If it is really the treasure of Lokes, there must be a lot of treasure in it.

Imagining the scene of gold, silver and jade shining in his mind, Bucky couldn't help it.

"Ahem... So what, just joking with you, how could the great Captain Bucky be afraid of bounty hunters. "

"It's just idle and boring, just kidding."

I saw Bucky raise his right hand and cough twice in his mouth, smiling calmly.

Look at his natural demeanor and calm tone, as if none of the previous ones had happened.

"Sure enough, he is worthy of being Captain Bucky, and at the critical moment, he can still force out his potential and perfectly interpret an unscrupulous bastard."

Yanagawa secretly complained in his heart, but his face pretended to be surprised.

"Huh? Is it just a joke? I thought you were serious and were coming from other ships. "

The acting skills of the two are not divided into uncles, or in the current situation, no one can see the truth of the other party.

The two people watching were different, they really cried this time.

Captain Bucky is a pit!

But they didn't dare to say anything.

Since the captain said it was a joke, could they still lean in and say that it was not a joke?

Not to mention whether it will anger Bucky, who was mistaken by Bucky for provoking the captain's authority and was driven off the pirate ship.

Let's talk about Red Flame Sword Hao, who dares to guarantee that he will not turn his face directly?

The first joke may be used as an excuse to perfunctory the past.

But what about the second?

Who can guarantee that they will be greeted with smiling faces, not blades?

Capache and Mochi collapsed on the ground, looking dead.

Thinking about the imminent siege of bounty hunters, they even want to die.

The big lion Liki was even lying on Mochi, like a poor erha, humming and crying.

In this regard, Bucky seemed to be unaware and completely ignored.

"Of course it's a joke, if you are really afraid of the Great Voyage, the great Captain Baki will refuse your request from the beginning."

"Since you promised to talk when you come down, my lord, you say where you go, Captain Bucky is obliged."

"Whether it is the Dao Mountain and the Sea of Fire, as long as it is a place where the ship can sail, I will definitely send the adults into place!"

Bucky speaks righteously and in a sonorous tone, like a true man, keeping his promises.

Yanagawa was immediately moved.

"It turns out that this is all a misunderstanding, if this is the case, then I have to thank you very much."

Pretending to be contemplative, touching his chin and thinking for two seconds, Yanagawa came up with his own thoughts.

"In this way, it turns out that I planned to give you one-tenth of the treasure after I found the treasure."

"Since you said so, it is impossible to say another tenth of it."

"At least! It's not impossible to divide yourself by a third, or half. "

He pretended to meditate for a while and made a decision.

"So decided, after finding the treasure, we will score half a point, and no one will take advantage of anyone!"

Bucky was equally impressed.

"You are too polite, my lord, how embarrassing is this."

Having said that, seeing Bucky holding his hands in front of his lower abdomen and rubbing them non-stop, it was obviously heartwarming.

Yanagawa waved his big hand nonchalantly.

"Don't shirk anymore, you don't just look down on me, so decided."

Anyway, it's all a false thing, if it's not afraid of being too exaggerated and arousing your vigilance, even if it is all given to you, then what?

When the time comes, just find a random place, point to a dirt pit and say that it is a treasure.

Wouldn't it be appropriate to take out a hundred thousand million from the dirt pit and divide half of it as a road fee?

Yanagawa smiled secretly in his heart, and the more he looked at Bucky, the living treasure, the more pleasant he became.

Bucky, on the other hand, treats Yanagawa as a stunned blue, intending to use him to find the treasure and swallow part of it.

Thinking that it was the legacy left by Rocks, Bucky couldn't help but giggle, not even knowing that saliva was leaving the corner of his mouth.

The two were pregnant with ghosts, and chatted a little for a while before separating from each other.

Bucky returned to the ship's main seat and directed the pirate ship to full speed in the direction of Whiskey Peak.

Yanagawa, on the other hand, remained in place, pulled out his blade and continued to swing his sword and cultivate.

In any case, the exercise routine is not relentless.

Only real strength can ensure that he lives safely in this world.

I don't know what actions Doflamingo will take in the future, no matter how to continue to work hard before the day of the decisive battle.

"Little ones, just now the great Captain Bucky heard an important news from the people of Jianhao!"

"We're going to get rich soon, there's no need to run around for money!"

"For a better life in the future, target the whisky peak, full speed ahead."

Ignoring Capache and Mochi who were tugging at their thighs behind him, Bucky shouted to the center of the deck with heavy steps.

