Yanagawa thought very simply, first go to the tavern to inquire about the news, and then find a random bounty hunter to rob the permanent pointer, so that all the conditions for going to sea are ready, and you can leave at any time.

Although Bucky was reluctant, he agreed.

"Okay then, you're the boss, you're in charge, just listen to you."

Looking at his aggrieved appearance, it was like missing a hundred million, and Liu Chuan couldn't wait to leave him here and enjoy the enthusiasm of the townspeople.

However, Yanagawa just thought about it in his heart and did not plan to take action.

After all, it depends on Bucky to take him around the world, how can he sell him.

Too lazy to look at this fool again, Yanagawa walked to the bow of the ship to observe the arrangement of the buildings on both sides.

I found the place that looked like a tavern and secretly wrote it down, ready to act as soon as the ship docked and get it all done.


Just as the pirate ship officially entered the town, the tavern in the town was arguing about one thing.


As soon as the young bounty hunter got the latest news, he couldn't help but announce it and share it with his companions in the tavern.

But his companions showed little interest.

"Isn't this a common thing, what's so strange, JOKER doesn't issue a bounty once or twice, every once in a while a new bounty order will be given, young people just like to make a fuss."

Doflamingo's business is spread all over the world, and wherever underground forces exist, he appears.

The bigger the stall, the more trouble there is.

Doflamingo could not handle everything personally, even if he sent his cadres, he could not handle all the troubles at the same time.

Often at such times, the underground bounty plays its due role.

And every time at this time, there will be bounty hunters to probe the news to see if they can make a fortune with it.

This has been a routine for a long time, and although it is frequented, it feels commonplace, which is the mentality of most bounty hunters.

However, this time was obviously different from usual, and the young bounty hunter was very unconvinced when he heard his accomplice teach him a lesson.

"What a fuss? You know how much the bounty is this time, and you won't say that I am making a fuss so easily! "

The old hunter pouted disdainfully, stubbornly insisting on his opinion, but the others were different and inquired one after another.

"How much money makes you so excited, so you can finish the conversation directly, right?"

"Let's be surprised to say it, I haven't heard exciting news in a long time."

"Stop putting it over there, hurry up and say ah, don't waste our time."

The people in the tavern were either curious or mocking, and even ordered the young man to speak clearly, and the young bounty hunter's face turned red and red.

Seeing that the scene became more and more uncontrollable, he finally couldn't help but announce the answer.

"A billion Bailey! The bounty this time is one billion! I heard that it is a young guy, if we can win him, we will not need to work for the rest of our lives! "

As the man's voice echoed inside the tavern, the environment inside suddenly became quiet.

"What! Billion? "

After a long silence, someone began to gasp.

That's a billion Baileys, in other words, the devil fruit, according to the market price is ten.

If you take medium-sized ships as a unit of measurement, it is 30 of the most ordinary pirate ships.

No matter how you think about the value of a billion Baileys, it is a huge amount of money.

Ordinary bounty hunters may not necessarily earn 100 million in their lifetime, let alone a billion Baileys.

And I heard that it was a young guy, which made them more interested.

"Who is the target of the mission, what is the name, and what title is there?"

"Is it the person who is officially offered by the Navy? In which area of the sea is the activity area, and where is the last place to appear? "

The impatient bounty hunter can't wait to ask for specific information, and seems to be determined to win this bounty.

However, the young man seems to have only paid attention to the general information, and did not inquire clearly about the details.

"I just heard those two sentences in other people's mouths, and I don't know the specific news, but I heard that the target's range of activity is in the East China Sea, and I don't know if it's true or false."

Hearing that there was no specific information, those who became excited immediately calmed down.

Also, this guy is a novice at first glance, how can he get intelligence faster than them.

It is estimated that this matter will have to be brewed for two days, and it will not be released until the upper echelons of the underground forces digest all the information.

This is the unspoken rule of the underground world, and no one can break it.

Just as the bounty hunters were thinking about what to do with the bounty, a man who seemed to have inside information brought up the topic again.

"Don't think about that bounty, you can't figure it out."

The man who spoke was wrapped in a flaxen cloak, and his size could not be seen.

However, his head was exposed, allowing the bounty hunters who were looking for prestige to see what was going on.

