In Yanagawa's opinion, the most useless Naval Type Six are the following.

Paper painting!

Pieces of iron!

Arashi foot!

Finger gun!

These four have no effect on Yanagawa.

However, Yuebu and Shaving, one of the two six forms of the Navy, have a very great effect on Yanagawa.

Moon Step can give Yanagawa the ability to fight in the air, step on the air, and can achieve a confrontation with a flying Devil Fruit ability.

This is also one of the six naval styles that Yanagawa values the most.

Much more attention than shaving!

Shaving, on the other hand, is to use high-speed trampling on the ground dozens of times, producing explosive reaction to move at high speed, and achieve the effect of instantaneous movement in the eyes of most people.

It's not teleportation, but the effect is like teleportation.

Moon steps coupled with shaving allow Yanagawa to carry out high-speed mobile attacks above the sky.

As a sword master, these two new abilities have a great effect on Yanagawa.

In the past, before learning the Navy Six Style, if Yanagawa encountered a flying Devil Fruit ability, he would be helpless.

Even Yanagawa's slash can penetrate hundreds of meters in the air and cut open the clouds above the head.

Those who can fly Devil Fruit abilities only need to adjust the altitude and rise to a height of thousands of meters, and they can look down on the Willow River below.

And this is exactly the ability and means that Yanagawa lacked before.

High-altitude combat capabilities are relatively fatigued.

But all this, with the arrival of the Navy Six, will usher in a huge reversal!

Yuebu gave Yanagawa the means to fight at high altitudes.

It can allow him to break out fierce battles with flying devil fruit ability people at high altitude!

This was the only way that Yanagawa could think of, without relying on the Devil Fruit ability, he could make the human body carry out fierce battles at high altitudes.

As for the Devil Fruit?

Yanagawa had not yet considered devouring a devil fruit.


Who knows if the devil fruit swallowed has the ability to fly?

Even if it does, so what?

The Devil Fruit will not increase Yanagawa's level of strength, but will become his great restriction and constraint.


The Devil Fruit is not within the range conditions that Yanagawa is considering becoming stronger.

"I have a sword wielding system, why do I need the Devil Fruit?"

"The Devil Fruit can make my strength reach such a state of rapid improvement now?"

"No, it can't!"

"Only the system can make me stronger!"

"As for the Devil Fruit?"

"This is a burden on me!"

Yanagawa sighed with emotion.

If you have a systematic self, you also need to swallow a devil fruit to become stronger, then you are too inferior!

Devouring the Devil Fruit is purely to add a constraint to yourself, a huge weakness of a dry duck. It will not bring too much growth to his strength.

Thought a lot.

Yanagawa's mood gradually calmed down.

"Being able to master the Navy Six in advance before rushing to the Great Channel will also further ensure the safety of my navigation in the Great Channel."

"With Moon Step, you don't have to worry about the dilemma of crashing the ship and crashing into the sea."

Yanagawa pondered in his heart.


His mind moved.

"Bring up the Properties panel."

【Host: Yanagawa 】

【Power: 295(+26)】


【Stamina: 305(+31)】

[Active Skills: Sword Art LV38 (+lv1), Juheyi Slash LV33 (+lv2), Armed Color Domineering LV26 (+LV3), Seeing and Hearing Color Domineering LV22, Overlord Color Domineering LV19 (+LV2), Navy Six Style]

【Passive Skill: Heart Eye LV20(+LV2)】

【Sword Art Characteristics: Blazing Fire Original LV18(+LV3)】

[Cumulative number of sword swings: 80,000]

"It's getting stronger again!"

Looking at the attribute panel that appeared in front of him, Yanagawa became very emotional.

In just one day, his own strength seemed to judge the two yesterday!

With such a terrifying growth rate of his own strength, why do he need the Devil Fruit?

Let's be honest.

The Devil Fruit is purely just adding to Yanagawa's burden, nothing more, and it doesn't have much effect.

