The golden halo, spilled from the edge of the sky, imprinted on this sea area, making the sea shining gold, like gold everywhere, reflecting a dazzling halo.

The cold sea breeze blew slightly, and the biting chill swept in from the Wang Yang sea in all directions.

A huge pirate ship, docked in the sea a hundred meters away from Rogue Town, swayed faintly with the weak current.


The pirates of the hundreds of Baki Pirates, without exception, all fell into a state of panic.

Including the captain of the Bucky Pirates, Bucky the Clown, and the deputy captain Mochi the Tamer, their emotions are almost the same.


Boundless fear envelops their bodies and dominates their minds.

Who would have thought.

A seemingly ordinary and ordinary boy in white, originally thought that this was a stunned young man who had strayed into their pirate group, a fledgling hairy boy.

I never expected it...

This is not a stunned head, but a killing god, a monster!


Their Bucky Pirate Group ushered in an unprecedented catastrophe!

A slight carelessness.

They have no doubt that all of them will be doomed!

The Bucky Pirates are also very likely to be buried in this sea.

A pair of eyes full of horror looked at the white-clothed boy on the edge of the deck fence, unable to move, his face pale and bloodless.

They never figured it out.

When did this level of monster appear in their Bucky Pirates?

Completely incomprehensible!

They obviously did not stay in Rogue Town for too long, and they did not even log on at all, but immediately turned around and left Rogue Town.

Can be hairy.

Or let them run into it, this 300 million monster?!

Can't figure it out!

They want to break their heads, they can't understand it.

When did this monster come quietly?

"It's just this boy..."

"He, he is the culprit who crippled the eastern coast of Rogue Town for hundreds of meters?!"

"Manpower, can you really do such an earth-shattering behavior?"

One thought.

Previously, they also regarded each other as a stunned blue, and even constantly cheered for Bucky, asking Boss Bucky to kill each other.

Such a move...

Looking back now, they suddenly stood on end in sweat and creepy.

Is this a crazy temptation on the way to death?

"It's over!"

Everyone looked terrified and trembled with despair.

They already knew who the one in front of them was!


They have a deeper understanding of what a grim and desperate situation is in front of them!

No doubt.

If it was the one in front of him, just a gentle blow would be enough to subvert their entire group of Bucky Pirates!

Level, completely different!

All of them combined, the bounty is far less than a fraction of the other party!

How can this be compared ?!

To summarize in the simplest terms.

That is...

The two sides are not the same species at all!

In front of this one, they are as weak as ants, fragile and vulnerable.

Their pride, in the face of this existence, is like a void, and can be easily trampled on at will!

Panic spreads!

This is definitely the biggest crisis that the Baki Pirates have faced since they went to sea.

They never felt.

It's so close to the sea!


A stone's throw away!

"Misunderstanding, misunderstanding!"

"It's just a misunderstanding!"

Bucky swallowed his spit, snorted, and hurriedly withdrew the gun in his hand to his waist, looking at Yanagawa in front of him with trepidation.

He was already scared to pee.

Knowing the true identity of the person in front of him, Bucky's mentality collapsed directly.

He couldn't help but wail in his heart.

For a monster like Mao, he ran to their Bucky Pirates?

This is so unscientific!

The probability of one in a million has been bumped by them!

This suddenly made Bucky want to cry without tears, and his heart wailed.

It's unlucky!

They docked in Rogue Town for less than a minute, and this monster just bumped into them?

What a probability of lying in the groove!

If it weren't for this monster, they wouldn't have come to Rogue Town, and they wouldn't have dared to log ashore to plunder resources.

It's because I'm afraid of running into this monster.

Here it goes.

They never logged ashore at all, but they still let them bump into this taboo in the East China Sea that they never dreamed of touching!

Although only alone.

However, the majestic sense of oppression that Yanagawa gave to the Bucky Pirate Group was far superior to the so-called large pirate group formed by thousands of people.

In the East China Sea, 300 million berry pirates are simply unheard of!

Yanagawa's deterrent power can be imagined how terrifying it is in the East China Sea.

"You, this trip is going to the Great Seaway?"

Yanagawa looked at Bucky with a smile on his face, and there were not too many emotional ups and downs from beginning to end.

In his eyes.

Bucky is not much different from those pirates he has encountered in the past, the same weak, like ants, weak and unbearable.


In the face of this kind of pirate, Yanagawa does not need to pay too much attention to the other party's speech and behavior.

I also don't think too much about each other.

The two are completely different life classes.

Yanagawa didn't have the time to deal with Bucky and these guys.

In his opinion, this is purely a waste of time.

"Yes, yes."

Bucky was stunned, and then hurriedly nodded with trepidation.

On this trip, they were indeed going to rush from Rogue Town to the Great Passage.

The original plan was to plunder some resources in Rogue Town and then set sail. Unexpectedly, as soon as I arrived in Rogue Town, I heard that a monster inhabited Rogue Town.

This immediately disrupted their plans.

Prompting them, they had to immediately turn around and leave the ghost place of Rogue Town.

I never expected it.

Doom, after all, still befell their heads.

"Then I would venture to bother you."

"It just so happens that I am also preparing to rush to the Great Seaway."

