Koshiro's voice was as reassuring as ever, and Yanagawa only listened to it, and his whole heart calmed down.

He could even imagine Koshiro sitting on the tatami mat and talking with a gentle smile, the life of the pavilion owner was always so plain but warm.

"Pavilion master, this is Liu Chuan, who has arrived safely on the Great Route and received news of the Extraterrestrial Meteorite."

"I believe that in a few days, the whereabouts of the meteorite will be found."

Infected by Koshiro, Yanagawa couldn't help but bring a hint of gentleness when he spoke.

The owner can always inadvertently spread this peace of mind to others, so that others can also feel the preciousness of this tranquility.

"That's good, everything goes well, for you this trip is also a life experience, don't focus on your own safety, don't be reckless."

In the eyes of Koshiro, no matter how demon Yanagawa's qualifications are and how strong his strength is, he is still a teenager who is less than sixteen years old after all.

More than anything else, he was concerned about Yanagawa's personal safety.

Hearing the pavilion owner's instructions, Liu Chuan's heart was filled with a trace of warmth, and he couldn't help but be a little moved.

"Don't worry, with my current strength, not to mention that I can walk sideways in the first half of the great voyage, at least no one dares to mess with me easily."

"Pavilion master, you also know my personality, you won't easily cause trouble, don't worry about me."

Actually, he was still modest.

With his strength, he can really walk sideways in the first half of the sea area of the great voyage, as long as he does not encounter those few Seven Martial Seas, it can be said that people block the killing Buddha and block the killing Buddha.

As for Qi Wuhai, it is also graded.

A big sword hao like Hawkeye who stands at the top of the world, he naturally can't afford to provoke.

But like the level of Moonlight Moria, Yanagawa really didn't scare him.

However, hearing these words in Koishiro's ears, he was speechless for a while.

You said the same thing the last time you went to sea, what did it turn out, and there was no pressure in your heart?

The agents of the world government have provoked clean, and they have not forgotten to bring the navy, one of the three major forces of the world.

If only that's it, forget it, and offend Doflamingo by the way.

Just like that, you still call "won't easily get into trouble"?

I'm afraid that troublemaking is the perfect interpretation of you, right?

Thinking so in his heart, Koshiro did not blurt out.

Judging from the experience of getting along day and night over the years, I am afraid that this big disciple of him really did not intend to provoke these forces.

The major forces of this world are intertwined and filthy, and have long been rotten to the bone.

It's normal to pull out a random nail and bring out a big piece of disgusting.

"In short, it's better to be careful when going out, just remember to protect yourself, and don't force everything."

This is already the best advice Koshiro can give.

No one can guarantee that he can turn a blind eye to bad behavior, at least not himself.

Since he can't do it, let alone a young and vigorous young man.

Koshiro doesn't care if Yanagawa will see the road and draw his sword to help, he only hopes that he can protect himself while doing his righteousness.

Yanagawa felt the heart from the pavilion owner, and there was another warmth in his heart.

"I'll take care of the measure."

On this topic, Yanagawa did not want to talk more.

The two could not see each other again, and no matter how concerned they were, they could not convey accurate information.

Saying this only makes the worried person more troublesome, and does not solve the actual problem.

Yanagawa thought for a moment and turned to concern about Solon and Gu Yina's cultivation process.

"Then again, I haven't seen that kid from Solon for a long time, and Gu Yina too, I don't know how far their kendo cultivation has been, have they made great progress?"

Speaking of this topic, Koshiro has more words.

"Solon still worked hard as always after you left, saying that sooner or later he would keep up with your progress and defeat you to become the world's number one swordsman."

"It's a little funny to talk about this, the current world's number one swordsman is Hawkeye, but he turns a blind eye to this, he has to say that defeating you is the real world's first swordsman, and he has to take you as the ultimate goal."

"Of course, I believe that in a few years, you can completely surpass Hawkeye and replace him."

"I either don't believe what you mean, or I think it's a little funny and want to share it with me."

When he said this, Koshiro's voice sounded even more pleasant, and Yanagawa was infected by it, and the smile on his face expanded a little.

Those pirates passing by suddenly saw Liu Chuan smile, one by one, they felt a chill, did not dare to look more, and walked quickly by.

Yanagawa didn't know about this, and still chatted with a happy mood.

Of course, he knew that Koshiro had no malice, but he was a little confused about the laughter of this story.

However, seeing that Koshiro rarely smiled so happily, Yanagawa did not spoil Koshiro's interest, and continued to follow his words.

