Thinking of the existence of this possibility, the ghost spider only felt creepy, and he escaped in the dark.

"What's next? Marshal of the Warring States. "

The ghost spider's tone was very heavy, it was good to escape the danger of life, but the problem was still there.

Yanagawa's strength is growing stronger and stronger, and it is rising sharply at a very fast rate.

In this way, it is expected that in less than two years, another figure of the Four Emperors level will appear in the sea.

It really is.

That would be a disaster for the Navy!

Originally, the strength of the navy could not compete with the pirate forces of the New World, and withdrew from the stage of competing for the strongest sea area.

If you continue to let Liu Chuan develop, I am afraid that it will not only be the four emperors, but also a One Piece.

Once that time comes, the Navy will completely lose the opportunity to invade the new world, and will only be able to flex its muscles in other seas.

"What else can I do! You must kill him before he grows up, and nip the danger in the bud! "

Sengoku's face was extremely ugly, and looking at his vicious appearance, it seemed to be the same as Yanagawa had some deep hatred.

And that's exactly what happened.

Rising stars appear in hostile forces.

This is the biggest distress for Sengoku as a naval marshal.

And Sengoku also knows what it means to let Yanagawa continue to grow, and he must find a way to ruthlessly destroy this dangerous cradle!

"Order down! Update the reward order of the Red Flame Sword Hao and increase the reward amount to 500 million! "

The Warring States gritted their teeth and issued orders word by word, and the officers on standby in the office habitually saluted and received the order.

"Yes! Your Excellency Marshal! "

But then the officer froze and hesitated to question.

"That... Marshal of the Warring States ... That boy named Yanagawa has not yet stepped into the great voyage, is it a little bit to increase his bounty amount at such a time...? "

The officer's meaning was obvious, and he felt that there was some fuss.

Generally speaking, most pirates who still stay in the four seas region only have tens of millions of bounties.

For example, the pirates with more than 80 million rewards are the most powerful group in the four seas, and the hundreds of millions of pirates are very little.

Because of his own strength and extremely dangerous personality, Yanagawa was raised to 300 million.

But is it too much to add a reward of 200 million to 300 million?

Not only the officer who received the order questioned, but even the ghost spider couldn't help but be a little shaken.

After a moment of silence, the voice of a ghost spider came from the phone worm.

"Marshal of the Warring States, the reward order of the Red Flame Sword Hao has just been released, and it is not appropriate to increase the reward amount?"

What the ghost spider questioned was not the problem of the amount of the reward, but the frequent change of the amount of the navy similar to the order made him instinctively feel inappropriate.

If the previous bounty order and the new order are more elapsed, what can be said.

The strength of the Red Flame Sword Hao is worth 500 million, there is no doubt.

It is even said that his growth rate may soon surpass this bounty, reaching 600 million, 700 million, or even 1 billion.

But no matter how you say that you should not change the bounty now, it will damage the influence of the Navy.

"Or... Wait another two or three months before issuing a new bounty, right? Now the release will affect our prestige. "

The ghost spider hesitated to give his own advice, but listening to his swallowing appearance, he didn't seem so confident.

Hearing that the two subordinates were questioning their decisions, Warring States raised their eyebrows a little uncomfortable.

Of course, the Warring States know what the temporary replacement of the bounty amount means, which will make the people lose confidence in the navy and feel that they will issue the bounty indiscriminately without investigating clearly.

But there is no way for the Warring States, if Yanagawa is allowed to continue to grow unscrupulously, no one can bear that result.

Not to mention.

Judging from the current news, Yanagawa is improving at an amazing speed, and his strength has far surpassed that of the ghost spider, a solid vice admiral.

The reward of 500 million was already a decision made by the Warring States after thinking about it.

If he could, the Warring States even wanted to directly increase the reward amount of the Red Flame Sword Hao to 800 million.

This is the real answer that best fits the status quo.

But there is no way, even if he is in a hurry, he must act according to the rules.

Setting an amount of 500 million for a pirate who has not yet landed on the Great Voyage is already unconventional.

Even 500 million will make subordinates question, let alone 800 million.

"I've made up my mind!"

"A reward of 500 million! There is no room for negotiation! "

"Go with the order!"

The voice of the Admiral was loud and unquestionable.

In the end, the Warring States still tried to stand by the crowd and insisted on their ideas.

"No matter what, this dangerous seed must be strangled in the cradle, and there must be no more Four Emperors on the sea!"

The Navy is already weak enough to allow the pirates to grow again.

