Under the sun.

In the blue sea, the golden sun shines on the sea, shining with a dazzling halo, like gold, dazzling people can't open their eyes.

Occasionally visible.

A huge black phantom floating on the surface of the sea lurks under the sea, waiting for an opportunity.

This is, Neptune class!

And this sea area is in a great shipping lane.

In the heart of the Wang Yang Sea, there is a strong fortress standing in the middle of the sea, and the appearance is a building wall, surrounded by a strong fortress similar to a small island.

Through the towering walls on the outside, you can see the many buildings set up inside, towering like steep peaks rising above the clouds.

Rushing to the face, a strong but majestic breath.

Full of oppression!

Above the wall of the façade building, there are two large words.


Hanging high on top of the wall is a flag similar to a seagull.

Represents, the flag of the Navy!

This is where countless pirates are terrified.

Navy headquarters, Marin Fandor!

A terrifying place where naval powerhouses are like clouds is also a nightmare for countless pirates.

At this time.

Marin Fando.

Inside the marshal's office.

The newly appointed Warring States looked helplessly, and the many documents and materials placed on the table made him look sad, and he only felt that the gray hair on his head was increasing.

"It's still a comfortable day as a general!"

"Being a marshal is a really annoying position."

Sengoku rubbed his temples.

Early in the morning.

It is necessary to sort out these documents and messages that are passed down below, which need to be flipped through, and some documents need to be stamped, licensed, and so on.


There are many troublesome documents, and for a while, it is estimated that it will not be able to be sorted out.

I glanced at the rising sun outside the window.

Sengoku sighed, calmed his mood, entered a serious state, and began to sort out many documents and materials on the desktop, flipping through and reviewing and stamping.

A lot of documents that require his authorization.

Of course, he did not dare to blindly stamp, but first carefully read it several times to ensure that it was correct, and then granted permission to seal these documents.

There is no room for error in this process.

Otherwise, the brewing of the disaster will be troublesome.

And this is the daily work of a naval marshal.

For a while, Sengoku could not adapt to the duties of being on duty as a naval marshal, and he had to deal with so many documents every day.

It really gave him a headache.

Flipping and flipping.

Sengoku's actions came to an abrupt end.

In his hand, he holds a document.

His eyes were fixed on this document, his eyebrows were raised, his face became a little solemn, and he carefully read the many contents of the document.

Half ring.


Sengoku exhaled heavily, clutched the documents, leaned back on the seat, raised his head and looked at the ceiling, and his mood was difficult to calm down for a long time.

"What is going on!"

"This guy Virgo, why did he suddenly run to the East China Sea?!"

"And the most outrageous thing is..."

"Virgo, why did he happen to run into that little monster located in the East China Sea!"

"It's just seconds!"

It's like.

The Warring States were carrying a document in their hands, which was passed on from the naval branch of Rogue Town.

The content of this question about the documents and materials really shocked the Warring States.

Even the mood of the Warring States was set off by ripples and turmoil.

Virgo, actually seconded?!


This guy Virgo, who sent him to the East China Sea to deal with this little monster of Red Flame Sword Hao?

In this regard, the Warring States frowned and fell into deep thought.

I never thought of a reason.

But the most important thing at the moment is not how Virgo ran to the East China Sea, but, how did Virgo meet that little monster in the East China Sea and give the other party a second?!

This is an unusual thing.

Virgo, Rear Admiral of the Naval Headquarters.

Actually gave a pirate a second?!

"I remember."

"Virgo's strength has always been at the top of the rear admiral's ranks. Although on weekdays, there are no mountains or water, but I can still feel it very accurately. "

"The aura that exudes from his body is not even weaker than some lieutenant generals!"

"It stands to reason that he can't be crushed by the Red Flame Sword Hao no matter how bad he is. Not to mention, being killed in an instant is such a bizarre thing! "

"Red Flame Sword Hao..."

"When did this monster become so strong?!"

"Kill Virgo in seconds?!"

Sengoku felt that things had become tricky, giving him a headache.

If it's true.

That means...

Previously, he had made a mistake in assessing the danger of Red Flame Sword Hao.

Seriously wrong!

To be able to kill Virgo in seconds, what level of strength does this have to be?

Anyway, the Warring States are a little afraid to imagine.

That young man, his strength actually reached this level?

If Virgo had been killed, the Warring States would not have been so surprised, but the problem was that the news from the naval branch of Rogue Town said.

Virgo, it's a second!

Seconds to kill!

What is this concept?

At least the strength must be far above Virgo several notches to easily kill Virgo!

And how strong is Virgo?

What the Warring States currently know is that Virgo is proficient in the Navy Six and has a very pure armed color domineering.

This strength, in the impression of the Warring States, is no weaker than some ordinary lieutenant generals.

But such a tough virgo was actually seconded?!

What a groove!

For a while, it was difficult for the Warring States to control the emotional ups and downs in their hearts.

Red Flame Sword Hao...

This monster is powerful enough to kill Virgo in seconds!

And that means.

When ordinary lieutenant generals encounter, they are only killed in seconds?!

Think of this.

Sengoku had some scalp tingling.

Grossly underestimated!

How dangerous this monster is.

"Red Flame Sword Hao, intelligence information shows that he is only fourteen or fifteen years old."

