If ordinary people are climbing peaks, there is a clearly visible growth curve between each node.

That Yanagawa is a jumping machine, like a rocket rising straight up, almost invisible to the process of growth.


The changes in these days are clearly in Koshiro's eyes, which makes people a little confused.

A terrifying talent combined with a fearsome self-discipline is a monster that can only be looked up to.

Koshiro also had to regard Yanagawa's success as the result of inhuman efforts.


This didn't explain why he could grow so quickly to the level of strength that only a sea thief could have.

"Perhaps, I should also supervise the cultivation of Gu Yina and Solon."

"But they don't seem to be pushing."

"This makes me a master really distressed."

Originally, Koshiro still felt that he had not fulfilled his responsibility as a master, which made Guina and Solon's cultivation progress slow.

But when he thought of how these two people looked when they struggled, he had to admit that it was Liu Chuan's qualifications that were too demon to give him the illusion that the other two disciples were not working hard.

"Back then, I still felt that Liu Chuan, a big disciple, had mediocre qualifications, and no matter how hard he tried, he would not grow much."

"Now that I think about the past, it's really interesting and nostalgic."

No one expected that the young man with mediocre qualifications would become famous in one fell swoop and grow up enough to shake the world.

Even Koshiro couldn't help but sigh when he recalled it.

"It's also fortunate that I didn't give up any child who yearned for kendo because of my qualifications, otherwise I would have really missed the good seedlings."

After a long sigh, Koshiro finally calmly accepted the fact that Yanagawa was famous all over the world.

The sense of déjà vu is slowly fading and returning to its usual appearance.

From this point of view, this Yanagawa nominal master is not so simple.

If you want to change to an ordinary person, even if you are in the prime of your career, if you find that someone closely related to you soars into the sky, I am afraid that you will not be able to adjust your mentality in a short time.

But it only took about ten minutes for Koshiro to regain his normal heart.

This is far from being comparable to ordinary people.

In fact, if you think about it, how can a swordsman who can connect with the great enemy of the world government, the revolutionary army, be an ordinary kendo hall owner.

As long as you analyze it carefully, it is not difficult to come to the fact that Koshiro's life is mysterious.

After sitting quietly for a few more minutes, the Taoist Temple began to show signs of activity.

It was almost time for class, and the disciples who had practiced alone returned and were ready for class.

Guina and Solon walked into the dojo drenched in sweat as usual.

Seeing Koshiro sitting unexpectedly quietly, he couldn't help but be a little surprised.

"Hey! Master, shouldn't you be reading in the tea room at this time? How did you get to this place? "

Sauron's tone was not very respectful, and his movements were even more grinning, as if he was not an outsider, and he stuck his head to Koshiro's side to observe what he was looking at.

Koshiro just smiled gently at this and didn't say anything more.

Solon's child looked heartless and lungless, but he could see that Solon had a somewhat awkward personality and was not good at expressing emotions.

Just as Koshiro was about to ask Solon to take a shower and change his clothes, Guina also came over.

"Huh... Is this a bounty order from Senior Brother? "

Under Solon's dissatisfied gaze, Guina grabbed the bounty order in her hand and watched it carefully.

"It seems to have changed a little from before, but it's strange, I can't find the change."

Take out the bounty order from your previous collection and compare it with the latest bounty order.

The old one seems to be no different from the new one, except that the color is a little faded.

Just when Guina thought it was her delusion, Solon shouted and found something different.

"Wow, three became five, it seems that the bounty of the senior brother has gone up again?"

Why say again?

Koshiro pointed to his chin and fell into thought.

It seems like...... Nothing was wrong.

Since Yanagawa went to sea, the bounty amount has risen like a rocket.

The fastest time is only a few days apart, and there is no problem at this time.

While Koshiro was thinking about these boring questions, the disciples of the dojo heard Solon's voice and surrounded them.

"Wow... It was 300 million before, so this time it's 500 million, I don't know how many meatballs I can buy, if only I could have so much money. "

A foodie is caught in a fantasy, while fantasizing about the undisputed penetration of water at the corners of his mouth, as if all this is happening in reality.

At this time, another older disciple slapped the back of the foodie's head.

"Snap", a crisp sound, the foodie sobered up on the spot and looked at the senior brother aggrievedly.