Being able to improve his own strength level at such a fast speed, Yanagawa did not have the energy to be distracted and study the so-called Devil Fruit.

"In addition to the Navy Six, other skills have also improved a lot."

"Strength, speed, physical strength and other aspects, it has soared!"

"With my current strength..."

"Put it in the Great Channel, it's not the top, but you can definitely protect yourself easily, right?"

Yanagawa couldn't help it.

This strength, at least, will not encounter an irresistible enemy in the Great Seaway.


Bad luck.

Ran into those hidden bigwigs.

If you hadn't encountered these hidden bigwigs, on the bright side, with Liu Chuan's strength, he had indeed been able to do it very easily, sweeping the first half of the entire Great Passage.

Even if it is as strong as the Seven Wuhai, Liu Chuan already has the strength and capital to shake.


Beat each other!

"Now the strength of the Seven Martial Seas at the bottom..."

"It should be this guy Moonlight Moria."

Yanagawa's eyes narrowed slightly.

You can think about it and test the strength of this Seven Martial Sea bottom.

As for Klockdar?

Although this guy has a bounty of less than 100 million berry, he seems to be weaker than Moonlight Moriah. But in fact, Klockdar's strength is above Moonlight Moria.


The bounty of Moonlight Moriah is about more than 300 million berry.

Klockdar, on the other hand, is less than 100 million berry.

If measured by bounty, Klockdar certainly can't be Moonlight Moria's enemy. But bounties, not on any occasion, can be used to measure a person's strength level.

Klockdar hides deeply!

Moreover, he joined the Seven Wuhai very early, so that his bounty was fixed in the range of 100 million beri a long time ago, and he had not been improved over the years.

On the other hand, Moonlight Moriah, who was also a notorious sea thief in the past, did many things that caused most of the people in the sea to have a bad life.

Moonlight Moriah was given more than 300 million berry, which is very reasonable.

But that doesn't mean.

Moonlight Moria can be stronger than Klockdar.

According to Yanagawa's estimates.

Although Klockdar is arrogant, if he goes into a serious state, Moonlight Moria will never be a match for Klockdar, a natural ability.

"The reason why Klockdar defeated the green algae head and their gang is really outrageous."

"With Klockdar's ability, it is by no means at the bottom of the Qiwu Sea."

Yanagawa is very fair in his analysis.

All in a word.

Moonlight Moria is definitely the bottom of the Seven Martial Seas.

There is no doubt about that.

If he still maintains the posture of the sea thief in the past, he has enough ambition and motivation to move forward with the mentality of moving forward. There is no doubt that Moonshine Moriah will become stronger.


Suffering the blow of Kaido, Moonlight Moria suffered heavy losses, and even willpower was depressed. Over the years, the strength has not improved, but has studied the so-called partial zombie legions.

This prompted Moonlight Moria's own strength to plummet!

"The way, go off-track."

Yanagawa couldn't help but speak.


If Moonlight Moria continues to develop his own Devil Fruit ability, instead of targeting those so-called zombie legions, his strength will inevitably improve even stronger.

But helplessly.

Moonlight Moria suffered from Kaido's blow, and his confidence in his own strength had fallen to the bottom. The chances of a return to the same are not high.

"I don't know, if I suffer a painful defeat."

"Will I, like him, have a long-constructed faith collapse?"

Yanagawa's eyes flashed.

After putting aside many thoughts, he began to carefully grasp the level of his own strength improvement.


The progress of strength is a little slower than before.

The progress is indeed far less than the initial stage.

"Now my strength has entered the middle stage, and in the future, it will become much more difficult to improve my strength than before. The further back you go, the more you need to swing your sword to get enough rewards. "

Yanagawa can feel it deeply.

Strength seems to have ushered in a period of stagnation.

Of course.

For outsiders, Yanagawa's strength has improved by leaps and bounds, and the speed is a little strange.

But comparatively.

