I thought that the headquarters of the Navy would not be so mediocre as the world government, but now it seems that it is probably half a pound and eight taels, right?

This is a surprising, but reasonable phenomenon.

It's funny, I didn't say that I was planted with a spy, and I didn't figure out what was going on until the spy died.

Navy...... It's still so incompetent, it's ironic.

With a few words of mockery in his heart, Koshiro began to worry about Yanagawa again.

Fortunately, Yanagawa's strength improved too quickly and successfully survived this assassination, if he was a little weaker, I am afraid that this time there would be less murder.

However, this is also reasonable, Yanagawa's progress speed has always been seen by him.

That jaw-dropping talent, no one could have predicted that his progress would be so amazing.

It was normal to catch Doflamingo off guard.

Fortunately, this is the case, otherwise with his physique of being troubled, I am afraid that the situation will become very difficult.

Looking at the obviously honest appearance on weekdays, how can it be so easy to cause trouble?

Koshiro thought for a while, and only came to one conclusion - Muxiu will destroy it in the forest wind.

Looking at the deeds of characters in the whole world, no matter which big man was born, it was accompanied by many sufferings.

For example, the recent One Piece Roger, he only found the final treasure and became One Piece after passing through layers of tests.

And naval hero Karp is needless to say, the super pirate who was once captured is not something ordinary people can fight against.

I think Yanagawa can't escape this fate, maybe this is the price of being different?

Sighing for a while, Koshiro's mind returned to reality, thought about the information about Doflamingo, and gave the most sincere advice.

"Doflamingo's vengeance has always been very heavy, and if you kill Virgo, you have a mortal feud with him, and he will not give up his revenge easily."

"Although your strength is very strong and your talent is outstanding, you have not really grown up yet, and I am afraid that you will not be able to confront Doflamingo head-on."

"So it's best not to stay on the Great Route for too long, it's best to find the extraterrestrial meteorite as soon as possible, and forge the knife before Doflamingo finds you."

For a swordsman, the weapon that suits him is the second life.

The weapon used by Yanagawa at this time is not bad, and the chaos of one of the fifty workers of the good fast knife can be regarded as a good knife.

But this knife is not tailor-made for him after all, and it will inevitably have some flaws.

Moreover, the material of the chaos itself may not be able to adapt to the battle between high-end combat forces, and there are always unstable factors.

In any case, it is most appropriate to cast the knife first.

Once Jian Hao has a weapon that suits him, his combat effectiveness will skyrocket.

At that time, even if Doflamingo comes to the door, he will have the power to fight, which is much better than the embarrassing situation that is not up and down now.

Yanagawa also had this idea, but he was not as anxious as Koshiro.

You know best about your own affairs.

Although Yanagawa also feels that he may not be Doflamingo's opponent, he is confident that he can escape from the opponent's hands.

Can't beat and can't run?

The owner of the museum is a little fussy.

However, Koshiro is also out of kindness, and he will be anxious for himself if he does not know his current situation.

Yanagawa was also not good at refusing the owner's wishes, and verbally agreed.

"Don't worry, Pavilion Master."

"I already have some eyebrows about the news of the extraterrestrial meteorite, and I should be able to find it soon."

"Also, my strength has improved a lot recently, and I don't think I will be unable to protect myself."

"If there is a meteorite, I will find it as soon as possible, and then I will contact you the pavilion owner again, and it will be fine."

The words of relief made Koshiro feel a lot more relieved.

Also, Yanagawa has already brought him so many surprises, which is so easy to encounter danger.

However, there is always nothing wrong with being cautious, even the most wonderful life must have time to breathe, otherwise it is easy to have accidents.

"If so, then it would be best, I hope you go well on this trip and successfully find the extraterrestrial meteorite."

Koshiro returned to his usual tone and sent blessings to Yanagawa.

Yanagawa felt the intention from the pavilion owner, and a smile appeared on his face, and Koshiro could always inadvertently make people feel warm.

"Then thank the pavilion owner, and contact you after you find the extraterrestrial meteorite."

Then the two said goodbye to each other and hung up the phone.

After this call, Yanagawa's originally slightly shaken heart stabilized again.

People are always like this, and only when they find a harbor where they can calm their minds will they be truly at ease.

He also has flaws common to human beings, and in this regard, it is not possible to fill by great strength.

After all, human beings are creatures that need emotional nourishment to thrive, and no one is exempt from vulgarity.

Regaining the strength of his soul, Lu Chuan could feel that he had become fearless again.