"At such a young age, Virgo, who is proficient in the Navy Six and has a very deep attainment in armament?!"

Sengoku was shocked.

The more I think about it, the more frightened my heart jumps!

This monster seems outrageous!

At this age stage, it is easy to kill a virgo whose strength is comparable to an ordinary lieutenant general!

Is this worth it?!

If you allow the other party to grow, how far will this monster grow in the future?

Even the Warring States are somewhat unimaginable.

The strength of the other party is not the most terrifying.

Talent is the most terrifying!

At this age, it's enough to do it in seconds, Virgo!

Give the other party a while, it must be a great hindrance to the sworn enemy of the Navy!

"Some time ago, this guy from the ghost spider sent back a message."

"He fought with this Red Flame Sword Hao, and he was slightly better at that time. But in the end, he still let the monster of Red Flame Jianhao escape from Rogue Town. "

"It's been many days."

"The monster of Red Flame Sword Hao returned to Rogue Town and ran into Virgo, who didn't know why he appeared in Rogue Town. Then, Virgo, it was seconds! "

"It's only been a few days since then."

"Even if it's a ghost spider, it can't kill Virgo in seconds!"

"But the monster of Red Flame Sword Hao has done what even a ghost spider can't do."

"This means..."

The Warring States spoke for a moment.

He suddenly came to a very terrible conclusion.

If this is true, then he will have to redefine the danger level of this monster!

A few days ago.

The ghost spider fights each other, and the ghost spider is slightly better.

A few days later.

Virgo fights each other, and Virgo is killed in seconds!

These messages are linked to each other in the minds of the Warring States.


Let him analyze a very horrific result.

"That is."

"It's only been a few days..."

"Red Flame Sword Hao Liu Chuan, this monster has already stepped on the ghost spider!"

"This can explain why Virgo will be easily killed in seconds a few days later!"

Only in this way can it be explained. At that time, the ghost spider had a little advantage, but when it was put in Virgo, it was reduced to being killed in seconds. "


"It's been a few short days."

"Red Flame Sword Hao, this monster's strength has ushered in earth-shaking changes. After a few days, the strength has already been judged by the two! "

Sengoku took a deep breath and was shocked.

It's terrifying!

This conclusion made him a little unbelievable!

What winds and waves has he not seen all these years?

But I haven't seen it.

Today, this document in hand is such a terrifying thing.

The time of several days before and after.

The strength of a person, the progress will be so great?!

It's not scientific!

Virgo's strength is very strong, and the ghost spider will definitely not be able to take down the other party for a while.

Here's the problem.

A few days ago, the Red Flame Sword Hao, who was a little inferior to the ghost spider, this monster can easily achieve the behavior of Virgo in seconds after a few days?!


In a few days, the strength of this monster of Red Flame Sword Hao has increased by more than one and a half stars, but has ushered in an earth-shaking leap and leap!

Otherwise, the other party would not be able to kill Virgo in seconds!

"What kind of monster is this!"

Sengoku's mood was shaken and he couldn't calm down.

It was definitely the first time he had witnessed such a terrifying existence!

Although the strength of the other party is not enough for the Warring States to pay attention. But this terrifying growth rate of strength has to be treated solemnly by the Warring States.

According to the growth rate of this monster's strength, after a while, I am afraid that even the admiral of the navy headquarters will not be able to suppress the other party.


This phenomenon must be put to an end!

At all costs!

This factor that poses a great threat to the Navy must be eradicated in advance!

"I was negligent in sending the ghost spider to strike."

"I didn't expect that this Red Flame Sword Hao was so powerful that even the ghost spider couldn't shake it. What's even more terrifying is that in just a few days, he actually grew to the point of killing Virgo in seconds! "

This moment.

The Warring States can be regarded as really paying attention to Yanagawa.

A monster with such a terrifying talent and an enemy of the navy is definitely a great nightmare for the navy!

You can't let the other person continue to grow.

Sengoku is really worried.

The other party, will it become a terrifying existence of the level of the Four Emperors of the New World in the future!

Although the current strength of the Red Flame Sword Hao is completely incomparable to the Four Emperors.

But at least.

This talent potential possessed by the other party made the Warring States have to express horror.

At least.

Even if it was the Four Emperors, no one could do a similar example back then!

If it weren't for the source of information in hand, there would never be any falsehood, and the Warring States couldn't help but wonder how a person's strength could grow so rapidly?!

"At present, this monster is still a long way from the Four Emperors."

"But I always had a strong sense of foreboding."

"If you let this monster continue to grow, maybe he can really be comparable to the Four Emperors in the future!"

"He, give me this sense of foreboding that I have never had before. A stronger sense of crisis than all pirates in this sea today! "

"There has never been a pirate who can give me this sense of crisis..."

"Only Red Flame Sword Hao Liu Chuan, he did it!"

The Warring States clenched the documents in their hands, and it was difficult to calm down.

A monster who has turned his strength upside down in just a few days!

For the Navy ...

This is a very huge destabilizing factor!

Even in the future, it is very likely that this monster will have the strength to shake the foundations of the Navy.



As a naval marshal, he must not watch as this monster continues to grow in this sea at such a terrifying speed.

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