During the time when he first went to sea, there was no doubt that the more times Liu Chuan swung his sword accumulated, the more his strength improved than before.

"It seems that even if it is open, it can't let me go smoothly!"

Yanagawa withdrew his gaze.


The growth of strength is a little slower than some time ago, but it is not an unacceptable level.

At the very least.

Every day, there will be a huge change in strength!

In Yanagawa's opinion, this is enough.

"Even the slow growth of strength like me now is far from being comparable to these guys in the sea."

Compared with the people of the sea, Yanagawa's strength growth rate is still the kind that is unattainable.

The sea breeze is gentle.

Rolling Yanagawa's white clothes fluttered.


Calming his mood a little, Yanagawa continued to start training with the sword swing day after day.

From Rogue to the Great Passage, it was not a short journey.

"But it seems..."

"Upside Down Mountain, it should be almost there!"

Yanagawa's eyes narrowed slightly.


To get to the Great Passage from Rogue Town, you must pass the Twin Headlands of Upside Down Mountain, the only place in the East China Sea that leads to the Great Passage.

Just arrive at Upside Down Mountain.


It's very close to the Great Passage!

The kind that's close at hand!

But for now.

It is about half a day to a day away from Upside Down Mountain.

I'm really looking forward to it!

Approaching, the rumored great passage!

Liu Chuan smiled, looking at the distant Wang Yang sea, ripples, making him feel exceptionally calm.

After retracting his gaze.

He continued to start, the same training day after day.

Carry the knife.

Wave down!

Sharp blade, cut through the sky.

"Before reaching the Great Passage..."

"Let my strength go to the next level!"

The hot sun on the edge of the sky witnessed Yanagawa's efforts.

Yanagawa, who was training to swing a sword, was sweating, sweat stains rising from his forehead and gradually infecting his back, wetting his clothes.

Strength does not come for nothing.

Even if it is open, you can't help but work hard!

Located in the corner of the pirate ship not far from Yanagawa sword training.

Bucky, Moqi and a group of pirates had dark circles in their eyes, and looked at Yanagawa who was training in wielding swords with strange faces, their eyes were terrified and filled with awe.

Dark circles are naturally brought about by their sleepless nights.

Being in the same ship as a monster, of course they dare not sleep!

What if I can't wake up?!

In a state of constant trepidation, they close their eyes and always feel that they may not be able to open them again.

Under the domination of this fear, they can only widen their eyes and dare not sleep at all.

"This lord..."

"It's really hard!"

"Early in the morning, I started to train wholeheartedly."

"I suddenly felt that it was not for nothing that he could reach this level of strength at such an age. People who work so hard, if they can't become stronger, who can become stronger? "

Many pirates were afraid in their hearts, and they couldn't help but have a strong sense of admiration.

"The effort is indeed hard, but there are also many people who work hard in the sea. But can you find a second, outlier like this monster? "

Bucky glanced at his subordinates beside him with a look of foolishness.

Like the one in front of him, it is no longer a level that can be achieved with hard work.

This requires a terrifying talent!

A unique talent!

The sea, that's it!

"Discussion, how monsters are refined!"

"We were fortunate enough to see how a monster can become stronger."

Bucky looked fearful.

A person who works hard deserves admiration!

And a monster willing to work hard ...

Bucky, they dare not imagine.

This has to let the rest of the sea, how can they live?!

Talent is already so terrifying!

You actually redoubled your efforts?!

"I really want to say something for the rest of the sea."

"Mr. Red Flame Jianhao, trouble you to raise your noble hand, don't work hard, at least leave a way for everyone else in the sea to live!"

A group of pirates looked at the figure of Yanagawa wielding the blade in his hand, and a similar thought occurred in their hearts.

A hard worker is not the most terrible.

The scary thing is...

A monster with an extremely terrifying talent and a unique talent in the sea, actually has the spirit and will to work harder and harder than others!

This is the rhythm that will force the rest of the sea to death!

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