It was a man, with a long rectangular face that was cleanly groomed, without the slightest stubble or loose hair.

He wore a pair of blue glasses on the bridge of his nose, his small eyes tucked behind the lenses, and he looked at the people in the tavern maliciously.

Seeing that many eyes were gathering towards him, he smiled strangely and touched the unique hairstyle on his head.

The finger is close to the hair from the bottom of the braid, and a "3" is drawn in mid-air along the shape of the braid, and when it touches the end, it seems to confirm that the hairstyle is not messy, and then he opens his mouth to give an explanation.

"Ever heard of Red Flame Sword Hao? HE'S WHAT JOKER IS TARGETING THIS TIME. "

Everyone in the tavern had been waiting impatiently for a long time, and when they heard this person announce the answer, they all communicated with the people around them.

"Red Flame Sword Hao? It seems to be a little impressed, I don't know who has heard it, have you heard this name? "

"It seems to be a guy who became famous recently, I remember quite powerful, it seems that there is an official reward, how much is the bounty?"

"The bounty ... Bounty..., right! His official bounty is 500 million! But who he really is, I really can't remember for a while. "

For a while, the tavern was in chaos, and the four words "Red Flame Sword Hao" were filled everywhere.

But listening carefully, they only have a rough impression.

Exactly who it is, so far has not been analyzed.

The man with the strange hair who spoke before took a slow cup of coffee.

Hearing that everyone in the tavern has always taken such a breath, it is clear that they are about to breathe out, that is, they are so bad, they always stay in their throats, and they can't make it public.

A little helplessly laughed, he still couldn't hold back after all, and gave specific clues.

"Last week's newspaper, the headline in the newspaper was the introduction of Red Flame Jianhao."

"If you are really interested, you can go to the previous newspaper and take a look, which records all the deeds about the Red Flame Sword Hao in detail."

Hearing the reminder, everyone present finally remembered how that sense of déjà vu came from.

But isn't it, they also discussed about the Red Flame Sword Hao a few days ago, and at that time they also discussed whether there was a possibility of winning this bounty.

But apparently, the outcome of the discussion was not ideal, so they chose to forget about it.


I really don't know how this teenager offended Doflamingo, who was so ruthless that he directly raised the bounty to three times the original.

"Gee, a total of 1.5 billion Bailey bounty targets, this is not an existence that can be solved by our kind of goods, after seeing it, let's run away immediately, don't accidentally make people hate."

In the world of bounty hunters, only they choose their share of the target, and no target chooses their share.

The reason is actually because this group of people is more realistic, knowing when to avoid and when to attack decisively.

Pirates at the level of Red Flame Sword Hao are not within their target range at all.

1.5 billion represents not only wealth, but also the dangers that come with it.

The kind of bounty hunters who ignore risks and only see benefits have long died, and the remaining old hunters are mostly the kind who are more knowledgeable about current affairs.

At the very least, they know who can mess with and who can't.

But even so, some hunters who had never heard of Yanagawa couldn't help but run to the bar and ask the boss for the last issue of the newspaper.

Only after actually reading the entire newspaper did they give up their plan to hunt down Yanagawa.

"Nonsense, such a terrifying guy, only those who are tired of living will choose to target him."

"Although he is only fifteen years old at most, a monster is a monster, and it is impossible to kill it."

"Just like Charlotte Lingling before, I don't know how many colleagues I have killed at such a young age, remember the lesson of blood, and never repeat the mistakes of the past."

The atmosphere in the tavern suddenly fell silent again, and few people continued to discuss the relevant deeds.

Since you have chosen to give up, give up to the end.

Bounty hunters are so realistic that they refuse to discuss everything that has nothing to do with money.

Of course, there is nature that gives up and there are iron heads.

At least those groups of young people have illusions.

"This is a super bold, if you can do this single, you don't have to worry about it in this life."

"Yes, we are bounty hunters, we don't have to confront the prey, there are obviously other ways to get him."

At the thought of his own potential to soar, how could the young hunters be willing to give up.

Moreover, the person in the photo looks obviously much smaller than himself.

Their barren life experience taught them that the younger they are, the better they are to bully.

It is clear that they are all more than ten years old, why can Chiyan Jianhao attract the attention of the world.

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