This had to make Torrebol doubt life.

If he didn't know Virgo's personality, he would have wondered if Virgo had misreported intelligence and lied about his strength over the years.

That's Virgo, after all!

If there is no accident in the next naval evaluation, it will definitely be able to upgrade to Vice Admiral Virgo!

Although he usually has no reputation, he had to choose to keep a low profile because of his status as a spy.

If he is willing to be high-profile, what kind of ghost spiders, squirrels, or something, Virgo is really powerful.

Torrebol couldn't help but feel a headache looking at what was on the news.

It stands to reason that such a major event should be notified to the young master as soon as possible, so that Doflamingo can be prepared.

But with Doflamingo's character, if he knew that Yanagawa was shining, he was afraid that he would not be able to go desperately.

"No, you can't just inform the young master so casually, at least you have to think of some way, to put it mildly."

Doflamingo was a hero of the sea, and he could hardly find major human flaws in him.

But only one thing was that he took his glory and the lives of his subordinates too seriously.

So heavy that as long as anyone dares to disobey the Don Quixote family, Doflamingo's most ruthless revenge will be ushered in.

If this is changed in normal times, it will not matter much.

After all, they are all a group of small fish and shrimp, even the pirates in the first half of the great voyage, most of them will not be able to pose any threat to the Don Quixote family.

But Yanagawa is different, that is directly killed the big guy of Virgo!

Far from being comparable to ordinary small shrimp.

Moreover, during this time, the Don Quixote family was still planning a major event.

At this critical time, Torrepol doesn't want to break the corner.

But if you don't want to tell Doflamingo, you can't either.

Such a big event will be worn into the ears of the young lord sooner or later, and if you ask at that time, Torrebol is the yellow mud in the crotch of the pants, not but also.

Therefore, this must be in place, and it must be skillful so as not to arouse Doflamingo's arrogance.

Otherwise, either these cadres will unite and work together to stop the unwise.

Or obey Doflamingo's wishes, and go all out to surround and suppress Yanagawa.

In short, no matter which option it is, Torrebol does not want to see it.

The best outcome is to settle the accounts when nothing happens.

Thinking so, Torrebol casually put the newspaper on the table and walked in the direction of the captain's room.

The strong man who passed by, Seka, noticed the newspaper on the table, casually took it in his hand and read it.

And Torrebol had already opened the hatch at this time and walked into the captain's room.

There was only Doflamingo in the captain's room, and he was sitting with his back to the gate.

From Torrepol's point of view, it seems that he is thinking about something with his chin propped up.

I didn't even notice someone coming in, didn't look back to see who it was.

Torrebol had a sense of foreboding, and he moved slowly forward to see what was wrong.

When he came to his desk and saw the brand new colorful picture on the table, his heart suddenly stopped.

Just see the piece of paper on the work, what kind of color picture is it, it is obviously a freshly baked bounty order!

And the avatar painted on the bounty order is not Yanagawa who is it!

It turned out that his terrified planning outside had been in vain for a long time, and Doflamingo had long known about Yanagawa's reward amount to 500 million.

"Young Lord... Dover, you know all about it? "

Torrebol asked worriedly, carefully observing the young lord's expression, but saw that the lines on his face were unusually cold, without the slightest expression.

"Yes, how could I not know such a big thing, are you thinking of some crooked idea again?"

Doflamingo's tone was equally cold, but when he spoke, he didn't look as crazy or cold as he had imagined, which made Torrebol breathe a sigh of relief.

"What, you know that we are now in a critical period, I want to advise you to come with two sentences."

Torrebol said with a dry smile, he looked a little embarrassed.

I thought that the young lord would be angry about it, and even would stop at nothing to kill Yanagawa .

Who knew that Doflamingo was far calmer than expected.

Torrepol could see that although Doflamingo was angry, that anger was tightly suppressed in his heart and did not show it.

Seeing that Doflamingo could control his biological instincts and calm down rarely, Torrebol was thankful and a touch of pride.

"If you can calm down, that's the best, I won't say much about persuasion, everything is focused on the big picture."

"Oh, the big picture is important."

Doflamingo sneered, skimmed over the table with his right hand, and picked up a gorgeous dagger on the solid wood table.

Drawing the sword out of its sheath, the blade emitting cold light was like a butterfly, deftly rotating in Doflamingo's hand.

All this was seen in Torebol's eyes, and his heartbeat began to speed up again without fighting.

