Unlike the pirates, who lost their vigilance, Yanagawa has remained calm.

Looking at all this in front of me, I kept thinking about what made them show a different attitude.

Judging from the original plot, it is because the main livelihood here is maintained by the pirates throwing themselves into the net, which will form a unique situation.

But how it really is, you have to experience it to know.

It is basically impossible to maintain the survival of a place by relying on only one industrial chain.

Judging from the scenery in the wild, it seems that there is no production here.

Coupled with the familiar use of song and dance by the townspeople, the appearance of welcoming the passage, perhaps the water inside is deeper than expected.

Regardless of whether capturing pirates is a good thing for the world.

Just pressing all the chips in one basket is enough to cause attention.

Won't they even encounter an iron plate one day and directly destroy the group?

Such a life of dying and dying is simply terrifying, without the slightest stability to speak of.

"Perhaps, bounty hunters have a unique way of avoiding risks."

"Maybe it's avoiding risk with a keen sense of smell, or something else."

"Otherwise, it makes no sense that they would survive until now."

"But it doesn't have much to do with me, just take a look, don't put too much energy into it."

After thinking for a while, Yanagawa collected his thoughts and looked towards Bucky.

"Hey, wake up, get down to business."

Seeing that Bucky, like the other pirates, was infected by the warm atmosphere and stood on the deck to show his posture, Yanagawa walked over and kicked him.

This guy doesn't have much muscle, he's short and thin, he's got there, what's there to show, the brain is sick, right?

Just as Yanagawa was in a state of distress, Bucky looked back with an unhappy face.

Then he saw Yanagawa's young face, and turned to a fawning smile.

"What's the business?" Isn't this walking to the center of town to find out the news? What else is the business? "

Bucky was a little confused, unable to understand what the teenager was talking about, and asked the doubts in his heart.

What should be said has been made clear on the road, is there anything else to do at this time?

Yanagawa felt a little nerve-wracking, and it seemed that Bucky seemed completely unaware of the threat lurking behind the surface.

If it weren't for the lively atmosphere that was noisy from time to time on the ship that made him feel comfortable, Yanagawa couldn't help but want to kick Bucky out and take a different ship.

"Didn't you see anything wrong?"

Bucky was confused.


Yanagawa sighed and waved his hand.

"Forget it, you first arrange for people to supply supplies, remember to be optimistic that they don't run around."

"Wait for supplies and supplies, stay on the ship, don't move, and when I inquire about play, we will leave immediately."

This place is too weird, and Yanagawa doesn't want to stay longer.

He has no problem, he has a strong strength, no matter who comes, he has the power to fight.

But the Bucky Pirates can't.

Although Bucky's future fame may spread to all the seas, it will only survive in the future.

Bucky is not far from that point now, and staying at Whisky Peak can really cause accidents.

At first I thought this guy was making a fuss, but now it seems that Bucky's concerns are justified.

At least he was self-aware, knowing that he could easily get carried away.

Yanagawa felt that there was no problem with his plan and thought that this was the best plan of action.

However, Bucky disagreed, and he was even a little confused.

"After inquiring about the news, go immediately? Where to go? "

Bucky couldn't understand what Yanagawa was talking about at all, as if their conversation wasn't on the same channel?

Yanagawa was also stunned when he heard this, and also realized that something was wrong.

"Of course it's to find the sky... O treasure, otherwise what are we going to do on the Great Voyage? "

After inquiring about the news, go straight to the destination, isn't it common sense?

Why did Bucky ask such a weird question?

Just when Yanagawa was puzzled, Bucky gave the answer.

I saw that he stammered and looked at Liu Chuan in disbelief for a long time before continuing.

"No, haven't I already told you the common sense of the Great Voyage on the way here these days?"

"Have you forgotten?"

Yanagawa is confused, is there any?

Recall carefully, it seems... Seem...... For a while, Bucky was chattering a lot in his ear.

At the time, he was admiring the strange climate change, more often than not, he was practicing seriously, and he didn't listen to what Bucky said once.

So...... What did he say?

"Common sense of the Great Route? Tell me again, I forgot. "

Bucky was directly speechless and forgot...

Well, his strength is stronger than his own, forget it, forget it.

Bucky resisted the thought of angry and corrupted scolding, and explained in a blunt tone.

"Sailing on the Great Route cannot be guided by the North Arrow like the Four Seas."

"There are special props for guiding the path, it's called the permanent pointer."

"Here, we rely on permanent pointers to discern the way forward."

