Looking at his tearful appearance, it is really sad for those who hear it and see it.

Mochi, the trainer who hugged him, seemed to be infected by emotions and cried with him.

"It's sad and lamenious to think that my Mochi has the ability to domesticate all the creatures in the world, but I will die because of this little thing."

These two living treasures hugged together, and instantly infected all the people on the pirate ship.

For a time, there were crying, laughing, sad and gratifying, and the little pirate ship showed all kinds of human beings.

Liu Chuan looked at all this speechlessly, how could it inexplicably become a parting of life and death.

Regardless of the treasure played by this group of guys with abnormal brain circuits, Yanagawa stabilized his figure and suddenly slashed out when the pirate ship was about to touch the cliff.

Completely different from the usual majestic crimson sword qi, a soft and thick air flow instantly came out from the blade.

The majestic air flow touches the hull and the cliff with Yanagawa's intention, and a strong and stable repulsion fills the two, ensuring that the pirate ship is not damaged in the slightest.

All this happened in just a moment, after the pirate ship jerked abruptly, without any damage, adjusted its posture and rejoined the middle of the extreme current.

Bucky and they all looked at each other, and they didn't come back to their senses for a while.

Yanagawa laughed angrily.

"Still stunned to do something, don't you hurry to control the boat to keep it in the middle, do you want to experience the feeling of a bump again?"

His words remind everyone on board that they are not out of danger, and Bucky cheers to celebrate his escape, before leading the pirates to control the pirate ship.

"Saved! The great Captain Bucky has survived! "

Is this still great?

Just dying and living, the way he cried was really great enough.

Yanagawa couldn't help but complain in his heart, he didn't bother to say anything.

But Bucky and they were unaware, and after the disaster, they watched with gratitude... Captain Bucky.

"Long live the captain, the great Captain Bucky has once again led us out of suffering."

Bucky had no mental barriers and stood tall to accept the admiration of his subordinates.

"Ahem, basic operation, basic operation... All sit down, sit down. "

Well, this is really a basic operation, Yanagawa didn't even look at it.

In this way, the group passed the most dangerous stage like a fool.

Because the next trip is guided by the current, there is no need to deliberately control the course.

Smoothly reach the top place, and then head towards the entrance of the new world.

The ship was moving well, but suddenly it began to vibrate.

The pirates on the ship sensed the abnormality and stopped their treasure playing activities to observe ahead.

But I saw that at the end of the passage, there was an Optimus pillar that was almost black and inky standing, blocking the way forward.

Seeing that it was about to collide, there was another panic on the pirate ship.

The ridiculous scene just now appeared again, which made Yanagawa feel that the people of the Bucky Pirates relied on playing treasure to survive the disaster, otherwise they couldn't tell the reason why they could live safely until now.

Ignoring this group of teases, Yanagawa concentrated on coping with the sudden obstacles.

This is no joke, if you really hit an obstacle at this speed, I am afraid that the whole ship will have to disintegrate.

"I still have to take a ship to find meteorites, I'm afraid I can't let the ship suffer too much damage."

Thinking so, Yanagawa's eyes gradually became sharper.

Hold the hilt of your unsheathed sword and prepare to attack.

For a time, the three-color domineering energy emerged at the same time, lingering around Liu Chuan's body.

The sudden burst of majestic pressure made most of the pirates unable to resist, and they fainted instantly.

But this was just the beginning, just as the pirate ship was about to touch the obstacle.

Yanagawa struck.

The blazing sword qi turned into a hurricane-like form, spinning towards the opponent with an incomparably strong air pressure.

In an instant, the fiery red light replaced the sunlight, illuminating half of the surrounding red sky, and even the sun's light appeared dim.

The moment the "sword qi" touched it, it was like a rocker that kept shaking, unable to stabilize its figure.

In just the blink of an eye, it finally couldn't withstand the violent wind pressure, and its entire body was pulled out of the sea and thrown out from above the pirate ship.

"This! What is this! "

Bucky was stunned, and the whole person froze.

The "thing" that was thrown out was naturally the giant whale Raab, who was going crazy.

But it wasn't this one that shocked Bucky.

As a crew member of One Piece Roger, he certainly knows Raab, and although Rab is slightly surprised by the size he grows, he is only slightly surprised.

What really made him feel incredible was that sword wind.

When it comes to Rab's size, the broad back alone is at least hundreds of meters long, which plus the body part, the whole is probably thousands of meters long.

Then there was such a behemoth, which was easily flown out by this young man in front of him, which no one would have believed if he had not seen it with his own eyes.

But even after seeing this scene with his own eyes, Bucky still couldn't believe it.

