Within a few seconds, Yanagawa had a new understanding.

"This is..."

"Nature's current."

In a hurry, Yanagawa swung a knife and felt the change at the same time.

"This is the change in airflow after I swung it out."

The difference between the two is almost insignificant, and it is impossible to notice it if you do not experience it carefully.

One is the natural climate, the other is the reaction after splitting the air, it stands to reason that the difference should be very obvious, I don't know why this happens.

Recalling the past experience, Yanagawa suddenly realized something.

"That's not right! In the past, my knife style was not like this. "

In the past, when splitting air, there would be a strong reaction.

It was this reaction that inspired the Qi Blade that allowed him to rise from the rank of swordsman to the rank of Jianhao.

Now, the knife he swung out lost this fierce aura.

The faint red sword qi that was originally cut out with the swing of the sword also quietly disappeared, as if everything was scattered with the wind, but there was no trace.

This is very strange, it seems to be a historical regression, but it faintly feels that his strength has changed qualitatively, which makes people scratch their heads.

Just as Yanagawa pondered and didn't know what was happening, the words that Koshiro had said lingered in his mind.

"Sword! It can be a weapon to kill! Similarly, if you want to be gentle, no matter how strong a sword is, it cannot penetrate thin white paper, which is the strongest kendo. "

Yanagawa had an epiphany and found the key point after this breakthrough.

"The point is whether I have killing intent? Or do I have any intention to attack? "

"According to my mind, the slash will be different?"

"Could this be the improvement brought about by this breakthrough?"

Thinking of this, Yanagawa couldn't help but start experimenting.

As soon as he cut out a knife, Yanagawa immediately understood.

"So it is."

To put it bluntly, after the sword skill level reaches level 40, you can communicate with the outside environment as you like.

It may sound mysterious to say this.

To put it simply, it is possible to control the power and effect of the slash you cut out through subjective thoughts.

Ben controlled the strength of the swing of the sword is a basic skill for Jian Hao, as if nothing has changed much.

But the difference is big.

In the past, if you wanted to control the strength, you had to concentrate and deliberately control it.

But after breaking through to level 40, this is not necessary.

It's like eating and drinking, and you can cut as many powerful slashes as you want.

Of course, there is an upper limit to this.

The special effects after the breakthrough only facilitate Yanagawa's control of the blade to some extent, not the limit.

The key word is "control", but nothing else.

What is surprising is the special effect of controlling the effect of the slash.

Originally, cutting out sword qi was like instinct, and every move would unconsciously spread out the air blade, forming an external blow.

It's not that the attack effect of this air blade is not good, but sometimes it becomes more troublesome if you can't control it, and you have to deliberately change the habitual swing trajectory.

But with this special effect, it's different.

Think of the same strength, want the same swing trajectory, but Yanagawa can cut out a different effect.

If you want the sword qi to diffuse, you can burst out the sword qi, and if you don't want it, you can also transform into wind.

In short, it is the improvement brought by the control.

"But... I always feel that this special effect is not used this way, can there be other uses. "

Liu Chuan was a little puzzled for a long time, and couldn't think of other ways to use it for the time being.

"Forget it, let's improve your strength first."

"In contrast, the feeling of improving strength is the best!"

Thinking so, Yanagawa became more motivated.

Refresh your youth and sweat in the afterglow of the setting sun.


Fast forward to the next day, by which time the pirate ship had arrived at the entrance of Upside Down Mountain.

Looking at the turbulent and rapid water not far away, the members of the Bucky Pirates couldn't help but swallow their saliva in unison.

"This... This is also too scary, even the big river in my hometown, the place where the water flows most is not so exaggerated, can we pass through here safely? Unlikely, right? "

"yes! Don't go too far with such a rapid current in the sea, you must know that this is in the sea! "

The pirates looked at the narrow passage surging in front of them with a dull expression, and they couldn't resist in their hearts.

Who knows how much damage such turbulent waters can cause to pirate ships.

If only in the wide sea, they closed their eyes and made up their minds.

Even if the pirate ship is torn apart because of this, it is a big deal to jump into the sea when the time comes.

But in such a narrow place, the pirates really can't raise courage.


It seems that the right to decide at the moment is not in their hands, this pirate ship has been held hostage without arguing, and it is not up to them to decide whether to cross the Upside Down Mountain.

"Compared to this... I'm more afraid of being cut off by someone, whether I can pass it or not, anyway, I don't want to face that person's blade. "

"It's just a small torrent, Lao Tzu has never seen anything, it's not a big deal that after eighteen years he is still a good man!"