"I didn't think too much about things before. All you need to do is send me to the Great Passage. The grudge between you and me is written off. "

Yanagawa smiled.

Having this boat can save you a lot of trouble.

If he hadn't encountered the Bucky Pirates, he would have to buy a ship if he wanted to get from Rogue Town to the Great Passage alone.

Prepare a lot of supplies, and recruit a navigator and opponent, one to identify the direction, and the other to control the sailboat.

This series of things may take more than half a day to prepare.

Rather, it is better to carry a hunwind boat, which is simpler and faster, and also saves a lot of tedious things and time.

"You, are you going to the Great Passage too?"

Bucky's lips trembled, and his tone was terrified and awe-inspiring.

Of course he knew.

What a terrifying existence this person in front of him is!

If they provoke each other, their entire Bucky Pirate Group will definitely be buried in this sea in the next second.

Bucky never doubted this.


Yanagawa nodded and did not hide his whereabouts.

For now.

His goal was to rush to the Great Passage and find out by the way where the extraterrestrial meteorite that the pavilion owner said was.

If you happen to find this extraterrestrial meteorite, you can naturally order someone to send it back to Frost Moon Village, and then let the pavilion owner's father, Kozaburo, create a big fast knife.

This fills the gap that Yanagawa is now holding a good knife.

A good knife is also a famous knife.

However, the gap with the big fast knife is still too big after all!

In addition to this goal, Yanagawa must also be fully prepared for the imminent attack of the Don Quixote family.

With the death of two top cadres, and one more, known as the strongest cadre of the Don Quixote family, this must have attracted the attention of Doflamingo.

"If nothing else..."

"Doflamingo this guy, coming soon!"

"Virgo has also died under my blade, and Doflamingo can only take action personally. Don Quixote, no one poses the slightest threat to me. "

"As strong as Virgo, I killed them in seconds. With the caution of this guy Doflamingo, he will definitely not send cadres to send him to death. "


"The next time we meet, it's Doflamingo!"

"With my current strength, it should be a long way from him. But in a few days, then all this will be difficult to say. "

Yanagawa has full confidence in his heart.

After a while, he will be able to call Doflamingo head-on!

This day will not be too far away.

Many thoughts flutter in my head.

Yanagawa didn't notice the slightest fluctuation in the mood of Bucky and the others in front of him.

What is it like for a monster to descend on a pirate ship?

This is the moment.

Bucky, they know this well!

In addition to fear, it is fear!


Have a hammer experience!

What can be experienced is the boundless fear that Yanagawa brings.


Bucky breathed a sigh of relief.

In the end, it is not to destroy their Baki Pirates.

Otherwise, giving them 10,000 times more strength will not be able to stop this person in front of them!

But think about it.

Monsters of this level will sail with them in a moment, rushing from Rogue Town to the Great Passage. Suddenly, Bucky's mood became very gloomy and heavy again.

God knows.

Will they provoke this in the process!

If that happened, Bucky didn't think they would be able to stop this man's anger!

"Boss Bucky, me, what are we going to do?"

Mochi asked with a trembling voice of trepidation.

Hearing this, Bucky looked terrified, and looked at Mochi beside him with a strange expression.

If only I knew what to do!

The essential.

My own mind is blank!

What do you want me to do?

What else can I do besides obey this one's orders?!


Today, the Bucky Pirates are fortunate to welcome a terrifying monster that descends on their pirate ship.

And with them, all the way from the town of Rogue to the Great Passage.

Other words.

On this journey to the Great Passage, the Bucky Pirates have a monster to accompany them at all times.

As soon as I think of it.

Many crew members panicked and shivered.

"We, going to sail to the Great Passage with a monster?!"

"Oh my God!"

"This is the rhythm that is going to make me insane!"

"A monster stays on our ship, our life and death, won't we be pinched by this monster in the palm of our hands at any time?"

Panic spreads.

It affected the body and mind of hundreds of pirates.

But no one can change this decision, and no one dares to disagree.

All they can do is obey!

There is no second option.

It's not right either.

Strictly speaking.

The second option is to tear your face and turn your face directly!

And then.

They will become a very lucky group of pirates, easily sunk by a monster in this sea area a hundred meters away from Rogue Town.

"Guys, I have to take the liberty of disturbing you during this time."

Yanagawa smiled and looked at the group of shivering pirates in front of him.

Including Bucky and Mochi, they all looked terrified and hurriedly spoke.

"No, don't bother, don't bother."

How dare they refuse!

Even if they were given 10,000 guts, they would never dare to refuse Yanagawa's request in front of them.

This, who wants to bury their Bucky Pirates, is simply not too easy!


Bucky, Mochi, they all dare not imagine at all.

If they really chose to refuse this request, what a terrifying and miserable end would be for them to greet the Bucky Pirates.

Just imagine a little.

It was enough to make them tremble, look terrified and tremble.

At that time.

Their Bucky Pirate Group will definitely be easily destroyed by the other party!


Forced by irresistible factors.

The Bucky Pirates have welcomed an uninvited guest!

A passenger carrying a pirate ship to the Great Passage.

The difference is...

This passenger is a big monster with extremely terrifying strength!

This is also the main reason why all the crew of the Baki Pirates feel panic.

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