"What are you thinking! This is the reward order of the senior brother, do you want to hand over the senior brother to the navy to receive the reward? You indisputable traitor! "

The hands-on disciple looked breathless, not knowing what this fat man was thinking day by day, obviously a good thing changed the taste when it came to his mouth.

For a while, the other disciples also criticized one after another, and the face of the foodie turned red.

However, this situation only lasted for a few seconds, and everyone was a junior brother and knew each other very well.

We all know that this fat man is a real foodie, only said two words, and did not do anything more excessive.

The disciples' minds turned to watching the bounty order.

"Senior brother is really powerful, this is already a reward of 500 million, I'm afraid that the pirates of the Great Voyage do not have such a high reward, right? Has the master brother become the world's number one swordsman? "

"That's not enough, Master once said that the number one swordsman in the world today is Hawkeye-Jorakel Mihawk, and the pirates of the New World have billions of rewards, although the master brother is strong, but it is not yet the top, but even this master brother is already very powerful."

"Yes, in previous years, the master brother was not so strong, but this year began to suddenly become stronger, speaking of which, the master said that it was the master brother who opened the trick, so there is such rapid progress, I don't know when we will open the trick, we can also be the same as the master brother."

Half-grown children don't have a clear understanding of the world.

Some admire Yanagawa and think that he is the strongest person in the world.

Others correct the perceptions of the brothers in an objective and rational way.

And more people are yearning to become the second Yanagawa and become famous all over the world.

Looking at these children yearning for their future lives, the corners of Kooshiro's mouth couldn't help but twitch a little.

Demons like Liu Chuan are unattainable, where can there be so many epiphany, suddenly enlightened.

And even if he opens up, he may not be able to have the same qualifications as Yanagawa monsters, and it is almost impossible to copy his life trajectory.

Let the children discuss and get excited for a long time, and when it is time to practice, Koshiro clapped his hands and began to teach them.

Because of the delay in the discussion, the disciples failed to wash and wash the sweat left on their bodies.

For a while, the Taoist Temple was full of smell, which could be described as smelly.

However, Koshiro did not care and still taught his disciples in his way.

Compared to a life of constant struggle, this difficulty is nothing.

It's just that these young girls have suffered, and they can only endure the strange smell from themselves or their companions and continue to struggle.


Also in the East China Sea is Yanagawa, the protagonist of this big event.

He didn't know anything about his headlines and sweated every day to lay a solid foundation for the rest of his trip.

The chaotic sky that emitted a faint blue light tore through the air, and with a faint humming sound, it slashed out.

The strange sound attracted the attention of the pirate ship from time to time.

Seeing the faint crimson sword qi, those eyes involuntarily shifted elsewhere, deeply afraid of attracting the attention of this murderer.

Some time has passed since the robbery of Bucky's ship.

During this period, Yanagawa just quietly did his own thing, without the slightest interest in communicating with the clown.

And what he does is very simple, or boring is more accurate.

Every day is repeated and swung knives.

He doesn't seem to feel bored, and the first thing he does when he gets up every day is to take out the mess and start waving.

Day and night from morning to night.

In fact, Yanagawa can completely replace the heavy chaos with that wooden knife.

But he always felt that there was a big difference between the two, that it was just a sixth sense, and there was no tangible proof.

However, Yanagawa still chose to follow his feelings.

After all, the existence of the heart eye makes him have to believe in his sixth sense.

He slashed again, and then he heard the touching sound.

【Ding! The number of sword swings has accumulated 85,000]

【Reward: Sword Art Level + LV1】

Yanagawa wiped the sweat with his arm with an excited look, lifted the cup of water on the side and drank it.

"The level of swordsmanship has finally reached level 40, I don't know what changes will appear."

For skills like swordsmanship levels, there will be a small increase every 20 levels.

I don't know what will change this time, Yanagawa thought expectantly.

Without further ado, no longer suppressing the thought of jumping, Yanagawa began to act.

One knife down.

Well... I didn't feel any difference from usual.

Continuing to try, he seriously swung more than twenty knives in succession.

This time, Yanagawa vaguely felt a slight difference.

"It seems to be... The airflow is not the same? "

"Not entirely sure, but at least for sure that there isn't much of a problem thinking in this direction."

From the subtle changes in the air flow, Yanagawa faintly felt that strange inspiration.

But this inspiration is very naughty, always jumping around in his mind, so that he can never catch that feeling.

Without hurrying to swing the knife, Yanagawa closed his eyes and carefully felt the flow of air.

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