled with fear and panic.

His right hand, which was carrying the pistol, trembled slightly, revealing the deepest emotional ups and downs in his heart.

Is that......


Boundless fear lingered in Bucky's heart, filling every corner in all directions, like a dim shadow wrapping his body, shrouding it, and feeling squeezed.

Of course, he knew what Mochi's words really was!

If it's really as Mochi said...

Their Bucky Pirate Group is really very likely to suffer an unprecedented terrorist blow today!


Not just a blow, but a very high probability of annihilation!

That's Red Flame Sword Hao!

A true 300 million monster!

This kind of monster actually descended on their Bucky Pirate Group?

What scares Bucky the most is...

Just now, this terrifying existence was pointed at the head by him with a muzzle?!

What a horror!

Bucky's face turned from rosy to pale and bloodless at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the color of fear on his face was almost all over the place.

"Boss Bucky, how dare I joke about this kind of thing."

Mochi couldn't help but wail in his heart, shivering.

That boy in white!

The white-clothed boy standing on the deck fence, he could be 100% sure that the other party was the legendary 300 million monster Red Flame Sword Hao!

The portrait left on the reward list appeared extremely deeply in Moqi's mind, allowing him to overlap the figure of the white-clothed boy in front of him.

Conclusions can be drawn.

100% accurate conclusion!

The white-clothed young man in front of him was undoubtedly the legendary Red Flame Sword Hao!

Calling the wind and rain in Rogue Town, the terrible taboo that dominates the entire Rogue Town!


"That is."

"I'm like, seemly, maybe..."

"Got a taboo?!"

Bucky was trembling, his eyes wide and round, completely unable to control the fear in his heart, spreading through his body, enveloping every cell in his body.

The pirate ship had obviously docked in Rogue Town before, but why didn't they log ashore?

Isn't it afraid to encounter this 300 million monster?

If it weren't for this monster, staying in Rogue Town, they wouldn't even dare to land on the coast of Rogue Town.

That's 300 million monsters!

Their entire pirate group added up, a terrifying existence that was completely irresistible!

The entire pirate group added up, the bounty was not as good as one-tenth of the other party, if they met, what would happen to them?!


As soon as they arrived in Rogue Town, less than a minute before and after, they immediately sent helmsmen to drive the pirate ship and flee Rogue Town as quickly as possible.

But who can explain it to them.

Why is all this happening in front of you?!

None of them were ready to land in Rogue Town.

Can it be hairy, or let them bump in?

What is this probability?

Bucky didn't dare to think.

The more he thought about it, the more frightened he felt.

With such a small probability, they will bump into the Bucky Pirates?!

What shit luck did they go!

This moment.

Bucky deeply understands how dire their current situation is.

It can already be said.

The entire pirate group wanders wildly on the edge of death.

When a cold sea breeze, blowing from afar, rolled Bucky's clothes, flying in mid-air, he felt it himself, and the piercing coldness came to his face, piercing his heart.

On a hot day, but it could not give Bucky any warmth, he always felt that his body fell into an ice cave, feeling the boundless coldness in all directions, firmly wrapped around his body.


Swallowing his spit, Bucky twisted his stiff neck, his hands trembling as he carried the gun in his hand, his eyes filled with horror and horror, and turned to look at the edge of the deck fence.

That one...

A boy dressed in white with a young and young face!


"It's so similar!"

After Mochi's reminder, Bucky also gradually recalled the immature face on the reward list that was once buried in his memory.

In comparison, the white-clothed boy in front of him.

The two coincide.

Draw conclusions.

Similarity, nine to nine!

From this, it can be judged that the two are the same person!



It's a monster!

A big monster of horror without compromise!

It was this monster that prompted their Bucky Pirates not to dare to log directly to Rogue Town, but chose to immediately turn around and rush to the Great Passage.

Bucky wanted to cry without tears.

Can anyone explain it to him!

He was already so careful that he didn't even spend a minute on the shores of Rogue Town before and after.

For Mao, or let them bump into this monster?!

It's not scientific!

Seriously beyond common sense!

Under the sun.

Deck fencing.

Dressed in white and spotless, Liu Chuan looks particularly otherworldly, and is completely out of place with the group of fierce and vicious navies around him, whether it is their appearance or age, dress, etc.

Bucky's hand holding the gun trembled violently, almost unable to grip it.