"What about Guina? She is still relatively calm, knows who the goal is now, and has a direction to work towards? "

Speaking of this topic, Koshiro's laughter was a little cold, and he listened to his exclamation voice ring from the phone worm.

"That kid Guina is now bent on competing with Solon, saying that even if he can't surpass you and Hawkeye, at least he will win Solon and become the second and third swordsman in the world."

"Like you said, she is more sober than Solon, but her love for kendo is no less than Solon's."

"I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing."

In the end, Koshiro's voice was more of an exclamation, as if he was a little confused about whether his daughter's goal was correct.

Koshiro didn't find the right answer to this question.

After a moment of silence, Yanagawa smiled and gave his thoughts.

"Isn't that good, Gu Yina can recognize her future path, it's great, isn't it?"

"Although for girls, compared to men, it is a little bumpy in the road of kendo."

"But it is not insurmountable, I believe that her perseverance can overcome physical defects, and girls are not much weaker than boys."

With the development of the body, the weakness of women in sports will gradually become apparent.

If nothing else, the shift in the body's center of gravity alone is deadly enough.

The swordsmanship practiced from childhood to adulthood will become no longer suitable for you due to problems in the center of gravity, and you must find a new path to adapt to the changes in the body.

This is a natural defect of women, and Guina must adapt to it if she wants to make a difference, which is the first hurdle that must be overcome in life.

Of course, more than that, there is also the problem of an innate lack of strength.

For female swordsmen, similar ups and downs abound, and if they can't adapt, they can only be ignored.

However, all this is not an insurmountable objective factor.

With enough perseverance and determination, you can also avoid these ups and downs.

It's just that there are a lot of inequities compared to the relatively smooth road for men.

Koshiro was deeply touched by this.

As a party swordsman, or the kind of well-informed, Koshiro has seen too many women who give up halfway for physiological reasons.

There are also those who persevere, but their later achievements are not as good as they first appeared.

The hardships in this are not enough for outsiders, and I am afraid that it is impossible to experience it for myself.

Sighing for a while, both of them were a little stunned.

How to talk about it is a heavy topic.

They laughed at each other and avoided the topic very tacitly.

After a while, Koshiro casually asked about what had happened during this time.

"By the way, I forgot to ask you about the thing called Major General Virgo, what happened to him, why did he suddenly come to the East China Sea and be killed by you?"

Compared with Liu Chuan's other deeds, the experience of Red Flame Jianhao's battle against the rear admiral was unknown in the newspaper.

did not introduce any ins and outs, only said that Chiyan Jianhao met the rear admiral of the navy headquarters by chance, and rear admiral Virgo was killed.

This made Koshiro feel that there might be a lot of articles in it, and it was not as simple as it was written in the newspapers.

Koshiro wanted to ask Yanagawa about this for a long time, but he was afraid that he would have something when he contacted him, and he was afraid that he would inadvertently cause him trouble.

Second, this was just a sense of foreboding, and Koshiro wasn't sure if there was something hidden in it, so the matter was delayed.

This time, Yanagawa took the initiative to call him, which surprised Koshiro, and forgot about it for a while, and only now remembered it.

When Yanagawa heard the name Virgo, he quickly thought of the sea hero - Doflamingo.

Speaking of which, Doflamingo is also ruthless enough, in order to retaliate, he even sent cadres from the undercover naval headquarters for many years to attack him.

The price of this revenge is also a little too big, it seems to be carried away by anger? I don't know what he thinks.

Shaking his head and putting aside his distractions, Yanagawa sorted out his thoughts and briefly summarized Virgo's origin.

"That guy was a spy that Doflamingo planted in the headquarters of the Navy, and he was sent by Doflamingo to assassinate me."

"It's just a pity... Virgo's strength was still a little worse, and he was directly killed by me. "

"I'm afraid that now Doflamingo is going to die of anger, the assassination is not successful, not to mention the heavy price, I am afraid that I want to die."

Thinking of Doflamingo's angry and corrupted appearance, the corners of Yanagawa's mouth couldn't help but rise slightly, and the tone of his speech was much more pleasant.

However, hearing these words in Koshiro's ears, it was like a terrifying wave, which made his shocked mood unable to calm down for a long time.

Virgo turned out to be a spy planted by Nanabukai to the headquarters of the Navy!?

The headquarters of the Navy actually infiltrated it so easily?

That's a major general!

The true identity of a rear admiral of the Navy headquarters turned out to be a pirate!

It was an eye-opener.

No wonder the newspaper said that the clouds and mountains were shrouded in fog, I'm afraid even the headquarters of the Navy couldn't figure out what was going on, right?

Thinking of this, Koshiro couldn't help but say sarcastically in his heart.

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