"No pirate has ever given me such a strong sense of crisis..."

"Red Flame Jianhao, what kind of monster are you!"

"You are from the East China Sea, your origin is mysterious, and even the intelligence network of the navy cannot find out where you came from. It's as if you appeared out of thin air! "

"A teenager who appeared out of thin air..."

"He controls a very sophisticated three-color domineering, as well as that excellent and superb swordsmanship."

"A level of terrifying strength that is enough to kill Virgo in seconds!"

"All this makes me have to look at you differently!"

Sengoku held a document in his hand.

His mood could not calm down for a long time.

All this, in his opinion, is too terrifying.


Why did the Red Flame Sword Hao increase his strength by leaps and bounds in just a few days!

A few days ago, I was still struggling with ghost spiders.

It's easy to kill Virgo in a few days!

Mo Fei.

A few days ago, this monster has been hiding its strength?


No way!

Sengoku still remembers the news from the ghost spider at that time.

Red Flame Jianhao was almost surrounded and captured by them. Unfortunately, in the end, the other party still escaped the encirclement net with a very strange method.

If the other party has this kind of strength to kill Virgo in seconds, the ghost spiders at that time should have been completely destroyed, and there is no possibility of encircling the other party.


The ghost spider at that time was really close to success.

Therefore, it can be judged.

When fighting with the ghost spider, the monster of Red Flame Sword Hao had definitely done his best.

In the next few days, he killed Virgo.

That is, in these few days, the strength of this monster has ushered in a huge sublimation and leap. This will prompt Virgo to be killed in an instant!

But here's the problem.

It is difficult for the Warring States themselves to imagine.

In the past few days, how much has the strength of this monster Red Flame Sword Hao improved?!

Ghost spiders can't kill Virgo in seconds.

To know.

The ghost spider is among the vice admirals, and his strength is among the best.

He couldn't even kill Virgo in seconds, how did Red Flame Sword Hao do it?!

"I think."

"In the past few days, the strength of this monster Red Flame Jianhao has really doubled. No, even a dozen times a leap! "

The more Sengoku thought about it, the more his scalp felt numb.

This sea, why did a monster of this level suddenly appear?!

This kind of monster is an outlier that is seriously beyond the scope of imagination!

This kind of monster still suddenly appeared in the ghost place of the East China Sea.

Thought about it.

Warring States held a lot of incomprehensible mood and dialed a phone worm.


The unique voice of the telephone worm lingers in the huge marshal's office.


The phone worm dialed.

"I'm a ghost spider."

The contact person of the phone worm dialed by the Warring States is naturally the Vice Admiral Ghost Spider who is already in the return stage from the East China Sea.

"I ask you a very important question that you must not hide in any way. This matter is very serious, and you must not lie. "

The Chinese of war is dignified.

"Marshal of the Warring States!"

The ghost spider was startled, and his tone became very respectful, "Marshal, please ask, I will never dare to hide anything, and I will tell the truth what I know." "

The words fell.

Sengoku didn't have too much politeness, and he wasn't in the mood to be polite with the ghost spider too much.

Now this matter has been wrapped around his brain, making his mood become extremely stressful, and his shoulders seem to be suppressed by a boulder.

The suppressed emotions seem to spread through the phone worm.

Let the ghost spiders on the opposite side can't help but get goosebumps.

"I ask you."

"Last time you sent back the news that a battle broke out between you and the Red Flame Sword Hao. The course of the battle is close to a draw. "


"Red Flame Jianhao was ready to flee because of his lack of physical strength, and was fully surrounded by the navy led by you. But helplessly, he finally escaped. "

"Are you sure you haven't missed anything important in this matter?" Are you sure that what you say is absolutely accurate? I don't want you to hide anything in this matter! "

Sengoku took a deep breath and asked in a deep voice.

In order to ensure that his estimation of Red Flame Sword Hao was not wrong, he must have a strict and accurate understanding of the many information of Red Flame Sword Hao.

And the ghost spider is the person who knows the Red Flame Sword Hao best on the side of the navy at present.

After all.

Ghost spider, who has fought with each other.

And according to the ghost spider, the two sides of that battle were not divided into upper and lower.


The Warring States were making sure that the ghost spider had hidden its own unbearable in that battle, and the news sent back seriously underestimated the strength level of the Red Flame Sword Hao.

It's not impossible.

As a vice admiral in the navy headquarters, the ghost spider certainly does not mention his own defeat.

And this is also where the Warring States need to get the most accurate answer.