The crew was stunned for a moment, then excited, shouting slogans together.

"For future wine and food, target the whisky peak, full speed ahead!"

Hearing the exciting news, the enthusiasm of the crew was mobilized, and the lazy atmosphere was changed and actively active.

And the change brought about by this is that the pirate ship travels a little faster.

For a while, the pirate ship became extremely lively, and the pirates were even more excited.

Only Capache and Mochi, who roughly knew the truth, cried and stopped trying to make Bucky change his mind.

But how could Captain Bucky, who was carried away by the treasure, listen to these two subordinates?

Bucky insisted on going his own way, completely ignoring the two men's whispered persuasion.

Yanagawa basically didn't care about this.

He is fully wielding the blade in his hand and performing daily exercises.

Only serious swinging of the knife will be recorded in the system, and the road to enhancing strength is arduous and long, and there is no room for negligence.

In the blink of an eye, several days passed.

After a few days of boring sailing, the emotions mobilized by the pirates have long been worn out, and they have changed back to that lazy appearance.

See the group of pirates or lazy backs against the mast; Or the sight of collapsing in a chair and not moving.

The corners of Yanagawa's mouth twitched.

"Sure enough, dogs can't change eating, it's only been a few days, and it has become this virtue again."

He didn't care much about the pirates' behavior.

Anyway, whether they are excited or lazy, the speed of the boat is almost the same, there is basically no difference.

He didn't miss those minutes and seconds, and let them go.

Moreover, the silhouette of the whiskey peak can already be seen from the distant sea.

It won't take long to land on the first island of this great shipping route.

Whiskey peak, the name seems to be closely related to alcoholic beverages.

But in fact, it has nothing to do with alcohol, or not much.

The shape of the island resembles several oversized round cacti pieced together, at least from a distance.

When you look a little closer, in fact, those things that resemble cacti are just strange-shaped mountains.

Whiskey Peak is more of an archipelago of islands than an island.

However, because the islands are so close that they are separated by only a river, it is barely enough to say that they are one island.

Overall, it's distinctive.

Unlike other seas, each island has its own unique place.

And because of the unstable climate, the distance between the islands is too far.

There are few connections between islands, and each island has its own unique atmosphere and culture, showing a variety of flowers.

Of course, Yanagawa will not feel much about this because he has just come into contact with the first island.

But I believe that after a while, there will be interest in this.

As we approached the peak of whiskey peak, the boat began to get busy.

Bucky commanded the ship to constantly adjust direction, and the bow of the ship plunged into the river on the island.

After entering the interior of the island, there is a rocky area.

The two banks are like ordinary mountain rivers, with rocky rocks and rocks, and the land and rivers are clearly distinguished.

After a little more driving, the signs of the existence of human civilization will appear.

Before you know it, the scenery on both sides of the bank has changed from bare cliffs to emerald green meadows.

Immediately after entering the town, the meadow turned into an artificially constructed bluestone road.

There were many pedestrians on both sides of the road, and when they saw a boat entering the town, they seemed to be used to it, and did not make strange movements and expressions.

But after careful observation, it was discovered that it was a pirate ship, and then there was a jaw-dropping scene.

The townspeople, who had originally had a flat expression, seemed to see an obvious landing on the coast, and the expressions on their faces changed at a very fast speed, becoming warm and kind.

What's more, he took out the instrument he had with him and started playing.

For a time, the sound of violin, trumpet and many other musical instruments sounded one after another, playing warm and cheerful music.

Pedestrians began to sing and dance to the rhythm of the music, as if a festival had arrived.

The original anxiety of the pirates staying on the ship gradually eased.

"What... Talking about pirate hell made me nervous for a long time, it turns out that the people here are so hospitable, I already knew that there was no need to worry. "

"Yes, look how enthusiastic they are, and the little girl throws winks at me, it's so cute."

As he went deeper and deeper, the pirate's mood relaxed more and more.

They had heard more or less about the town from Bucky or the other two cadres.

But in reality, there is no resemblance to that eerie place.

The enthusiastic look of the townspeople even made them think of their hometown, and even gave them the illusion of returning to their hometown.

Yanagawa looked at all this calmly, and secretly said in his heart.

"The group of pirates does not say that everyone shouts and beats street rats, at least no one sincerely welcomes them."

"When things go wrong, there will be evil."

"Not only did the people here not show indifference or disgust, but they welcomed them warmly, and this alone shows that something is wrong here."

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