The blunt tone made Yanagawa hear the unhappiness in Bucky's heart, but Yanagawa didn't care.

It was originally his own mind wandering and missing this information, and Bucky can't all be blamed.

It is more important to regain the grasp of this knowledge that once ignored the past.

"And then?"

The permanent pointer he knew, wonderfully set, the pointer always pointed to the next island to be advanced, and it would not stop until the end of the first half of the great voyage, Fishman Island.

But he didn't know exactly what Bucky was trying to say, or whether there were details he didn't know.

Bucky took a deep breath and suddenly roared loudly.

"The permanent pointer must record the local magnetic field everywhere it goes, otherwise it will not be able to indicate the direction of the next one!"

"The record time for Whiskey Peak is three days! We're going to stay here for three days! "

Obviously, he explained it so seriously once, why didn't this teenager hear it clearly?

The main reason why Bucky doesn't want to come to Whiskey Peak is because of this, the magnetic field has been recorded for too long, and it is the lair of bounty hunters who can be in danger at any time.

But now, it doesn't seem to be so dangerous.

And there are so many good-looking beauties, it seems to be good to stay for a few days.

Thinking of this, Bucky laughed lewdly.

"Hey, hey, hey..."

Hey, hey, hey!

Being roared inexplicably, Yanagawa almost couldn't help but subconsciously pull out a knife and cut people.

If he hadn't reacted in time, it is estimated that the guy in front of him would have been cut off on the spot.

This dull clown seemed to be unaware of the danger, and he didn't know what to say.

"So we have to stay here for three days, right? You can't get out without spending these events, right? "

Resisting the urge to scold, Yanagawa asked with a blank face.

"Yes! At least three days, otherwise our permanent pointer will not be able to record the magnetic field and will keep pointing at the whiskey peak without moving. "

The record pointer was Bucky's own, a souvenir that Roger had given him before.

Because it is a brand new pointer, the location pointed to at the beginning is the whisky peak.

Bucky thought he would never use this thing, but by mistake, he embarked on the journey of the great voyage again.

Although he didn't come voluntarily, it still made Bucky feel inexplicably nostalgic.

"Three days... Then you're a little dangerous. "

It's not that Liu Chuan is worried about it, but looking at the appearance of these townspeople, they obviously came prepared, and they should have been planning for a long time.

The information that Bucky knows, it makes no sense that they don't know.

If you have to stay for three days, I'm afraid something will happen.

No, it should be said that there must be an accident!

If that's right, Bucky's bounty should be fifteen million Bailey.

The bounty hunter has no reason to let this fat sheep go.

The original low-key passing plan will be unexpected because of this variable.

It's a real headache.

At this time, Yanagawa did not know that his deeds had spread throughout the world and was still kept in the dark.

He also wanted to pass by in a low-key manner, looking for clues in secret, and getting the extraterrestrial meteorite as soon as possible.

After all, it is about your own weapons, and getting them early is a good thing after all.

And he is also looking forward to what the tailor-made weapon will look like, hoping to find the meteorite as soon as possible and return to the mission.

"How do you say we rob other people's pointers?"

Anyway, they have already been characterized by the Navy and are regarded as pirates.

Yanagawa jumped and wanted to do something that a pirate should do.

Bucky, however, sees it differently.

"First of all, pirates don't necessarily have to head iron like us and go straight into town."

"Secondly, even if there is really a stunned young man who comes to the whisky peak, it may not be long to come, maybe it will be three days like us."

"In the end, we have no way to distinguish between the pirates and the townspeople, and we can't find where the pirates are, let alone rob them of their permanent pointers."

Bucky clearly gave the results of his analysis and flatly rejected Yanagawa's proposal.

As for the question of the bounty hunter, he simply ignored it.

The people here are so cute, how can they be bounty hunters?

I haven't enjoyed the same treatment as a star for a long time, and Bucky wants to stay for two more days.

Yanagawa thought for a moment, as if there was nothing wrong with what Bucky said.

Indeed, what he proposes are all objectively existing factors, and there is nothing impeccable in this regard.

But...... Who said that he was going to rob the pirates of the permanent pointer.

Looking at the dangerous appearance here, there should be many pirates planted on this island, right?

I think there should be quite a few permanent pointers in the bounty hunter.

Just grab a permanent pointer and go straight away?

Thinking of this, Yanagawa already had a clear idea.

"Leave the issue of the permanent pointer to me, all you have to do is resupply the ship's supplies and wait for me to return."

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