He wondered.

In that battle, did the ghost spider lie, deliberately too high himself, so that all of them subconsciously underestimated the Red Flame Sword Hao Liu Chuan on the opposite side!

This is always an important key point!

It is also the key to whether the Warring States can draw an accurate conclusion at present!

"Marshal of the Warring States, subordinates dare not lie about this kind of thing!"

"The last battle, on the eastern coast of the town of Rogue, was witnessed by a lot of people. Including General Yellow Ape's subordinates, Major General Kadaru was also a witness to the battle. "

"He can prove that everything I say is true and accurate, without the slightest concealment or deception."

"In that battle, I was indeed on par with the Red Flame Sword Hao. Even vaguely, I was able to gain a little upper hand. "

"At that time, the situation surrounded by many navies, and let the Red Flame Jianhao flee passively because he was physically exhausted and did not want to be surrounded. Therefore, I can be 100% sure that the Red Flame Sword Hao at that time was a little inferior to me. "

"I've fought him, and it's impossible for him to hide his strength. At that time, he must have done his best, that is his ultimate strength! "

"Marshal, the subordinates did not deliberately elevate their intentions. It also did not, deliberately devaluing the enemy's level of strength. This kind of low-level mistake will never happen to me. "

The ghost spider's tone was particularly solemn and serious.

As a vice admiral of the Navy, the ghost spider has his own pride!

If you can't beat it, you can't beat it!

A tie is a tie!

He certainly wouldn't lie about the news.

Because he knows very well that lying about the news is very likely to cause very horrific troublesome consequences.

Compared to his own face, the ghost spider knows better that if he deliberately miscalculates the news, it will lead to heavy losses for the Navy.

At that time.

He will die!

And it will also be listed by everyone in the navy as a shame that everyone shouts at!

When the Warring States listened to the words of the ghost spider.


He exhaled heavily, leaned back in his seat, and his eyes became complicated and unspeakable.


As he guessed.

The ghost spider didn't lie.

In this way, it is basically certain.

The monster of Red Flame Sword Hao has really made a leap forward and leap forward in his strength in the past few days. Thus, you can easily kill Virgo's feat!

Although, this kind of thing is indeed a little shocking to the Warring States.

But the facts were in front of him, and he couldn't believe it.

He must also adjust his mentality and face up to the terrifying monster of Red Flame Sword Hao!

Face up to this monster, a great threat to the Navy!

This is the psychological quality that a qualified marshal should have.

"Marshal, what's wrong?"

The ghost spider's tone was full of puzzlement.

He couldn't figure it out.

Why did the Warring Congress deliberately dial the phone worm to ask him for this matter.

And it's also unusual in the tone!

"After you left, Virgo also went to Rogue Town."

Sengoku had no choice but to inform the matter.


For Virgo, the ghost spider was also slightly impressed, and he was even more puzzled, "Virgo, this guy, what is he doing in Rogue Town?" Who gave him the order? "

To this.

Sengoku didn't explain much, what he really struggled with and cared about was never why Virgo ran to Rogue Town in the East China Sea.

What he cares about is...

Virgo, this thing was killed in seconds!

"Not to mention why Virgo rushed to the town of Rogue in the East China Sea."

"All in all."

"Since you fought with the Red Flame Sword Hao. Virgo also arrived in Rogue Town, and also encountered the Red Flame Sword Hao Liu Chuan, who returned to Rogue Town after a few days. "

"Then, a fight broke out between the two!"

At the mention of this battle, the Chinese of battle became low.


Virgo, be killed in seconds!

This subverted the perception of the Warring States.

He also had to redefine the great threat of Red Flame Sword Hao to the Navy!

"Marshal, what was the outcome of the final battle?"

The ghost spider sensed the low level of the battle Chinese qi and hurriedly asked.

"Virgo, be killed in seconds!"

Sengoku exhaled heavily.

The words fell.

The opposite side fell into a dead silence!

The ghost spider was obviously stunned.

He never dreamed of it.

Virgo, actually killed in seconds?!

Killed by that Red Flame Sword Hao in seconds?!

How is this possible!

It's not reasonable!

Seriously beyond the imagination of ghost spiders.

He has a certain understanding of Virgo, a powerful rear admiral, proficient in the Navy Six Style, and also has a very skilled armed color domineering.

But the powerful Virgo was actually seconded?!

By that Red Flame Sword Hao?

That Red Flame Sword Hao who fought with him?

It stands to reason.