Noticing Yanagawa's calm and waveless eyes scanning over, the pirates immediately figured out the situation and began to fight each other.

Bucky, who was watching from the sidelines, noticed this scene and couldn't help cursing.

"Who is the captain of this ship? You guys figured it out! Uncle Ben is still here, and if you want to give the order, it is Uncle Ben who will come down, and it will not be your turn!" "

Bucky was really angry, and he was unlucky enough to meet Xing Xing, and this group of uncontending subordinates were still acting as wall grasses at this time.

This made Bucky, whose eyes were above the top, not angry, and even his nose became extremely red when he was angry.

Just the next second, he stopped eating.

"Oh, you're the captain, aren't you, then you give the order, let's go!"

With a faint smile on the corner of Yanagawa's mouth, the nonchalant "proposal" made Bucky give the order to hurry up.

Hearing this voice, Bucky only felt a chill down his spine, forced an ugly smile, and ordered to march towards Upside Down Mountain.

If Uncle Ben was still on Roger's ship, Uncle Ben would have to suffer this anger?

Being held hostage by a teenage imp is simply a disgrace.

The more Bucky thought about it, the more angry he became, and even tears began to appear in his eyes.

But he did not dare to raise objections, knowing that Yanagawa was notoriously ruthless, and he would kill people as soon as he made a move.

He was very afraid of death, and dared to be angry and did not dare to speak.

Yanagawa saw Bucky's thoughts, came to Bucky's side and stabbed Bucky in the waist with a wooden knife with a smile.

Like a frightened quail, Bucky jumped so high that his entire body fell apart.

"What do you want, I have already listened to your orders, don't go too far."

Bucky looked aggrieved and accused, and when he spoke, his voice became sharp and harsh because of fear.

Yanagawa plucked his ears and pointed ahead with the hilt of the knife in his hand.

"I just want to remind you that if you don't change course again, you will hit the wall, and if you think this advice is useless, then you should not hear it."

Hearing this, Bucky instantly turned his head to look in the direction that Yanagawa was pointing.


This is about to hit the wall, it is clear that it is already about to hit it.

Bucky's eyes were about to pop out, and he hurriedly directed the pirates to change course.

But it was too late, the hull hit the wall, the symbolic bow statue of the pirate ship, the circus mascot broke directly.

"Ah! My triple! "

Seeing this, Bucky began to scream again.

That flexible tongue rose and fell like a wave, swaying in mid-air along with his erratic voice.

The pirates were even more surprised, how could they suddenly hit the wall before entering the watershed of the Upside Down Mountain.

Just as they were stunned, Yanagawa pressed the hilt of his knife against the wall of the Red Earth Continent and slashed hard.

"Go you!"

Immediately afterwards, the entire ship entered the extreme waters under the push of force.

"Wow! Why didn't you push the boat in without saying hello, knowing that we entered sideways, it's too dangerous! "

Wave after wave, Bucky screamed again, looking at his expression as if he wanted to die.

Nor do I blame him for this virtue.

Just now, when the ship hit the mountain, it was dragged by the force of the impact, and the whole ship was in the direction of the side current.

Yanagawa didn't see it, and directly pushed the boat into the turbulent water in this gesture.

It is one of the most dangerous areas at sea, and the attitude of the ship is not right, what is the difference between this and looking for death.

No, in a few seconds, the whole ship rolled over at a forty-five-degree angle, as if it would tip over at any moment.

That's not all, because the whole ship is crashing into the cliffs on both sides of the waterway at a very fast speed.

"Ah! It's over, we're really dead this time. "

Bucky's tears and snot all flowed out, and he was fine, and the other pirates were even more unbearable, and even fainted on the spot.

Yanagawa was even more happy to see this scene, and while pretending to be serious, he pulled out his knife and prepared to deal with this "accident".

"What is the name of the ghost, since I dare to bring the ship in, it means that I am sure to bring it safely into the great voyage."

After a night of cultivation and study, Yanagawa has a further understanding of the new special effects.

If you are not sure, how dare you mess around!

But it was clear that Bucky would not believe Yanagawa's words.

They hugged each other and recounted their last words.

"I, Captain Bucky, have been fighting horses all my life and traversing the six seas, and I did not expect to die today at the junction of the great voyage, which is really sad."

Thinking of the first half of his life being low and small, acting as a mascot on Roger's pirate ship.

Now it is hard to turn over the salted fish, and I meet Yanagawa, the star, and I have to lose my life because of this.

Bucky couldn't bear the grievances in his heart anymore, and cried out with a wow.

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