Noisy atmosphere.

Completely dead silent!


Except for the occasional gust of sea breeze, rippling the pleasant and crisp sound of the waves, no loud sound of pirates shouting and cheering can be heard.

All that remains...


Even so silent that the faint sound of the heart beating could be clearly heard.

"The big terrifying monster I never dreamed of encountering..."

"The existence of a taboo that dominates the entire East China Sea!"

"At this moment, he is standing in front of me!"

"And just now, I even took a gun and pointed it at his head."

Thinking back to what he had just done, Bucky panicked.

His thinking fell directly into a stiffness, and his whole head went blank, shivering.

Located next to Bucky.

Mochi was also trembling and uncontrollably.

Of course he knew.

What a terrifying existence they ushered in!


This terrifying existence befell their Baki Pirates.

Although I don't know what kind of purpose the other party holds, but all in all, Moqi feels that they have seriously provoked, this taboo of Rogue Town!


The excitement and many other emotions on the faces of a group of pirates were as if they were directly extinguished by a basin of cold water.

Moqi's words naturally reached their ears unavoidably.

Ignited the flame of fear in their hearts, raging.

Their eyes widened, their lips trembled, and they stared horrified at the wisp of white-clad boy at the edge of the deck fence.

The nightmare lurking in the memory comes to mind.

So much like that!

It is exactly the same as the immature face on the bounty list!

"Me, my God!"

"Is this the stunned blue who strayed into our Baki Pirates? An ordinary hairy boy?! "

"This is a monster!"

"A monster has descended on our pirate group. And we, actually treat this terrifying 300 million monsters as an ordinary hairy boy? "

Panic boils.

Their heads were as if they had been hit hard by a heavy object, so that they could no longer retain their calm thinking, and all the excitement and anticipation in their hearts cooled and dissipated.

All emotions turn into thick fear, dominating their bodies and minds.


The Bucky Pirates can only be described as dead silence.

A pair of eyes full of fear were fixed on the white-clothed figure on the deck fence, and they could no longer move.

Docked in the town of Rogue in less than a minute.


Never dreamed.

A monster, just so coincidentally, descended on their Bucky Pirates.

What a stroke of luck!

The crowd was terrified and wanted to cry without tears.

This kind of shit luck, just so coincidentally let them bump in!

"Chi, Red Flame Sword Hao!"

"It's him!"

"It's exactly the same as on the bounty list!"

"So, just now, Boss Bucky pointed a gun at a 300 million monster?!"

Everyone felt it.

Death, getting closer and closer to them.

The breath of death...

Flood their sense of smell.

Their bodies became exceptionally stiff, standing motionless in place, their limbs stiffened, and their complexions turned pale and bloodless.

In full view.

Deck fence edge.

Yanagawa had a smile on his face and looked at Bucky who looked terrified in front of him: "Red nose, I just said." Pointing a gun at me would cost you your life! "

The words fell.

Bucky's mentality collapsed.


If he had known that the person in front of him was the taboo existence that dominated Rogue Town, even if he was given 10,000 guts, he would not dare to point a gun at the other party!

It's over!

This is the end of the calf!

Bucky felt the malice that swept his face, leaving his mind to collapse.


Killing intent?

All the emotions that had previously permeated Bucky's heart have all come to naught.

In the face of this terrifying existence, how dare he have killing intent?

This is terrible!

Of course, he couldn't have thought of it before.

This 300 million monsters quietly descended on the Bucky Pirates.

Came without warning...

Let everyone present be caught off guard!


Who can associate this ordinary boy in white with the 300 million monsters that rule the entire East China Sea?


Before Bucky, he never dared to think so.

Panic, sweep the huge pirate ship!

The crew of the hundreds of Baki Pirates fell into a deep fear.

This is the moment.

All of them are acutely aware.

How grim is their current situation!

Will they be annihilated ...

The decisive factor.

Purely just, in the thought of the monster in front of him.

This, they have no doubt!

Isn't it easy for this kind of taboo existence to want to destroy them?!

"Sleeping, groove..."

"This boy in white."

"He, he is that 300 million monster Red Flame Sword Hao!"

"But we obviously stopped in Rogue Town for less than a minute, who actually let us bump into this kind of thing?!"

The pirates around couldn't help but wail from the bottom of their hearts.

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