"Young Lord..."

Just as Torrebol was about to say two more words, the sound of the hatch opening came out.

This time, Doflamingo did not lose his mind again and followed Torrebol to look back.

The visitor was none other than Seka, who had just read the newspaper, and he was carrying the news and walking with anger on his face.

"Young Lord! What a bully! That little ghost named Yanagawa actually made the newspaper and made headlines!! This clearly does not put us in the eye! "

Indignant, Seka roared angrily in an unusually shrill voice that was very different from his body like a child, and came to Doflamingo's desk and slapped the newspaper on the table for Doflamingo to read.

Seeing this, Torrebol covered his face and sighed.

"How can this guy who has more than enough success and failure come out to make trouble at this critical moment!"

"Seeing that the young lord has held back his anger, as long as he works harder, he can fool this matter over, where did this big man get the news, he had to come and insert a bar."

He apparently forgot that it was he who casually threw the newspaper on the table and caused trouble, and complained about it.

Torrebol didn't want to think about it, and he was the only one on the boat who would choose to buy newspapers, and no one but him had more habits.

Doflamingo turned the knife with a smile, saw the unusually bright eyes in the newspaper, and with a pause in his hand, he held the dagger and fiercely inserted the blade into the pupils of Yanagawa in the photo.

"Boom, you're right, only we Doflamingo bully people, who dares to bully us?"

The iconic laughter sounded, and even Serka, a big grinning man, was terrified.

Doflamingo seemed to have been completely furious, looking strangely crazy and crazy.

It's just that.

This is just the appearance.

Even when Torrepol thought things were out of control, Doflamingo pulled the dagger from the solid wooden table and put it back in place.

"But now is a critical period for us to implement the plan, this matter is not in a hurry to take revenge, and it is not too late to deal with it when Dressrosa is in his hands."

After all, the hero in the sea is a big man who can do great things.

At the critical moment, Doflamingo still relied on his own calmness to cool the anger in his heart.

Without waiting for Torrepol to exert his strength, he managed to control his uncontrollable emotions.


Torrebol can finally rest assured.

It seems that the young master is more mature and powerful than he thought, and he doesn't need to worry too much at all.

It's just that...... Seka still looked unwilling.

"Young Lord, then Diamanti's feud is just settled?"

Hearing this, Torrebol wanted to answer and explain to Seka what to do.

But before he could say anything, Doflamingo was the first to give an answer.

"Diamanti... Virgo... Buffalo... Their feud, of course, will not be left alone. "

On the newspaper on the table, one of Yanagawa's pupils appeared hollow, and the whole person looked a little dull.

Doflamingo admired his masterpiece and said with a strange smile: "Boom... Inform the people of the underground world that I want to reward Red Flame Sword Hao-Yanagawa for my life. "

"If you offer a bounty price... Billion! "

"Plus half a billion for the Navy, a total of 1.5 billion."

"I believe that many people will set their eyes on this little ghost's head!"

Even if he can't take revenge with his own hands, Doflamingo has to use other ways to make his enemies feel bad.

The interests are moving, a total of 1.5 billion rewards, I believe there will be many bounty hunters who are moved.


More than just a bounty hunter!

I am afraid that even the sea thief will be moved by it and turn his eyes to this rising star.

You must know that this little ghost is just a person, completely different from other sea thieves.

When there is only one person, it is easy to lead to death.

I don't know if this much-anticipated guy can resist the baptism of the sea!

Thinking of this, Doflamingo couldn't help but laugh even more crazy.

Even Seka and Torrebol on the side were a little frightened, and layer after layer of goosebumps rose on their bodies.


Meanwhile, Tokai, Frost Moon Village.

It was now the afternoon time, and there was silence in the Taoist Temple, and everyone went out to cultivate.

Koshiro knelt in the middle of the Taoist temple, and under him was a newly released newspaper.

He looked like he was smiling peacefully, not knowing what he was thinking.

"It's only been a long time, Yanagawa, you have actually done this."

"You were already shocked when I saw the 300 million bounty before, and it didn't take long for the bounty amount to become 500 million."

"It's a frightening rate of growth."

The peaceful voice echoed through the empty Taoist temple, appearing unusually quiet.

Just like the smile on Koshiro's face, peaceful and peaceful.

This is no longer something that can be described by talent.

Or maybe to put it another way: monster!

It's more appropriate.

Yanagawa's growth trajectory is far from comparable to ordinary people.

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