"Next, it's time to go to Whiskey Peak to find news of the extraterrestrial meteorite."

"But... It doesn't seem to be peaceful there, and whiskey peaks are a bounty hunter's paradise, right? "

Liu Chuan thought unsurely, after all, the current time is a lot different from the time in the plot, I am afraid that there will be some unexpected changes.

Anyway, the whiskey peak in the plot is quite interesting.

This island, which must be passed on the way to the great voyage, is like an open spider's web, waiting for its prey with malice.

And this prey is actually a newcomer pirate who has just entered the great voyage.

It's known as a bounty hunter's paradise.

If there is a stunned guy who inadvertently breaks into this pirate hell, if he is not strong enough, basically his pirate career can be declared over.

Of course, for Yanagawa, the so-called pirate hell is nothing more than that.

The people of Whiskey Peak are aimed at those who have just entered the sea, and their own strength is not too strong.

The only thing worth noting is that there may be a Nanabukai stationed there.

If memory serves, the Baroque Studios branch of King of the Desert, Klockdar, is located on Whiskey Peak.

"With my current strength, I may not be afraid of Klockdar, let alone his little brother."

"If I want to come there, there shouldn't be much of a problem, after all, there are no big people worth noting over there."

After thinking for a while, Yanagawa did not feel the slightest pressure.

After all, he is so strong, in the first half of the great voyage, there is really no need to care too much.

emmm...... In addition to the headquarters of the navy, Marin Fandor.

Putting the phone bug back in place, Yanagawa turned his gaze to the inside of the deck.

When talking to Koshiro deliberately to avoid the sight of the pirates, Yanagawa spoke to Koshiro while facing the sea while enjoying the scenery of the sea.

And Koshiro's flat and gentle voice gave him a feeling of spring blossoming.

All in all, it was a very satisfying call.

When Yanagawa looked at the deck of the pirate ship, he couldn't help but be a little surprised.

"Huh? Bucky, do you have something going on? "

I saw Bucky, who was dressed as a clown, looking twisted and pinched not far in front of him, as if he had something to discuss with him.

That's weird.

Bucky's performance has always been good, and even if he has some undeserved thoughts when he is on Cape Gemini, his attitude has not changed much.

What kind of trouble is it to make this gesture now?

In addition to Bucky, Yanagawa also sees Kabaji, Moki, and the very fierce-looking beast Liki.

Don't get me wrong, it's not the people of the Baki Pirates who want to see the poor dagger.

It's that these guys pretend not to care too conspicuously, so that people can see through at a glance.

They were clearly concerned about Bucky's coming over to talk, and like children, the expectation and yearning were clearly on their faces.

Seeing this, Yanagawa was even more puzzled.

What the hell is going on with this group of guys, why did they suddenly come out with me?

While Yanagawa was confused, Bucky made his intentions clear.

Just look at him like a child who has done something wrong, twisting and pinching and talking with a weak heart.

"That... Our next stop is Whiskey Peak, and we... Don't really want to go. "

As if afraid that Liu Chuan would misunderstand, he swallowed and finished this sentence, and then added a few more words with a nervous expression.

"Don't get me wrong, it's not that we want to reject you."

"It's that it's too dangerous for us pirates over there, and there are bounty hunters everywhere."

"You know that our Baki Pirates are pirates in the East China Sea, and it is possible that they will not be able to adapt to the bounty hunters of the Great Voyage."

"The Four Seas and the Great Route are always a level worse than each other, and we may not be opponents..."

Hearing this, Yanagawa was a little speechless.

After saying it for a long time, it turned out that I was afraid of being served by the bounty hunter, and I didn't dare to continue to walk forward.

I don't know what this guy did earlier, and I only remembered this problem now.

If I had brought it up while Cape Gemini was there, maybe I would have agreed to it with understanding.

Halfway up, what do I do?

Do you want me to swim over?

No kidding!

"So what exactly are you trying to say, better be clear, so that I know exactly what you mean?"

Yanagawa asked with a look of incomprehension, looking at the casual look that was much calmer than Bucky's, without the slightest flaw.

Hearing him say this, Bucky's heart was anxious.

I have already said it so clearly, I almost wrote the word "afraid" on my face, as for the bottom line?

That's whiskey peak, bounty hunter's paradise!

What level are our people, don't you have a little forced number!?

Bucky cursed angrily in his heart, but his face was still that innocent and pitiful.

To some extent, Bucky's acting skills are not bad.

I just don't know why, when it comes to lying or asking for others, he is inexplicably weak and is pulled back by the unstable mentality.

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