To be able to detect the threat of Yanagawa at this time is lucky enough for the Navy.

If you don't strangle him in the cradle while he has not yet grown, once he is really grown, it will eventually be a huge disaster.

This time.

The two did not question again and chose to obey the marshal's orders.


Red Flame Sword Hao's growth rate is too fast, this is a fact that is obvious to all.

After careful consideration, both the unknown officer and the ghost spider felt that their considerations were not thoughtful enough, and agreed with the concept of the Marshal of the Warring States.

"It's the marshal! Subordinates will do so! "

The unknown officer was ordered to leave the office.

The ghost spider quickly hung up the phone, and the office became silent again.

In the empty office, Sengoku slumped on his desk as if deflated.

"I don't know if this order is good or bad for the Navy, after all, it depends on the result to know."

Sengoku had no doubt about the correctness of issuing a new bounty, and what he was really worried about was that the bounty amount would not be enough.

After all.

This is a sea thief who can kill the rear admiral in seconds and easily kill the vice admiral!

No amount of bounty can be overdone.

What really worries the Warring States is that they are afraid that the bounty amount is not enough, which is not enough to explain the danger of the Red Flame Sword Hao, so that the navy and the reward hunter lost their lives in vain.

But this is already the limit of what he can do, and if there are more, maybe the world government will question his ability.

Sengoku knew how dangerous Yanagawa was, but he had to do it this way.


Time flew by, and two days passed in the blink of an eye.

By this time, the Navy's newly issued bounty order had spread throughout the world.

The 500 million bounty caused a public outcry.

And also.

The voices of the people questioning the navy also slowly spread, and began to intensify.

What the ghost spider and Sengoku feared still happened.

Fortunately, the Navy's former prestige was solid enough that the trend only showed signs of halting on the first day, which made the Navy's top brass breathe a sigh of relief at the same time.

I really didn't expect a teenager from the East China Sea who had not yet set foot in the great sea route to make the navy so nervous.

It seems that Yanagawa's anomaly is even more terrifying than expected, and it has only taken long to grow to the point of shaking the world's strongest force.

East Sea, Rogue Town.

The taverns here are lively.

Unlike usual, the tavern, which used to be a little deserted, is bustling like a festival.

But today, as usual, is obviously just an ordinary day that can no longer be ordinary, why is there such a big change?

There is only one answer, Yanagawa's bounty order has been advertised to Rogue Town.

When the people saw the series of "0s" after the "5", they were shocked and proud of the teenager who was also from the East China Sea.

Inside the tavern, a group of old men are excitedly pushing glasses and changing lamps.

"After many years, we Donghai have come out of a wonderful figure, you must know how long has passed since the last big man in the East China Sea, I thought that there would be no more, but the people of Donghai did not disappoint us, and finally came out of a super newcomer!"

A middle-aged man who looked poor burst into tears, as if he had found his former glory in Yanagawa, and he was honored.

When he spoke, he did not leave the "East China Sea", and it can be seen that his feelings for his hometown are extremely strong.

There are many people who are the same as that man, and it is this special sense of honor that prompts them to gather here to celebrate the appearance of a figure like Yanagawa in the East China Sea like a festival.

"Although our East China Sea is recognized as the weakest sea area in the world, our East China Sea is also the sea area with the most big people, far away, let's talk about One Piece Roger and naval hero Karp, they are all from our East China Sea, I don't know where those people in other seas have the courage to say that we can't do it in the East China Sea, I don't know what it is."

"Exactly! Although we East China Sea people do have less backbone than other seas, almost all of the big people are from our East China Sea, and we don't understand what those ignorant fools are thinking. "

Thinking of the way they looked when they met people from other seas on weekdays, when they taunted, everyone in the tavern was indignant and vented the emotions that had accumulated in their hearts.

Yanagawa's appearance can be said to have greatly earned them a sigh in front of their friends in other seas, which makes them pin a different kind of emotion in Yanagawa.

"You must know that Luo Jihai did not make such a big movement when he was in the sea, if I want to say that this young man is terrible, maybe he will become the king of this world!"

A middle-aged man who was well-dressed and looked like a businessman gave his predictions, and others echoed his successful career.

"Yes! It must be so! Chiyan Jianhao has only been out to sea for 500 million bounties, and Roger is not as dazzling as him! "

"Thinking that we can have a real king of the world in the East China Sea, just imagining it makes me excited, if that day comes, I will definitely come out to celebrate by smashing pots and selling iron, not in vain I was born in the East China Sea, this wonderful sea."

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