Time goes back a few minutes.

Kurokas was in the belly of Rab the giant whale, lying on a sun lounger and reading the newspaper.

Seeing the news in the newspaper, Kurokas couldn't help but sigh.

"Now the newcomers are getting more and more amazing, and the reward has reached 500 million before they reach the great voyage, which is really amazing."

At this time, he could see that the newspaper was the news that reported Yanagawa .

When people are old, they like to watch these big things happening at sea.

He can't call the wind and rain at sea, but at least he can find out.

Although there is no way to participate in this treacherous era, there are no obstacles to watching from the sidelines.

After all, it was the former One Piece, the ship doctor on Roger's ship, and Kulokas never gave up watching this era.

After all, it is still the era of sea pirates created by Roger, and as Roger's crew, he also feels honored for this magnificent era.

"No matter what, there is also a credit of the old man in such a good era for a long time, and it must be enjoyed well."

Thinking so, Kulokas carefully studied the contents of the newspaper.

Observing the good seedlings of this era is the best reward for him.

It's just that.

Looking at it, Kulokas's face became serious.

"This is a really amazing guy, I thought..."

At first, Kulokas thought it was a naval fuss, putting a child who accidentally did something on the foreground, and started a show activity.

But reading what was in the newspaper was completely different from what I expected.

This boy who looks a little shy turned out to be a real sea thief!

This was something that Kourokas had never thought of.

"Wow, awesome! Killing the rare genius Luki of CP-9 in a hundred years is a remarkable achievement. "

"Doflamingo, this little ghost also clashed with the Red Flame Sword Hao? Two high-ranking cadres also died, and they did a good job. "

The more Kulokas looked down, the more frightened he felt.

A well-known vice admiral like the ghost spider did not leave this teenager, which surprised Kulokas.

"The ghost spider is the ghost spider of the vice admiral of the navy headquarters, right? Was he even at a loss? "

He had seen the skills of the ghost spider with his own eyes, how could he think that this teenager was so powerful, even the ghost spider could not stop him, he was really a hero out of a teenager.

Kulokas was amazed, and he couldn't help but marvel from time to time.

"Long insight."

"It's fierce enough."

There is no way, Yanagawa's record is so fierce, it is impossible to disobey.

After reading the whole article, Kulokas was only shocked.

This is much more moving than when Roger went to sea.

I am afraid that this teenager's future achievements will be even greater than that of One Piece Roger, and he has a hunch that he will see a burning star rising.

Kurokas is looking forward to the growth of this boy named Yanagawa, and he is ready to cut the relevant report.

"There is nothing more exciting than witnessing the birth of a great man, and I have to record his every act."

Kulokas excitedly picked up the scissors and wanted to cut all the newspaper reports about Yanagawa and collect them in a book.

At this moment, the space inside Rab's body became unstable and began to shake slightly.

At this time, Kulokas did not realize the seriousness of the problem, but Rab began to get nervous again and was about to hit the Red Earth Continent.

Since saying goodbye to the Babylonian Pirates more than fifty years ago, Raab has maintained this bad habit.

Kulokas has long been accustomed to all this, and it should be Rab's daily life, not taken seriously.

It's just that.

In the next second, Kulokas only felt that the sky was spinning and the sea water was flowing backwards.

Even if it was a special space formed in the deep Rab's body, the feeling of dizziness did not improve in the slightest.

The whole body was thrown into the air, and then fell to the ground.

Fortunately, over the years, Kulokas has not put down his cultivation and has maintained a certain strength.

Otherwise, at his age, if he falls, he will probably meet the Grim Reaper on the spot.

Adjusting his posture in the air and falling dangerously to the ground, Kulokas swayed like a drunk for a while before stabilizing his figure.

After some tossing, he felt dizzy.

But the most important thing right now is to go out and see what's going on.

Holding back the dizziness, Kurokas climbed out of Rab's body with the newspaper in his hand.

Next, there's the scene that happened before.


"Hey, Red Nose! Any idea what's going on? Why did Raab suddenly faint, and I almost fainted to death when I turned the old man upside down. "

Hearing the three words red nose, Bucky was like being lit to death, and he instantly went crazy.

"Which bastard dares to call Uncle Ben red-nosed, he hasn't died, has he?"

No matter how old the man's voice was, or who the man was, Bucky glared angrily and looked in the direction the voice was coming from.

Seeing the old figure, Bucky first angrily spewed a flame from his nostrils, and then suddenly extinguished.