How much strength it takes to throw such a huge creature.

Even knowing that Yanagawa had the strength of 300 million bounties, Bucky couldn't believe his eyes.

"This... What the hell is this..."

Until Raab fell back into the sea, Bucky did not slow down.

The waves behind him made the hull sway, and Bucky grabbed the rudder in front of him to stabilize his figure.

Glaring wide at the giant creature behind him that seemed to be in a coma, Bucky finally regained his senses.

"What the hell is going on here! That's scary, hey! That's a legendary creature, say flip over, just kidding! "

About Yanagawa's rumors, Bucky couldn't be clearer.

As soon as he went to sea, he directly killed the members of the world government's secret service organization - CP-9.

This is nothing, and then he kills the senior official of the Don Quixote family, Diamanti.

Later, he fought with the ghost spider for half a pound and eight taels, and escaped under the siege of countless navies.

After that, he killed Rear Admiral Virgo of the Navy headquarters, which disgraced the Navy.

When it comes to the news of Yanagawa, Bucky is really a treasure.

Living in the East China Sea, if you don't inquire about the news, I'm afraid it will be difficult to survive.

Bucky survived to this point not by the tricks and luck that Yanagawa guessed.

Instead, they can make full use of sensitive information in intelligence for their own benefit.

Just like this time, Bucky did not dare to say a word of nonsense after being kidnapped by Yanagawa, and immediately commanded the pirates to go to the Great Route according to Yanagawa's instructions.

This is one of the manifestations of Bucky's knowledge of current affairs, if he is changed to a guy who does not know whether he is dead or alive, it is estimated that he will be violently killed on the spot.

It's just that no matter how Ren Baji imagined, he never thought that Yanagawa could turn the giant whale Rab over.

While on the ship, Bucky saw Yanagawa confidently facing sudden obstacles, and thought he would somehow drive the hull around Rab.

But I never thought that Yanagawa would choose the difficulty even harder... Or it's almost impossible to make a choice.

This refreshed Bucky's perception of the whole world.

Seeing Bucky's jaw-dropping expression, Yanagawa smiled lightly, learning the way Bucky had done before.

"Basic operations, basic operations... Sit down, sit down. "

The basic operation is a ghost!

If this were a basic operation, then there would be no amazing thing in the world.

The boy in front of him was too terrifying, and Bucky was shocked.

It took a while before Bucky fumbled from the ground and picked up his jaw and pressed it back.

"Red Flame Sword Hao really deserves its name, I, the great Captain Bucky, can be regarded as serving today."

Although Bucky's own strength is not very good, he has seen many unforgettable scenes with One Piece Roger.

But most of the scenes are still slightly bleaker than the situation in front of you.

Bucky was really convinced, it was the first time he had seen such a powerful teenager.

If this were to be replaced by that relatively calm era, I am afraid that it would cause another uproar.


It should be said that even in the era of sea thieves, this teenager will be able to occupy a place on this sea sooner or later.

If such a powerful guy can't get a foothold in the sea, let alone others.

For the clown's admiring gaze, Yanagawa still enjoyed it very much.

Nonsense, can make the crew of One Piece admire, I'm afraid no one can be indifferent.

But that's about it.

Bucky's vision is unique, but that doesn't say much.

The important thing is their own strength, only when they are strong can they truly gain the respect of the strong.

"This world is still respectful of strength!"

In this regard, Yanagawa has never forgotten, and will not be proud of the momentary glory.

Even if you want to look at the world with a downward gaze, you have to wait until you are standing on the top of the world, not when you are still halfway up the mountain.

The price of mental imbalance is always so heavy, Yanagawa does not want to learn a lesson because of inflation.

Time passed slowly, and soon the pirates who passed out on the pirate ship regained their senses.

The sober pirates looked at their lifesavers with admiring eyes, and their mouths were full of praise, which was regarded as inheriting the fine tradition of Bucky the Clown.

Just as they took turns shooting rainbow farts, a floodgate opened behind Rab, the fainted whale, and a half-bald old man with a light bulb on his head walked out.

He held the newspaper in one hand and kept rubbing his bare brain door with the other, as if to relieve dizziness.

Look around and see pirate ships parked not far away and see familiar faces on board.

"Isn't this that Bucky guy? How could he be here? "

Kourokas was confused and didn't know what was going on.

"Exactly, you can find out the situation with this guy Bucky, the old man has not lived so miserably until now, and he was almost fainted."

Thinking so, Kulokas howled dryly and called for his former partner not far away.

"Hey, Red Nose! Any idea what's going on? Why did Raab suddenly faint, and I almost fainted to death when I turned the old man upside down. "

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