The ghost spider does not think that with his strength, he can kill Virgo in seconds. Even if he wanted to deal with Virgo, it would take a lot of effort.

So who can explain.

Virgo, why was he given a second by the Red Flame Sword Hao?!

Wouldn't that mean.

He is a ghost spider, and he also has the strength to kill Virgo in seconds?

That's not right!

Even if the ghost spider is confident, he doesn't think he can do it for a second.

The biggest confusion is here.

The ghost spider and the red flame sword hao are indistinguishable.

And Red Flame Sword Hao can second Virgo!

But the ghost spider can't do it at all, Virgo.

Where the weird thing is?!

The ghost spider was stunned.

His head also went blank.

Who can give him an accurate answer?

His head was buzzing, and his thinking became extremely confused.


"How could he be killed in seconds?!"

"Marshal, did you make a mistake?"

The ghost spider suppressed the vibration in his heart and couldn't help but ask.

It's only been a few days.

He couldn't even do it in seconds, Virgo.

But that monster of Red Flame Sword Hao actually killed Virgo in seconds?!

That's counterintuitive!

It is clear that this guy of Red Flame Jianhao is still indistinguishable from him.

Can be hairy this down.

Achieved such a feat as killing Virgo in seconds?!

When learned.

Virgo fought with Red Flame Sword Hao.

The ghost spider is not good.

He could judge that Virgo was no match for Red Flame Sword Hao.

But he never imagined it.

Virgo, he will be killed in seconds!

Killed vs. Killed in seconds...

These are two very different concepts!

Being killed in seconds means that the difference in strength between the two is very large!

"But Red Flame Sword Hao..."

"How could he have such terrifying strength?!"

The ghost spider who fought with Yanagawa a few days ago suddenly felt that his worldview was about to collapse.

With his understanding of Yanagawa's strength.

The other party should not have it, the strength level of killing Virgo in seconds is right!

But who can say.

Virgo, for Mao was so suddenly seconds?

How can the news and intelligence learned from the Marshal of the Warring States be false?

But this thing is really too subversive.

Let the ghost spider in a short time, it is difficult to imagine.

"That's right, Virgo was indeed seconded."

"Coupled with what you just said, I came to a precise conclusion."

"Only this conclusion can explain the strange events that are currently happening."

The war Chinese heavy spirit.

"What conclusion?"

The ghost spider subconsciously blurted out.

"In the days since you fought with the Red Flame Sword Hao, the strength of this monster has ushered in earth-shaking changes!"

"Only this possibility can be explained."

"Why did Virgo arrive in Rogue Town and meet the Red Flame Sword Hao, and he will be killed in seconds."

"In short."

"After you left Rogue, Virgo did not arrive in Rogue. In such a short period of time, the Red Flame Sword Hao Liu Chuan, his strength, ushered in a qualitative leap change! "

"In other words, the current Red Flame Sword Hao, after several days of cultivation, his strength is already ten times stronger than when he fought you!"

"Now, if you touch him, you are very likely to die under his blade!"

Sengoku was very calm and analytical, but his mood was also furious.

This conclusion is difficult for him to accept!


The ghost spider on the opposite side was even more confused.


What's the situation?!

He left Rogue Town for a few short days.

This monster of Red Flame Sword Hao has ushered in a tenfold leap forward in strength?!

This is also too bizarre!

It's not scientific!

"Marshal, this, unlikely, right?"

The ghost spider opened weakly.

He could never imagine such a shocking thing.

"Only this interpretation can explain what is happening."

The war Chinese is particularly serious.

This moment.

The ghost spider froze.

His thinking is directly stiffened.

He held the hand of the phone worm and couldn't help but snort.

Rao is a ghost spider, and they all feel a creepy feeling.


Red Flame Sword Hao, what kind of monster is this!

Just a few days.

The strength of this monster has ushered in such a terrifying change?

Even, they have seriously exceeded their current self?!

If according to the inferences and conclusions of the Marshal of the Warring States.

If you fight the other party again...

Isn't it.

Himself, will be killed by the monster of Red Flame Sword Hao?!

Think of this.

The ghost spider's sweaty hair stood on end, and it only felt a tingling of its scalp.


As a ghost spider who is a vice admiral of the Navy headquarters, in his heart, he has a trace of rejoicing.


"It's good that I ran fast!"

"Otherwise, wouldn't I have been buried in that ghost place in Rogue Town? Just like, Virgo, the short-lived ghost, died in the town of Rogue in the East China Sea?! "

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