"Huh? Huh? You old man looks so familiar, who is it? "

For a while, Bucky forgot that he was said to be a red nose, and seemed to be caught up in memories, pondering the origin of the old man.

When Kulokas saw his appearance, he was immediately unhappy.

"Hey, Red Nose, it's only been many years, and it's really sad to forget about me as an old man."

The familiar tone successfully awakened Bucky's memory, and Bucky pointed at Kurokas with a surprised look, his eyes almost popping out.

"It turned out to be you... Big light bulb! "

Because he was too excited, Bucky forgot the taboo of his companions and called the other party's nickname directly.

In an instant, Kulokas's face darkened.

"Who do you call the big light bulb, haven't you been beaten for so many years, and your skin is itchy?"


Kourokas made a fist clenching motion, as if going back to the days of the Ols Jackson.

Ba basically shrunk his shoulders, just like the gas bag back then, it never changed.

But in the next second, Bucky suddenly woke up, this is not the same as it was back then, his strength has also grown with the passage of time, and there is no need to be afraid of this old man.

"I'm the great Captain Bucky, you guy Kulokas, Uncle Ben won't be afraid of you!"

Bucky regained his confidence and faced the old man's threat, only to see Kurokas suddenly smile.

"You guy, still the same as back then, likes to talk nonsense."

Yes, maybe Bucky has forgotten, in fact, he also instigated him on Roger's ship before and then clamored for a fight.

After so many years, all this is so nostalgic in the eyes of Kulokas.

It's a pity that things are different now, and the pillars on the ship have been dead for many years, otherwise they can really take this opportunity to get together again and enjoy the happiness of the year.

Sighing for a while, Kulokas remembered the purpose of coming out this time and pulled the topic back again.

"Bucky, you still haven't told me what happened, why Rab suddenly fainted, what happened?"

In fact, as early as when Kulokas first came out, he had already found a trace from the fainted Rab and had some speculation.

But he couldn't believe it was human-capable.

Perhaps there is a person in the world who can overturn Rab, but these people either live in the waters of the New World or run around in various seas.

In short, whether it is those monsters in the new world, or the guy from Karp, they will definitely not appear at the junction of the great voyage.

Everything in front of them is certainly not their doing.

Looking at the fainted Rab, Kulokas felt both distressed and rejoicing.

No matter who did it, that person must have been merciful.

If the same force were to attack Rab's life, it would certainly not be something Raab could bear.

In contrast, in order to protect Raab from too much damage, the man obviously looked like he had spent more physical strength and used his ingenuity to stun Raab.

Speaking of which, Kourokas also thanked the man who left his mercy.

But it sounded to Bucky's ears, more like he was looking for trouble.

Bucky's eyes rolled in their sockets, and he suddenly had an idea.

You must know that the strength of this old man is extraordinary, and if it is Kurokas, he may be able to defeat this monster.

He has had enough of being held hostage and wants to escape Yanagawa's control when he has the opportunity.

Bucky pointed to Yanagawa next to him and decisively sold the person.

"It's him, it's this family... The boy did it, if you want to find trouble, you will find trouble with him! "

Halfway through the words, Ba could basically feel inappropriate, hurriedly changed his name, and continued unnaturally.

Even if it was open, Bucky did not dare to act that angered the teenager.

This is from the instinctive desire to survive, and in the field of saving his life, he can be called an expert figure.

Kurokas followed Bucky's fingers to look at Yanagawa beside him, and his eyes widened suddenly.

Isn't this the teenager you just saw in the newspaper?

Unexpectedly, he had just made up his mind to collect all the reports about Yanagawa when he saw himself appear in front of him.

Could it be that all this is the will of God, which is that God feels his sincere heart, so that he has the honor to witness the true appearance of a human being?

Kulokas inexplicably fell into a moving form, like a girl, clasped her hands in front of her chest, and jumped onto the approaching pirate ship.

"Are you Red Flame Sword Hao-Yanagawa?"

Seeing Yanagawa nodding with a confused look and admitting it, Kulokas became even more enthusiastic.

"The old man just saw your deeds in the newspaper, you did a beautiful job, young man!"

Whether it is the overthrow of the navy or the destruction of the Don Quixote family's human trafficking stronghold, it is a laudable act.

Kurokas does not hide his admiration for Yanagawa at all, just like a fan who sees an idol, he catharsis his admiration.

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